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Nevada Know How

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Carson City State Capital 

Sun City Anthem Chief Operating Officer Contract Confidential?
(Part One of Five)

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That's right, it was all a complete fabrication in order to keep Sun City Anthem residents in the dark in order to avoid the truth...

...and  in our opinion, a RUSE to keep an individual in control due to a likely fear that "the machine" would lose the last Board election.

...and an even stronger reason to convince Sun City Anthem property owners that MACHINE President Candace Karrow MUST NOT BE REELECTED to the Sun City Anthem Board in 2020.

And...when you read this series of articles we hope you will come to the same conclusion we have, She and her MACHINE,  simply stated, CAN'T BE TRUSTED.

Remember this memo sent on January 14, 2019?

Turns out...Sun City Anthem may have had its own version of "Watergate"!

Well, the bottom line is that:


...after a bit of homework and clarification from the Nevada Real Estate Division Office of the Ombudsman.

Remember how "The Weddle Bunch" that included Directors Candace KarrowJim Coleman, and Forrest Quinn REFUSED to disclose its contents because they claimed it was a part of the Seddon personnel file and NOT AVAILABLE to the property owners by publishing the above referenced memo?

Just where did they come up with that explanation, because wherever they did, one thing for sure recently became evident ???


...and in the 2019 Board election, Quinn was reelected along with other "machine" sponsored candidates, David Weil and Arthur Scheutz, to maintain the deceptive control of a community that exits today.

We no longer have to deal with Weddle...the community saw fit to send Weddle packing a year ago...Weil is resigning as of April 30, 2020, and Coleman and Scheutz will no longer be a part of Sun City Anthem governance as of May 1, 2020, but the community must make a decision to allow a deceptive individual named Candace Karrow to remain on the Sun City Anthem Board.

And based on this series of articles, electing any individual who knowingly is part of LIE HAS TO GO !

So...let's take a close look as why we have come to this conclusion.

Just who made the determination that members of the community should be denied the details of an agreement that would bind the property owners in any way?

Was it a Board

Was it an Association Attorney?

We don't have that answer, but we believe SOMEONE NEEDS TO COME CLEAN about the FIB !

However, the above individuals referenced cannot deny they SIGNED OFF ON A CONTRACT they DECEPTIVELY DESIGNED and withheld from a community they knew would lock future Boards into a legal arrangement, and signed it THE VERY DAY THE 2019 ballots were mailed to a community.

...AND unless one or more of them does give a proper explanation as to WHO the culprit or culprits, were...

The Buck stops with those WHO SIGNED THE DEAL....the members of the 2019 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

That FIB will cast a shadow on all of the "contract design and approval participants" until one of them admits the truth.

Without doing so, leaves a credibility "cloud" hanging over the above named individuals.

Let's explain HOW we were able to obtain the contract.

It began with getting sick and tired of  watching decisions that cause immense waste to a community coupled with the arrogance and demeaning mannerisms of an Association President, Candace Karrow, who, in our opinion, needs to be replaced at the earliest opportunity....

...and the utter contempt displayed by this Association President toward those residents in one demeaning manner after another toward those she swore to represent in a fair and HONEST way...

...especially toward those of the Sun City Anthem Asian community at a recent restaurant work shop along with a public display of demeaning arrogance to a community Finance Committee, causing all but one of them  to resign in disgust for her actions.

We always wondered  WHY an employment contract that was being paid for by property owner dues was completed in secrecy and never disclosed, and the only explanation the community ever received was that it was "confidential".

So..we wrote to the Nevada Real Estate Division's Ombudsman, Charvez Foger, on August 14, 2019, receiving the following response:

"When a person enters into an employment contract with an association, they are obligated to disclose this information with the homeowners/board, meaning that the information regarding salary, hours worked, and benefits are NOT CONFIDENTIAL."

"Personnel records are typically...personal info, write-ups, application, credit check---things of that sort."

"An employment contract IS NOT A PERSONNEL RECORD---it is a contract and MUST BE DISCLOSED AS AN ASSOCIATION RECORD. I hope this clarifies you question."

...and with that clarification, we proceeded to Step # 2...

Obtaining it !

Tomorrow, in Part Two, we'll explain the process as to how we GOT IT !

Sun City Anthem Chief Operating Officer Contract Confidential?
(Part Two of Five)

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Yesterday, we disclosed the first step we made in obtaining the contents of "The Seddon Employment Contract" by writing the Nevada Real Estate Division's Office of the Ombudsman.

Following that clarification, we proceeded to Step # 2.

Obtaining it !

To do so, a "Record Request Form" was completed and filed with Sun City Anthem Administration.

(Finding it on the Sun City Anthem website can be difficult), so we've simplified it by creating pdf files that you can "copy and paste" to your browser and view.
Page One


Page Two


 The top part of the form was completed requesting a copy of the Employment contract (along with current incomes of Sun City Anthem Senior Management).

Our intention was to compare it to the compensation paid when the original Seddon arrangement was consummated in 2015....

...and made part of a Channel 13 Darcy Spears Report in 2018.

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Watch it by clicking on this link:

It is a 2 page form that asks for a "Requestor's Signature" along with other Sun City Anthem Identification.

This is the important part....YOU, by Nevada law, are NOT REQUIRED to sign the can merely submit it without signature...

...something we STRONGLY ADVISE, because THAT IS A TRAP that allows the Association to use its legal muscle to make your life miserable should you choose to convey anything you obtain to another individual.

This form was SUCCESSFULLY challenged a few years ago when Sun City Anthem conducted a Removal Election, and was determined by the Ombudsman's office that NO OWNER WAS REQUIRED TO SIGN THE FORM when making a request.

Did that cause the then Board to change the verbiage on the form?

NO...that would have been the honest thing to do, but...

Surprisingly, the Ombudsman allowed it to continue, despite it not requiring a signature.

Sun City Anthem addressed the matter and this is the verbiage they currently use on the community website:

"In 2018, Management instituted the use of a revised “Record Request Form” for  reasons given below.  We would like to take this opportunity to address concerns and / or complaints raised regarding this Form to alleviate confusion and eliminate any misinformation being disseminated which, unfortunately, could contribute to an inaccurate and unfavorable representation of your Community to the public.

According to the Association’s files, Sun City Anthem has utilized some variation of a “Document Request Form” since at least 2009.  Each version of the Form had a line for the requesting member’s signature.  That did not change on the recent version of the form. 

Over the years, this form has been amended for various reasons.  Due to the needs of the Association, another revision has taken place.  Some of the changes include an attempt to inform residents of both their rights and responsibilities as homeowners and Members of the Community for their protection and information.  

While Members have certain rights to information, they should also be made aware of their responsibilities regarding the information obtained.  

Other changes to the form clarify for Members which documents are required to be provided electronically versus those which are not, the time frame that the Association has to provide said documents and / or those documents that are available for review only, all in accordance with NRS116.31175.

Due to complaints submitted by residents to the Nevada Real Estate Division (“NRED”) upon distribution of the current form, the Ombudsman took some time to review the form.  The Ombudsman has since approved the final version of the form to be used moving forward.  It is available via the website or through the Administrative Offices if you need to request records or documents from the Association. 



Tomorrow, in Part Three, will continue our story on how Sun City Anthem reacted to the filing of the form.
  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Thank you....for getting to the bottom of the cover up of Sandy’s compensation.

    If there was nothing questionable about her contract it wouldn’t have had to be hidden!

    There is a lot of information about where our money goes that needs to be available to the owners.

    It needs to be exposed and corrected in favor of owners not protecting management.

    Kudos to you for all your hard work!

    You have done a real service to us exposing the real picture of how our community has been financially abused.

    Now that it’s out in the open it must be rectified!

Sun City Anthem Chief Operating Officer Contract Confidential?

(Part Three of Five)

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Yesterday we explained the necessary form required to obtain the information we requested regarding the Seddon Employment Contract and current incomes of Top Sun City Anthem management.

Today, we'll explain to you the "impediments" that we encountered...that we overcame.

We cannot go into some specifics for reasons we will explain in our final Part 5 segment of this series of articles, but what we can tell you is that at first, we were informed that we could only VIEW the contract, that we would be barred from obtaining any copy.

To that response, we went back to the Office of The Ombudsman for further clarification, receiving this from a Mr. Antonio Brown, the Program Training Officer. Office of the Ombudsman.

Mr. Brown was the individual who, at the request of Board Secretary, Rana Goodman, conducted a seminar at Sun City Anthem, to cover homeowner rights.

His response was as follows:

"Pursuant to NRS 116.3118(2), all financial and other records of the association must be made reasonably available for any unit’s owner and his or her authorized agents to inspect, examine, photocopy and audit. The executive board may charge up to $10 per hour for the duration of the review. A unit owner could, at their own additional expense, photocopy all financial and other non-confidential records of the association documents during the review."

How about that ?

Management originally neglected to state I would be able to obtain a copy DURING THE REVIEW !

And with that response from the Ombudsman, following what I would refer to "a dance" around management's original comment, it was determined that I would be allowed to make a copy of the agreement after at my expense...$1.75.

(How many worker hours and/or attorney fee hours were spent in the "dance" process?  That's a question only management can answer.)

And so, I was not forced to obtain the copy by sitting with a member of management "reviewing" the contract; I was contacted to say that it would be ready for me to pick up at my convenience for $1.75.

Was the battle over?  Of course not, this is Sun City Anthem and how they do things....methods a Board President allows...that you and a result...must comply with, or face their potential "wrath".

Tomorrow, in Part 4, we'll continue the "saga" of obtaining information YOU as Sun City Anthem Property owners are entitled to receive, yet are put "through the ringer" when you make an attempt to obtain it !


Sun City Anthem Chief Operating Officer Contract Confidential?

(Part Four of Five)

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So what happens when you believe you've "conquered" the document request?

You get more obstruction from management who either made that decision on their own behalf, or more likely, was TOLD TO DO SO BY A MEMBER OR MEMBERS of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

When I received the Seddon Employment Contract in a sealed envelope, a form was stapled to it...not in the envelope !

Reminder of Acknowledgement

It was a copy of Items summarized on the Records Request Form that DID NOT REQUIRE SIGNATURE THAT I REFUSED TO SIGN to obtain the Seddon Employment contract...

...which was obviously some kind of intimidation of what would take place if I disclosed any aspect of the Seddon contract to any individual or organization ...

...a contract that had been deemed NOT to be CONFIDENTIAL and available to ANY PROPERTY OWNER.

The most concerning and THREATENING POINTS were as follows:

5Unit owner affirms that unit owner's requested inspection of confidential association records is not pursuant to efforts to disclose and/or publish such records to third parties, including, but not limited to, efforts to publish such records on publically accessible website and/or blogs or through the use of electronic mail or other electronic means.

7Unit owner acknowledges that if any owner violates the prohibitions of NRS 116.31184(1) that unit owner may be guilty of a misdemeanor.

9Unit owner acknowledges that unit owner's violation of any duty, restriction, and/or obligation provided herein may also be deemed a violation that poses an imminent threat of causing a substantial adverse effect on the health, safety or welfare of the unit owners or residents of the association and therefore the unit owner may be subject to a fine commensurate with the severity of the violation.

So off the Ombudsman's office I went once again with this inquiry:

My questions to Mr. Brown were as follows:

Does the HOA have the right to declare a legal document required to be disclosed and photocopied upon request of a unit owner to be confidential and to restrict the right of the unit owner to share that information with other unit owners, and to impose fines for violation of such restriction?

Does the HOA have the right to prevent publication of the disclosed Employment Agreement, or a summary of the terms thereof on a blog primarily intended to disseminate information to other unit owners, although there is the possibility that such information might also reach persons other than unit owners, and in such event, does the HOA have the authority to impose fines for violation of their self-imposed restriction?

Mr. Brown responded as follows:

 "Per the Ombudsman, you will have to consult an attorney familiar with these matters to get the information you are seeking."

To which I responded  to Mr. Brown as follows:

"I was merely seeking information as to an association's right to chastise an individual as a result of sharing information with others that was deemed not confidential on the part of the Ombudsman's office by you and Mr. Foger and considered a public document that is a part of association records open to all of its members.

Can you merely answer that inquiry?

Can you explain why this question is not applicable to the jurisdiction of the Office of the Ombudsman?"

No response WAS EVER received from Mr. Brown or his office.

In our opinion, it seemed obvious by the lack of a response, that someone got to the Ombudsman to avoid the answer; that those who designed and signed the contract did so with NO INTENTION of ever informing the property owners....

...those who pay for it through their assessments.

They did everything in their power to OBSTRUCT a property owner to obtain information they were entitled to receive. your Senior is your "machine's" way of doing business...

...and THAT is WRONG  and must be held accountable for any such action that attempts to DECEIVE a community.

CANDACE KARROW  and Forrest Quinn are the last remaining members of that Board who voted to approve this document.  

She is running for reelection...

...and any individual who would consider such a person to continue in any role as a member of the Sun City Anthem Board, must be looked at as one who CONDONES  such actions against homeowners.

So...where does this leave the matter?

We'll cover that in the final segment of this "quest" tomorrow in Part 5 of this series.

Sun City Anthem Chief Operating Officer Contract Confidential?

(Part Five of Five)

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So...this is it, the final segment of making every attempt to tell you the contents of the Seddon Employment Contract.

First, we have it.

Secondly, we would like to make you aware of its full contents.

How do you get it?

Third, a simple document form request will allow you to obtain it by completing this form which can be obtained by either downloading it from the Sun City Anthem website, or contacting the administration office for assistance in obtaining one.  

Now comes the disturbing manner in terms of how CAREFULLY the website was designed in a manner to HIDE it.

Here's how you can find it.

a. Click on this link and sign on to open the site:

b. Go to bottom of the form and click on "Resource Center" and click on it.

c. Click on PDF Forms.

d. Scroll down and click on "Document Request Form"

It will open the form and you can fill it out online and download it, or simply download it and complete it by hand.

Fourth, come to the conclusion that you are part of an HOA that, despite an Ombudsman ruling that the document is PUBLIC INFORMATION to which you are entitled...

 ...threatens you with harassmentarrest, and an undisclosed fine amount, if you disclose it.

Fifth, demand this current Board disclose it by sending an email to all members of the current Board AND Board candidates, asking them if they are elected, if they would both disclose it, REMOVE the restrictions on that form that THREATEN owners, and post it on the official Sun City Anthem website.


As a result of the THREATS on the form WHICH YOU SHOULD NOT SIGN, we cannot disclose its contents, but what we will tell you how you can get it and discover the elements that in our opinion, will both SHOCK you, and see how Sun City Anthem's financial interests were unprotected, and that its unanimous passage by a "machine Board" and its disturbing manners of secrecy, passed it to accomplish the following:

Corruptly tying the hands of any future Board to its terms...

...that Candace Karrow is a direct "political descendant" of the Rex Weddle "machine era"...

...the one where the concerns of individuals mattered little and were secondary to a conceited belief an association should be "ruled", rather than governed.

We all know that Weddle "went the way of the wind" in the last election finishing a humiliating 9th out of 11 candidates, and based on the revelation we received regarding the Seddon contract, Karrow and others who were responsible for HIDING IT from the association property owners, should no longer be a part of Sun City Anthem governance.

Remember.....this crucial document has been deemed "public information" by the governmental body that rules HOAs, and for some INTENTIONAL reason, both a  previous Board and this current one have not allowed it to be LISTED ON THE DOCUMENT SECTION of the official Sun City Anthem Website.

We questioned that to the Ombudsman as well, and were informed that office has no control over what a community website must include.

As a result, the only conclusion that could be drawn was that the Board HAD A SECRET REASON NOT TO DISCLOSE ITthat they LIED in telling a community it was considered confidential, and as a result, a contract was signed by both a Board and Ms. Seddon.  

We also questioned WHO PAID an attorney or attorneys to draft the instrument on the part of Ms. Seddon, as this type of intricate contract normally requires each party obtaining separate counsel to any individual having business experience.

And finally, this important question needs to be answered:

If such a document is something to which that Board and its remnants were so proud to expediently make effective on a date believed to be IDENTICAL to the day election ballots were sent to the Sun City Anthem property owners in the 2019 Board of Directors election, WHY HAS BEEN WITHHELD from being placed there ???

Want it disclosed?  Want explanations ?  

Send your email demands to these members of the Sun City Anthem Board.  Here are their respective email addresses.

You are fully entitled to know the FULL TRUTH.

Candace Karrow

Arthur Schuetz

Forrest Quinn

Rana Goodman

Karen Hadrick

David Weil

James Coleman

We hope our research opened your eyes to the way our association is governed and managed. 

Allowing such action to continue will only harm YOU and future property owners.

Sun City Anthem President
A Sad Example of Lack of Leadership & Respect Toward Residents 

Candace Karrow
Sun City Anthem President

Prior to the article published yesterday entitled "Sun City Anthem Shuts Down...Was it the Right Decision", a PRIVATE email was sent to Sandra Seddon making an attempt to obtain information Anthem Opinions believed residents were entitled to receive.

It was my original intent to keep this correspondence confidential between Seddon and myself; however, a turn of events has resulted in forcing me to share its contents and subsequent responses with you, our readers.

This was the original email sent to Seddon on Thursday, May 12, 2020.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Ms. Seddon:

As per an SCA eblast, I understand that all services to SCA residents will be closed in addition to usage of Anthem Center, Independence Center, and Liberty Center. 

First, I find this decision ridiculous considering that not a single person has tested positive nor contracted the virus in the entire community.

For that matter, as of this writing, to my knowledge, there have only been 5 individuals who have tested positive of the entire 3,000,000 individuals in the Las Vegas valley.

Second, if individuals voluntarily choose not to attend any of these buildings or other functions, it should be their choice as this decision penalizes all those who are not overly concerned about the virus at this time and consider such decision an overreaction to something that has yet to take place or affect our community in any way.

As a result, I am appalled that you or a Board would take it upon yourselves to make such a decision without consulting any aspect of the community.

Please provide with the following information:

1. What physician or medical organization provided you information on which you based your decision to take such action?

2. Are the individuals employed by SCA going to be paid during the shutdown? Does any of this involve overtime?

We are aware that an option you are considering is the ability to work at home rather than physically come to Anthem Center.  Please explain how any such employees will be monitored as to the completion of any workload assigned.

3. What will be the total amount of compensation to those individuals who will not  be working on campus? Will any employees be laid off without compensation?

4. Due to a complete shutdown of amenities that are included in assessments, will the amount associated with that period of time be credited toward future dues payments? If not, why not?

Please advise.

Thank you.

Richard J. Arendt
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Note to whom the email was addressed:  MS. SEDDON.

Ms. Seddon NEVER ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS ADDRESSED IN THE REQUEST.  Instead she took it upon herself to send it to:

Each member of the Sun City Anthem Board.

This afternoon I received this response from Candace Karrow, the President of Sun City Anthem...NOT SEDDON, who decided to send full responses to the following:


An additional Sun City Anthem resident was also mailed this email that at this time, I will not name.

In addition, copies of the email were also sent to MEMBERS OF SUN CITY ANTHEM MANAGEMENT

The contents of the email read as follows:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I find it very disturbing that you would put politics before the health, welfare and, very possibly, the lives of our residents. 

If you have a question on why we are closing the centers, I believe you will find the answer by listening to the closures that are on the news. And the fact that Nevada is in a state of emergency as announced by the Governor last nightWe are taking the most conservative approach to COVID-19.

