Information Pages

Keeping our Neighborhood Safe

Identity Safety
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Nowadays it's amazing how much money people spend in protecting their identity, but, protecting your identity doesn't really require you to spend a ton of money.
In fact, protecting your identity doesn't really require that you spend any money.
All you really need to do is start organizing your life a little bit better, and be aware of what is going on around you.
In order to make this as easy of a task as possible, below are six simple steps that you can take to begin protecting your identityThey're simple and effective.
1. Protect your "bubble"
Everyone has a personal "bubble" that no one really should enter without permission. This is especially true when you are in line at the ATM.
Usually this personal "bubble" is about an arms length away, though some people have no problem with others being closer.
What this means is that when you are at an ATM you should never have someone sitting right at your shoulder. If they are, there is a good chance that they can see your PIN code.
2. Be consistent
When you fill out any kind of application, you need to always fill it out the exact same way each and every time.
This way, when your bills show up, they will have the same name on it.
This will allow little to no wiggle room for anyone to work with when they try to steal your identity.
3Limit your credit
One of the biggest problems that many people have in protecting their identity is that they have too many credit cards.
At most you should only have two, or maybe three.
The fewer credit cards that you have, the easier it will be for you to keep track of them and to know when to look for the bills.
4. Know your credit
Everyone is entitled to a free credit report from each of the credit agencies each year, take advantage of it.
Compare the information that these contain to your personal credit papers, and make note of any differences or discrepancies.
If you find any, notify the credit agency immediately.
This will help minimize any mistakes.
In addition, you need to know when your credit card bills are due to arrive, and never leave them in your mail box.
5Protect your Social Security number
Avoid giving out your Social Security number as much as possible.
Never give your Social Security number online, unless it is on a secure and trusted network.
Any paperwork that you no longer need, which contains your Social Security number or any other identifying information, should be shredded.
This way you can be more certain that your information will be kept safe.
6Secure purchases only
If you are going to be making any purchases online, then you need to make sure that it is from a secure and trusted site only.
The easiest way to tell if a site is secure or not is to look up at the URL,
if it says https:// instead of http://, then you know that the site is secure.
Another method that you can use is to see if there is either a Trust-e symbol, or a Better Business Bureau online seal.

Recognizing The Signs of a Stroke

Nothing is more terrifying to a senior citizen then a stroke and the potential lifelong effects on one's lifestyle, and being able to identify it early, can be a Godsend !
Stroke has a new indicator. 
The Tongue


Remember the 1st Three Letters.....

S. T. R

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. 

He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, is the toughest part.


Stroke Signs and Symptoms |

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:


Ask the individual to SMILE.


Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. Chicken Soup)


Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
New Sign of a Stroke --------Stick out Your Tongue!
Ask the person to 'stick' out his or her  tongue.
If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other,... 

...that is also an indication of a stroke.

Special Thanks to Sun City Anthem resident John Schmidt


For Security for Your Home...A Resident Recommends
Boss Security Screens - Guaranteed to Stop Intruders
In light of a recent article regarding a number of burglaries in our community, I would like to share a possible solution.
My wife and I last year installed Boss Security Screens on all our windows and doors, including our sliding door.
Security Screen Cost — Boss Security Screens
These screens are installed in a manner that fits our community decor.
Security Screen Cost — Boss Security Screens
Security Screen Cost — Boss Security Screens
Window Security Screens — Boss Security Screens
They are made of steel mesh that can not be broken with a crow bar or sledge hammer.
BOSS Security Doors & Blinds, Insect Screens, Custom Made Screens
The company will pay your insurance deductible if someone breaks in through them.
We are very satisfied and feel safe leaving our windows and doors open with these screens.
Want more information?  Check out these videos !
If anyone is interested in more information or viewing them, please contact us at or 702-347-7064.
Barry and Sherry Goldstein

Further Information on Philips C-Pap Machine Recall

Philips’ new sound abatement foam design was finally approved by the FDA. 

Update you on more recall details:

  1. As of 9/1/2021, the US FDA has approved Philips' new foam material.

  2. Philips anticipates rework to commence in the course of September 2021.

  3. Philips has already started replacing certain affected first-generation DreamStation CPAP in the US with DreamStation 2 devices in August (please note that the DreamStation 2 is using a different foam design and thus not impacted by the recall).

  4. We have no confirmation on the PR System One CPAP replacement timeline.

  5. Philips predicts it will take approximately 12 months to complete the recall process worldwide.If you have already registered your recalled device(s), Phillips has confirmed that all of the unit serial numbers collected and submitted are in their database waiting for the repair/replacement process to start.

  6. If you have already registered your recalled device(s), Philips has confirmed  that all of the unit serial numbers collected and submitted are in their database waiting for the repair/replacement process to start.

  7. Your device must be registered to get serviced either by the dealer you purchased the machine or by yourself.  You can register the machine at  Philips official recall site .


Do You Use a C-Pap Machine?
It Might Be Defective

Many seniors suffer with Sleep Apnea, and as a result use a C-Pap Machine.
Sleep Apnea is NOT to be taken lightly and can be FATAL if not medically addressed, and in severe cases, without the use of the C-Pap, the patient gasps for air as a result of breathing being obstructed.
In June the Food & Drug Administration warned of potential health risks that could be "life-threatening, cause permanent impairment, and require medical intervention".
The potential harm comes from polyester based polyurethane foam that dampens sound and vibration in C-Pap machines. It can degrade and result in a user breathing in chemicals or swallowing or inhaling black debris.
The FDA said that the possible risks of particulate and chemical exposure from certain PHILIPS RESPIRONICS C-Pap machines included asthma, skin and respiratory tract and "toxic and carcinogenic effects" to organs including the kidneys and liver.

As a result, Phillips Respironics has issued a recall warning for certain C-Pap machines manufactured before April 26, 2021.
It is highly suggested if you use a Phillips C-Pap machine, you click on this link to determine if any device you may be using is subject to the recall and follow the steps.
Have the Unit number and Serial number of the unit ready to fill in the 
required information.                   

The Decision to Stop Driving
Something Every Senior Has to Face Some Day

Image result for seniors time to stop driving"

We've all experienced it....driving through the community and seeing an individual drive in a manner that will affect their safety. as well as, the safety of so many others.

How many times have you said?

"Can you believe that person just did what they did??


The more common response...

"That stupid a...hole almost killed someone".

Either way, if you or know someone who exhibits behavior that could kill someone, it may be time to consider a decision that most, if not all of us, dread....

...the realization that it may be time to stop driving.

But how do you know when it’s time for your loved one to limit or stop driving?

Although natural changes that may occur in our brains and to our bodies as we age, the question of when it is time to limit or stop driving is not about age.

It’s about the ability of the driver

To this end, observing the driving of the loved one about whom you are concerned and looking for warning signs of unsafe driving is a great first step in determining whether it’s time to talk to them about "hanging up the keys".

As we all know, driving ability goes beyond the simple ability to physically operate a vehicle. 

Safely driving a vehicle requires physical and cognitive capabilities, driving skills, and good driving behavior.

Here are only a few warning signs of unsafe driving:

1Delayed response to unexpected situations.
2Becoming easily distracted while driving.
3. Decrease in confidence while driving.
4Having difficulty moving into or maintaining the correct lane of traffic.
5. Hitting curbs when making right turns or backing up.
6Getting scrapes or dents on car or garage.
7. Having frequent close calls.
8Driving too fast or too slow for road conditions.

From Neal Opinions

I am on my bicycle most days of the week, usually alongside Anthem Parkway, between Anthem Drive and the shopping center and the Anthem Highlands southern end of the Parkway loop.

Since I know that in the last few years there have been a few bicyclists killed on roads in this vicinity, I ride on the sidewalk.

(In fact, over the years I’ve personally known two bicyclists killed by collisions with vehicles, and I don’t intend to be another statistic myself.)

However, on my typical route  I must cross Anthem Parkway, a road with curves and short sight distances for drivers.

Most challenging is when I have to cross the Parkway.

In particular, there are two spots with crosswalks and flashing warning lights to protect pedestrians.

In my experience, a very significant number of drivers, perhaps 1 in 15, simply will not stop for a person in the crosswalk!

I wear a bright yellow construction vest, so I know I can be seen.

To deal with these drivers I’ve made it a habit to remain completely out of the crosswalk until the cars actually come to a stop, assuming at all times that they will not.

As I have waited on the curb for the cars to give me a break, I have even resorted to signaling with my arm to call attention of the cars to the flashing lights—often to no avail.

Fortunately I have an electric bike that can pass through the crosswalk 3-4 times faster than a pedestrian can.