Since the decision to close the centers was made yesterday, we are still working through the details.

The attached excerpt from Article VIII Association Finances 8.7 Obligation for Assessments. 

Candace Karrow
SCA Board President
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We found this so demeaning, that we in turn responded as follows:
I'm talking about MONEY, not politics, something you spend freely and I watch.
 How dare you draw such a conclusion?
 You need a lesson in tact and manners.
 One thing this entire community is aware of is the manner in which you address residents in such a demeaning and sarcastic manner.
 How dare you say this to a resident?
 Make sure you share this with your fellow board members, because I can assure you, it will be shared on Anthem Opinions.
 In addition this was sent to Sandra Seddon, NOT YOU, and she should have responded, NOT YOU.
 Now have a normal individual ANSWER the rest of the questions.
 Richard Arendt
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Ms. Karrow, in her typical demeaning and  sarcastic manner...
 ...a manner in which she has addressed numerous residents since she became a member of the Sun City Anthem Board, especially INSULTING THE ASIAN COMMUNITY, and MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION FINANCE COMMITTEE,  answered as follows:

 Sent: 3/13/2020 3:54:55 PM Pacific Standard Time
 Subject: Re: Fwd: Decision to close Sun City Anthem...Comments and Questions
Frankly Mr Arendt, no matter how I answered you would have made the same accusations. I know you will find a way to twist the truth and put it on Anthem Opinions. Perhaps you are the one that expects to be treated in a sarcastic and demeaning manner because that is how you treat everyone!
I did answer the rest of your questions: We are working out the details and don't have all the answers at this moment.
Candace Karrow
SCA Board President
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Well, Ms. Karrow, we're not twisting a single thing.  We are using YOUR WORDS and HOW YOU TREAT a resident.
Was the initial information searching email that we sent to ANOTHER PERSON and ANSWERED BY CANDACE KARROW  by her sending such demeaning comments about a resident to others, appropriate?
In our opinion, this individual represents the WORST in human behavior, and is an embarrassment to good governance.
We ask you...
Would you as a dues paying owner in Sun City Anthem tolerate such rhetoric from any individual, much less the association president, who treats you in such a demeaning manner when seeking answers to questions that affect the financial well-being of our community?
If not, remember this individual has the audacity of asking the owners of Sun City Anthem to return her to the Board for 2 additional years of insulting language toward homeowners.
Tell her that style of governance has no place in our society by saying NO to Candace Karrow when you receive your election ballot in a couple of weeks.
Sun City Anthem Shuts Down
Was it the Right Decision?

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As per an SCA eblast, all services to association residents will be closed in addition to usage of Anthem Center, Independence Center, and Liberty Center effective at 5:00pm today until a "projected" date of April 1, 2020.

Anthem Opinions believes this decision was both a hasty and unwarranted decision at the current time .


Not a single person has tested positive nor contracted the virus in the entire community.

For that matter, as of this writing there have only been 7 individuals who have tested positive out of the entire 3,000,000 in all of Clark County with only 1 confirmation of the virus.

To place that in perspective, the Center for Disease Control has estimated that at least 12,000 individuals have died between October 1, 2019 thru February 1, 2020, and the number of deaths could be as high as 30,000, while up to 31,000,000  suffered from the FLU during that time. 

We believe if individuals voluntarily choose not to attend any of these buildings or other functions, it should be their choice, as this decision penalizes all those who are not overly concerned about the virus at this time and consider such a  decision an overreaction to something that has yet to take place or affect our community in any way.

We are appalled that a General Manager and/or Board would take it upon themselves to make to a decision without consulting any aspect of the community...

 ...that such action, likely resulting from constant media saturation, further contributes to the mass hysteria that has existed in the past few days and weeks on both a local, as well as, national basis, adding fuel to a potential worldwide economic collapse.

We made calls to Sun City Summerlin,  Solera, and MacDonald Ranch.  

All three organizations told us that they are operating normally without restrictions.

Due to the shutting down of the entire association with such short notice, entertainment schedules and club activities have also been canceled, leaving these organizations in "limbo" as a result. Community patrol vehicles have been ordered to cease operations.

In addition, 2020 election ballots are scheduled to be mailed on March 27, 2020.  The candidates have spent hundreds of dollars on flyers that are located in the three centers that will no longer be available to obtain.

A question arose that we are of the opinion, needs an answer.

Because association amenities will completely cease, should owners receive a refund of association dues for services paid, yet not received?

Readers, on March 4, 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt made a statement that is as applicable today as it was then...

Image result for the only thing to fear is fear itself

  1. From Peter Opinions

    This is beyond authority of a few....This is authority in a few person’s hand who don’t have the capacity to think or analyze a situation. This is a few running amok.

    The arrogance of dictate to their children is beyond acceptable.

    These 5 individuals must each pay the price for their inability to go beyond what management instructed without pursuing the real facts.

    Further the new Board should evaluate the advice it is receiving from management. 
  2. From Marcia Opinions

    Does anyone but me finding it strange that the BOD and management picked the tentative date of April 1st as the date to reopen all the centers?

    They have absolutely no idea where we will be with the Corona Virus and Influenza outbreak.

    April 1st happens to be the date that our quarterly dues start to be paid and many people including myself go into the center to do this.

    Furthermore, management may alter staffing beside the cleaning crew, but are they being paid to stay home unlike many Americans who are not.

    It sounds as if all they want is for the dues to keep rolling in to pay utilities and staff.

    I for one, resent this.
  3. From a local Opinions

    I'm a doctor and an Infectious Diseases Specialist.

    I've been at this for more than 20 years seeing sick patients on a daily basis.

    I have worked in inner city hospitals and in the poorest slums of Africa. HIV-AIDS, Hepatitis,TB, SARS, Measles, Shingles, Whooping cough, Diphtheria...there is little I haven't been exposed to in my profession.

    And with notable exception of SARS, very little has left me feeling vulnerable, overwhelmed or downright scared.

    I am not scared of Covid-19.

    I am concerned about the implications of a novel infectious agent that has spread the world over and continues to find new footholds in different soil.

    I am rightly concerned for the welfare of those who are elderly, in frail health or disenfranchised who stand to suffer mostly, and disproportionately, at the hands of this new scourge.

    But I am not scared of Covid-19.

    What I am scared about is the loss of reason and wave of fear that has induced the masses of society into a spellbinding spiral of panic, stockpiling obscene quantities of anything that could fill a bomb shelter adequately in a post-apocalyptic world. I am scared of the N95 masks that are stolen from hospitals and urgent care clinics where they are actually needed for front line healthcare providers and instead are being donned in airports, malls, and coffee lounges, perpetuating even more fear and suspicion of others.

    I am scared that our hospitals will be overwhelmed with anyone who thinks they " probably don't have it but may as well get checked out no matter what because you just never know..."

    ...and those with heart failure, emphysema, pneumonia and  strokes will pay the price for overfilled ER waiting rooms with only so many doctors and nurses to assess.

    I am scared that travel restrictions will become so far reaching that weddings will be canceled, graduations missed and family reunions will not materialize.

    And well, even that big party called the Olympic Games...that could be kyboshed too.

    Can you even imagine?

    I'm scared those same epidemic fears will limit trade, harm partnerships in multiple sectors, business and otherwise and ultimately culminate in a global recession.

    But mostly, I'm scared about what message we are telling our kids when faced with a threat.

    Instead of reason, rationality, open mindedness and altruism, we are telling them to panic, be fearful, suspicious, reactionary and self-interested.

    Covid-19 is nowhere near over.

    It will be coming to a city, a hospital, a friend, even a family member near you at some point. Expect it.

    Stop waiting to be surprised further.

    The fact is the virus itself will not likely do much harm when it arrives. But our own behaviors and "fight for yourself above all else" attitude could prove disastrous.

    I implore you all. Temper fear with reason, panic with patience and uncertainty with education.

    We have an opportunity to learn a great deal about health hygiene and limiting the spread of innumerable transmissible diseases in our society.

    Let's meet this challenge together in the best spirit of compassion for others, patience, and above all, an unfailing effort to seek truth, facts and knowledge as opposed to conjecture, speculation and catastrophizing.

    Facts not fear. Clean hands. Open hearts.

    Our children will thank us for it. 
  4. From Bill Opinions

    What  I find totally amazinng is that they already know they’re expecting to open the buildings on April 1.

    As far as we know, the virus may spread and get worse and they would not be able to re-open the building.

    If they are using the current number of cases as a current guideline for closures, I would assume that a widespread number of cases, especially in our area, would be cause enough to keep the buildings closed as of April 1.

    When questioned arose about the ballots being  dropped off, I was told not to worry about it because the buildings are open on April 1.

    They already know that  three weeks from Now, everything is gonna be OK?

    I want to see that crystal ball.  
  5. World Health Organization official:

    80% of coronavirus cases will involve mild symptoms.

    99% will have a full recovery.
  1. Not only is April 1st "dues-paying time', it's also April Fools Day
  2. From Art Opinions

    Since we are dealing with an unknown and new variant of the corona virus, I feel that the correct action was taken by management to close the facilities and sanitize them.

    I say this for a few reasons, first and foremost, we are a target population because of age and the possible comorbidities ( fancy word that means conditions that increase risk) that we may have with advancing age, such as coronary vascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, copd, cancer, etc.

    Secondly, the incubation period, with no symptoms runs about five days, so you could have been exposed, caught the disease five days ago, show no symptoms, but still spread it.

    The adage, better safe than sorry comes into play at this point.

    We have had only minimal testing in the county, state and country, so that we only have minimal evidence of how widespread the contagion is. Again, we must err in the side of caution.

    Finally, where I fully agree with you, how can management set a specific reopening date, unless of course they have a better crystal ball then the epidemiologists who at this point are not making predictions on the length of the epidemic.

    Side note, I am a retired biomedical researcher and college professor.
  1. From Rosann Opinions

    I TOTALLY agree with the voice expressed from the Physician’s comments!!

    I was in Disneyworld, Florida with my family, from Feb 22-Feb 26th.

    There were THOUSANDS of people; actually it was so crowded, I had asked why, and was informed that there was a Marathon in town that weekend with 25,000 people participating.

    This attributed to the larger crowds.

    I was surprised that very few people, in Disneyworld and on the plane, wore Masks.

    Now, Disney parks are closing, sporting events cancelled.

    Stock market drastically down!

    Now they close our Clubhouses!

    What is wrong with this excessive “MADNESS!”

    I am not panicking.

    YES, I am more aware of being more protective of myself & others against germs, BUT....I feel I should have the option of being able to use the facilities; IF I CHOSE TO.

    The Casinos are all open.

    The N1R1 flu did not have the mass hysteria as the Coronavirus is having; and it was just as serious. 
  1. From Patricia Aldrin... to... Anthem Opinions

    Has anyone really listed to the CDC opinions or to the President and Vice-President's televised updates (if you like the President or not).

    Our Nation is in a State of Emergency.  This virus is no joke!

    I applaud the decision to close all our centers.  It only takes ONE person, probably unknowingly, to past the virus to others.  Most likely many others.

    We are all over 55 and most likely a few years older which means we are ALL in the danger zone.

    I can forgo cards, pool, walking, bunco, mah jongg and other activities for a few weeks to protect not only myself but my fellow friends and neighbors.

    Really think about if the Centers remained open and that ONE person, who chooses to go to an activity, is caring the virus and then passes it on to their friends and neighbors unknowingly?  How awful would that person (you) feel?!

    I would feel awful if it was me and I'm sure this opinion page would sway the other way if we all started getting sick.

    Don't be selfish. . .

    Help protect yourself and your friends and neighbors.

    It's just for a little while.
  2. Patricia, your message is very well received and you are indeed entitled to your opinion,  but the statistics don't lie, and despite the caution, there is little anyone can do if you come into contact with an infected individual.

    Do you do shopping?  Do you feel threatened at a grocery store?

    Do you feel threatened at restaurant?

    Are you going to cease any of that activity?

    My point is that you can't stop life unless you crawl in cubbie hole and stay there forever, and if one chooses not to go to an SCA location, that is their choice.

    As was previously pointed out, there is a 99% chance of recovery if you contract the virus, and for some of us, that 1% probability of death isn't worth losing a single day of a life that's already on the backside.

Buckman's Grille Restaurant Manager Believes
Sun City Anthem Self-Managed Association
 Pay-All Restaurant 
Doomed to Failure 
Image result for buckmans grill logo
Forrest Fetherolf
Sun City Anthem Member

After the board meeting 2/27/20, Erlinda and I had dinner at Buckman's around 7:30 pm.  

The restaurant had only 18 people seated at tables and 12 at the bar.

I had a conversation with "Rob" (Buckmans restaurant manager).

He advised….

Breakfast and lunch crowd (golfers) are the main contributors supporting the restaurant.

Second would be club lunches and meetings (Creakers gun club and other clubs).

Last are catering events for weddings, club holiday parties, etc.

Dinner crowd varies in numbers consisting mainly of light eaters having a glass of wine and observe the view.  

Many patrons will sit at the bar and don’t eat.

To maintain an average of 160 patrons (as estimated by SCA restaurant proposal) per day between 11am and 8pm is not sustainable unless large groups have dinners or events. 

If that is true, SCA restaurant cannot survive simply because…

1. No morning golfers for breakfast or lunch before 11 am opening.

2. Club luncheons, meetings and catering would most likely be split between Buckmans and SCA restaurant..

3. The same would apply for special events (weddings, club holiday parties, etc).

The previous SCA failed restaurant operator (Larry Hughes) complained that catering weddings and special events was all but non-existent because the SCA grand ballroom was expensive and did not have a view like Buckman's. 

The club events want to choose who caters their functions or have a potluck.

It is unfair requiring larger clubs, that will only fit in the grand ballroom, to use SCA restaurant catering.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
  1. From Marty Opinions

    Hi Dick,

    Regarding your email this morning about having a restaurant (no, do not want this for the million dollars they will spend, along with a more than likely negative dollar loss), for the SCA “compound.”

    It seems “the they folks” that still want this upcoming disaster completely forget something along with all the other important facts we don’t think of.

    It is important that SCA has always had a symbiotic relationship with Buckman’s due to its location.

    While I am not a golf person (like the SHARKS of TV fame), I think of them being there often and always wish them good luck as they too have been though watching the5 restaurant insanity failures we have been through for so many years.

    I’m glad this will be put on hold until the new board gets it together and finds something that will lead them to a lasting choice that won’t become another pariah…again.
    1. From Al Opinions

      Apparently the genius’s don’t believe in history!

      How many restaurants have already failed?

      The residents don’t want or need a restaurant. 

No Restaurant for Now
Back to Peg One
A Meaningful Survey

Image result for O what a night

Evidently the Sun City Anthem Board  got a real "heads-up" as the number of "No Restaurant Self-Management" petitions mounted over the past two weeks.  

What began with Anthem Opinions sending Board Secretary Rana Goodman a list of 737 names of those who opposed this ridiculous project, MUSHROOMED into over 1,353 by the time the Board meeting commenced, when Asian community leader, Charlie Wong, came to the  microphone and presented an additional list filled with another 546 names !


... in an attempt to likely avoid pies being thrown in their direction...

 ...they decided...

 Image result for hoo-ah

We better save face, and rather than give a "thumbs up" to going forward with their "self-managed" fiasco, 1,353 individuals had better be listened to, and decided to "pull the plug" on the project...for now.

Image result for pull the plug

Before the resident comments began, a motion was made to conduct another survey...

... and that's when the fun began !!!

An initial motion to conduct a new GENERAL survey met with Board Secretary, Rana Goodman, adding the following:

"Wait"...not quite yet"

Let's add something to that motion !  

Let's make sure the people REALLY KNOW WHAT managing a restaurant entails...and make sure a FULL STORY is included in any such survey, before any decision is made, allowing both pros and cons to be included in the vote!

...and the crowd's reaction to Ms. Goodman ?

Image result for cartoon crowd clapping moving

And so...they adopted the Goodman altered motion of making sure the community knew what they were getting into...before they got into it !

Believing the crowd would refrain from the pie throwing, the Board began the mandatory "member comment period".

And...those comments were OVERWHELMINGLY AGAINST a self-management restaurant.

It began with Asian community leader, Charlie Wong, presenting the huge number of signatures on his written petition, and was followed by three individuals (Dick ArendtCarolyn Czech, and Allen Weintraub) each taking their allowed two minutes in a well-defined and comprehensive argument that included a brief history of EACH previous restaurant the went down the tubes along with Association funds....

...naming past MACHINE Board members responsible for choosing the unsavory individuals who cost our association THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in LOSS AFTER LOSS, over the years.

We have created a file if you would like to read the exact text of their combined 6 minute commentary. 

Either "cut and paste" the following to your browser, or send us an email and we'll be glad to send you a file which can be easily downloaded.


Following these individuals, one after another went to the microphone to express their opposition, and it wasn't even close as to the droves of those who made their objections to a self-management restaurant known with the exception of a small few who used the same old argument trying to convince the crowd that a simple "yes" or "no" survey conducted two years ago was reason enough to go forth with one.

Perhaps the one speaker who impressed many in attendance was Board candidate, Richard Pope.   Mr. Pope IS A BUSINESSMAN, and that was obvious during his commentary.

His comments made SENSE...GOOD SOLID SENSE...and was filled with COMMON SENSE.

His view of the matter included a study of the experience of other HOAs in the Las Vegas valley who have had restaurant experience, and based on that analysis, those discoveries would be disclosed in a subsequent survey in addition to including both pros and cons of any such arrangement in  order to provide additional relevant information on which owners might make an intelligent decision.

Other commentary that MADE SENSE came from resident Sandy Lewis, whose concern that the Badlands golf course financial distress in another HOA, must be considered, that losing Revere would be devastating to SCA property values...ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATING !

...and any such self-managed restaurant would create unnecessary competition could eventually result in a similar SCA fate.

Resident Donna Dickey made a strong argument that a self-managed restaurant did NOT constitute an amenity as had been explained by certain members of the current SCA Board.

Resident Barbara Sidary, who "lives and dies" with mah jong told a story that despite the galleries being filled most of the day, she rarely saw more than a handful of people enter a former failed restaurant; that projections of 150-160 persons each day, could never be achieved based on past occupancy.

Perhaps one of the best reactions, to which the crowd roared in approval, was a gentleman who stated, "After 5 years, who cares about a restaurant?" be fair, we thought we would bring to your attention notable examples of those FEW who did support the restaurant idea !

Image result for cartoon audience laughing moving

Perhaps the most notable was former Sun City Anthem president, Jean Capillupo...the same "genius" who believed that vetting the financials of an individual two years prior to giving a former losing tenant an additional $20,000 loan in addition to a previous one of $20,000, both of which defaultedresulted in SCA losing FORTY GRAND in the process. 

In what has now become the slogan of those who want a self-managed restaurant, that further procrastination in approving one, was "kicking the can down the road"...

Image result for kicking the can down the road

... Capillupo soon learned from the crowd reaction that such a "kick" would likely have reached a certain part of her posterior anatomy instead.
Image result for kicked in the ass
Then there was resident Dave Leshefsky...who, in our opinion, should be referred to a "Daffy Dave", mentioning that at a Current Events meeting, 93% of those in attendance wanted a restaurant.

If "Daffy" ever authors a book entitled:

"How to Avoid Spending Your money by Spending Others' Instead" would likely be a bestseller to those who support a self-managed restaurant.    Yup, "The Daf" would be your man !

We later found out that the meeting included a whopping 30 individuals, and that a husband and wife, though in support of wanting one, stated  "but we'll never eat there".

So much for Daffy Dave as he left the microphone waving his arms to the laughter of those in attendance.

We also heard one man say, "What's $300,000 to a multi-million dollar organization?' to which many in the crowd yelled in response:

It's $300,000   !!!!

Then there was the guy who said:  

"We elected a Board to make a decision. The community doesn't need to be consulted" !

Yeah, he really did said that !

Enough said as to that oratory brilliance.

Then up came Board candidate, Wendy Linow.

Those of you will never forget Wendy if you attended any of the restaurant work shop sessions in her loud outbursts of "Who wants a restaurant?...

... with many in attendance raising their hands until Board Secretary Rana Goodman, followed that up with "Who wants to pay for one?" with many of those same individuals dropping their hands !

But that night when Wendy's name was called, many of us watched as she approached the microphone to speak.

Following what appeared to be a female version of John Wayne...

Image result for john wayne type walk  moving

...she strutted up to the mic and first said that a few years ago, she originally opposed a restaurant, but currently "based on the substantial results of the 2 year old survey", now supported going full steam toward accepting one.

Not exactly, Wendy, that restaurant you nixed 2 years ago had nothing to do with a self-managed restaurant.  Other than completely avoiding if residents objected to paying for one, that 2 year old survey ONLY ASKED RESIDENTS for a simple "yes" or "no' vote as to whether they wanted ...



...saying nothing about self-owned, managed, and paid for with association funds...

..which to anyone with common sense, would realize the difference between A restaurant and a self-managed option would carry a difference of between NO association funds and $300,000+ of them TO START, WITH NO MAXIMUM amount in sight...without any exit plan to curb those costs.

It made for even more snickers from the audience.

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Oh well, so much for demonstrating the financial common sense of this current SCA Board candidate !

Of course we can't forget David Berman who believed that despite the excellent presentation in summarizing the past failures...

... NONE included a "Self-Managed Restaurant".

We won't comment as to that "logical" conclusion.

However, he did make a suggestion that DID MAKE SENSE.  

He believed that both those who were pro and those against this idea, should work together in order to correctly agree on the wording of any such survey.

AMEN to that !

We have to end this group of pro-restaurant guys with Board candidate, Paul Perlstein.

As he "strategically" in full politician mode, made his way to the mic, slowly approaching it in order to portray himself as "Mr. Statesman"...

Image result for cartoon parrot squaking moving he went like a noisy parrot stating he believed the two year old survey was valid.  

We have to tell you about what we learned about this guy when he joined the other candidates in their randomly choosing a poll position a few days ago.  

Though he was offered "1st pick", he made it clear that he considered choosing first as BAD LUCK due to his previous "luck" in choosing last in the 2019 Board election.   So...he passed to Nelson Orth who picked the #2 position.

Well now, Mr. Perstein believed the "omen" had passed and then decided it was time for him to choose.

...and low and behold, the "omen" appeared once again as this time he  chose Ballot Position #5 out of the six candidates !

His reaction?  Throwing the piece of paper on the floor as in a "hissy fit" !

Image result for adult  hissy fit

Well, back to the "brilliance" of Mr. Perlstein:

Let's just summarize it by saying if you need a sleeping pill, Perlstein is your "go to guy".  

As stated previously, this in just another example that we believe he is TOTALLY UNFIT to be a Sun City Anthem Director.  

He was SO BORING,  that when the two minute buzzer sounded (and he kept talking), many of the people in the audience reacted as though they were being awakened by a morning alarm clock. 

Suffice to say, in our opinion..." Pathetic Paul"...can best be described as a...

Image result for loser word

Well, with all of this completed, the Board took a vote. a 5-2 margin...essentially decided...

Image result for it ain't over yet

We're going to get another survey, hopefully one with sufficient "meat on the bone" to give owners an opportunity to make an intelligent decision.

And...the best part...

The matter will be addressed by a NEW BOARD that thank goodness, will not include the likes of Jim "Bump on the Log" Coleman, and Arthur "BS" Scheutz, both proud members of the illustrious SCA...

Image result for machine the word

  • From Robert Opinions

    A couple observations stand out:

    1. Mr. Berman's presentation begged the following question: If experienced restaurant owners couldn't make it work, HOW DOES HE EXPECT A BUNCH OF NAIVE, INEXPERIENCED PEOPLE (e.g. US) TO BE SUCCESSFUL WHEN WE TRY TO 'SELF-MANAGE' THE PLACE??

    2. I was disappointed that no one challenged David Weil as to WHY he supports a restaurant when he previously stated that he would NOT invest his own $$ in such a venture.....Was he wearing that mask because he was actually sick OR were we being 'robbed' by a masked bandit??
  • Robert,

    First, to answer your question about Mr. Berman, he expects it to work like all bureaucrats do...spending an unlimited amount of other people's money. What's new?

    As far a Weil, he is not only hypocritical, but his knowledge of things, couldn't fit in a thimble.

    I don't look at him as bad guy, just one who is so ignorant of business dealings, that the only words that can describe him is a MACHINE BUREAUCRAT whose time in the sea of intelligence departed years ago.

    We tried to tell a community what would happen if Weil and Scheutz ever got elected, and the community got what it deserved in the process.

    The same with Coleman and Karrow.

    So if the community wants to keep this fiasco in place, just reelect Karrow and elect her two "Machine" puppets, Linow and Perlstein.

    You can be assured that they, along with Weil, will SPEND, SPEND, SPEND.

  • From Peter Opinions

    One word - FANTASTIC!!!

    Great follow up article of meeting and sentiments expressed by its membership.

    This whole idea is a failure from the start and the only way it will work is if there is a guaranteed equal dollar assessment per year, per home coming into the coffers.

    This all is fine as long as the food and management meet and exceed expectations, but I have experienced too many times in different private clubs where the board does not react quick enough, take action to correct the situation and the snowball effect begins to unfold once again.

    With a guaranteed income revenue coming in, it really doesn’t matter if you like it or not, for we will be more than happy to take it out of your wallet and spend it for you.
  • _____________________

    Completed "No Self-Management" Survey Results
    to be Presented to Sun City Anthem Board
    at February 27th Board Meeting

    Image result for we asked you answered overwhelmingly, that in a short 6 day period, more than 10% of all owners in the Sun City Anthem community completed this survey to STOP a movement to go forth with a self-managed restaurant.

    An email was sent to Rana Goodman, Sun City Anthem Secretary, to present to fellow directors prior to that meeting in order that they comprehend the magnitude of opposition that exists in our community.

    When submitted to Secretary Goodman  it included the names of 737 individuals who had acknowledged such opposition that identified specific names and corresponding zip codes which clearly identify  them as Sun City Anthem property owners.

    Currently the survey has 784 names who oppose this measure.

    It was also requested that this list be made a part of the permanent minutes of that Board meeting and be available to ALL owners who would complete a formal association Document Request Form.

    We have also been made aware of a similar petition that will be submitted by members of the Asian community who also have expressed their opposition totaling 150-200 additional individuals.

    Let us be VERY CLEAR....

    If you oppose this measure, it is IMPERATIVE that you attend the February 27, 2020 Board meeting that will be held in Anthem Center at 5:30pm.

    Why is this imperative?

    The  Board Book that sets the formal agenda that was published on Monday, February 24, 2020 found a very mysterious entry that was CLEARLY HIDDEN near the bottom of the report.

    "Direct Management to take Actions Regarding a Self-Management Restaurant"

    Is this a vote to go forward with the self-managed restaurant that will take place in lieu of a promise made to the community that the matter would be tabled pending management's obtaining further detailed information?

    Actions of this Board that is controlled by "Machine" members, Candace KarrowDavid WeilJames Coleman, and Arthur Scheutz, fully support going forward with this measure, despite Scheutz and Coleman not seeking reelection.

    Will they betray their promise?  

    We are more than concerned, and we shall see !   

    Once again, we ask you to please spread the word to your friends and neighbors to attend this crucial meeting.

    The Feasibility of a Self-Managed Restaurant
    Responding to a Reader's Comment
    An Anthem Opinions Editorial

    Image result for does it make sense

    The Sun City Anthem Board promised to vote on a measure to send this proposal to management to explore the many issues brought out by those who attended the work shops and completed comment cards for Board review.

    They further stated that no final vote would be taken until the matter was sent to management for further analysis and to obtain further details.

    We would also encourage all in the community to attend the Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 27, 2020, at 5:30pm in the Delaware Room at Anthem Center.

    At that time, all owners will be entitled to express their opinions prior to that vote.

    We support and thank the Board in advance for a vote first sending this to management to obtain the full information needed to make an intelligent decision on a matter that in our opinion, represents the most costly initial and continuing expenditure of association funds in the history of Sun City Anthem.

    Owning and publishing a blog can be a challenge at times, especially when it comes to taking positions that many agree with, as well as, those who oppose your views.

    That is to be expected, especially after publishing Anthem Opinions for the past 8 years.

    I have to admit that since the commencement of the "No Self-Management" survey, the mail box has been flooded, but with an overwhelming opinion that such a venture is not in the best interests of our community (we have only received a handful in opposition to our beliefs as compared with dozens in agreement), with over 739 individuals completing our survey who oppose this ill-conceived proposition.

    What seems to be prevalent in those who disagree with us is the manner in which they do so. 

    Those comments have little basis in arguments other than simply parroting certain members of a Sun City Anthem Board or another blogger's rationale, namely "let's try it", or they have little or no knowledge of NRS 116 or business experience...

    ...and in the most extreme cases, filled with profanity when attempts to answer their comments with knowledge that a Sun City Anthem Board has determined NOT TO FULLY DISCLOSE, by simply asking a "yes" or "no" question in a survey they profess is accurate, when in fact, there was no opportunity for a community to learn of the many pitfalls attached to it...

    ...pitfalls that were CLEARLY addressed in the Anthem Opinions  survey.

    Their support seems to be based on emotion rather than reasoning or thought as to the economic impact on the Sun City Anthem association.

    As a matter of fact, not a single email that we received from those who favored the self-managed restaurant addressed the economic impact, and when responded to as to its effect on association finances, none WOULD or COULD do so.

    Without mentioning the name of this individual who sent us the following comment, we thought we would publish it, as it was rather typical of the few kind and inquisitive of those we received.  

    It was from a man who honestly tried to understand why such opposition existed. 

    ...unlike those who chose to send snide comments....

    ...comments which POPULATE the contents of those who appear on another publication whose experience with current and past restaurants have more than demonstrated IGNORANCE without CONCERN of any financial consequences....yet demand others pay for such IGNORANCE.

    This was the reader's comment:

    "I can't figure out if your complaint is " PROPERTY OWNERS would be responsible for ALL COSTS " or " NO  OUTSIDERS " .

    If it's NO OUTSIDERS, and you expect that members won't support a restaurant, then raise the dues to cover cost."

    This was our response:

    An amenity is defined in NRS116 as specifically for members and their guests ONLY.  An HOA receives tax advantages as a result.

    If nonmembers are allowed, those tax advantages are no longer available, which of course increases our costs.

    This may surprise you, but SCA currently has a number of lawsuits pending against us for various reasons.  As a result of the poor claims experience (claim vs premiums), our liability coverage has a $50,000 DEDUCTIBLE, whereby we pay all insurance claims personally up to $50,000 per claim.  As owners of that restaurant, any person, member, nonmember, or guest who files actions, you and I as dues payers, would have to pay that first $50,000. 

    In addition to liability,  we, as property owners, take on the responsibility as owners and would be subject to any claims that exceed our insurance limits.

    When it comes to restaurant ownership, you will incur claims from numerous sources, including food poisoning and "slips and falls" going to and from the restaurant not only inside the building, but on the way to the restaurant outside it.

    Then there is the reality of employee theft; bartenders and work staff.  Those losses also must be absorbed by you and I.   Ask any restaurant owner if that is a main concern.

    There is also pending legislation in the Nevada legislature that, if passed, employers will be forced to look at independent contractors as employees for certain purposes, namely we would be responsible for social security contributions and workers compensation costs.  If full time, we would be forced to pay their medical, dental, vision, short-term and long-term insurance costs.  They would be entitled to PAID sick leave including maternity (MALE AND FEMALE) and vacation pay, and of course, when they are absent, we would have to pay THEIR temporary replacements as well.

    This is a Democratic proposal, and Nevada is controlled by both a Democratic legislature, Senate, and has a Democratic governor, and is fully supported by the Culinary Union, perhaps the most powerful union in the entire state of Nevada.  In other words, this possibility is likely a PROBABILITY.

    We would also be forced to pay their employer contributions to the current 401(k) plan.  Did you know that the association's current plan matches the employee contribution at 100% of the first 3% of pay?  Did you know that the manner in which the plan was established, that employees are 100% IMMEDIATELY VESTED in all employer contributions? 

    Who is responsible for all these costs under a self-managed restaurant?  THE MEMBERS, YOU AND I.

    None of these problems exist if an outside restaurant operation THAT WE DO NOT OWN, operates a restaurant. 

    I don't know how long you have been an owner in SCA, but NONE have ever been able to exist due to poor patronage and other factors.  This will be the 6th venture in the 20 year history of SCA.

    Restaurants have a 50% failure rate in the first year, and 80% in the second year.

    I have personally spoken with restaurant owners that include The Bootlegger and a casino in downtown Henderson regarding a self-managed restaurant.  Both laughed and said, "Are they nuts?" 

    There are many other reasons that we oppose this self-managed idea, and it goes a lot further than "just raise the dues", as you suggest.

    As a sideline, have you ever been self-employed and been responsible for costs of a business operation?  I have, and I can assure you, the costs, problems, and continual employee issues cost more than a $7 hamburger. 

    This current proposal is doomed to an increasing burden, and as the experience deteriorates, the costs will mount and be passed on the owners year in and year out.

    The question to you is simply, would you invest your own funds in such a venture?  If not, then why would you support doing so with the funds of an association...which in reality, ARE YOUR FUNDS???

    Thanks for your opinion.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    To conclude this editorial, the community must ask itself this simple question:

    "Should a self-managed restaurant be decided based on the impact it would have on association finances, or the whims of those who have little or no concern for it?"

    ....and a Board must must answer that question.

    ... Financial impact or emotion?...

    and...if emotion prevails...

     How they would counter the argument that such action constitutes a breach of their financial fiduciary duties to  go forth with a proposition that they KNOWINGLY, will create continuing losses that will force increased assessments for all owners into perpetuity.

    The survey/petition that was sponsored by Anthem Opinions was designed for one purpose.... ask just that ! 

    1. From Robert Opinions

      Certain members of our HOA deserve as award for persevering when it is involved with their endless attempts to shove the restaurant at the Anthem Center down out throats.
      This time putting a little twist on their pitch, they are claiming the eatery as an “amenity” rather than a business for profit.

      The obvious difference in  the operation of such a restaurant would it would be easier to show less loss due to operations, as there would be no occupancy costs (rent) showing up on it’s operating statement.

      Now what do we have to sacrifice for this?

      All we have to do is put up all the money to repair or replace all equipment, furnishings, permits, licenses, etc . to operate the restaurant (estimated at $300,000 plus), have our dues increased, and, being owners, assume all debts (payroll, utilities, insurance, inventory, & whatever else).


      Excessive losses would require another dues increase or special assessment.

      If it shows a profit, which is as likely as Chicken Little’s prediction being correct, the money remaining after bills paid would be good.

      As many wonder why myself and many others have spoken with take such a negative view of its success and the main reason should be obvious, that being location.

      Being pushed back in a  distant corner, in a building well removed from the street and nothing to offer that a plethora of other eating places do, has at least one food in the grave.

      As a scenario, we are all familiar with 2 established businesses, on high viability locations and excellent brand recognition and and easy access in Walgreens and Wells Fargo bank.

      What if neither were there and someone wanted to open a no-name bank and/or drug store at the restaurant site?

      They wouldn’t draw files.

      It is a shame Mr. Weil and others put so much time and effort beating a dead horse.

      Using Ms. Seddon for advice in the restaurant business is hardly advisable, because as reported, she admitted that the restaurants she allegedly ran, showed 6 figure annual losses.

      A letter dated 11/8/19 to Ms. Seddon & Ms. Karrow from our CPA  Ovist & Howard (O&H) was designed to show the tax impact on opening a restaurant.

      O&H was quite clear that the figures used were given to them by SCA and purely hypothetical.

      One cannot help wonder why projected restaurant annual sales was chosen as an unobtainable $1.2 million to carry any validity.

      The letter also addressed a deferred $1.8 in sales that could have been taxable in 2010 and possibly could have had a tax burden of $160,000, that this was an issue that still has to be dealt with, requiring skillful tax knowledge.

      Overall, the restaurant could still possibly lead to the most expensive hamburger ever tasted.

      Would this be #6 failure?
    2. From John Opinions

      Bad Deal.
    3. From Joseph Opinions

      I STRONGLY OPPOSE anything to do with a restaurant at S C A facilities.

      They will NEVER be financially feasible or self sufficient and will result in our dues funds going to subsidize the operation.

      Henderson has dozens of restaurants; NONE is needed at the club.
    4. From Nancy Candee & Dr. Tim Opinions

      As homeowners- We have attended two of the meetings on the restaurant and I firmly believe it is premature to decide on this right now.

      We feel specifics to the alternatives needs to be pursued.

      We are opposed to the moving forward due to the Real uncertainty of its true cost. Too much money and too much uncertainty.

      There are strong concerns about increased dues, insurance costs, increased liabilities to us homeowners, the negative impact to Buckman’s Grille and golf course.

      We need to wait for the new board members and do much more work on ALL the advantages and disadvantages.

      I take this as a very serious step and no one should have a gun to their head on this matter to move forward.

      Stop any decisions and allow we the homeowners to speak and vote with FULL facts, figures and details.

      This is not okay with me to push this decision through!
    5. From Daniel Opinions

      Bad financial decision. We need new management and new board members.
    6. From Veronica Opinions

      Why on earth would we need another restaurant?  I have lived here since "Trumpets".  It was a lovely restaurant, but couldn't make it.

      What makes people think another restaurant would survive after so many failures?
      1. What is so refreshing is that almost all of the above comments are first time comments from individuals, all of which have used an identifiable name, unlike another publication who allows commentary from those unwilling to do so.

        How credible is a comment from an individual who refuses to place a real name to it?

        Not very, in our opinion.
    7. From Marcia Opinions

      I have sat by for almost 13 years living in SCA and watched each failed and flawed restaurant attempt pushed forward WITHOUT a thought to being given as to what the homeowners want.

      I say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

      The last three presidents, Jean Capillupo, Rex Weddle and now Candace Karrow, all share certain negative traits which have led to a growing outcry AGAINST going forward with this latest debacle called a self managed restaurant.

      Each one has repeatedly demonstrated the same traits of rudeness, arrogant attitudes especially towards homeowners, refusal to seek advice from homeowners who have had vast experience in the restaurant business and contract assessment, and have acted like spoiled petulant children who have temper tantrums when challenged on their highly flawed explanations which are not many.