However, an elderly pedestrian who walks in this crosswalks, flashing lights or not, is a slow-moving target. He is at the mercy of distracted and negligent drivers, many of whom, most likely are not SCA residents.. 

  1. This is a tough call, Dick. I remember driving north at Scotts Valley when someone made a left turn (coming south) RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND NEVER SLOWING DOWN. They could barely see over the steering wheel.

    My contention for bicycle riders is TO STAY ON THE SIDEWALK WHILE RIDING. I don't care if they do or don't belong there. It is a better way to protect themselves against traffic so bless their souls no matter how they secure themselves. As I see it, if they have the ability to ride a bike they are competent enough to deal with the small amount of foot traffic.


Getting to Know Your  Neighborhood Burglar
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When you think of a home burglary, you might envision a silent, agile figure breaking in through a window, carefully carting off your computer while you sleep the night away. In reality, that kind of robbery occurs mostly in movies and on TV. 
In fact,burglaries are likely to happen when no one is home,"during the day, in the afternoonin the warm summer months." 
What’s more:
...most burglars live somewhere in their neighborhood, ... usually within a half-mile radius, or walking distance.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, burglars are almost always young men and about 30% are known to their victim.
Many simply enter a home through an unlocked window or door.
The vast majority (85-95%) are never caught.
How Do Burglars Operate?
Burglary really doesn't know a demographic.
It can happen in affluent neighborhoods; it can happen in low-income neighborhoods. It's a crime that goes across the sectors.
Frequently, thieves are looking for jewelry, cash, and smaller items they can simply grab and sell later
The burglaries, a lot of times, are committed as a means to acquire, to do other criminal activity—the ability to pawn things for quick cash, the ability to acquire drugs, unfortunately.
While many are unplanned, smash-and-grab eventsa surprising number of burglaries are premeditated by shrewder thieves.
Those sort of criminals know when you leave your house, how long you're usually gone, have looked at the access points to your house, and know escape routes, if there are signs of security, when there's less traffic on the street.
They've looked at your routine and pattern to figure out when their best opportunities are going to be.

From Robert Opinions

Regarding burglaries, it's true that MOST occur between 10AM-4:00PM....the perp "knows" that if the house will be vacant, it will most likely be between those hours (in SCA).

The perp also "knows" that by 4:00 PM most of the residents are home.

One of the most effective deterrents is a dog in the house (and not necessarily a big 'Cujo-like' dog; the minute they hear barking they're off to another house (because they don't want to deal with a dog - regardless of how big it is).

Right or wrong, SCA has a reputation for being a "Wealthy Place" and we get robbed for the same reason given by the infamous bank robber Willy Sutton.

When asked why he robbed banks he answered "because that's where the money is"

The Kids Are Back in School
Driving Laws will be Enforced

ISP Warns Motorists To Slow Down In School Zones | WSLM RADIO

Even though students will be learning from home, Clark County School District Police officers plan to enforce traffic in school zones.

If you are pulled over, you will be subject to the normal fines you’d get in an active school zone.


...because more than 300 schools are designated by the Clark County District Police as food distribution sites, creating a possible traffic situation as families pick up meals each day.

Please slow down and pay attention to those laws.

Keep the kids safe and save yourself from a substantial fine.

Speeding in a school zone in Nevada carries double fines.

While a typical speeding ticket in Las Vegas may cost $205 to settle, a ticket for violating NRS 484B.363,  would carry a $410 fine.

What are the laws for speeding in a school zone in Las Vegas, Nevada?

Speeding in school zones is not a distinct misdemeanor crime from speeding.

Instead, it is an added penalty for the underlying speeding charge. 

Note that hitting a pedestrian or bicyclist while speeding is automatically charged as reckless driving.

Nevada law prohibits people from driving faster than 15 miles per hour in a school zone, which are sections of streets which are adjacent to school property. 

Nevada law also prohibits people from driving faster than 25 miles per hour in a school crossing zone, which are sections of streets not adjacent to school property that pupils cross while following a designated walking route to school.

Note that drivers are also not allowed to make a U-turn or to overtake and pass another vehicle in a school zone or school crossing zone.

Also be aware that drivers who hit a pedestrian or cyclist by “failing to stop for school crossing guard” in Nevada face prosecution for reckless driving.

If the victim sustained serious injuries, the judge may impose one to six years in Nevada State Prison and up to $5,000 in fines.

Reckless driving carries a Nevada driver's license demerit point penalty of eight points. If the driver’s failure to stop did not result in a collision, the demerit point penalty is four points.

Once you accumulate 12 points or more in 12 months, the Nevada DMV will suspend your driver's license for 6 months.

Regardless of points, when you're convicted of DUI, you'll automatically lose your driving privileges.


SCA Emergency Service Preparedness Group
Sends Out NV Energy Advisory

Switch off all unnecessary lights on the eve of World Environment ...

NV Energy is urging its electric customers to conserve electricity today between 2 and 9 p.m. in order to offset energy supply issues caused by record-breaking heat throughout the Western United States. 

Sweating cartoon man free image

Conservation is the best way to reduce strain on the local power grid.

Energy Residential Tips:

Turn off lights

Turn off pool pumps

Unplug appliances not in use

Avoid using large electrical appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines and electric clothes dryers

Adjust the thermostat to 78 degrees or higher to reduce the use of air conditioning during this time, and use ceiling fans to cool people and pets. 

Pre-cool your home prior to 2 p.m.

Keep the refrigerator and freezer closed as much as possible

Close window coverings to keep the heat out

Do not charge electric vehicles between 2 and 9 p.m.


Fire Safety Reminders

Fire safety reminders | The Jewish Star |

Be prepared with these tips for preventing and controlling fires in your home.

1. Before buying a fire extinguisher, check its intended purpose

Some extinguishers effectively treat a few or all of the following varieties of fires: trash, wood, paper, liquids, grease and electrical.

2Position the fire extinguishers throughout your house and on all levels, including along the hallways outside bedrooms and bathrooms. Install the kitchen fire extinguisher near the stove but not directly under it

You don't want to be stumbling around beneath the flames in the event of a stove top fire. Mount it off center along the interior of a cabinet door to take up as little space as possible.

3Be sure extinguishers are full and ready for use.

 If they're battery-powered, remember to check the regularly.

 It's a good idea to change the batteries twice a year, perhaps at the same times as you change your clocks in the fall and spring.

4Don't fight a grease fire with water

When cooking, keep a box of baking soda readily available to put out any grease fires, or extinguish the flames with a lid.

5When fighting a fire with an extinguisher, stand six feet away and sweep the nozzle back and forth.

6. Install smoke and heat detectors to allow plenty of time to escape during a house fire.

7Develop an  escape plan, with evacuation routes from each room.

Clean A Dryer Vent
Avoid a Fire
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Did you know that the most common cause of clothes-dryer fires is lint buildup?
When there is not enough air circulation from the dryer vent to the outside of the building, it is because of lint buildup in the venting tube.
Lint is extremely combustible, and especially the type found in dryer vents.
Residue from fabric softeners combines with heat and moisture to make a volatile lint mixture.
Lint buildup also prevents clothes from drying in one cycle.
If you find that your load of towels simply won't dry like they did when you first installed your dryer, it may be time to clean the lint buildup from your dryer vent to promote adequate air circulation.
Follow these simple steps to clean your dryer vent:
1. Always unplug your dryer before cleaning the dryer vent. If you have a gas dryer, turn off the gas.
2. Pull the dryer away from the wall and loosen the vent clamp and slide the vent off of the dryer vent lip.
3. Put your hand into the vent hole on the back of the dryer and pull out all of the lint. After you use your hands to remove all of the lint, use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to clean out the rest.
4. Next, put your hand into the vent tubing and pull out all of the lint that you can reach. If there is more that you cannot reach, unbend a wire hangar and use it to pull the lint from the tube, taking care not to puncture the tubing. Use your vacuum cleaner hose to suck out the rest.
5. Reattach the tubing to the backside of the dryer and slide the dryer back to its original position.
6. Go to the outside of your house and remove the vent from the wall. You may need to loosen caulk or screws to remove it. The vent has a sleeve about a foot long. Remove the entire unit.
7. Clean all of the lint from the unit, then reach into the hole on the wall as far as your arm will go and pull out all of the lint buildup.
8. If there is more lint beyond your reach, use the same wire hangar you used before to pull it out. Use your vacuum cleaner hose to suck out the rest.
9. Open your dryer lint screen housing and clean the lint screen. Open your dryer and look inside to see if any residual lint came into the unit while cleaning the vents.
10. Plug the dryer into the electrical outlet and turn on the gas.
11. Run the dryer for ten minutes on the air fluff cycle.
12. Check the dryer vent hole on the outside of the house for any lint buildup. If everything is clear, reinstall the sleeve unit.
Cleaning your dryer vent doesn't take much time, and may save you money and energy, as well as future fires.
Video time !