      They also have treated homeowner money as their personal bank account to push forward highly flawed expenditures.

      They have also never shown an ounce of humility.The people in this community and their homes as well as the common buildings and grounds, are all aging.

      Homeowners are faced with continuous replacement of equipment, and are mostly retired on fixed incomes.

      Another impending restaurant failure costing hundreds of thousands of dollars just to start up, should be the LAST expenditure homeowners should have to deal with! Three things are important if you want change this in our  community where homeowners will be treated with respect and their input is valued:

      1.  If you haven't signed the petition for another impending restaurant failure, please do so.

      2.  Attend the board meeting at 5:30 PM., Thursday on February 27th.

      3.  Be very careful whom you vote for in this upcoming election.  Candace Karrow is running again.

      Several candidates have flawed backgrounds and should not be elected.

    Do You, as a Sun City Anthem owner, Oppose 
    a Self-Managed Restaurant?

    Image result for survey

    Many of the Sun City Anthem property owners did not attend the Self-managed restaurant meetings. As a matter of fact, we estimate that merely 250 different owners at best (many attended with spouses) attended them, leaving approximately 6,900 owners in the dark, meaning that less than 3.5% of all owners know little about this matter.

    As a matter of fact, we have also learned that there are a substantial number of owners who do not fully understand that "self-management" means PROPERTY OWNERS would be responsible for ALL COSTS associated with getting the restaurant operational and day to day costs of running a restaurant.   

    In essence, YOU would become a RESTAURANT OWNER.

    Here's your chance to be heard.

    Here is a petition that has been prepared and represents an opportunity for YOU to make a decision based on information that a Sun City Anthem Board has not provided to you in any survey in their attempt to go forward with a proposal we believe, is not in the best interests of Sun City Anthem owners. 

    It's simple to complete, all you so is simply click on this link,  state your name, and vote.  

    The results will be presented to the Sun City Anthem Board.

     We urge you to complete this immediately, and send it to all your friends and neighbors for their vote as well.

    The results will be presented to the Sun City Anthem Board at their February 27, 2020 Board meeting scheduled for 5:30pm.

    This is your opportunity to complete a REAL survey; one which covers the numerous valid reasons as to why this proposal must not go forward.

    Please open the link and cast your vote...

    Image result for now

    Below the vote, you will see that agree to subscribe to obtain certain civil and political information, along with an opportunity to unsubscribe at any time.  We suggest you cast your vote, and then within a short time, unsubscribe to avoid receiving any other information you do not wish to receive.  Your vote, however, will still be tabulated.

    It appears that the local "machine mouth" has once again reared his deceptive pen and in his typical devious manner, has tried to get residents to avoid completing the SURVEY. 

    Obviously concerned by the increasing numbers of those who have indicated they DO NOT WANT A SELF-MANAGED RESTAURANT, along with his reasoning to go forward with such a venture on the basis of an insulting reason, "Let's try it" (wasting thousands of association funds)....

    Anthem Opinions made an attempt to make a REAL survey available to readers, unlike the "machine version" that boasts of a simple "yes" or "no", which the minds of any intelligent person, is a "fix" to obtain a result his deceptive "machine" intended to receive, Anthem Opinions clearly stated is was a...  

    No Self-Managed Restaurant" survey.

    Unlike the "machine" version, it stated a number of reasons that we fully believed, was not in the best interests of the Sun City Anthem community, and was a reproduction of the same survey initiated by many of the members of the Asian community.

    So, to cast is as a "fake", clearly insulted the Asian community by doing so.

    If one believed its contents, one simply cast a ballot in opposition.   

    If one did not, one simply ignored it. 

    It was a SURVEY specifically geared to those who opposed the restaurant. 

    It was that simple. has been quite successful in obtaining the REAL opinions of the community. 

    Unlike the "machine" original "fix" which cost the residents of Sun City Anthem thousands of dollars and left out vital information prior to asking them to cast a vote, the Anthem Opinions version cost the community NOTHING.

    We "used" an organization "Move On" to produce the FREE survey, an organization that has liberal beliefs and enrolled the individual in its communications; however what the "deceptive mouth" failed to state in his typical "half truths" was the bottom of the Anthem Opinions article.

    It read as follows: 


    Below the vote, you will see that agree to subscribe to obtain certain civil and political information, along with an opportunity to unsubscribe at any time.  We suggest you cast your vote, and then within a short time, unsubscribe to avoid receiving any other information you do not wish to receive.  Your vote, however, will still be tabulated. 

    In addition, he stated a further miscommunication. 

    There is no requirement to subscribe to Anthem Opinions in order to complete the survey.

    Note, NOTHING appeared in either of his two deceptive pieces to further his quest of Sun City Anthem losing thousands of dollars.....nothing new in his case, as he has never "hyped" anything in terms of a restaurant that has ever NOT LOST huge amounts of funds.

    Then again, what's new !

    Self-Managed Restaurant
    Should  it be Tabled Following the 2020 Board Election ?
    Image result for should the decision be postponed

    The word is out that the Sun City Anthem Board will place approval of the restaurant proposal on the agenda of the February, 2020 Board meeting.

    ...and the reason is more than obvious....

    ...they want to pass this proposal prior to the upcoming election when new Directors are chosen by the community...

    ...just another example of "putting the cart before the horse", with little thought to the horrible implications of such a biased and rash decision.

    Since the workshops commenced, despite what various members of the community have told us, many questions still remain as to the effect this will have on the association.  

    Anthem Opinions articles, with the help of experienced professionals, has summarized numerous reasons as to the project inevitably resulting in:

    Continual dues increases

    Competitive pressures

    The negative effect on Revere Golf Course

    Unsustainable assumptions of an ill conceived marketing plan

    Unanswered tax implications

    Unknown definitive increased insurance costs

    The increased liability to residents

    The unfavorable results to owners who rent their properties, and 

    The community not being made properly aware of its pitfalls other than what has been discovered and disclosed by Anthem Opinions.

    None of these concerns have been successfully addressed.

    In addition those individuals who did attend and commented at the work shops having had previous experience in hands-on restaurant ownership and management, in 100% of the timerecommended the project be abandoned.

    Relying on a Colorado consultant's report comparing the Las Vegas market to others utilizing data unfamiliar with this geographical area without proper sampling, is essentially worthless and without validity

    The Las Vegas market is unique to any area in the United States, living on its own rules of low priced dining options offered by casinos, while independent establishments have for the most part, heavily relied on "buy one, get one free" marketing.... that has all too often resulted in the independent restaurant closures, proof of which has been cited by our summarizing the many GOOD restaurants that have gone by the wayside over the years.

    A recent comment (published in our "2020 Sun City Anthem Election Center") by Board Candidate Paul Perlstein, criticized Anthem Opinions articles by a statement we all hope the community will take to heart when it comes to casting a ballot in the upcoming election.

    According to Paul Perlstein:

    "In addition, he (Anthem Opinions) recently listed a voluminous list of restaurants that have closed in the Las Vegas area, with no reason why."

    Well Mr. Perlstein, Anthem Opinions is going to go out on a limb and "unscientifically"  state why:


    But...back to the manner in which this has been handled by others:

    There were no articles published on another blog for the simple reason of the individual's quest to go forward with such a project under the belief: 

    "It's something new and we should try it"...

    ...a comment that defies all rational thought, and demonstrates complete ignorance of any adverse financial impact on the association, considering the entire travesty involves the commitment of association funds involving hundreds of thousands of dollars each year along with increasing dues assessments....

    ...the same guy who wanted a miniature golf course in the 115 degree desert heat...

    ...the same guy who hyped restaurant after restaurant, with a 100% failure report card.

    ...and then actually embraced by certain members of the current Board who, at this point, are more than "loosing it" with the continuous criticism they are are receiving day after day.

    Think about it !

    We're not talking about  buying a vanilla ice cream cone, then deciding you want chocolate instead....this is THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS + ANNUAL DUES INCREASES YEAR AFTER YEAR we're talking about !

    A Board would not allow a proper further survey providing both pro and con positions, nor would it allow meetings of the community conducted by those who oppose the self-management agenda.

    A Board president (who is running for reelection), Candace Karrow,  even went to far as to state background checks of board members in order to obtain a restaurant liquor license, would be an "inconvenience" to them, as well as, future boards...

    ...and demonstrated her typical "hissy fit" nasty and demeaning management style, by addressing a resident who questioned her position.

    Keep that treatment in mind when ballot time is here !

    Another good one...

    Seems that a comment was asked of the crowd attending the 3rd work shop (again)..

    "Who wants a restaurant Raise your hands?" they did, about half the crowd.

    But...there's more ! 

    Before the hands went down, Board Secretary Rana Goodman, then stated:

    "Wait, there's a second part of that question".

       "How many of you want to pay for it?"

    And low and behold, half of those who originally said they wanted one, dropped their hands

    Of course there is no need for a detailed survey sent to the owners, right? 

    Then the "scam" continued with packets that included a survey...the same loaded dice approach as before....

    "Do You Want a Restaurant..Yes or No"?

    No mention of cost to the homeowners.  Of course, that would have been the honest thing to do.

    A comment was also made that Del Webb, who built Sun City Anthem, and  stuck us with the clause of keeping what once was Trumpets as a restaurant, is NOT including  any restaurant at the new Lake Las Vegas development..

    What does that tell you ????

    It would just be "kicking the can down the road" according to a comment made by former Sun City Anthem president, Jean Capiluppo...

    ...the same person who previously, when asked about 2 separate loans made to the previous restaurant owner BOTH OF WHICH DEFAULTED, as to how the second $20,000 loan was vetted, with a straight face told an audience....

    "It wasn't necessary,we did it the first time"

    (That first time was 2 years before the second one, when subsequently this question was asked by MYSELF):

    "So if you apply for a mortgage or loan, the bank is going to base its decision on financials that were two years old??

    Yup, the "deer in the headlights" then seemed to appear on Capiluppo's face...WITHOUT FURTHER COMMENT.

    That argument of a proper FULL STORY SURVEY never seems to be added to the mix by those who demand this impending catastrophe, does it ?

    Overall, the best comments came from Vice President David Weil at the 2nd work shop (he didn't show up for the 3rd), who ardently supports it, that he himself, would not consider it worthy of an investment of his personal funds, and subsequently a comment made by the C.O.O., Sandra Seddon (at the 3rd work shop), the individual claimed by David Weil to be his "expert" in such matters, stated her experience at managing two prior restaurants, was losing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.

    Now that is certainly a convincing argument to dump $300,000+, isn't it?

    International scam artist, Bernie Madoff, would have been proud ! bring further concern are two individuals on the current Board who have chosen not to run for reelection....Arthur Scheutz and James Coleman....both who favor the proposal.

    Is it fair that these individuals, who will shortly not be members of Sun City Anthem governance, decide the fate of the project, leaving others to resolve the matters they would leave behind and unsettled...

    ...or is it the right thing...the moral thing..the caring thing... to "abstain" from any vote, allowing the community to fully digest the immense financial burden to which it would be subjected to by electing representatives who would convey their own desires?

    From Barbara Opinions

    We don't need a restaurant and another failure. Most of the people I know use coupons or have comps at casinos to utilize for meals. 

    I did wonder about the big push to get this proposal through the current board when we have an election coming up in 2 months. 

    Another agenda item that has not been completely thought out or transparent.

    Just look at the parking lot paving cluster. 

    Instead of doing it in thirds or fourths, they are doing it in 2 sections that will almost eliminate a good percentage of individuals not being able to utilize our clubhouses for 3 months.

    Amazing that the city can redo a street in a week but it takes us 6 weeks for each half of the parking lot. 

    The entrance into and out of the lot is so limited that many seniors will not be able to manage it. 

    Can't imagine how many accidents we will have.

    Many things have had to be postponed. 

    We have primary voting that will be going on during the time parking is so limited. 

    Since many of us are handicapped or just have trouble walking, it is a disaster. 

    Seems to be the norm with Sun City.  Very sad.

    1. From Veronica Opinions

      Why on earth would we need another restaurant?

      I have lived here since "Trumpets".

      It was a lovely restaurant, but couldn't make it.

      What makes people think another restaurant would survive after so many failures?
    2. From Patricia Opinions

      I sent this message to the restaurant email address I saw in SCA Opinions.

      I thought you would like to see what I sent and maybe share it with the community.

      Please keep up the great work you are doing for all of us!

      When I first moved to SCA over three years ago, I was disappointed that we had no restaurant. I was in favor of adding a small coffee shop serving sandwiches, desserts, drinks, and yes, maybe some slot machines.

      After all the proposals by our Board and the lack of securing a reasonable cafe at little or no cost to the community, I totally and completely oppose the reopening of an unreasonably costly restaurant in our community!

      The Board members who approve such investment are either independently wealthy or unbelievably stupid!

      Listen to the majority of residents who are not willing to finance a restaurant!

      What we desperately need in the Anthem facility is more room for card games!  Card room was severely impacted when another pool table was added, and now there is no room in the gallery to accommodate those with walkers and in wheelchairs!

      To be truthful, it is dangerous for able bodied people to walk between the tables and chairs!

      So enough with the unaffordable restaurant and in with more card table room!   
    3. We will get into candidate choices, but to date, of the 7 candidates running for the Sun City Anthem Board, only 2 are opposed to a self-managed restaurant.

      Those two individuals are Forrest "Mr. Fix-It" Fetherolf and Nelson Orth.
    1. From Bill Opinions

      There are communities with golf courses, but unless you pay an annual fee, you cannot use the courses.

      Often it’s several thousands of dollars plus the green fees when it is actually used. My friend  lived in a community in Florida with a restaurant however only those  residents who paid an annual fee could  patronize it (even bring a limited number of guests each year).If there are over 3500 residents in SCA that want a restaurant, as they claim a poll indicates, let those 3500+ each cough up $100.00 the first year and then there is more than the $300,000 to start up as the Board vision claims woudd be needed.

      I don’t mind not being a member and not being allowed to eat there.

      If it is such a big success then I am sure there won’t be a problem getting members each year to supplement the enterprise. 
    2. What a great idea, Bill.

      With all those who have such a dying need for a restaurant, the idea of each putting up $100 for the start-up cost, assuming half of the owners really want the restaurant, this should answer the question once and for all.

      If they do "cough up" the money, then that would prove how much they really want one, and they could prove their main point "let's try it, we have nothing to lose".

      The rest of the community could then sit back, and watch the results of their "nothing to lose" beliefs.

      How much will you "cough up" to prove your belief, Mr. Weil, Ms. Karrow, Mr. Scheutz, Mr. Coleman, Mr.Perlstein, Mr. Anderson, and Ms. Linow ...

      ...and even better, how about you all combining your assets and make up any deficient personally if you can't raise the $300,000 ?

      After all, your "expertise" surely wouldn't ever be questioned if all of you did "put your money where your mouth is" !

    Sun City Anthem 2020 Board Candidates Announced
    Questions Already Arise !

    Image result for election 2020

    Who are they?
    Stephen C. Anderson
    Forrest Fetherolf
    Candace K. Karrow
    Wendy Linow
    Randolph T. Myricks
    Nelson Orth
    Paul H. Perlstein
    Richard Pope

    Ballots are scheduled to be mailed on March 27th.

    Perhaps the single most important question to the Sun City Anthem community at the current time is the topic of the self-managed restaurant.

    Three of the above individuals will serve on the Board for a 2 year term and as a result, we believe you should know their opinions and reasoning as to whether they favor or oppose it BEFORE YOU CAST A BALLOT.

    Accordingly, we have included the email address of each candidate.  

    We suggest you contact them, ask their feelings, and then send us their comments.  We will gladly post them.

    If you write them and any do not respond to you within 3 days, we ask that you also inform us of that as well.

    Anthem Opinions believes in open communication, and as the election period proceeds,  the right of all property owners to know how a candidate views certain issues before any ballot is cast, is a strong indication as to how they will govern the community.

    With that in mind, for your convenience in contacting each of them, we opened the official Sun City Anthem Directory on the community website in order to create a link where a simple click could bring up their email address....

    ....and we got a surprise we did not expect.

    Some of those candidates running, believe it or not, DO NOT PUBLISH ANY SUCH INFORMATION.

    And that opens a question that is more than concerning; namely, if an individual chooses to run for office, it would seem that the ability to contact them should be available.

    This is not to condemn any one of them, but...

    ...that might be the first question asked of them.

    The information we did obtain is as follows:

    Stephen C. Anderson

    Forrest Fetherolf

    Candace K. Karrow

    Wendy Linow

    Randolph T. Myricks

    Nelson Orth

    Paul H. Perlstein

    Richard Pope


  • From Chiming Opinions

    I am a naturalized US citizen, my English capability is limited.

    After visiting Anthem Opinions, all I want to say is: Ditto, Ditto, Ditto.

    Our biggest obstacle is : people do not really comprehend the word "self-run restaurant".

    I told my American born American neighbor, self-run restaurant means every penny of the operation cost will be from our association funds.

    In other word, we will be paying for this restaurant.

    He replied: How did you know this?

    I worry to death about the required 3573 opposition responses, how can we reach the goal before the deadline 02/19/20?

    Do I understand it correctly :  The self-run restaurant project is a done deal unless the board receive 3573 opposition responses by 02/19?

    How do I know my opposition response has been counted and included in the survey?Is there any possibility the board conducts a new survey, with plain language printed on a ballot?

    Yes means I agree HOA due increasing.

    Can the ballot for the restaurant project be included in the board election ballot mail? Therefore there will not be additional cost.

    Another alternative is : Open three voting sessions, inviting residents to go voting in person.

    We need to know the board's vote counting protocol.

    Is it possible the name list can be posted on our bulletin board after the result, so I can verify is my vote counted and included? 

  • WOW...what a great bunch of questions.

    Regarding the 3,573 signatures, that may not be necessary.  

    We believe the Board can vote to re-purpose because it is in the best interest of the community. 

    If residents believed they still wanted one, they can, if within 30 days of the vote to re-purpose, in WRITING, express their disapproval. 

    If 715 signatures are not obtained, then the re-purpose could go forth and the entire matter would END.

    Is it a "done deal"?  

    Our sources say that Directors Weil and Karrow are solidly IN FAVOR OF THE RESTAURANT, that Scheutz and Coleman agree.  The remaining Directors Goodman, Hadrick, and Quinn oppose the restaurant project.

    Schuetz and Coleman are NOT running for reelection, and if they had any true concern for the community, considering they will no longer be a part of the aftermath, an HONORABLE vote would be an ABSTENTION.

    ... stating the Board members elected in April, should revisit the issue and have ANSWERS to the many concerns the community would have, prior to committing such a HUGE investment of association funds, triggering  a dues increase in 2021, and ever increasing assessments as the years pass.

    Note that Candace Karrow is running for reelection.  

    If you oppose the project, make sure you DO NOT CAST A VOTE FOR THIS INDIVIDUAL.

    I would also make two additional suggestions to you.

    Write each candidate asking them HOW THEY WOULD VOTE on the issue if they are elected and send us their answers.

    Attend the final restaurant meeting in Anthem Center and express your disapproval.

  • ___________________

    Sorry Mr. Weil
    Your Restaurant Idea Makes No Sense
    (Part One of Three)

    Related image
    We received a report from residents who attended the recent Board meeting where Sun City Anthem Vice President David Weil made what was referred to as the worst boring sales job to promote what he believes is best for the property owners of Sun City Anthem...