"The Policeman"
Paul Harvey

Policeman - By. Paul Harvey (Tribute to our Police Officers) - YouTube

The times we live in are difficult at best, but burnings, lootings, shootings, defacing statues...

...making "devils" of those whom we depend on for our safety and a peaceful society...

...must stop !

Yes, there are "bad apples" in every bunch, but when it comes to needing help in an emergency, who do you call?

A looter? An arachist?

No, a police officer...

...and our editorial today is saluting them for their efforts, despite the treatment ALL seem to be receiving for the actions of a few.

Rogue River Tactical Blue Lives Matter Flag Metal Tin Sign Wall Decor Man  Cave Bar Police Officer Thin Blue Line Duty Honor Courage

So, today, rather than condemn their efforts, let's take a moment to salute them, and pray for the likes of:

Family of shot Las Vegas officer says he's paralyzed from neck down
Shay Mikalonis
(Age 29)

...who will be paralyzed for the rest of his life.


...if any of you have forgotten, in 2014, two officers, while simply eating a pizza for lunch at CiCi's Pizza, were needlessly murdered for no reason, by a man and woman screaming "This is a revolution"...

Police Officer Alyn Ronnie Beck, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police ...
Officer Allyn Beck
(Age 41)

Police Officer Igor Soldo, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police ...
Officer Igor Soldo
(Age 31)

We thank our reader, Mary Brandin, for sending us this video clip to us, an editorial by the late, Paul Harvey, in 1970.

"The Policeman"

Paul Harvey, a national voice since 1951, dies at 90 – The Denver Post

Time may have passed, but the message is more important today than ever before !

Thanks Mary.

Will you join us in our support of those who are willing to give their lives to protect us from those whose goal is to destroy our community, state, and country?
  • From Marcia Opinions

    Many years ago when I lived in Chicago, I was engaged to a Chicago policeman.  His district was the west side of Chicago.

    He was in a single man squad car when the news broke that Dr. Martin Luther King was shot and killed.  The rioters had overturned a newspaper truck and were shooting, burning businesses and looting them.

    I did not see him for three days and did not know if he was alive or dead.

    Having said the above, NO GROUP, especially the present day protesters, have a right to condemn EVERY policeman across our country because of a small percentage of 1-2% (bad apples).
    You can apply that flawed logic to every ethnic group.

    The relatively few bad people are the ones that make the headlines and not the tens of thousands of policemen who save lives, catch thieves, jail rapists, pull victims out of auto crashes, apply CPR, etc.Can you imagine our country without law enforcement?

    Our country would be reduced to total anarchy.

    That is exactly what our enemies would love to see happen.

    A PEACEFUL protest is understandable, but to try to harm police who are there to protect businesses, property and human lives  is more than outrageous, it is CRIMINAL!

    Do the protesters even consider that standing next to each other and shouting, is causing a rise in the Covid 19 cases?

    Many of them do not even wear masks.  That is irresponsible and childish behavior on their part.

    I have talked to about a dozen policemen in Henderson.

    They have always been polite, courteous, and have answered any questions I might have.

    Their response to me has NOTHING to do with the color of my skin.

    They are trained well.

    I am color blind in the sense that my professional career was solely taking care and testing veterans in two VA hospitals.

    The staff was also comprised of various races.

    I cannot ever remember an incident where race was an issue.



  • From Elizabeth Opinionn

    There are so many in this community that have had emergencies and immediately dialed 911, yet I see no comments in support on this article – how strange and disappointing

    Our daughter and her husband are both officers here in the valley and I worry for them all the time.

    The current environment is such that just being outside in uniform is dangerous for them and they have to hide all vehicles for fear it will bring retribution at their home.

    My son in law is investing thousands for full  body armor for our daughter since her position requires visits to victims of assault and often they are not in the kindest of neighborhoods – just showing up on the block in police uniform is life-threatening these days.

    How is this right?

    A gal goes to college and back for a Masters and gives up her first profession to become a police officer to help people and as a result becomes a target herself?

    Would she ever choke-hold someone?

    Shoot someone unless fear for her own life?

    Would she knee someone in the neck until they cannot breathe?

    You don’t know her or her husband, but I can tell you that they are 2 of the most generous, kind, giving and empathetic people I know and their reward is to have to live in fear, both on the job AND  at home.

    What world are we living in now?

    Police lives matter too !
    1. Liz,I have to admit, I too am disappointed in the few individuals who would be willing to come forth and merely say "I support police".

      They are either afraid to do so, don't care enough to do so, or agree that disrespecting them, shooting them, or maiming them, is acceptable.

      Yet my guess is that at the first sign of a problem, all will expect a police officer to lay down his or her life to be there for them.

      Sad that there are more comments for a restaurant that few will ever attend, than for our "men in blue".

      Sun City Anthem:

      Never forget, those who are complacent about a problem only have themselves to blame when it magnifies, and when it magnifies, the probability of it subsiding becomes less and less with each passing day until the problem becomes impossible to solve......

      ...resulting in drastic actions none would have ever believed possible.
      1. From Barry Opinions

        Dick, as you know my brother was a police officer in L.A. in the 70’s.

        He wrote me a number of letters telling me I would not believe the things he witnessed patrolling the Watts area of L.A.

        He could not believe how one human being would treat another.

        The police are the difference between civility and the wild, Wild, West.

        Where would we be, without their protection?

        My heart goes out to the number of friends we have whose children are serving us as police officers. They deserve our support and respect.

        The few bad, always ruin it for the many.
    2. From Peter Hudson... to... Anthem Opinions

      Thank you Dick for sending our way this wonderful article and words of the late Paul Harvey.

      There is not a whole lot more that my wife and I can add that hasn’t already been stated by others.

      You can add our names to the list of those who are in support of our many great men and women who are willing to put on that uniform each and everyday to serve and protect each and everyone of us.
    1. I am in agreement with the comments previously posted. My son has been a Deputy District Attorney and relates many stories about the crimes, police officers and the process; further he also worked in a Non-Profit that took in and cared for
      Abused children 24/7, these were the worst cases that had no where else to go. The form and type of abuses my son explained were difficult to believe,
      There is a very UGLY part of our society that fortunately few of us have to witness.
      So yes I have always supported the Police; Prosecutors; Firemen; Military; Border Patrol; Caregivers for abused children and many more. These are the people who help protect us and help rectify the UGLY part of our society.
    1. From Gary Smith & Helve Opinions

      We wanted to attend the Blue Lives Matters march scheduled for Las Vegas a couple  weeks ago.  It did sound like there was HUGE interest from folks in attending that march.

      Last we heard, the 'take a knee' crowd downtown was successful in getting it postponed until September.

      We think the 'take a knee' crowd downtown was worried about backlash.

      Say what you will, but we are pretty certain that the planned Blue Lives Matters march didn't include rioting and property destruction as part of its agenda for demonstration.

      Don't believe the propaganda you are fed by the mainstream media.

      They are still trying to avenge their 2016 election rejection any way they can.

      Don't be naive, our society is over run with criminality -- head to toe.

      When push comes to shove, we think you will be surprised at how much support our police have.

      A safe and sane place to live is why we live here.

      That is why we pay taxes.

      We support our dedicated and brave police!

    Air Travel Comes with Rules & Advice

    Air Travel and Things that Make You Go “Hmmm” – LIFE AS A HUMAN

    For people who are thinking of flying this summer, or in the months after, air travel will be a far different experience than it was before the coronavirus. 

    The days of casually hopping in a cab or Uber to the airport, then jostling for space in the overhead, are over, at least for the moment. 

    From the curb to the plane, each portion of the journey has new rules and new things to think about.

    Here’s what we know about navigating air travel safely now.

    If someone you have been isolating with can drop you off in their own car, that raises the least possible risk. 

    If you need to take a car service like Uber or Lyft, you should remember that those companies are not allowing ride shares (so you can expect to pay more for your ride) and it’s courteous to drivers and passengers who come after you to wipe down the seat and door handle before exiting the car. 

    What’s the best way to get to the airport?

    Uber and Lyft are requiring that all passengers and drivers wear masks

    The companies said they were also providing cleaning supplies to as many drivers as possible.

    Many airports around the country have changed their drop-off, pickup and parking procedures to encourage people to keep moving. 

    Most airports have created pages with COVID-19 updates. 