    Image result for pinocchio sales in commercial

    ...a restaurant idea laced with ideas that will cost residents an ever increasing amount of additional dues in the future...

    ...a topic that seems to escape the minds of those who support it and conveniently is avoided by Mr. Weil for a couple reasons.


    He wants to hide it in order to "sell it".


    He doesn't have a clue to the answers, and reminds me of a Congresswoman who once said...

    "Let's pass it then we'll read it"

    And Mr. Weil and company.....

    Image result for that dog don't hunt

    ...with any individual who has an ounce of caring for the financial well-being of Sun City Anthem.

    On and on he went...

    Self-management of a restaurant...a last ditch Sun City Anthem effort to "sell" an idea that has been a complete fiasco 5 different times for 20 years; but now, as a result of a personal opinion based on ZERO restaurant experience, and without consulting any individual in the community who has such experience, is going to be a success.

    Mr. Weil, open your out of touch eyes !  You're "playing" with the lives of 7,144 homes that house close to 12,000 people.

    No one person who has ever been in the restaurant business has been able to make this work; but you, a person with no experience, will?

    ...and you Mr. Weil, along with the others on this Board who favor this idea that, to any rational person who has ever been in private industry and had to learn that capitalism is the survival of the fittest, are completely off your senior rocker to believe you know better than they do...

    ...and that of course includes...

    Candace Karrow, Arthur Scheutz, and Jim Coleman...a.k.a.
    Related image
     ...for even considering pushing the Sun City Anthem community into this bottomless financial pit.

    Related image

    All of you are guilty of a breach of fiduciary responsibility for committing the owners of Sun City Anthem to PURPOSELY LOSING MONEY that will, without rationality, cause assessments to increase year after year.

    What is most important is that our readers express their opinions to the Sun City Anthem Board.  They have established a special email address to do so.  Just click on this link and it will come up for you to send it:

    A special request if you respond the restaurant email address:

    Whether you favor or oppose it, PLEASE state a logical reason to convey it.  
    Comments like " I want one" without saying why you do, make little sense.

    Numerous serious issues of this debacle in Part Two.
    1. From Favil Opinions

      The Association ran Trumpets as well as Buckmans from 2000 to September 2002. (the Revere was sold in 2002)

      We, at least those of us involved, learned a lesson, and that is self-management is the key to greater expenses and declining revenue.

      Under self management of the restaurant the association was losing more than $270,00 per year.

      Once we rid ourselves of the restaurant, we were able to become self sufficient, and in 2004 we were able to remove ourselves from the Del Webb subsidy.

      There is no way the restaurant as a self managed entity will work without gaming or without subsidy.
    2. From Barbara Opinions

      Glad you are doing a story on the restaurant.

      I have had several individuals ask me what is going on.

      I know they are having workshops, but I don't think they will ever tell us how much money this is actually going to cost us.

      We probably won't have any say in the decision, but they will make us think we do.

      I don't understand why they don't wait until after the board elections since maybe the old school members (3 individuals) might not be there anymore. 
    3. Barbara, Anthem Opinions will attempt to tell what is going on,and just how serious of a liability this represents to the community.

      Putting it simply, it is a poison that will prove deadly now, and even worse, as the years pass.
    4. From Robert Opinions

      Too bad the restaurant isn't a stock - I could make a fortune shorting it !
    5. From Ray Opinions

      I am opposed to a restaurant here at SCA.

      There is too much competition on Eastern Ave. and near by casinos.

      If it passes I would like to see those who want  it, pay the costs relating to it.

      Those who want  it, must give their address and willingness to be assessed in the event of such need.

      They would be given a card or designate on their already issued SCA card.

      Only those with a card or designation  and their guests would be allowed to dine there.

      This is a fair and equitable  means to accommodate all.
    6. Ray, we'll even let them keep the "profit" too !     (LOL)
    7. From Robert Opinions

      It seems as some of the some of the most recently elected BOD members can hardly wait to flex their financial muscles by jumping at the chance at the opportunities to use our dues dollars to jump into projects which may or may not benefit the community.

      I certainly am not demeaning the various repair and maintenance projects that were due or in some cases long overdue, but I see 4 of the current board members set to resume chasing their tails in another attempt to waste time and money in pursuit of the destined to fail, pay twice, restaurant, in subsidies plus usage, as they seem to think that changing the description of the on premises eating place from a business to an amenity, can change the fact that it can stay afloat only if the jingling of a cash register provides sufficient revenue to pay the bills, keeping the homeowners digging deeper into their pockets in return for the center of a bagel.

      So, realizing that it costs us money to leave the restaurant area vacant with maintenance, utilities and possibly tax advantages not used, is our board is so center focused that they are willing to spend like drunken sailors to save peanuts?

      Before this proposal goes much further, many questions should be addressed.

      Has the board seriously investigated other uses for the space, like small service businesses or office spaces?

      Have the actual tax repercussions of paying over $300,000 for starters compared to leaving it vacant been explained by an impartial tax advisor, not part of current management?

      Since our board was not able to keep the financial committee functioning, we have fewer minds from whom to render opinions.

      So I would like all homeowners to look at the possible effects of reckless spending, reminiscent of previous costly failures, and examine all the significant issues on the restaurant proposal.

      For those only interested in sipping a glass of chardonnay overlooking sunset over the valley, try Buckman’s.

      Nice view , good food, saves our association mega bucks, and it would keep money in our community,largely due to the golf course presence.

      The 60% plus claimed that favoring the restaurant last year did not explain that costs were required to subsidize it  .

      They ain’t going away.
      1. One thing I have to give bureaucrats....they sure know how to spend others money, don't they ?
        1. From Marty Opinions

          This restaurant proposal is INSANE!

          With the new influx of new restaurants in our neighborhoods due to growth, we do not need another burden to deal with.

          As anyone with half a brain reads the proposal from what has been given to us, it becomes clear that it will fail again, and for the sixth time.

          The answer is obvious, anyone interested in having a restaurant here in our location should reach in their pocket, and take private money to create a private business, an arms length transaction, and prove us right or wrong.

          I believe wrong will happen.

          Dave Weil, along with a "triple net" agreement to operate your folly, will go a long way to make you INSANE sheep divest your desires for your restaurant.
          1. Regarding the restaurant debacle, I think a very important question is WHY does our Board take this position:
            They are going to ask the Henderson City Council to approve a license waiver SO THAT BOARD MEMBERS WOULD NOT BE SUBJECT TO BACKGROUND CHECKS !

            Who and WHY does anyone fear a "background check"???----MAYBE such checks should be run on ALL Board candidates prior to the election?
        2. From Valerie Opinions


          Thank you for this! The new owners need to be educated!
        3. Valerie,

          We've only just begun...the story.

          Read Parts Two & Three as well as an Epilogue article within the next few days.
        4. From Merrilee Opinions

          I just want you to know that I lived for seven years in Laguna Woods village formally known as Leisure World.

          They tried unsuccessfully to run their own restaurant and ended up having to lease it out.

          It’s running very well being leased out.

          I find this restaurant option NOT to be in the best interests of the association, and represents a danger to the financial security of its membership.
          1. From Peter Opinions

            Must haves for a successful Restaurant:

            Desirable location.
            Ample parking.
            Ease of egress in and out of said location.
            Owner/manager who has a passion for food and experience with cost effective restaurant success.
            Quality plus quantity of both standard and alternative food offerings at a competitive price that must and will exceed elsewhere.
            Always provide friendly excellent service throughout patrons visit and so on.

            If our Board cannot guarantee its members that at least these items will all be addressed and come to fruition for the SIXTH time, then we have no business considering such a venture.

            Being a community organization, food is one tough business to get into and be successful.

            Its success will require a guaranteed yearly assessment per household, plain and simple.

            I believe many do not want to eat at the same establishment when the opportunity presents itself to go out.

            To some this assessment might be or exceed yearly said dinning out experience.

            We need to ask ourselves, do we want to put this burden onto our fellow residents?

            As much as I might like the idea of crossing the street to dine out within our community, for some reason the number 6 just scares the hell out of me.

            I have given 50-plus years to the food industry.

            I have seen many successes and lot’s and lots of failures during this time.

            My wife and I were happy and quite content to hear that this community did not have a restaurant when we purchase our home here.
          2.  ____________________
    Sorry Mr.  Weil
    Your Restaurant Idea Makes No Sense
    (Part Two of Three)

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    Mr. Weil and company, how dare you say you care about the well-being of Sun City Anthem? 

    When someone asked you, "Would you invest your own money in this plan?"

    After you hemmed and hawed, you finally said...


    ...and like a coyote going after a rabbit, the ears perked up and I had to say to myself...

    "What did he just say?"

    Let me explain that in layman's terms...

    ...the words  "fiduciary responsibility"...

    ... is spending the money of others the same way you would your own !

    Do I smell hypocrisy?
    Image result for cartoon smell"

    How could you or any group of rational individuals enter into any agreement without dotting the "i's" and crossing the "t's"?

    It's completely IRRESPONSIBLE !

    Oh, I forgot, a "machine" to which you and others on the Board, has been doing that for years, haven't they?

    ...and the results are obvious as to the "restaurant success" your "machine" has been able to achieve, right ????  

    But now, you want to do it all over again, this time with ASSOCIATION owner's DUES... since you couldn't find any EXPERIENCED business willing to take on this project...AGAIN  !!! 

    You think this is the "way to go" considering...

    You have no answers for such issues as:

    A marketing plan that is based on assumptions and results that are completely unsustainable

    Guesswork Employee staffing costs
    Managers, wait staff, insurance and 401(k) benefits 

    The immense financial and legal liabilities to which residents of the community will be subjected

    The affect on association insurance costs and depth of the coverage as well as its potential threat to other association insurance

    The IRS filing status

     and when...not if...this thing goes south...

    indicating no maximum amount of allowable loss to owners

    You care little that those of us who watch one construction project after another greatly expanding within the Anthem communities; that BRAND NAMED chain restaurants are popping up like pimples on a teenager's face !

    Did you or the rest of the residents of Sun City Anthem know that ...

    Related image

    ... has already broken ground constructing a complex similar to Town Center that will include a number of additional restaurants that include names such as...

    Image result for brio logo

    ...that will join others in the immediate vicinity  that currently include:

    Image result for rounder restaurant  logo
    Image result for pt's pub logo
    Image result for china tango logo

    Image result for new day cafe logo

    Image result for jasmine rice logo

    Image result for wildfire henderson logo

    Image result for pancho's vegan tacos logo

    Related image


    What's planned near the new Raiders Offices and Practice facilities to feed the thousands they will employ as well as those who will be working for Fed Ex and Amazon?

    ...and we haven't even mentioned any of the tons of restaurants available on Eastern Avenue or the fast food restaurants such as Burger KingMacDonald'sWendy's, or Dairy Queen whose coupons fill our mail boxes day after day, or the SENIOR DISCOUNTS they all offer.

    How many of those offer or will offer BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE deals that your proposal COMPLETELY ELIMINATES ?

    And you believe that will mean nothing to people's spending habits?

    Let's call it like it is... your model "Pride of Ownership" means less than a hill of beans to the average senior wallet !

    I'm trying to imagine meeting a stranger and saying "Hey, we're a proud bunch, we got us a restaurant"

    And you honestly believe that 160 to 170 people a day will be served when the last guy was lucky to serve close to 7 a day... a cost to a couple when tip is included to close to $30.00.

    Did your model factor in the fact that many owners exit Sun City Anthem in the summer months for "cooler pastures" to avoid the summer heat?

    Can't eat when you're not there, can you ?

    You neglected to mention that if the place serves any amount BELOW the "never before achieved expert projection", that means that...


    How would that be accomplished?

    EVEN BIGGER DUES INCREASES than the "projected" $42 per home in 2021.

    That's the plan you don't find necessary to fully explore or seek out the thoughts of 7,144 homes in an unbiased "pro & con" survey, Mr. Weil?

    Have you or the fellow members of your closed minded and inexperienced "brain trust"...

    ... or for that matter, any owners whose concern is limited to...

    "What the place will serve on its menus"...

    Thought any of that out   ???  

    Just how much of the association's funds are you willing to long will you do so...which will affect dues increases INTO PERPETUITY  ???

    No plan, right ??

    However, If you do have one, please share your proof that such details have been addressed, sufficiently covered, and how they will affect the projections you have made.

    You've already dumped $15,000 on a consultant from Colorado that's an expert in Las Vegas !

    Now there's even another thought of dropping more to do it again?

    And, for the community in general, keep in mind that there were approximately 70 people at the first meeting....maybe another 150 at the second...

    ...a premise that a former Board member recently published elsewhere,  believing it is representative of 12,000 people; that they would be most happy to spend over $40 a year for the privilege of eating...

    ...from an individual who has how much restaurant management experience? !

    Image result for none"

    And...there's more....

    Image result for real estate rental property investment

    What about those who purchased property for investment and rent units? 

    How are they going to handle the dues increases? 

    Going to "eat them" or "pass on" to renters...and...

    ...if  "passed  on", will that send some tenants packing for other rental properties due to a noncompetitive market ??? They're poppin' up all over the place, Dave !  

    Mr. Weil, carefully placing summaries of this catastrophe on page 275 of a 350 page Board Book filled with 30 pages of unsubstantiated boilerplate and opinionated guesswork, or providing a few hundred people at a meeting with a packet that falls far from the "full story", more than proves how deceptive your "deal" is !

    I do commend you for the nice job of hiding the "real and complete deal" to the unsuspecting residents who will simply be asked, "Do You Want a Restaurant"? the last deceptive "survey" that was sent. if the overwhelming number of people ever look at a Board Book, much less 350 pages of one ???

    Believe me, Mr. Weil and company, after 3-4 months when the "restaurant flavor of the month" wears off, and the newer ones appear on the scene, and the losses pile up causing the community to forever increase its financing, it's all because of combined stubborn ignorance to control a community.

    Got any "experienced" plans when all that takes place ?

    Are you or any of your Board proponents willing to pledge PERSONAL FUNDS based on this "deal"...

    ...or are you going to merely PASS ALL THE BUCKS on to the community as has been the case year after year?

    Tomorrow, in Part Three of our Series, we will conclude our analysis by proving to you that the Association CCRs require a restaurant is not exactly true !

    Remember, dear readers, we warned you that the "MACHINE" would do this if you elected them; and well, as those losses and dues pile up, THOSE OF YOU who voted for them to govern the community, are going to get exactly what you deserved for paying little attention to community affairs.

    We have another election coming up soon.  

    The question is, are you going to continue allowing these inane actions ?

    As we stated in Part One of these articles,  is most important is that our readers express their opinions to the Sun City Anthem Board.  They have established a special email address to do so.  Just click on this link and it will come up for you to send it:

    A special request if you respond the restaurant restaurant. 

    Whether you favor or oppose it, PLEASE state a logical reason to convey it.  Comments like " I want one" without saying why you do, make little sense.
    1. From Barbara Opinions

      Great articles.

      You have such a good way of articulating what is going on.

      I commend you.

      I wrote my opinion (which I am sure won't make any difference).

      I know they are having workshops but with the parking lot taking 3 months to pave, not sure many will want to deal with that.  It is going to be a complete clusterXXXX.

      I have never heard of paving taking such a long time.  Scary for those that come up to exercise, play cards, mah, or whatever.  It will be a mess.
      1. From Ray Opinions

        This  is a follow up on my prior comment.

        The message is the  same, but the  approach to solving the problem has changed.

        The principle still remains-fairness to everyone.

        If you  want a restaurant one should responsible for any financial  setback; if you didn’t want a restaurant you have no financial responsibility.

        Instead  of taking the address of the person wanting the restaurant and assessing a financial requirement on that address, how about designating the restaurant as a ”club”?

        We have lots of “clubs” here at SCA where members pay dues to join.

        Due’s money could be put on reserve to resolve a financial setback, or return it if the restaurant has no debt.

        In other words, to eat there you must have paid your dues.

        Thank you
      2. My further comment after last night's restaurant meeting:

    2. You've already dumped $15,000 on a consultant from Colorado that's an expert in Las Vegas !

      Now there's even another thought of dropping more to do it again?

      Thus - the tried and true Corporate ploy: keep taking surveys until you get the results you want (of course - with OUR money)
      1. From Valerie Opinions

        This was an excellent article about the restaurant!!!

        I have an idea.....if people that want a restaurant at SCA want a restaurant, let them all pool their money where their mouth is and assume the losses with their own pocketbooks!

        Your information about all the future restaurants is even more reason not to embark on this ridiculous idea another time.

        Don’t people understand the business and financial risks associated with another restaurant?

        Maybe there should be a meeting outlining the REAL information associated with this terrible idea.

        Would the manager (that is our EMPLOYEE) allow the rational side of the restaurant idea?

        The owners have gotten a one-sided picture of whey we should have another restaurant.

        Because of all the growth in this area it doesn’t make good economic sense and will only cost us money.  
      2. Valerie,

        After attending the restaurant meeting last night, the only ones commenting about the restaurant with restaurant experience, held the same opinion....

        DON'T DO IT.
        1. From Robert Opinions

          So our Board would like to create a SCA run restaurant when they and their staff don’t seem to be able handle more than the present day to day issues?

          Just who is the mastermind who’s named on the licenses required to run such an enterprise ?

          Who is proposed to be the General Manager? And @ what salary & benefits?

          Who pays income taxes, SS taxes, unemployment and disability taxes etc???

          Can a nonprofit deduct rental and depreciation from a profit making entity???

          Does a nonprofit jeopardize it’s tax status by involving in a for profit restaurant business???

          We need answers before voting on the NEED!!!

          Has all this homework been BEFORE proposing such a relationship???

          I want the Board to publish proof of accountability before thinking of involving the SCA, HOA in such an endeavor.

          In the future do we really need a restaurant which only seems to be profitable unless video poker machines and a gambling permit to operate are required?


          As well as violations of the liquor license...

          I’m just NOT wild about saffron OR a restaurant…BUT, are not vehemently objectionable!Just need answers before committing  $$$$…
        2. Robert,

          All of us who went there last night to obtain answers to many of your concerns.

          None of your questions were answered with any credibility.

          This is the blind leading the blind providing vague answers, saying we have to "try it", with 4 Board members, Weil, Karrow, Scheutz, and the absent Coleman, in favor of the deal and deciding the fate of the community.

          The other 3, Goodman, Hadrick, and Quinn oppose the proposal.

          4 people...each and every one...100% machine---will make the decision.

          When it was asked if another survey would be mailed providing information in greater detail, it was just more hemming and hawing from the 4. It was obvious that they cared little to having others learn the other side of the deal.

          The meeting presented 100$ guess work, wanting 100% of your money.

          I N S A N I T Y combined with I R R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y at its finest !
    3. _____________________

    Sorry Mr. Weil
    Your Restaurant Idea Makes No Sense
    (Part Three of Three)

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    We're saving the most convincing arguments to defer any further restaurant action in this, the final article of our Three Part Series. 

    It's a bit lengthy, but reading it should open our eyes toward the dark consequences of a self-managed restaurant going forward.

    First, there is the aspect of....

    Image result for income taxes"

    A self-managed restaurant would likely change the filing of the Association's income tax return. 

    It has been suggested from a retired tax attorney and confirmed with a current active CPA that it would be wise obtain an expert tax opinion prior to accepting this proposal.

    By obtaining this expertise, it would allow the association to confirm the tax exposure ...BEFORE this project would go forward...

    ...and that's not cheap !

    Secondly, this proposal creates a dangerous additional...

    Image result for liability and insurance"

    ....with a concern as to how it affects the association's...

    Image result for liability and insurance"

    What many residents are unaware of are the number of past and existing lawsuits filed against the association for slips, trips, falls, and other issues that TV lawyers "lick their chops" when it comes to bringing suit against homeowners associations.  

    Because of Sun City Anthem's past claims experience, our present insurance carrier would only underwrite our liability insurance policy with 
    a ...
    Image result for $50,000"

    Would you want our community to be liable for selling alcoholic beverages to senior citizens, many of which are known to have driving impairments, responsible for the first $50,000 of any claim PAID FROM ASSOCIATION FUNDS, a.k.a YOUR MONEY ???

    The history of such issues rarely go to court and are settled privately by insurers, with residents unaware of such settlement amounts due to confidentiality issues.

    This result is POOR CLAIMS EXPERIENCE (the amounts paid in claims compared to premiums paid the insurer).

    ...with the ultimate result...


    ...which are a further cost to property owners...

    ...and under certain circumstances...



    ...thru either INCREASED DUES or under the worst circumstance...


    This aspect of the current proposal has either been omitted from the RECURRING annual costs, or not yet PROPERLY examined.

    A number of years ago, the ridiculous idea of a mini-golf course was proposed (and thank goodness, rejected), when the subject of liability insurance arose in a discussion, proper insurance vetting was IGNORED. 

    A response from the then association treasurer "we talked to the insurance agent", was given, and in shock, WITHOUT DOCUMENTATION...a simple was considered acceptable.

    That, from those in the insurance industry, was completely unacceptable...

    ...and a lesson should be learned from that response.

    The INSURANCE COMPANY, not the agent, should be sent a formal letter COMPLETELY OUTLINING the proposal that includes the ENTIRE plan, A to Z, demanding a WRITTEN  RESPONSE to obtain the following:

    1. The acceptance of the risk.
    2. Any exclusions of the coverage.
    3. The cost of the insurance to obtain the coverage.

    In the case of the past mini golf course, after discussions with others with years of insurance experience; not doing so, could have left property owners LIABLE for certain risks, and possibly....

    ...THE INSURER's decision to COMPLETELY WITHDRAW any and all liability coverage from THE ENTIRE ASSOCIATION.

    The result of such negligent planning?

    Should an insurer not be found to accept a risk from an organization having NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE in such matters, means one thing:

    PROPERTY OWNERS would be forced to bear the full financial responsibility...

    ...which of course means...


    Finally, there is the belief that...

    A Restaurant is required in the Sun City Anthem CCRs

    As is usually the case in formal published association propaganda that is heavily biased in a manner to "sell" something to an unsuspecting public ...
    Related image
    ...the part of the story that DOES ALLOW the Board to rid itself of the restaurant "problem" and the numerous frightening financial liabilities and increasing burdens to property owners associated with it.

    And here's why:

    It's covered in 7.9 of the Sun City Anthem CCRs

    Proponents originally stated we must have a restaurant, but this is the actual verbiage.

    It reads as follows:

    "The Board shall have the power and right to terminate provided services or to change the use or portions of the Common Area during the Declarant Period without the approval or consent of the members.  Thereafter, the Board may do so with the consent of a Majority of Owners, and the Declarant's consent (so long as Declarant owns any property described.  Any such change shall be made by Board resolution stating that:

    (a) the present use or service is no longer in the best interests of the Owners.

    (b) the new use is for the benefit of the Owners,

    (c) the new use is consistent with any deed restrictions and zoning regulations restricting or limiting the use of the Common Area, and

    (d) the new use is consistent with the then effective Master Plan."

    Here's the part of Section 7.9 they also originally "conveniently" omitted from their position.

    It reads as follows:

    "Notwithstanding the above, if the Board resolution states that the change will not have an adverse effect on the Association and the Owners, the Board may give notice of the change to all Owners.  The notice shall give the Owners a right to object within 30 days of the notice.  If less than 10% of the Members submit written objections, the change shall be deemed approved and a meeting shall not be necessary."

    So you see, there is an "out" to this pending catastrophe, and it has to do with the words, "feasibility", "financial due diligence", and most importantly, "fiduciary responsibility."

    The Board, believing a re-purposing of the existing space would not have an adverse effect, can introduce and pass a resolution to re-purpose it.

    To overrule such a resolution, 715 owners would have to IN WRITING, state an objection to NOT going forward with a restaurant...

    ...within a 30 day period.

    ...and those 715 owners who would voice an objection... doing so, would essentially be forced to acknowledge THE ASSOCIATION SHOULD LOSE MONEY and BEAR ALL LIABILITY.

    In other words, "placing the ball in the other court" and obtaining the 715 signatures, would further enhance certain members of the Board's claim that the community wants a restaurant...and..their belief that 160-170 persons would patronize the place each day.

    During the workshop we attended, David Weil did acknowledge that the Board could pass such a resolution, stating that 715 written disagreements would be required to overturn a decision to re-purpose ...


    .. to continue his sales pitch, deferred back to another section of the CCRs, insisting that despite obtaining the required number to block the proposal, 3,572 owners would still be needed to remove it.

    That made NO SENSE. and in our opinion, was just an excuse to interpret the regulations in order to lead the association property owners down a primrose path to obtain the result HE and the "machine" want.

    So, if this Board really wanted to fairly obtain the view of an unbiased and complete community toward a concept that THEY FREELY ADMIT will LOSE MONEY as evidenced by their being convinced a restaurant cannot survive without changing the  owners increasing subsidizes, this could be the way to proceed "democratically"... first, then make the proponents secure the 715 needed signatures to reinstate a restaurant...within 30 days of the original vote.

    Would that be difficult to obtain 715 written objections to re-purposing the restaurant space? 

    It shouldn't be, Mr. Weil,  if the slides presentation told the truth stating that 64% of the owners wanted the place.

    After all, you'd only need 10% of the owners to prove people are willing to accept your plan.

    So here's a challenge to you and all those who want a restaurant .

    Prove to the community you're right, rather than opponents proving you're wrong.  

    We do have over $300,000+  at stake, so I don't think that's asking so much considering proponents want the entire community to foot the bill !

    Tomorrow we will conclude our Three Part Series with an Epilogue. with few words, but distressing facts.

    We firmly believe that these many issues we have brought to your attention  MUST be resolved prior to jumping into the "unknown"....

    ...and without complete answers from EXPERTS on these aspects we have disclosed...

    ...aspects NOT BROUGHT OUT IN ANY formal Board presentation...

    ...answers that must be disclosed to an UNSUSPECTING public....

    ...the question to the property owners of Sun City Anthem is then a simple one...

    Is it worth all the potential problems and increasing costs disclosed in our series of articles for a $7 hamburger?

    We firmly believe that adopting any such proposal presents a DANGER to the community; and as such, proceeding at this point, dramatizes more risk than reward.

    And... makes the coming Sun City Anthem Board election even more important; that those who would go forth with this proposal at this point, demonstrate to the residents, their incompetence in subjecting them to such a risk without complete knowledge of the issues we have brought to the attention of Sun City Anthem...

    ...issues David WeilCandace KarrowJames Coleman, and Arthur Schuetz, believe are secondary to "I want a restaurant"...

    ...and in our opinion, should be decided when a new Board is seated.

    As we stated in Parts One & Two of these articles,  is vital that our readers express their opinions to the Sun City Anthem Board.  They have established a special email address to do so.  Just click on this link and it will come up for you to send it:

    A special request if you respond the restaurant restaurant. 

    Whether you favor or oppose it, PLEASE state a logical reason to convey it.  
    Comments like " I want one" without saying why you do, make little sense.
    1. From Opinions

      The previous attempts to run a restaurant have totally failed the community.

      They operated at a loss, created liability, debt and most of all Bad Food.

      The professional operators could not succeed,why would inexperienced amateur restaurateurs succeed?

      We do not wish to support the restaurant due to financial liability.

      There are so many restaurants in a short distance.

      How can we compete?

      The promotions,  giveaways and incentives offered by casinos can not be matched.

      It is frivolous to believe our community can succeed after so many failures.
    1. I totally agree with Cheryl. We have been without a restaurant for so long and we all seem to survive without one. Why put us in financial straits? We seem to be spending a very large amount of money from our "Reserves" at present. Where is the money tree growing because I'd love to plant one.
      Why not look in to extending the hours of the Coffee Bar and add a few snacks there?
      I'd also like to know where this Majority of residents are, who want a restaurant? After attending Board Meetings for almost 20 years, I've only seen 30 to 35 residents present. 
    2. From Mary Ann Opinions

      Ditto exactly what Cheryl said/posted.

      I could not have put it into better words myself.

      I don't see how this fiasco could possibly work.
    3. From Bill Opinions

      Ditto what Cheryl said. My feelings exactly.

      I strongly oppose this restaurant deal. I see more negative facts then positive.

      Too many good reasonable options around for ours to succeed. 
    4. From John & Kapi Opinions

      We are firmly opposed to a new restaurant in Anthem Center, particularly one being run by non-professionals and the extreme liability to our HOA.

      The space should be redesigned for useful office and/or club space for all of our members.

      The potential risk to our funds, particularly with the certifiable past history of failure with professionals operating a restaurant, is huge.

      Please use good business sense and drop any plans to open the restaurant.    
    5. From Joe Opinions












    6. Well Mr. Weil, your 64% in favor of a restaurant seem to be on vacation in Neverland because thus far, each and every comment received by Anthem Opinions says NO to your restaurant fiasco..
      Open up your eyes. 
    1. From Wingkit Opinions

      I am a resident located at (Sun City Anthem address deleted for privacy).

      I oppose a restaurant opening inside of the Anthem Center unless the Association is not responsible for any costs and there is no increase in association fees.

      The operation of a restaurant in the Center has failed every single time during the last 10 years.

      There is no chance to survive this time.

    Sorry Mr. Weil
    Your Restaurant Idea Makes No Sense

    Related image

    What Do Sun City Anthem Self-Management
    Amateurs Know that These Restaurant Professionals
    Didn't ?

    Image result for restaurant failures"

    Still think it makes sense to invest over $300,000+ each year + an annual dues increase...


    It's a new idea ????
    Image result for cartoon laughing moving"

    Ask these restaurants what happened.

    Remember, unlike Sun City Anthem, this list of restaurant closings were all  located in heavily trafficked areas.


    In Anthem Village GIADA failed and became BON GUSTO which failed and became BELMONT's.

    BAGEL CAFE failed in Henderson.

    ELEPHANT BAR in The District closed.

    FIREFLY in Henderson failed and became STANDARD AND POURS. It failed and now is THE STOVE.

    MONTESANO’S failed and is now TRATORIA ITALIA.

     DAVID CLAWSON RESTAURANT failed and NEW DAY CAFÉ replaced the failed restaurant.

    HOOTERS on Eastern has been, CARMINES, ZOEY’S and HALF SHELL.   All gone now.

    CLAIM JUMPER closed in the district.

     MELTING POT became an Asian restaurant and is now PAYMON. 

    There was an Asian restaurant on Eastern that has changed several times - it is currently ASIA PALACE.

    ...and of course we can't forget Sun City Anthem's 5 failures !

    What About the rest of the Las Vegas Valley
    in 2019?

    December 10, 2019
    Vanguard Lounge closes on Fremont Street.

    Mandalay Bay Says Goodbye to Red Square Restaurant

    Pizza Stalwart Naked City Closes Its Fremont East Location

    October 27, 2019
    Pub 1842 closes at the MGM Grand

    The Flamingo Closes its steakhouse, Center Cut.

    September 3, 2019

    August 28, 2019

    Jogasaki Sushi Burrito Closes

    Umami Burger Departs the Sahara Las Vegas

    Macayo's Mexican Kitchen Closes

    Vegan Drive-Thru Vegeway Closes

    July 5, 2019
    After five years, the cupcake ATM closes

    Purple Potato shuts its doors in Henderson

    Bandito Latin Kitchen Closes after 2 years.

    Blind Burgers closes after less than a year.

    Scott Conant's Masso Osteria closes.

    May 16, 2019

    Six Checkers Locations Close Abruptly

    Cream Departs Henderson

    April 30, 2019
    Japanese restaurant near Rhodes Ranch, Paid in Full, closes.

    Hades Grill closes on Hendeson's Water Street

    Japanese Restaurant, Shizen, on the Westside Closes

    Beauty Bar loses Liquor License and served eviction notice.

    March 27, 2019

    Healthy Restaurant, Lacuna, Closes in Henderson

    The Goodwich Closes One of Its Locations

    Maxie’s Diner Replaces Canter’s at The Linq Promenade

    Fondue Restaurant, The Melting Pot, Calls it Quits in Boca Park

    Starbucks Departs at Grand Bazaar Shops in front of Bally's

    February 7, 2019

    Sharkey's Woodfired Mexican Grill Shutters Near Boca Park

    Rockin Rice Puddin & NY Pizza Shutters on The Strip

    Paymon's Mediterranean Cafe Closes

    SLS closes Sushi Restaurant, Katsuya.

    Public House gastropub and neighbor Aquaknox close at the Venetian

    January 14, 2019

    Centennial’s Mainstay Mexican Restaurant, Leticia's, Closes After a Decade

    Flavor Flav Chicken Flies Out of Henderson

    Frozen Yogurt Shop, Pinkberry, closes all locations.

    Kona Grill Shutters at Fashion Show

    January 2, 2019

    Bomb Tacos downtown closes.

    How come David WeilCandace KarrowArthur Scheutz, or Jim Coleman didn't mention any of this in their "sales job" ????

    Now is the time to ask EACH Sun City Anthem Board candidate this simple question?


    Our advice:  


    We believe that we  have proven conclusively that a self-managed "resident pay all" restaurant, makes no sense, and presents the worst in demonstrating financial competence.

    Even worse, if this restaurant is voted "yes" by any existing Board member prior to the next election AND if any of them choose to run for reelection, send them packing like you did, Rex Weddle a year ago.

    Clean up Sun City Anthem governance once and for all and rid ourselves of individuals who would send us to financial ruin.

    Some may refer these articles as "an attack"...


    They were an "attack" on incompetence, an "attack" on providing partial information to a community, and an "attack" on an ill conceived concept that would bring great harm to the financial strength of a retirement community we all call home.

    Please convey your opposition to this restaurant will take just a moment or two of your time to send your message to:

    1. From Valerie Opinions

      You have outdone yourself in showing all the restaurants that have failed!

      It must have taken a lot of digging and time to collect this information.

      There are some people living here who won’t let the truth educate themselves.

      We have a large population of “newbies” living here, and hopefully they will let this information sink in. 
    2. Thank you Valerie.

      I would urge those who read Anthem Opinions to forward this information to those who do not.

      This is a very passionate issue with the community, and those who refuse to acknowledge what I have brought to light, are only refusing to accept reality.

      They will likely be the ones to blame others for a failure WHEN, not IF it happens.

      Sadly, the "newbies", many of who pay such little attention to community matters, will likely be the ones who will pay the price for incompetence as a result.

      Yes, it took time and research, but that's due to CARING for those who have not been as fortunate in life as I have. 
    3. From Rich Opinions

      If given the opportunity I believe the space would be better utilized as a senior assistance center.

      Looking around the nation there are more senior day care centers opening up to assist seniors who are disabled and need assistance during the day.

      Having such a place available to seniors who’s partner is disabled to the point where they need some type of assistance while their mate loved one takes care of such things as grocery shopping, running errands or just having a break from taking care of their loved one, would be of immeasurable help.

      I am sure there are a number of these companies who would jump at the chance to set up shop in such a space.

      Yes there would probably be some type of hourly charge to use such a service to the users, but I would imagine it would be on par with service offered by casinos for hourly child care.

      I would rather see the association invest in his type of operation that has a need already.

      While I am not a financial wizard, I believe costs could be off set for re-purposing in some type of credit on taxes, or there might be some type of grant available to assist in setting up such a place.

      As to use, I believe there are many more spouses in our association and nearby who would jump at a chance to have such a facility available.

      Additionally it would fit well with the associations values and goals for providing a comfortable senior experience.
    1. To: Rich Wolford.

      First I agree there are many alternatives to another restaurant, that has limited support and in my opinion is sure to fail as in the past.
      Further, I think your suggestion is innovative and provides a clear alternative for the space. Frankly we need that kind of thinking on the SCA Board. I will look forward to you considering running for the Board in the future.

      Peter Brown 
    2. From Tony Opnions

      Good series of news on the DUMB idea of a restaurant.
    3. From Hal Opinions

      Thanks for posting the concerns of many in our association.

      Hal Sacks

      Email sent to SCA Board:

      To whom it may concern and the SCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS,

      1. Are there any real world restaurateurs on our board who are qualified to take on the management of this proposed self managed restaurant?2.

      If you are so certain of it’s “benefits and need” to our community, why are you unwilling to cap it’s financial expense so that the 7,100 plus homeowners in SCA will not bear the financial impact to our association?

      3. I for one, do not see any real evidence that our community needs a self managed restaurant.

      4. Let there be complete and honest disclosures to the constituents of our SCA community.

      Response from Board member David Weil 

      Thank you for your questions.  The decision to go ahead or not is most difficult for all of the Board members.  So we appreciate hearing from the residents.

      In response to your questions:

      1. Presently there is no board member who has restaurant experience. And there may or may not be anyone with that experience on future boards.  However, several of us have extensive business experience, so we have learned from that experience that we must hire the best possible restaurant people to lead and manage the effort.

      In addition, Sandy Seddon has managed restaurants in other HOA's that she has managed.

      As a Board, we have talked with consultants and others who have operated restaurants, so as to have the best possible information available to us.

      2. Everyone that I have talked with has an idea about what this concern means.

      For example, if the restaurant continues to cost homeowners between $20-40 per year, do we stop providing the amenity after a given number of years?

      Or does it mean if there is a spike in the cost or drop in the revenue, do we stop providing the amenity or do we take immediate corrective action instead?

      So the question really becomes one that future boards might have to deal with.

      3. Thank you for your opinion.

      4. The reason for the workshops is provide residents with all of the information that we have today, and receive questions and comments from residents.

      We may not have all of the answers, but if the board votes to go forward, in the future we certainly will be able to respond in the areas that we have identified. 
    4. Hal, thanks for forwarding your comment to us, the email sent to the SCA Board, and the response from Board member David Weil.

      Now to OUR COMMENTS to Mr. Weil's email to you 

      A ridiculous answer. No relevant experience but you have to hire the best restaurant people?

      If you have no experience at the restaurant industry, how would you know what the best person for the job would be?

      So Seddon has managed a restaurant, that makes her an expert? How about disclosing the ENTIRE results of HER success at such a venture?

      Stop the amenity nonsense, Dave. An amenity is STRICTLY 100% for members and their guests, yet you are peddling that though you won't market to outsiders, they will be admitted. If they are allowed, IT'S NOT AN AMENITY, which presents a tax problem.

      Spike in the revenue? Who are you kidding?

      Dave, you yourself admitted you wouldn't invest in the place, so I would use the terminology, complete loss of entire operation.