    Here is latest Las Vegas McCarran update:

    McCarran Airport on Twitter: "🔊SOUND ON🔊 Our state song reminds ...

    Before going to the airport, how should I prepare?

    Think about all those points.

    You should carry — and use — a mask, wipes and hand sanitizer. 

    Some experts suggest wearing gloves, although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance suggests they are not necessary.

    Most airlines suggest that travelers download their app for touchless boarding, which will minimize the number of times you have to hand over documents or touch screens. 

    Think about whether you want to check a bag or if you can make the trip with a carry-on (experts don’t necessarily think one is better than the other). 

    Some airlines have shut down self-service kiosks, and others, like United, have begun rolling out touchless kiosks that allow customers to print bag tags using their own devices to scan a QR code.

    What should I expect at the airport?

    Lots of cleaning. 

    Airports have been cleaning everything from the floors and surfaces to the air more rigorously. 

    Many airports have increased hand sanitizer stations throughout the airport, as well as, the regularity with which they are cleaning. 

    Many are also requiring all passengers to wear masks.

    JetBlue said it had increased the frequency with which it was cleaning surfaces in its airport terminals with a hospital-grade disinfectant. 

    United also said it was working with Cleveland Clinic experts and Clorox to ensure it was using the best cleaning practices.

    Many airport shops may be closed, and not all airlines are serving food on flights, so you may want to bring your own food for the plane. 

    Most airports are discouraging the use of cash. 

    You may want to make sure you have a tap-to-pay card or have set up contactless payments like Apple Pay on your phone.

    How can I be safe during check-in and while going through security?

    That’s where your at-home prep comes in. 

    Do as much of the process on your airline’s app as you can. 

    Bring hand sanitizer in case you need to hand over documents or your phone, or if you need to key anything in at a kiosk. 

    Pay attention to the floor markers indicating the proper social distancing. 

    Even though crowds have been thin, maintaining social distancing may be difficult, so wear your mask. 

    Expect TSA agents to be wearing them as well.

    TSA has tweaked its security procedures to reduce how much travelers have to handle security bins and to keep agents from touching travelers’ belongings. 

    At the podium, you no longer have to hand your boarding pass to a TSA agent. Instead, you will place your electronic or paper boarding pass on the boarding pass reader yourself. After scanning, you should hold your boarding pass up for an agent to inspect it.

    If you have food, don’t put it into your carry-on. Put it into a clear plastic bag and then put that bag into a bin. 

    Separating the food from the carry-on bag lessens the likelihood that a TSA officer will need to open the carry-on bag and remove the food items for a closer inspection. TSA Pre-check members do not need to remove items from their bags.

    To reduce the number of things that go into the reusable plastic bins, put items, including belts, wallets, keys and phones, into your carry-on bags, rather than into a bin.

    If you need to be patted down, TSA officers will change gloves after each patdown.

    How can I make it through boarding?

    Southwest has been having people board in groups of 10, with people lining up on only one side of its boarding poles. 

    United is boarding people by row, with people sitting in the back of the plane boarding after pre-boarding groups. 

    JetBlue is also implementing back-to-front boarding.

     Most airlines are boarding fewer people at a time to keep crowds from forming at the gate.  

    Airlines are also asking people to scan their own boarding passes.

    Policies differ by airline, but most airlines are asking passengers to wear masks to board and on flights.

    Do I need to wipe down my seat?

    Doing a full wipe down is not necessarily a bad idea, but airlines say they have stepped up the deep cleaning of planes, sometimes between every flight. 

    Delta is using an “electrostatic sprayer,” which releases a mist of disinfectant. 

    American Airlines planes are tidied throughout the day and cleaned for more than six hours every night. 

    Alaska Airlines increased its cleaning procedures between flights. 

    Do I need to keep my mask on?

    Yes, most airlines are asking people to keep them on for the duration of their flight. 

    You should know that the air on the plane is pretty clean: 

    Commercial planes recycle cabin air using High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters, so the air might not be fresh, but it is scrubbed. 

    HEPA filters catch 99% of airborne microbes, according to the International Air Transportation Association, an industry group.

    Masks can be taken off to eat and drink (on airlines that are serving meals). 

    You can bring your own food onto the plane, although Southwest is asking people to eat before traveling. United recently introduced an “all in one” economy snack bag that includes a sanitizer wipe, an 8.5 oz. bottled water, a Stroopwafel, and a package of pretzels. It is being passed out during the flight.

    Will someone be in the seat next to me?


    Pictures of flights in which every seat seems full have been making the rounds on social media. They are not the norm. 

    On average, flights are carrying about 39 passengers, down from the first two months of the year, when flights were carrying about 85 to 100 passengers
    Airlines for America, an industry lobbying group, says that most flights — about 73% — are less than 50% full.

    Airlines are attempting to leave some seats open for distancing between travelers when feasible, but not all circumstances allow for that.

    If you are concerned about sitting next to someone and have a choice of airlines, consider their different policies. 

    JetBlue said it would continue to block middle seats on Airbus planes in rows where people aren’t traveling together through July 4 and would block aisle seats on smaller Embraer 190 planes.

    Most airlines state on the reservation page what kind of aircraft they will be flying, but if that information is not there, you can enter the information that you do have about a flight, like its departure city, destination and date of travel on a site like ITA Matrix or SeatGuru to find out about the aircraft.

    United said it would be limiting advance seat selections “where possible” and allowing customers to take alternative flights when a flight is expected to be more than 70% full. The airline will reach out to customers via email 24 hours before their flight to provide rebooking options.

    When choosing your seat, if you think you won’t need to get up for the duration of the flight, a window seat is a good idea because people sitting in window seats have less contact with potentially sick people.

    From Robert in Anthem Opinions

    Regarding Air Travel my suggestions are:

    1. Don't Go


    2. Drive Instead

    A valued reader shared this experience traveling from McCarran Airport.  The individual asked to remain anonymous for security reasons.

    Air Travel During Coronavirus
    Though the Eyes of Our Reader

    McCarran Information

    The following represents my experiences while flying from Las Vegas a non-stop American Airlines flight. We waited to make the trip as the Coronavirus interrupted the normal schedule so we waited for about 6 weeks so states could open, airlines could adjust and business’ could return to what we thought to be normal.

    We were dropped off at McCarren Airport in the morning for a flight.  Even though we checked in online, we were required to use the kiosk to get luggage tags.  

    Only about 1/3rd of the kiosks were open to be socially used. (That was good).  

    No-one appeared to be sanitizing the machines between passengers touching the machines.

    At the counter, there was Plexiglas and limited exposure to the ticketing agent. The ticket agent had rubber gloves that touched all the drivers licenses that travelers handed them. 

    (I sprayed my license with disinfectant prior to returning to my wallet) 

    Then the walk to the gate.  

    From the drop off point outside, thru the terminal to the tram and then to the gate, there was one station with sanitizer

    I certainly expected more. 

    We had to take an escalator to go to the 2nd floor and hold the handrail.  No sanitizer available.  

    We had to hold the safety bars on the tram. Again, no sanitizer.  

    Then the normal walk to the gate.  

    In that 10-15 minute walk, we did not encounter one employee that we noticed doing any sanitizing.

    Then onto the airplane.  

    The following information came from a conversation with a flight attendant.  

    There were 206 seats on this Boeing 737.  

    The small first class section was FULL with no empty seats.  

    The balance of the aircraft had 30 empty seats for social distancing. 

    TIP:  We paid for our coach seats so we were close to the front of the plane which was where most of the empty seats were located.  

    There were numerous rows with 3 seats across and all full.

    Again, not very socially distant

    The flight attendant said he thought planes were sanitized once a day prior to the first flight but he was not sure since that happens before he gets to the plane in the morning.  

    He said that he does not see any other sanitizing on the flights that follow the morning cleaning.  

    The bathroom appears to be clean as this was the first flight of the day. 

    This flight attendant had the opinion that all passengers should be responsible for taking care of themselves to be safe and the airline can only do so much.


    I would guess that 60-70% of people in the airport terminal wore face masks.  

    Boarding the plane required a face mask but once onboard, you heard nothing about face masks and some folks removed them for the entire flight.

    No food or drinks are served.  

    As you board, you can pick up a bag with a few snacks and a bottle of water.  

    Oh yes, a small sanitizer enclosed that could sanitize about one hand

    I personally brought disinfectant wipes with me and wiped down our seats, arm rests and tray tables.   We used our personal sanitizer after touching any escalator or hand rails.

    Our arrival airport did have sanitizer stations outside all the restrooms.  

    Much better than McCarren airport.

    There were a few businesses in the terminal that were open but were mainly food and sundry stores.