      Bottom line Dave, is that your proposal is simply "let's dump $300,000, increase dues, and let's see what happens?"

      Even a casino would likely give you 1000 to 1 odds on this idea possibly succeeding.

      It's completely blowing smoke, and with all the restaurants cited that are BROKE, no one in their right mind would bet on its success.

      Open your eyes. The entire proposition is a complete loser; you know it, I know it, but the difference between you and me is I GIVE A DAMN about prudently spending others money and you certainly DON'T.
    1. From Elizabeth Opinions

      An Email sent to the Board of Directors, Sun City Anthem:

      While I don't believe having a self-managed restaurant is prudent, it appears from the tone at the 3 presentations that I attended (Board Meeting and 2 workshops) that it is a fait accompli.

      That said, I disagree with some of my fellow residents that are also opposed in that if such a venture is undertaken, it SHOULD be marketed to surrounding communities.

      At least initially, it makes sense to try to lure residents at Solera, Inspirada, Madeira Canyon, at the very least, in order to help defray some of the costs the residents are expected to underwrite.

      The reasons expressed for not having outsiders is so that the restaurant complies with other amenities, but since I don't believe this is an amenity in the true sense of the definition in SCA, I don't see why we would shoot ourselves in the foot and not at least try to get patrons from surrounding communities.

      No other amenity has a dedicated staff nor has any other amenity been dormant for 5 years.

      I also believe you need to revisit your "visions" as there is contradictory information therein.

      For example, you cite an average of $12 for lunch (including soft drink) and $14 for dinner (including soft drink) and yet your vision states that soft drinks will cost $2.00 with a net profit of $1.85 - so which is it?

      Will you include the drink with the meal?

      If so, you cannot show it as an add-on with an additional $1.85 in profit.

      Also, the vision indicates that 25% of patrons will order that soft drink, but if it is included with the meal - that's a non-issue.

      The visions also show that 50% of residents will order an alcoholic beverage - that's twice the number that will order a soft drink - apparently you are all dining with different folks than I know.

      While some of us do enjoy a quality wine or alcohol, many, many do not drink - many because of health issues at our advanced ages.

      The stats you are using apply to an area other than a retirement community because even soft drinks are less popular in this health conscious age and many I know simply want water with their meal.

      To use the excuse that this just a sample and things will change as the project moves forward is not acceptable.

      More of the actual facts need to be nailed down, including tax ramifications and insurance issues before the board votes and leaves us all saddled forever with an albatross.

      As an aside, this project is also harmful to Revere Golf Club which is struggling to stay afloat and rely heavily on Buckman's for revenues.

      The one thing every resident, golfer or not, can agree upon is that we do not want to see the golf courses die.

      Every property value will plummet in SCA.

      Thank you for your time and attention. 
    2. From Barry Goldstein...former member of the SCA Finance Opinions

      Dick, as you know, I asked director Weil:

      "If someone brought this proposal to you, with the CPA firm report, would you open this restaurant using 100% of your money?"

      His answer was no!

      Now they want us to risk our homes; that a senior will drink and drive; and maybe get into an accident, even killing someone.

      As per Candace Karrow, they want to put Seddon and OPeek on the liquor license, omitting board members, so as not to "inconvenience" them??

      Those two, have nothing to lose if we get sued.

      I say if you are asking us to put our homes at risk, you need to go through the background check, not employees on the license.

      I intend to, with a number of other homeowners, go to the city meeting and contest the variance request.

      All this so they can have a place for a sandwich and a beer.

      This in not a prudent way to spend our money.
    1. Dave Weil...

      Why don't you start here at BJ's restaurant for $8.00 to $12 bucks for a surefire meal? Why burden us here? See the ad available everywhere. Oh, the B.S. telling you say "we don't have transportation (?)", well that's why they invented Lyft or Uber. Cut the never ending story of having a damn restaurant. Even the impeachment is over. Time to do the same with this insanity of a restaurant. If your few buddies need a restaurant operating here for the cost of close to a million bucks, it sounds like you folks need to "pitch-in" and do it by yourselves.

    Sun City Anthem Former Vice-President Dismayed at Board Action Reducing Finance Committee to "Puppet" Status
    Image result for power hungry


    James Mayfield

    When my wife, Sara,  and I moved to SCA in 2010, I joined the Finance Committee and served on it for two years, one year as its chair. 

    I then served SCA as a member of the Board of Directors for four years. 

    In both capacities, much of my time was spent cleaning up deficient financial and tax administration practices that had led to:

    1Tax problems that could have cost SCA homeowners over $1.5 million.

    2. Inadequate internal controls and reports thereon as part of the annual audit.

    3. Procurement practices that failed to prevent non-competitive procurements.

    4. Inadequate financial reporting and disclosure standards.

    I was not alone in these efforts. 

    Between 2010 and 2016, many highly qualified, dedicated SCA homeowners served on the Finance Committee, task forces and the Board with varying tasks related to cleaning up financial messes and deficient financial practices inherited from the past. 

    They also crafted policies and practices to provide:

    1Safeguards to insure adequate accounting internal controls.

    2Reliable financial reporting and annual audits.

    3. Improved Board oversight of homeowners’ funds and other assets.

    One of the foundation building blocks put in place to prevent recurrence of prior problems was the creation of a charter and mission statement for a Finance Committee charged with independent oversight of the financial operations and reports and draft budgets prepared by management. 

    Qualifications for service on the Finance Committee were set at a level to ensure that its work would be professionally sound, and information based and that its reports, would provide the Board with reports to meet its financial fiduciary responsibility.

    I have not always agreed with positions and assessments of the Finance Committee over the last three years; yet, I respected the impressive credentials, professional work experience and thoughtful work of its members. 

    Accordingly, I was dismayed to learn that in December 2019 of the resignation of six members of the Finance Committee. 

    I was further dismayed to learn that an item on the Board Agenda this month radically changes the purpose of the Finance Committee from independent financial oversight of and reporting to the Board on management’s financial operational practices, financial reports and proposed budgets to one of ensuring the success of the CFO and treasurer.  
    It passed by a 4 to 3 vote.

    Those voting in favor of the radical change included:

    Candace Karrow
    David Weil
    James Coleman
    Arthur Scheutz

    Those voting against the change included:

    Rana Goodman
    Forrest Quinn
    Karen Hadrick

     In plain language, the purpose of the Finance Committee is now to...

     Rubber Stamp” management reports


    To make the CFO “look good

    Image result for rubber stamp approved

    I urge homeowners to go onto the SCA web site and send emails to all Board members expressing disapproval of the new mission statement for the Finance Committee and requesting creation of an independent task force with the independent authority to:

    1Conduct an investigation into the reasons six members of the Finance Committee resigned.

    2Determine the person or persons responsible for their resignation.

    3Identify the motives of these persons, and

    4Prepare a public report to the Board on their findings and recommendations.

    Be clear, the future finances of your HOA will be less transparent and secure as a result of this action.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    "The above is the opinion of a former Sun City Anthem Board director and does not necessarily reflect that of Anthem Opinions."

    Sun City Anthem Restaurant Business Plan
    A Flight to Neverland

    Image result for cartoon laughing moving

    Here we go, folks, the "machine" is at it again !

    When you go -0- for everything when it comes to Sun City Anthem restaurants, normally common sense dictates that trend is likely to continue, but when common sense is completely missing...

    You ain't got a chance !

    And with certain members of this "elite" group who will be deciding its future comprised of ZERO restaurant experience, can anyone figure out what the end result is going to be?   

    It's like betting the Cincinnati Bengals will win the 2021 Super Bowl.
    (They were 2-14 in 2019)

    This would be comical if it weren't sounding like a broken record that keeps skipping and repeating....

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    "It ain't gonna ain't gonna work...It ain't gonna work...It ain't gonna work !"

    But you can't argue with stupidity...because it appears, stupidity compounded with know-it-all beliefs based on consistently seeking Peter Pan or Alladin's genie for advice, is going to prevail once again.

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    Yup, the "machine" is going to "put it to us...again"...

    ...and the details are summarized on pages 275 to 305 of the Board Book that was published today, reading that without a doubt, each and every property owner of Sun City Anthem will drop whatever they are doing and delve into it's absurd contents.

    How about we look at just a few of them to get you in that ha-ha mood I spoke of previously.

    1. We need a liquor license, but are you ready for this? That's about $30,000 to $35,000 upfront and $2,000 each year.
    They are going to ask the Henderson City Council to approve a license waiver SO THAT BOARD MEMBERS WOULD NOT BE SUBJECT TO BACKGROUND CHECKS !


    Two key Sun City Anthem employees that will also be listed on the license, but will be subject to background check.

    Anyone out there want to give a guess on who those two would be?
    Wanna bet it will be our COO and her CFO with the online degree?

    2We're gonna need a food and beverage manager and a full and part time assistant that's projected to set us back $160,000 a year.

    3We'll have to hire cooks, hostesses, wait staff, bussers and dishwashers, and a bartender

    4We'll have to redo most of the dining area, re-establish a functional kitchen, buy food, booze, and supplies, new accounting software and insurance.

    Add it all up and we're starting off this ride into the wild blue yonder for about $300,000 (built into the 2020 budget for something that didn't even exist in 2019)... make you believe the first year is absolutely free !

    What a bunch of...."Who Shot John"

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    Now keep in mind the guru's projections will cost each of us an additional $42.00 a year ...for now...

    ...starting in 2021 and increasing our annual dues assessments...

    ...but like all good sales con jobs, it's referred to a a "flexible budget".

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    Anyone want to guess what "flexible" will mean to your pocketbook YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR ???

    ...And...the best smiles yet ?

    No BOGOs (buy one get one frees) compete with just about every other restaurant within a 25 mile radius...


    No Video reduce future resident expenses.


    No outsiders (other than you personal guests)... make it an "amenity" !

    This whole deal is based on serving 70 to 160 meals a day at an average meal for you and your lovebird, costing about $30 a pop plus tip !

    But, hey, you'll have a restaurant that you can tell your friends is costing you money EVEN BEFORE YOU EAT THERE !

    Well here's to Alladin and Peter Pan...and the community's trip to....

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    If I'm gonna drop $30+ on a meal, I'm going to do it with in The South Point's Don Vito !

    Have a great restaurant folks and most importantly, when this "Wild Mouse Adventure" thing goes south, remember it was all due to the expertise of the "machine's" Candice KarrowDavid WeilArthur Schuetz, and Jim Coleman.

    Let's not forget that...especially at election time !
    1. From Art Opinions

      I read the entire report also.

      A few things stuck out to me.

      Hiring a part time bookkeeper to do the books, what’s wrong with our current finance department, too busy?

      $10,000 for marketing, to whom?

      Even though they state in one of the slides, probably to SCA residents, but we will let outsiders in?

      A projection of losses for years, until they can get enough people to eat there.

      Captive catering if your club has a food event in Anthem Center. Shades of Vic’s lousy food!

      I’d like to see their Italian catering, or Chinese catering or Jewish catering, when those clubs have to go to outside caterers!

      Same old, same old, all over again!

      They are projecting a minimum of $30 per person for the club captive catering, with a gross profit of 30%, estimated.

      Where is some room for the clubs to make a few bucks on an event?

      Right now, with tax and service included, your clubs get a better deal at Buckmans, without each home kicking in a projected $42 additional per year, at minimum.

      Finally, no gambling(machines).

      While some argue against it, that would give you an annual income to overcome the loss from the restaurant, particularly one with a small captive audience and and even smaller chance of non residents gaming.

      Just look at Willows at McDonald Ranch.

      I will admit, I’m not a restaurant honcho, but I understand numbers!

      This is a bad deal for residents!
      1. From Bill Opinions

        If a majority of the residents want a restaurant, let them have it - especially since we will never (unfortunately) get enough residents to vote on converting the space to sorely needed usable additional gallery real estate.

        However, personally, I do not want to subsidize the restaurant, although the published Board Book comments try to convince us that this is just another amenity.

        NO IT IS NOT

        It’s not like the pool or the courts or any other "amenity”.

        There is no dedicated staff at high salaries to maintain those other amenities.

        If a restaurant is so important, in spite of the proximity of Buckman’s  Grille, New Day Cafe, Rounders, and the numerous other restaurants in the Albertsons and Von’s shopping centers, then let the Board and management lease the space to an independent operator for $1.00 a year and handover the headaches.

        Let someone else get the liquor license and all the residents who are so anxious for a $7.00 hamburger with fries patronize the place without asking the rest of us to supplement their suppers.
        1. I wonder how much money needs to be squandered away before the Board becomes party to a "Class Action Lawsuit" - for their failure to provide reasonable and appropriate financial fiduciary oversight that protects the SCA residents?
        2. From Valerie Opinions

          The restaurant issue is again being forced  down our throat.  We don’t NEED a restaurant.

          Let people order out and have food delivered if they don’t want to cook!

          Use the restaurant area for income generating entities instead of a useless amenity.

          What is wrong with the people here that want to cost us unnecessary money?

          How many times do restaurants have to fail before people understand that none is going to work?

          It’s insanity that keeps happening repeatedly.  W

          hen will people learn to give up on a dead horse?
        3. When, Valerie?

          When owners will pay attention to what's going on and elect directors with common sense and a sense of fiduciary responsibility rather than personal agenda.
          1. From Marty Opinions

            Thank you Dick for your great response to our “restaurant.”

            Offering this now when we see all the changes along St Rose, along with the nearby locations makes the Anthem restaurant meaningless, particularly because of the costs for the service and other costs if you never go, but still will pay as a homeowner.

            I for one will not pay $15 or $16 for a lunch.  I’d be surprised that many will.

            It’s a loser right in the beginning with to many bases that need to be covered with add-on expenses to boot.

            I hope merely writing the existing board members helps, but we know some of them hardly understand what their job is and that is to always consider the homeowners.
            1. From Claire Henry...former Sun City Anthem Opinions

              Well, I read the restaurant issue is still around.

              Sometimes nothing changes. We changed. We sold and moved from Silverstone Ranch.

              Much better in Skye Canyon.

              Silverstone Ranch $ is in deep trouble. Bad board out!

              Some good business people now on the Board, again.

              Took 3 years.Hopefully your issues will resolve sooner than later, good luck.  
              1. In the past 24 hours since this article was published, it was viewed 2,359 times.

                Not a single reader or comment objected to the contents.

                The obvious conclusion is that this proposal sponsored and favored by Board members Candace KarrowDavid WeilArthur Schuetz, and James Coleman is UNACCEPTABLE to the Sun City Anthem community.

                The projected costs constitute an outrageous burden on the owners of the community, and we strongly advise each of them to take this view seriously as they consider this proposal.

                Scheduled "bull sessions" disguised as "work shops" are a waste of time and energy as only a fraction of the community would attend; however, this matter, should it be accepted, will be a major topic for KarrowColeman, and Scheutz should they choose to run for reelection to the Sun City Anthem Board.
            2. From Matt Opinions

              The Board will not allow questions about the restaurant but instead is going to have workshops.

              What will the workshops accomplish since the board will do whatever they have already decided, whatever that is.

              The Board did not listen to the finance committee and they sure will not listen to workshops.
            3. _______________________
    Sun City Anthem Resident
    Receives Disappointing Response to Refugee Questions
    Mayor's Office...Not the Mayor

    Image result for refugee resettlement

    A Sun City Anthem resident who wanted clarification to the Henderson refugee program received a second response to specific questions asked...

    ...only this time from the Office of the Mayor, and as you will read, appears to say:

     "If you want specific information, go elsewhere to get it."

    Here is email:

    - - - - - - - - - - - -

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    Thank you for your follow-up communication. 

    Specific details about the requirements for, and services provided to legally admitted refugees under the federal Refugee Admissions Program are best provided by the federal and local agencies involved in managing the various aspects of the program.  
    As you can imagine, given the wide range in countries and situations from which refugees may come, there is a correspondingly wide range of capabilities and needs that refugees present upon admission.  
    Contact information and links to the responsible organizations below:

    1.  Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada is recognized on the federal level as the State Refugee Office in Nevada. In addition, they are one of three local agencies that provide resettlement services to legally admitted refugees in the state of Nevada.

    1511 Las Vegas Blvd North
    Las Vegas, NV 89101

    2. Links for additional information available from three federal agencies with operational responsibilities for refugee admissions and resettlement is provided below:

    a. Department of Homeland Security

    b. Office of Refugee Resettlement
    Administration for Children & Families
    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

    c. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

    With respect to funding, the City of Henderson does not provide any funding for local resettlement programs.  The information available from the agencies indicates that the funding for the program primarily comes from the federal government.  Non-profit organizations also assist with needed resources in many communities across the country, including ours. 

    Tim Buchanan
    Office of the Mayor and Council
    - - - - - - - - - - - -
    1. From Associated Press dated 1/16/20

      SILVER SPRING, Md. — A federal judge on Wednesday halted President Donald Trump’s executive order that gave state and local officials the ability to shut the door on refugees.

      U.S. District Judge Peter Messitte in Maryland said in his ruling that the president’s order “flies in the face of clear Congressional intent” of the 1980 Refugee Act by allowing state and local governments to block the resettlement of refugees in their jurisdictions.

      In issuing a preliminary injunction, Messitte said the process should continue as it has for nearly 40 years, with refugee resettlement agencies deciding where a person would best thrive.

      Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and HIAS — a Jewish nonprofit — filed the lawsuit in Greenbelt, Maryland, on Nov. 21.

      They called the order an attempt at a state-by-state ban on refugees.

      Messitte agreed.

      “It grants them veto power. Period,” the judge wrote.

      The Trump order, which was issued in September and had been set to go into effect in June, required agencies to get written consent from state and local officials before resettling refugees in their jurisdictions.

      Trump said he acted to respect communities that believe they do not have the jobs or other resources to be able to take in refugees.

      The White House said in a statement that the ruling was “preposterous”and that Congress under the Refugee Act afforded the president authority over the refugee resettlement process.“Another lawless district court has asserted its own preferred immigration policy in place of the laws of the United States — and, in so doing, robbed millions of American citizens of their voice and their say in a vital issue directly affecting their communities,” the statement said.
      1. I wonder how much money needs to be squandered away before the Board becomes party to a "Class Action Lawsuit" - for their failure to provide reasonable and appropriate financial fiduciary oversight that protects the SCA residents?
      2. From Valerie Opinions

        The restaurant issue is again being forced  down our throat.  We don’t NEED a restaurant.

        Let people order out and have food delivered if they don’t want to cook!

        Use the restaurant area for income generating entities instead of a useless amenity.

        What is wrong with the people here that want to cost us unnecessary money?

        How many times do restaurants have to fail before people understand that none is going to work?

        It’s insanity that keeps happening repeatedly.  W

        hen will people learn to give up on a dead horse?
      3. When, Valerie?

        When owners will pay attention to what's going on and elect directors with common sense and a sense of fiduciary responsibility rather than personal agenda.

    Sun City Anthem Resident Writes Henderson Mayor
    Asking Clarification of "Refugee Resettlement"
    Rapidly Receives Response

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    Resident Responds Asking Ramifications of Resettlement Decision

    Following the article written by Sun City Anthem resident, Nelson Orth, a reader became concerned as to its contents, and an email was sent to Henderson Mayor Debra March, who in turn, quickly responded.

    Anthem Opinions was sent the Mayor's response, and we have reprinted it. 