     On the bright side, with so few flights, we departed and arrived on-time.

    My overall impression is that if you have to fly, proceed at your own risk but at this time do not feel that the airport or airlines are doing everything possible to protect the passengers.

    Cognitive Impairment in Aging

    Related image

    In a prior article, we discussed the difference between Alzheimer's and Dementia.

    Today let's discuss “cognitive impairment

    Have noticed if you or a loved one is repeating yourself, or struggling to do things that didn’t use to pose much of a problem?

    These are very common concerns, and they often lead to questions such as:

    1Is this normal aging or something more significant?

    2What is wrong?

    3Could this be Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia?

    4Can this be treated or reversed?

    5What should I do about this?

    The answer to the last question is this

    if you are worried about memory or thinking, then you should seek out some kind of medical evaluation.

    If you are worried about older person’s cognitive abilities, there often are some underlying health issues affecting the mind’s function.

    Those need to be detected, and treated if at all possible. So, you’ll need to request help from a health professional.

    Technically, these kinds of problems are called: 

    Cognitive impairment

    This is a broad term that means some kind of problem or difficulty with one’s memory, thinking, concentration, and other functions of the conscious brain, beyond what might be expected due to normal “cognitive aging.”

    Cognitive impairment — which is also called “cognitive decline” — can come on suddenly or gradually, and can be temporary or more permanent. 

    It may or may not keep getting slowly worse; it all depends on the underlying cause or causes.

    Common causes of cognitive impairment in older adults

    Cognitive impairment, like many problems in older adults, is often “multifactorial.” This means that the difficulties with memory, thinking, or other brain processes are often due to more than one cause.

    Common causes of cognitive impairment in older adults include:

    Medication side-effects

    Many medications interfere with proper brain function. Sedatives, tranquilizers, and anti-cholinergic medications are the most common culprits.

    Metabolic imbalances 

    This term refers to abnormalities in one’s blood chemistry.

    Examples include abnormal levels of blood sodium, calcium, or glucose.

    Kidney or liver dysfunction can also cause certain types of metabolic imbalances, and these sometimes affect brain function.

    Problems with hormones, such as thyroid hormones.

    Imbalances in estrogen and other sex hormones may also affect cognitive function.

    Deficiencies in vitamins and other key nutrients

    Brain function is especially known to be affected by low levels of Vitamin B-12, other B vitamins, and folate.


    This is a state of worse-than-usual mental function that can be brought on by just about any type of serious illness

    Delirium is very common in hospitalized older adults, and can also occur due to infection or other health problems in older people who are not hospitalized.

    Psychiatric illness 

    Most psychiatric conditions can cause problems with memory, thinking, or concentration. 

    Psychiatric illnesses can also cause paranoia and other forms of late-life psychosis.

    Depression and anxiety are probably the most common psychiatric conditions in older adults.

    It is also possible for older adults to have bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or other forms of major mental illness; these have often been diagnosed earlier in life.

    Substance abuse and/or substance withdrawal

    Both acute intoxication and chronic overuse of certain substances (such as alcohol, illicit drugs, or even prescription drugs) can impair brain function.

    Damage to brain neurons, due to an injury

    Vascular” damage to neurons means damage caused by problems with the blood vessels, such as strokes or some form of cerebral small vessel disease.

    Head injuries are also associated with temporary or longer-lasting cognitive impairment.

    Damage to brain neurons, due to a neuro-degenerative condition

    Neuro-degenerative conditions tend to slowly damage and kill neurons.

    This can cause mild cognitive impairment, and then eventually, dementia.

    The more common neuro-degenerative conditions include Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy-Body disease, Parkinson’s disease, and frontotemporal degeneration.


    This is not as common in older adults as the other causes above, but certain chronic or acute infections can affect brain cells directly. 

    (If cognitive impairment is caused by an infection outside the brain, such as pneumonia or a urinary tract infection, this would be considered delirium.)

    Toxins are another potential cause of cognitive impairment 

    Research is ongoing as to the cognitive effects of toxins people may be exposed to, such as heavy metals, air pollutants, contaminants in our drinking water, pesticides, and others.

    If any of these symptoms are apparent, seek medical attention immediately.

    How to Clean Your Credit Cards

    CARD Act and the CFPB Are Protecting Consumers From Credit Card Deception |  Economic Intelligence | US News

    Fortunately, disinfecting your credit cards isn’t a complicated process and you can do with household items.

    The easiest way to clean your cards is by using the same technique you use for your hands: soap and warm water

    Like washing your handsyou should lightly rub for at least 20 seconds

    You can also use one of the EPA approved disinfectants to use against COVID-19, which includes many household wipes and sprays such as Clorox

    Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes Lemon Citrus ...

    For the tech lover, you can also use a UV sterilizer, since UV rays kill viruses and bacteria.

    Amtidy U99 UV Sanitizer,Portable UV Sterilizer Box 99.9% Sterilization for  Mask,Cell Phone/Smartphone, Makeup Tools, Keys, Glasses, Multi-Function  Mobile Phone Toothbrush Cleaning Box : Electronics
    Keep in mind that your signature may wash off the card when you use soap or a disinfectant. You can always re-sign the card if this happens, or simply avoid the signature box when wiping down the card.

    Will disinfectants hurt my credit card?

    Short answer? No.

    Credit cards, both plastic and metal, are made to be waterproof. 

    Your card should also be able to withstand products such as bleach, vinegar or alcohol.

    A quick wipe-down with a Clorox wipe or a 20-second wash with some soap and water won’t render them useless.

    Keeping your cards clean could help them stand the test of time.

    Dirt and grime can build up on your cards, which can scrape at EMV chips and magnetic strips. 

    It’s not a good idea to scrub your cards with an abrasive of any kind, but a gentle cleaning can help keep dirt from building up while killing COVID-19 germs — two birds, one Clorox wipe.

    Tips for using card readers and pin pads

    Another potentially germy area is the card reader and pin pad that you use to make payments at stores. 

    In the U.S., chip-and-signature is the most common authorization method for payments. 

    This means that even if you have a contactless card, you might be required to use a stylus, your finger or a pen to sign your signature. 

    Those surfaces have been touched by anyone who came before you.

    Bottom line

    For most people, your credit cards don’t pose too much of a threat; however, as COVID-19 spreads, it’s understandable to want to ensure you’re limiting exposure to the virus as much as possible — including by cleaning your credit cards.

    Luckily, disinfecting your cards isn’t a complicated process. Good ole’ soap and water will do the job just fine, or you can use a disinfectant to gently wipe down your cards after you use them.

    But remember, the best thing we can all do to stop the spread of this virus is practicing social distancing, regularly washing your hands (for at least 20 seconds), and avoiding touching your face.

    Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning Units
    Beware of Scams
    Contractors Vent about HVAC Scams | 2015-04-06 | ACHRNEWS

    Our homes in Sun City Anthem are at the age requiring more and more maintenance. 

    The HVAC units (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning units) installed by Pulte are at least 14 years old. 

    When many of the York HVAC units were installed, there was s shortage of HVAC evaporator coils. 

    Sierra Air, the installer, decided to install Aspen evaporator coils

    A Huge Mistake !!!

    The evaporator coils were used mainly between 2004 to 2006.

    The main issue was in design and material used. 

    Rather than using a plastic condensate pan that would not rust out, an uncoated steel pan was used with aluminum evaporator coils coming in contact with the steel pan

    As the steel pan rusted, the condensation drain lines would collect rust, plug up the drain lines, or rust would build up between evaporator and steel pan not allowing condensation to reach the drain line port.

    When the condensation (water) could not drain properly, the pan would overflow, drip on the ceiling, damaging the drywall and paint.

    For those taking advantage of the Aspen Class Action Lawsuit, many property owners recently received $2200 per HVAC for damages to our homes.

    The sad result was that local HVAC companies used the rust issue to sell you a new complete HVAC system for as much as $18,000 per unit. 

    That is a major rip-off and many unsuspecting residents took the "bait".

    HVAC Scams and Bait & Switch Tactics | HVAC Murfreesboro TN

    Replacing the entire system is unnecessary

    The evaporator coil can be replaced out for about $1400 including 6 man hours labor to install.

    I have changed 2 of my 10 SCA properties.

    This photo is the condensation drain located outside of your home. 

    The brown rust is an indication the pan has rusted and just a matter of time will fail plugging the drainline and leaking on the ceiling.

    This photo is the HVAC Tech preparing to remove and replace the evaporator coil in the attic.

    This photo depicts the rust build up inside of the failed the evaporator coil.

    If you have any questions or need a referral for repairs, feel free to contact me.

    Mr. Fix-It
    Forrest Fetherolf
    Cell:  (818) 207-1868

    The ABCs of Smoke Detectors

    smoke_detector.jpg (540×515)

    Easy to install and check, and quite inexpensive, smoke detectors save millions of lives each year.

    Most residential smoke detectors use a single nine-volt battery to power its alarm.
    If the battery is weak or dead, then the smoke detector will not work.

    Many smoke detectors sound a quick, loud chirp to indicate that the battery is failing.
    But.... what if you are away for a few days' vacation and you aren't home to hear the chirp? What if, by the time you return, the battery inside of your smoke detector is dead? 

    A dead battery will not be able to activate your smoke detector's alarm.

    If you have a regular schedule in place to check your smoke detectors, and change its batteries twice yearly, you can avoid the dead battery scenario and, more importantly, you can troubleshoot non-functional smoke detectors.

    Check your smoke detectors once a month and change their batteries twice yearly. A good habit to form is to test your smoke detectors on the first Saturday of each month, and replace their batteries on New Year's Day in January and on Father's Day in June.

    To check your smoke detector, simply press the red test button on its cover. If the alarm sounds, then it is working properly.

    If your smoke detector does not have a test button, then replace the entire alarm with a newer model.

    Some people argue that simply pressing the test button is not an indication that your smoke detector will detect smoke, and they recommend these steps to test a smoke detector:

    1Using a ladder or step stool to reach the smoke detector, press the test button to determine if the alarm works.

    If you hear a loud alarm, then it works properly.

    Now you need to determine if the smoke detector will actually detect smoke.

    2. Light a jar candle and hold it away from the smoke detector. Gently blow out the candle, and immediately hold the jar a few inches from the smoke detector. The alarm should sound if the smoke detector is working properly.

    If the alarm did not sound, replace the batteries, and complete the smoke test again. If the alarm still does not sound, immediately replace the smoke detector.

    When performing your monthly smoke detector testing, it's a good idea to dust and vacuum the covers of the units. 

    Never use rechargeable batteries in smoke detectors, as they self-discharge very quickly.

    Always replace smoke detectors after ten years of use.

    How about some video assistance:


    Take HOV Lanes Seriously
    More & More Citations Being Issued

    Image result for HOV sign nevada

    A new regulation allowing Nevada troopers to enforce carpool lane rules around-the-clock has led to a flurry of tickets for motorists.

    More than 2,500 citations were issued for carpool lane violations near Las Vegas from June 20-Dec. 12, according to figures provided by the Nevada Highway Patrol. 

    Troopers issued about 600 of those violations to drivers who crossed double white lanes.

    HOV lanes: High Occupancy Vehicles usage.

    Let's review the current laws and miscellaneous information regarding their applicability in the Las Vegas valley.

    Where are these lanes?

    They go along Interstate 15 in both directions between Silverado Ranch Boulevard in the south and the Spaghetti Bowl in the north. 

    They also go along U.S. 95 in both directions farther north between Ann Road and the Spaghetti Bowl and extend to Elkhorn Road.

    What counts as High Occupancy?

    Vehicles with two or more people (including babies)

    Motorcycles (one or more riders)

    RTC buses (even without passengers)

    Emergency vehicles (even with lights off).

    What doesn’t count?


    Trucks with more than two axles (no matter many riders).

    24/7 enforcement

    Unlike other towns, where HOV lanes may only be in effect during rush hour, our HOV lanes will be on 24/7, because Las Vegas is a 24/7 town.

    No crossing

    No matter how many passengers you have in your car, it’s always illegal to cross double-solid white lanes.


    Flying solo in the HOV lane will get you a $250 fine

    Online Purchases & Porch Pirates

    Image result for online purchases and porch pirates"

    If you buy online, you should be aware of "porch pirates".

    Porch pirates are thieves who drive through residential neighborhoods checking front porches for packages that have been delivered but not yet retrieved by their rightful owners.

    Believe it or not, porch piracy is a big deal. 

    Image result for online purchases and porch pirates"

    These thieves are operating in every town and city in America, and some of them even make their living by selling the goods they pilfer from victims’ porches.

    Unfortunately, the problem is likely to get worse before it gets better, but there are several things you can do to prevent "porch pirates" from destroying your holidays.

    1Have your packages delivered to a trusted friend or relative’s home instead of yours.

    If someone you know well and trust is usually at home during the day you can have your packages delivered to their home where they can pick them up and take them inside where they’ll be safe.

    Of course that person must be willing to accept the responsibility of accepting and caring for your packages, but chances are you have a great friend or family member who would gladly do it for you (especially if you offer them a few bucks for their trouble).

    2.  If you receive lots of packages it might be worth the trouble and expense to rent a post office box just to receive your packages

    That way you’ll be able to pick them up at your leisure.

    Just be aware that some online retailers won’t deliver to a PO box, only a street address. 

    If you order from one of those companies having a box at the post office won’t help you. 

    All is not lost, however…

    If your local area has a UPS Store (we have one conveniently located near Vons and CVS on Eastern Avenue), you can rent a mailbox from them instead.

    The UPS Store will rent a mailbox that works exactly like a PO box at the post office. The main difference is you’ll be given a street address instead of a PO box address.

    What’s more, the UPS Store will accept your packages on your behalf and store them in a secure location until you get a chance to drop by and pick them up. They’ll even send you a text message or email letting you know that your package has been delivered!

    3. If possible, if you still work, have your packages delivered to your workplace instead of your home.

    Many companies have mail rooms that can accept your packages on your behalf. They will then either deliver them right to your office or work location or allow you to stop by and pick them up.

    Smaller companies that don’t have a mail room still receive mail and package deliveries every weekday. 

    Chances are your employer will gladly accept your package deliveries along with their own deliveries.

    The three options listed above will help ensure that you’ll always receive your packages even when you must be away from home during the day, but what if you’re usually at home during the day

    No problem, right?

    Well, truth be told, some porch pirates are brazen enough to steal packages from porches even when they suspect that the recipients are at home! 

    They simply sneak onto the porch, grab the package, and run.

    While it’s difficult to prevent the most brazen thieves from making off with your packages, there are some things you can do to reduce the risk:

    1Check the tracking info for each of your expected deliveries every morning so you’ll know exactly when a package is supposed to arrive.

    Most carriers will change the status to “Out For Delivery” as soon as the package is loaded onto the truck for delivery to your home.

    If at all possible, arrange your schedule to ensure that you’ll be home when the package arrives. It’s pretty hard for a porch pirate to steal a package that was retrieved immediately after it was delivered.

    2Ask your neighbors to give you a call if they happen to see a package sitting on your porch

    Who knows, you might be in the shower or napping on the couch and not realize that the delivery van has come and gone.

    You can also agree to do the same for your neighbors. 

    Think of it as sort of an informal “Community Watch” service where everyone in the neighborhood is “on watch” every day.

    All of the above being said, there will probably come a time when you simply must be away from home when a package is delivered. 

    After all, things come up from time to time.

    For example, what happens if you’re usually at home during the day but you happen to be out running an important errand when you receive a call, text message or email telling you that a package has been delivered?

    Go home and retrieve the package from your porch immediately if at all possible, even if the dollar value of the package is quite low.


    Because many porch pirates are creatures of habit.

    Once one of these scoundrels successfully steals the first package from your porch they’ll start watching your place like a hawk, waiting to pounce on the next package that shows up.

    Even if the first package they steal is worth just a few bucks, the next one they steal could be worth a lot more. That’s why it’s best not to let a thief complete that first successful theft if at all possible.

    If you simply cannot return home before you’ve completed your errand, do so as soon as possible even if it means you have to postpone a second non-critical errand until another day.

    And now one final note

    There’s always a chance that a porch pirate will make off with one of your packages despite your best efforts. 

    If a thief does happen to abscond with one of your packages your chances of catching him/her will be a lot greater if you had a Wi-Fi Security Camera keeping lookout on your behalf.

    These cameras work well and they are quite affordable. the news has recently pointed out...

    Related image

    And you don’t have to pay a professional installer to install one for you. 

    All you have to do is buy one and follow the simple instructions and install it yourself.

    Wi-Fi security cameras are available at many local retail stores but you might be able to save a few bucks by ordering one from Amazon.

    In conclusion... 

    Porch Pirates steal millions of dollars worth of merchandise every year, and the problem is growing by the day. 

    The tips mentioned in this post can help prevent you from becoming a victim.

    Got any other tips?

    Let us know at:

    From Robert Nusser...Long TIme Member of the Sun City Anthem Community Opinions

    Regarding those Porch Pirates...….if you observe a car following a Fed Ex truck, a UPS truck, those Amazon delivery trucks, etc. write down the license plate number and call the Police (don't try to be a hero and confront them).

    The Decision to Stop Driving

    Something Every Senior Has to Face Some Day

    Image result for seniors time to stop driving"

    We've all experienced it....driving through the community and seeing an individual drive in a manner that will affect their safety, as well as, the safety of so many others.

    How many times have you said?

    "Can you believe that person just did what they did??


    The more common response...

    "That stupid a...hole almost killed someone".

    Either way, if you or know someone who exhibits behavior that could kill someone, it may be time to consider a decision that most, if not all of us, dread....

    ...the realization that it may be time to stop driving.

    But how do you know when it’s time for your loved one to limit or stop driving?

    Although natural changes that may occur in our brains and to our bodies as we age, the question of when it is time to limit or stop driving is not about age.

    It’s about the ability of the driver

    To this end, observing the driving of the loved one about whom you are concerned and looking for warning signs of unsafe driving is a great first step in determining whether it’s time to talk to them about "hanging up the keys".

    As we all know, driving ability goes beyond the simple ability to physically operate a vehicle. 

    Safely driving a vehicle requires physical and cognitive capabilities, driving skills, and good driving behavior.

    Here are only a few warning signs of unsafe driving:

    1Delayed response to unexpected situations.
    2Becoming easily distracted while driving.
    3. Decrease in confidence while driving.
    4Having difficulty moving into or maintaining the correct lane of traffic.
    5. Hitting curbs when making right turns or backing up.
    6Getting scrapes or dents on car or garage.
    7. Having frequent close calls.
    8Driving too fast or too slow for road conditions.

    Dementia & Alzheimer's
    Defining their Differences for a Safer Community

    Image result for older individuals with alzheimers"

    To those of us in the "senior age" category, either of these two words when medically diagnosed, can be devastating to both the patient, as well as a spouse or other loved one who knows that such a diagnosis will forever change their lives.

    ... and strangers who unknowingly may be the victim of an individual suffering with such conditions.

    ...especially by those who might drive a vehicle and dangerously affect innocent individuals.

    Over the years there have been numerous auto accidents, some fatalities in the Anthem communities, that needlessly have cost innocent lives by those whose mental capacity has been affected due to the aging process...

    ...and by those who refuse to accept the fact that other factors may be at work which will affect their abilities.

    ...and that is the purpose of this article...

    Saving innocent lives...

    ...recognizing a problem that exists...

    ...and...taking the necessary steps to solve it...if possible.

    These two terms have been around for more than a century, and all too often they have been misused; however, at this stage of our "senior" lives, it's important to know the difference, as well as, recognizing early and ongoing symptoms.

    While Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia (accounting for an estimated 60-80% of cases), there are several other types. 

    The second most common form, vascular dementia, has a very different cause — namely, high blood pressure. 

    Other types of dementia include alcohol-related dementiaParkinson’s dementia and frontotemporal dementia, and each has different causes as well. In addition, certain medical conditions can cause serious memory problems that resemble dementia.

    A correct diagnosis means the right medicines, remedies and support. 

    For example, knowing that you have Alzheimer’s instead of another type of dementia might lead to a prescription for a cognition-enhancing drug instead of an antidepressant. 

    Finally, you may be eligible to participate in a clinical trial for Alzheimer’s if you’ve been specifically diagnosed with the disease.

    What it is?


    In the simplest terms, dementia is a non-reversible decline in mental function.

    It is a catchall phrase that encompasses several disorders that cause chronic memory loss, personality changes, or impaired reasoning...

    ...Alzheimer’s disease being just one of them. 

    Image result for dementia"

    To be called dementia, the disorder must be severe enough to interfere with your daily life.


    It is a specific disease that slowly and irreversibly destroys memory and thinking skills. 

    Eventually, Alzheimer’s disease takes away the ability to carry out even the simplest tasks. 

    A cure for Alzheimer’s remains elusive, although researchers have identified biological evidence of the disease: amyloid plaques and tangles in the brain. 

    You can see them microscopically, or more recently, using a PET scan that employs a newly discovered tracer that binds to the proteins. 

    How it's diagnosed


    A doctor must find that you have two or three cognitive areas in decline.

    These areas include disorientation, disorganization, language impairment and memory loss. 

    To make that diagnosis, a doctor or neurologist typically administers several mental-skill challenges. 

    In the Hopkins verbal learning test, for example, you try to memorize then recall a list of 12 words — and a few similar words may be thrown in to challenge you.

    Another test — also used to evaluate driving skills — has you draw lines to connect a series of numbers and letters in a complicated sequence. 


    There’s no definitive test; doctors mostly rely on observation and ruling out other possibilities.

    For decades, diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease has been a guessing game based on looking at a person’s symptoms.

    A firm diagnosis was not possible until an autopsy was performed. 

    But that so-called guessing game, which is still used today in diagnosing the disease, is accurate between 85-90% of the time. 

    Image result for pet scan"

    The new PET scan can get you to 95% accuracy, but it’s usually recommended only as a way to identify Alzheimer’s in patients who have atypical symptoms.

    If any of these symptoms are apparent, don't hesitate on contacting your physician for analysis.  Doing so allows an opportunity for proper planning.


     Safeguarding Against Auto Burglary

     Image result for cartoon auto burglary"

    The simple act of placing valuables in the trunk of your car and out of plain view can significantly reduce the likelihood of being a victim of auto burglary.
    A laptopcell phoneGPSwalletpurse, or even a cup holder full of change can tempt a would-be thief.
    You may believe that leaving these items on the floorboard or seat and covering over them will keep them safe, but instead it just broadcasts that you may be concealing something of value in your car.
    Incorporating these simple safety tips into your daily life may help safeguard against auto burglary and protect your personal information:
     Conceal and Secure
     1Secure your valuables
    As you arrive at your destination, whether it’s a forest preserve, park, or shopping mall, be aware that someone may be watching as you put valuables under your seat.

    Instead, secure them in your trunk before you arrive, or take them with you when you leave your car.
     2Vehicle registration
    Black out the address on your registration and photocopy it.

    Keep the copy, not the original, in your car.
    You must be able to present it to a police officer upon request.
     3. Personal information attached to keys
    If stolen, having personal information or a vehicle license number attached to your keys only compounds the problem.
    A criminal now has access to your home, automobile or office.
     4. Personal mail
     Don’t leave it in your car. 
     5. Garage door opener.
    Keep it out of sight. 
     Lock It Up
    1. Always lock your vehicle and take your keys with you, even for quick errands.
    2. Lock your vehicle’s trunk, hatchback or tailgate.
    3. Close all windows, including vent or wing windows and sunroofs.
    4. Buy—and use—a vehicle alarm.
    You may think no one notices alarms anymore, but they are effective deterrents to thieves looking for an easy target.
    Park Safely
    1. If you have a garage, park and lock your car in it, and lock your garage doors.
    2. Always lock your car when it’s parked in the driveway.
    3. Park in a well-lit area.
    4. Park in an area visible to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
    Here are some helpful videos to keep both the car and YOU safe !

    An Ounce of Prevention !

     6 Steps for establishing Senior Home Safety

    Image result for senior home safety"
    Eliminating hazards whenever possible!

    1. Consider fall-proofing the home

    Provide rails and grab bars in the rooms frequently used. 

    Then make your best effort to remove clutter, secure loose rugs, install non-slip mats, and so on. 

    Unfortunately, no home can be rendered absolutely fall-proof because it's difficult to identify every single hazard - and some which are known can't immediately be addressed because of cost or other obstacles. 

    In the event an individual does undergo a fall at home, medic alert devices are a wonderful support to have because of their qualified health professionals who effectively monitor these situations.

    2Well-lit hallways and rooms

    Having well-lit hallways and rooms is also a good preventive measure, as are night lights for seniors who are active later in the day. 

    Many seniors are subject to worsening vision and cannot see things as clearly as they once did.

    3Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers

    Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are essential for avoiding fires and controlling them if they do break out. 

    Smoke detectors should be tested periodically to ensure that they are still in good working order and able to alert a senior (or any) resident to the danger of an impending fire outbreak.

    4Avoid spills and burns

    To avoid spills and burns, pot handles should not be left pointing outward on stoves. 

    If possible, stoves should be avoided altogether for seniors. 

    Microwave ovens are a safer option if the senior is still involved in meal preparation as they don’t generate heat like an oven - removing burns as a potential hazard.


    Most seniors take medication, with several taking multiple doses a day. 

    It's important that there is a clear system for marking and dispensing medications so that a senior does not become confused about whether certain drugs have already been taken or on which days they need to be taken. 

    A compartmentalized pill box can help with easy identification, but an automatic medication dispenser is even better, eliminating many potential medication mistakes.

    Street and Parking Lot Safety in Sun City Anthem

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    Image result for jim mayfield
    Jim Mayfield
    Former 2 Term Member of The Sun City Anthem Board and Past Chairman of the Association Finance Committee

    One of the primary reasons Sara and I chose to purchase our retirement home in SCA was its stated purpose to be an “active adult community”. 

    Yet as should have been expected, the SCA population has aged over its twenty plus years, and it now serves an aging population with multiple needs. 

    Many of these needs require a focus on people who are not particularly active and whose abilities are declining with age.

    Today, I want to point out one of these needs and how SCA can better address it. 

    The subject is driver skills and the need for refresher training and supportive infrastructure. 

    Since living at SCA, I have owned a street legal golf cart, a bicycle, and a motorcycle. 

    I also walk extensively every day. 

    While engaged in these activities, I regularly observe that declining driving skills exhibited on SCA streets and in it its parking lots create safety issues.

    At this point, I want to point out that to assess and regulate drivers’ abilities is not and should not be within the scope of SCA’s activities. 

    However, there are steps the Board can require management to take that will provide continuing education for our residents, provide infrastructure that supports parking lot safety, and puts pressure on the City of Henderson to improve its safety infrastructure on its streets within SCA.

    My expectation is that the Board will require management to present a plan to the Board for its assessment and approval for how it plans to address the opportunities to improve public safety on the streets and in our parking lots at SCA.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Have you noticed the declining driving skills of senior drivers in the community?

    Let us know. 

    Send your comment to:
    1. From Robert Opinions

      When you give consideration to how SCA has screwed up our lives with their endless & mindless regulations, the LAST thing we need is for SCA management try to dictate how we drive.
    2. From Robert Opinions

      Hi Dick...

      Jim Mayfield is worried about OUR poor driving skills, RIGHT?

      Perhaps he doesn’t travel Anthem Pkwy and see the skills of the drivers driving through to Inspirada et al..

      In my opinion these younger drivers speeding and unsafe lane changing through our community are a much bigger concern than older Seniors diminished skills.


      Ticket the reckless behavior, young and old.

      Suggesting mandatory required driving classes or any other IMPOSED (without authority) EDICT should be DOA.
    3. Bob,

      There is no doubt that certain Inspirada AND Anthem Highlands elements have created a dangerous driving environment, likely due to their not being a 55+ community, in addition to some seniors who should NOT be on the road.

      Those under 55 still believe they are invincible in many cases...AS WE DID WHEN WE WERE THAT AGE.

      I fully agree that "enforcing the existing laws" is the best medicine.

      Personally, I try to keep the speed limit (usually taking an extra 5 mph), but I can't ever remember a time NOT BEING PASSED by both young and old.

      I've always maintained that if the law was properly enforced (with a bit of common sense discretion) that within 2-3 days, the amount of speeding fines collected, would pay the annual salary of a police officer; that the best pain a violator could experience came from a pocketbook in fines and increased insurance premiums. to the Senior communities, I believe that there is one element that might be addressed by the HOA (if possible)...GOLF CARTS.

      What bothers me most of all are GOLF CARTS being driven by those who believe they are driving regular automobiles.

      Watching some SPEED down a street (especially streets that pass numerous side streets), can be death warrant to any person in an unprotected vehicle that is WHACKED by a person that enters the moderately traveled street by a senior who BLOWS A STOP SIGN, referring to such stupidity as a "rolling stop".

      So, where are the police?

      Very few seem to be around when you need them unfortunately. 
      1. From Art Opinions

        As part of my activities with the Community Patrol, I go through the parking lot twice a shift. What we usually look for is if people parked in handicapped spots have either a placard or handicapped plate.

        In the process of doing this we are exposed to some of our drivers. The majority are fine. But the others are scary.

        Speeding in the parking lot.

        Don’t know what a stop sign means.

        No signals.

        A quick stop and a turn.

        Taking up an entire 2 way lane,

        What I call driving blind, not looking out for where you are going.

        Shooting through at the lane intersections, and finally,

        Backing out of a spot with your eyes closed! 
        1. From Tony Opinions

          Hi Dick,

          I agree with you & Robert Smith.

          Also Bob Nusser makes a valid point. 

          Maybe Sandy could spend some time observing the traffic on her way to a well deserved lunch.

          You however make the point the best.

          We (you and I) probably drove like the young folks up the hill many years ago.

          Good subject to bring up back memories.
        2. From Ellen Opinions

          I will limit my thoughts to the parking area and one way road near Anthem Center which goes to the end of the Center, around the turn, one way, past the center entrances (computer room, sewing room etc.) and past the mailbox.

          Having almost been hit by cars going the wrong way on the one way, the Board/CEO should consider improved safely with better and larger One Way signage, repainting the one way arrow with bright paint, and set up camera at strategic points to monitor traffic.
          1. From Linda Opinions

            I agree with many of the opinions expressed in response to Mr. Mayfield's posting.

            I would like to add two points to consider:

            1. There are a number of places on our SCA streets that bushes, shrubs, trees, etc. are obscuring sight lines.

            There is a particular one on Anthem Pkwy and Olivia Heights that blocks the view as traffic comes down the hill to Albertson's, etc.

            (Where traffic comes over that hill at quite a clip!)

            I have reported such in the past...with very favorable response.

            If you see something...please report it.

            2. Our SCA board needs to be proactive in lobbying RTA to bring a bus route up to us...closer than Horizon Ridge.

            It would be wonderful if something ran from here (at one of the shopping centers) to the Southern transit station that is on Gillespie.

            You can catch buses going all over the valley from that transit center.

            Traffic is only going to be a bigger hassle in the years to come with all the growth we are seeing.

            Makes sense for a number of of which is an aging population.

     "Can You Hear Me?"
     Phone Scam

    Image result for phone scam can you hear me ok

    Can You Hear Me?”  

    Have you ever heard that "line" in a phone call from a stranger?

    It could be a scam !   

    Pause before speaking if a caller starts by asking, “Can you hear me?” 

    Scammers are looking for a specific answer. 

    By getting you to answer ‘yes’ to that one question at the very beginning of the call—as opposed to somewhere in the middle of the conversation, where dubbing would be more obvious—scammers can record your affirmative answer. 

    They can use that recording to claim you agreed to pay for some scam program. 

    The best way to handle that from a stranger is hang up...or...let it go to voice mail...

    ...but if you do decide to continue the call, rephrase your answer to:

     “I hear you just fine” ... be safe.

    Learn more about this scam by clicking on these video !


    Some Safety Tips
    Regarding Washing Machines

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    We all know washing machines are very convenient appliances.
    Can you imagine not having one ?

    They allow us to do our laundry in our own homes and get our laundry clean without us having to do any of the hard work.

    Regardless of how often you use it, there is something you should always keep in mind:


    Accidents with washing machines can and do happen. As with any appliance, safety precautions should be taken to insure that problems don't occur. If something does happen, it is important to know how to take care of it.

    To keep your washing machine safe, there are a few things to keep in mind that can help prevent accidents from taking place.

    1Check the hoses of the washing machine regularly.

    Some washing machine manufacturers recommend replacing the hoses on the machine about every five years.

    Make sure that these hoses are properly connected and are working fine, and that they are replaced if needed.

    Look for cracking, bulging, leaking, and any other abnormal characteristics.

    If you notice any problems, replace the hoses at once. Be certain that you buy high-quality hoses to better ensure the prevention of leaks.

    2If your washing machine is operating in a way that isn't normal (leaking, making strange noises, etc.), have a professional repair the appliance as soon as possible.

     It is better to fix the issue before it becomes a real problem. You could end up with a flooded home or a malfunction of the washing machine that could lead to other damages or even electrocution.

    3. Keep an eye on visiting grandchildren and pets when around the washing machine.

    Also make sure that the door on the washing machine (especially if it is front-loading) is kept closed.

    Kids or pets could get inside the washer and cause damage or even hurt themselves.

    If you do have pets or kids around while operating a washing machine, a strong suggestion is to  keep the door to the laundry room securely closed or locked.

    4Make sure that your washing machine is not plugged into an extension cord.

    It should be plugged into an outlet that is meant for a large appliance and can handle the energy load.

    5Do not overload the machine when washing, and always operate it according to the instructions that came with the machine.

    These tips should help you and your family to stay safe when using a washing machine.

    Remember that prevention is key when it comes to stopping accidents from happening.

    Check out these videos !


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