    This individual has asked to remain anonymous, and we respect that decision.  

    Here is that letter.
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    Image result for debra march

    January 13, 2020  

    Re: Refugee Resettlement in Henderson

    Thank you for contacting my office regarding the City of Henderson’s response in compliance with Executive Order 13888, “On Enhancing State and Local Involvement in Resettlement.” As you have noted, the City has given its consent for the continued resettlement of refugees in Henderson per the terms President Trump’s Executive Order. 

    It is important to note that this is not a new resettlement program. The United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) is the historic program that has assisted refugees fleeing from war and persecution for nearly 40 years from many locations in the world, including Europe, the former Soviet Union, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, South America, and Central America, to legally establish residency in the United States. USRAP has enjoyed strong, bipartisan support since its beginnings with the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980. My letter to the U.S. Secretary of State simply granted permission for Henderson to continue its participation in this resettlement program. 

    Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, which manages the long-standing refugee re-settlement program in place in southern Nevada, asked the City’s leaders to issue the letter in compliance with President Trump’s executive order. Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak also sent a similar letter giving the state’s agreement with continued participation, as did leaders from the cities of Las Vegas, Reno and North Las Vegas. Henderson’s continued participation in USRAP has no connection whatsoever with making Henderson a so-called “Sanctuary City.” We have never been a Sanctuary City and we are not a Sanctuary City now. 

    All refugees who are admitted to the U.S. under USRAP must successfully complete extremely rigorous screening before they come to our country. This includes biometric identity verification and medical exams, as well as multiple background checks conducted by the Department of Homeland Security and National Counter Terrorism Center. These are then cross-checked by the State Department, Department of Defense, the FBI and other federal agencies. Refugees coming to the United States under this program come with legal status as immigrants who have successfully passed an extensive vetting processes for admittance. 

    USRAP has resulted in relatively small numbers of refugees coming to southern Nevada or Henderson, and there is an established community of support here. According to Catholic Charities, between October 2018 and September 2019, the number that came to our region was approximately 200, and only a handful of these individuals were placed in Henderson, usually with existing family members who were already living in our community. Catholic Charities does a very effective job of helping these individuals make the transition to their new life in the U.S. by helping them with housing & employment opportunities. The goal of these efforts is to ensure they become self-sufficient and can make positive contributions to the communities they call home.

    Debra March
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    The Henderson resident then sent this follow-up email requesting further clarification of the Mayor's letter:

    Dear Mayor March:

    Thank you for your prompt response to my inquiry.  I do however have some specific questions.

    1. Will these "legal refugees" and any of their dependents (spouses, children, parents, grandparents, uncles and or aunts receive or be entitled to receive any financial assistance for housing, food, medical, and transportation in order to obtain employment?   Is so, how much, and for how long?

    2. Is there any requirement that they learn English?

    3. What requirements, if any, exist such as a time frame in which employment must be obtained?

    4. Has any particular area been earmarked for refugee housing and schooling?  If so, where?

    5. Finally, how are these benefits financed?  State, federal, or city funds?  Property or sales taxes?

    Thank you for addressing my concerns.
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    Anthem Opinions thanks this reader for sharing this with us and we will keep you posted as to any further correspondence.

    1. From Nelson Opinions

      I would encourage all those who send letters/emails to the City of Henderson to include Dan Shaw. He is our Council representative, and needs to be held accountable.

      His email address is:
    2. ______________________

    The City of Henderson
    On the Path to Becoming a Sanctuary City? 

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    Nelson Orth
    Sun City Anthem Resident

    When I first read the agenda for the City of Henderson's January 7, 2019 City Council meeting, I was shocked when I read agenda item NB 38 (new business).

     It read:

    "Ratification of the December 16, 2019 letter to the U.S. Secretary of State from Mayor Debra March, joining other Nevada municipalities in granting consent for refugee resettlement in their communities."

    My first reaction was to find the answers to numerous questions. 

    I quickly discovered this situation was the result of EO 13888 (Executive Order) signed by President Trump on September 26, 2019. 

    This Executive Order provided all states with the opportunity to accept refugees, BUT ONLY WITH THE CONSENT of both the governor and the mayor of the municipality accepting the refugees where they want help to resettle beyond June 2020. 

    Since 2014, about 2,800 refugees have resettled in Clark County.

    On the afternoon of January 6, I had a 30 minute conversation with the City of Henderson staff member who was in charge of executing this plan. 

    He was very forthright and answered my questions to the best of his ability. 

    Some of these questions were:

    Where are these refugees going to live?
    Who is going to feed and clothe them?
    Do they speak English? If not, who is going to help them?
    How will they find a job?

    The answer to all of the above was...

    Image result for catholic charities las vegas logo

    Then I asked if these refugees were able to obtain a Nevada drivers license. 

    The answer was... 

    Image result for yes

    My next question was who was going to fund the purchase of a vehicle and who was going to pay the vehicle insurance. 

    The answer to these questions was...

    Image result for i don't know

    We, as citizens of the City of Henderson, may debate the pros and cons of accepting these refugees...

    ...but my biggest objection is that our local citizens never had the opportunity to ask questions, and receive the answers they deserve. 

    In fact, I believe this issue is serious enough that it should be placed on the ballot to decide the fate of this matter. 

    It should be noted that the State of Texas recently rejected the request.

    From Texas Governor Greg Abbott:

    Image result for EO 13888 governor abbott texas

    I attended the January 7 City Council meeting, and discovered that the December 16, 2019 letter had already been signed and mailed by Mayor March.

    The process of accepting these refugees was done in secret, and this agenda item (NB 38) was only an administrative ratification of this process.

    So what can we do? 

    Unfortunately, in my opinion, not much in the near term. 

    The long term is a different story. 

    Dan Shaw is the Ward 2 representative, and his district includes all of Anthem and Seven Hills. 

    I, along with 3 or 4 other homeowners, commented on NB 38 during the Public Comment period on January 7. 

    All were opposed and no comments were made by any Council member to our comments

    Henderson City Council members then unanimously ratified the letter

    It was also learned that Governor Steve Sisolak sent US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo a letter dated Dec. 18, 2019  consenting to resettlement of refugees in Nevada.

    For those who want answers to questions they might have or to express their opinions on this issue, I recommend you either call Mr. Shaw at 

    (702) 701-1860

    ...or email him by clicking on this link:

    1. From Joe Opinions


      YES, THAT IS A "B".





      1. From Linda Opinions

        No to putting it on the ballot.

        People may support the idea of having refugees, but not house them.

        None of our Council have housed them at their homes.

        This becomes a feelings issue.

        The place I attacked, while at the meeting, was Gov. Sisolak’s  Office for New Americans.

        They will oversee the 40 different agencies at the price of $180,000.00.

        So, Senior citizens, veterans, the homeless and other groups will be left behind.

        I have a masters degrees in teaching, learning and in English Language Learning (EL). I have 33+ years experience in working with refugees, immigrants, etc.
        1. From Dennis Opinions

          Does being a Sanctuary City mean:

          1.the Federal Government has free reign to drop an unlimited number of refugees into our area?

          2.that our law enforcement agencies are restricted from notifying ICE of any illegal immigrant criminals being released from their custody?

          3.Did Clark County agree to accept refugees also?
        2. Dennis,

          All states were given the opportunity to opt of out receiving additional refugees. Both Governor Sisolak and Mayor March sent letters to Secretary Pompeo that they will continue to accept them.

          I believe there will be a national limit under President Trump's executive order.

          As to what that means to Nevada, I urge you to see the article that will be posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2010 on Anthem Opinions.

          Clark County has, in the past, agreed to accept refugees.

          Stay tuned.
    2.  ___________________________

    Nevada's New Laws
    Effective January 1, 2020

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    The helmet law has been expanded to require moped riders to wear helmets on state roads. The new also applies to trimobiles with handlebars and a saddle seat, but not 3-wheeled vehicles with enclosed cabs.

    The law now allows prosecution of reckless driving and vehicular manslaughter in parking lots and garages and roads in gated communities and apartment complexes.

    The maximum fine for speeding is now capped at $20 for each mph above the speed limit or proper rate of speed. 

    Courts may reduce a speeding citation to a non-moving violation if the offender pays all fees and fines before first court date. 

    It's also now illegal to drive at a speed that results in injury to a person or property.

    "Surprise" Medical Bills

    Out-of-network ER providers must bill at in-network rates and work out disputes without putting patients in the middle.

    Other Changes

    Changes in the law have also taken place in gun legislation, employment practices for those testing positive for marijuana, and requesting a court to seal records for its possession.

    In addition laws have been enacted to remove vaping from public places, restore voting rights for those with felony convictions,  and the active enforcement of the anti-camping ordinance in downtown Las Vegas.

    Watch these three videos for assistance in understanding a number of these new laws.
    1. From Peter Opinions

      At the last moment in December Congress passed legislation to keep the Government open; Tacked on to this was the Secure Act (Setting Every Community up for Retirement Enhancement).

      Specifically it may have implications to many that reside in SCA.

      ***Starting January 1, 2020 the RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) from your IRA's and other vehicles are no longer required at 70 1/2; the RMD will now be required when you reach the age of 72; also no longer will there be the 1/2 year issue.

      ***Previously when you reached the age of 70 1/2 you could no longer contribute to an IRA, even if you had "earned income.Now you can contribute as long as you have earned income regardless of your age.

      ***The Qualified Charitable Distribution Rule does not change.

      ***"The Stretch" provision for a Non-spouse beneficiary is reduced to a 10 year period from a lifetime distribution.

      *** There are several other changes regarding 401K; Plans for small businesses and others, however the items noted above are most likely to impact the SCA community.

    Experienced Pilot
    Comments on Henderson Executive Airport Meeting

    Image result for aviation news
    Marty Winger
    Sun City Anthem Resident

    The main purpose of this event was due to future and possible changes in the airspace regarding commercial traffic for the greater Las Vegas Metroplex.  

    It really had nothing to do with “our” airport (HND).  

    The FAA makes these announcements as Federal law requires.  It is mandated that they notify everyone in accordance of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).  

    The workshops allow participants to provide input so the FAA can assess the changes that affect the public. 

    This is not just a singular meeting.  

    It encourages people to attend and provide them the input regarding changes that will make both the commercial traffic (Part 121 on the U.S. registry) to Part 91 and Part 135, that could affect Anthem. 

    The meeting was for those who live locally and wanted to talk to those who are actively involved in aviation here in the Las Vegas Metroplex.

    That included environmental FAA people, the controllers that work at McCarran, and associated FAA people.

    The boards that displayed the operations showed all the traffic routes (again) just for Part 121 operations that both takeoff and depart McCarran.  

    The other surrounding airports have had all the changes necessary to minimize noise in these communities.  

    Speaking of noise, the airport, seeking to be good neighbors, showed the daily decibel noise levels on a 24 hour basis.  

    You could easily put in your address on their computers and see what happens everyday.  

    I found the levels to be in the 65 db. range, and found that in my opinion, to be quite acceptable.

    We have until January 21, 2020 to make comments to:

    Note too that this “Next Generation Air Traffic System, or Next Gen.”  

    The new procedures are appearing thanks to computers and allow aircraft to complete their flights quicker permitting the airlines to save money by getting people to their destinations sooner.  

    It is all based on navigation thru satellite-based procedures.  

    This too will enhance safety.  

    Thanks to this technology we can all expect more “on-time” traffic and proven performance.

    Note too if anyone is interested.  a small but convenient news paper created quarterly from McCarran called, “McCarran BEAT” is available. 

     It offers several articles that present easy and enjoyable reading for us, the public, and is a free offering.  

    You can contact Christine Crews or Melissa DeFrank at (702) 261-5154.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Winger, a long-time Sun City Anthem resident, his active participation in numerous aviation activities over the years as been invaluable, and we thank him for this report.

    1. From Barbara Opinions

      Since you wrote about the Henderson airport, I actually made several calls about a month ago.

      I think it is time that we grew up and put an actual "BIG" sign that indicates where the airport is located.  There is a big sign for the restaurant but only a small green sign that says Henderson airport.

      You can almost miss it.

      Didn't get much of a response but I tried.

      I also called the City of Henderson about a second  left turn lane from St. Rose onto Executive Airport drive.

      You have to sit thru numerous lights to go left because of Costco and it will only get worse.

      I was told that this is already in the works.
      1. From Joe Opinions

        Can someone tell me the hours in Sun City Anthem for "Acceptable Noise" starting time and ending time; i.e. gardener's leaf blowers, tree trimmers, and a dog that barks on and off during the day?

        Thanks in advance.
        1. Same as the city of Henderson, basically 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. See Henderson Police Noise Ordinance for more info.
      2. Joe, after reading Ed B.'s brief information, I looked up the actual municipal codes pertaining to noise. 

        There seems to be one for animal noise and a second for general noise.

        The Henderson Municipal Code pertaining to animal noise reads:

        It is unlawful for any person to own, keep, harbor or possess any animal which, by unreasonably loud, unnecessary, or frequent barking, yelping, howling or other noise, causes unreasonable annoyance or disturbance to the neighborhood or to any person of ordinary sensitivity in the vicinity.

        Here's the complete municipal code pertaining to animal noise:
        Regarding noise in general, here's that complete municipal code:

        Any further questions, I would contact The City of Henderson at
        (702) 267-2323. They are open 7:30am to 5:30pm Monday thru Thursday.

        The address is: 240 S. Water Street
      3. After reading Marty's comments, he failed to point out that the Metroplex plan is also tied to the local airports as noted in his shared link. FYI the City of Henderson does not have a comprehensive noise code, so airplanes are totally exempt. I would say given how Clark County Aviation and the City of Henderson are managing aircraft noise complaints the problem will be get worse before it gets better. Early on when Clark County bought Henderson Executive Airport site from a private entity in the 90s and dedicated by Clark County Commissioners in 2006, it appears they failed to mitigate the noise impacts to local neighborhoods, including Sun City Anthem. Our homes were not built to the local airport standard noise specifications. Remember when the helicopters were flying over our homes and it required action from Pulte/Del Webb executives? Now will see if our HOA Board and CEO will be able to protect our properties from excessive airport noise including increased jets, small plane operators, and acrobat aces that exceed the sound rating our Sun City Anthem homes. Henderson airport is used in the evening and early mornings. So further no restrictions on when aircraft can fly over us in our once quiet neighborhoods and villages or the type of aircraft. Note the FAA is being sued for aircraft noise issues in Seattle and Washington DC area. Maybe its time we start a class action law suit to protect our homes not that I don't want our City and County to grow up and maintain its stellar quality of life for residents and businesses.

        Steve Kallal
        Golf Mesa Village

    Special thanks to our valued contributor, Valerie Lapin, for wishing to share this information to our senior community.

    Medicare Changes in 2020

    Image result for medicare changes 2020"

    These increases for 2020 will be significantly greater than they were for 2019:

    1. 2020 Medicare Part B standard monthly premium:

     $144.60 per month, which is an increase of $9.10 per month from 2019That’s compared with an increase of only $1.50 per month in 2018. 

    2. 2020 Medicare Part B annual deductible

     $198.00 per year, an increase of $13.00. That’s compared with an increase of $2.00 in 2018.

    3. 2020 Medicare Part A annual inpatient hospital deductible

     $1,408 per benefit periodan increase of $44.00

    That’s compared with an increase of $24.00 in 2018.

    More bad news

    The higher cost increases for 2020 will effectively negate much of the 1.6% cost of living adjustment (COLA) that will increase retirees’ monthly Social Security benefit payments in the new year. 

    Medicare Part A covers the following types of care:

    1. Inpatient hospital services
    2. Skilled nursing facility services
    3Some home health care services

    About 99% of Medicare beneficiaries don’t have to a pay a premium for their Part A coverage thanks to how long they worked. 

    That is, they get this break because they had Medicare taxes withheld from their paychecks during their working years.

    Medicare Part B covers the following types of care:

    1. Physician services
    2Outpatient hospital services
    3Certain home health services
    4Durable medical equipment
    5. Certain other medical and health services not covered by Medicare Part A

    Note that Part B premiums are based on income. 

    The standard monthly premium above applies to individuals who earn up to $87,000 and married couples who earn up to $174,000 and file a joint federal tax return.

    Folks with higher incomes pay higher Part B premiums — which will be anywhere from $202.40 to $491.60 in 2020, depending on income.


    Sun City Anthem Management
    Forbids Employees from Providing Any Information
    Long-Term Employee's Sudden Death

    Image result for why"

    Yesterday, Anthem Opinions published a fond remembrance of long time Sun City Anthem receptionist, Kathy Elliott.

    Anthem Opinions does not normally publish "obits" as does another blogger; but there are times, as is the case with Kathy Elliott, an exception is made to honor an individual who had been employed by our community for years...

    ...whom many believed MADE A DIFFERENCE and was admired by many.

    What was most surprising was an email that I received from our Mr. Fix-ItForrest Fetherolf, who stopped by Anthem Center to get additional details on the passing of Ms. Elliott....

    ...and he was so shocked by the response he received, he sent this email to CEO, Sandra Seddon, asking us to publish it for all to see.
    Sorry to hear Kathy suddenly passed away,  I heard rumors late Friday.
    I checked into Anthem Center Fitness today at 11:45 am.  I asked the monitors if it was true Kathy passed.  Much to my surprise, I was rudely told that they were instructed not to discuss Kathy at all
    If they were instructed to refuse comment, I would like to know why and who gave the order.  
    Kathy was a friend; I spoke to her frequently over several years during her employment at SCA.
    We are a close knit group of seniors living in SCA and hear many rumors either true of false.  I find it appalling when a concerned unit owner asks a very simple question to an employee for verification that they know the answer and refuse.
    Are we not allowed to ask employees questions?  Are employees ordered not to respond to questions?
    It has become more apparent under the current leadership that the unit owners work for management rather than the reverse."
    Seddon did respond Sunday morning explaining the reason her staff was instructed to remain silent was a concern that Ms. Elliott's medical condition was private.

    Who out there believes that a person's death and its affect on the community is "private" and should be withheld?

    Come on Ms. Seddon, can't you come up with a better one than that, or did 
    Ms. Elliott's apparent warm relationship with many in the community, create a problem for Management?

    You might recall that in the initial article posted on Sunday, November 24, 2019 we brought to your attention that 170 people had signed a letter sent to Ms. Seddon asking that Kathy be considered for "Employee of the Month" honors...

    ...and was rejected by Ms. Seddon.

    In our opinion, this excuse...

    Image result for stinks to high heaven"

    Image result for stinks to high heaven"

    Rest in peace, Kathy.  

    We wanted all to know because we thought you were special and deserved the kudos that have long been denied you.

    1. From Dorothy Opinions

      Thanks informing us about this.

      I was very fond of Kathy as well.

      She was a such cheerful person who added so much positive side of Sun City Anthem.

      Please send our condolence to her family and close friends!

    2. From Marcia Opinions

      After the shock wore off when I became aware of Kathy Elliott's death, I began to think of the cavalier attitude once again demonstrated by Sandy Seddon.

      Those homeowners that care and pay her exorbitant salary are not asking for the personal details of Kathy's demise, but perhaps want to know where a simple condolence card may be sent to her family or perhaps where the funeral will be held so that they may attend.

      Regardless of what Sandy thought, many residents liked Kathy for her upbeat and smiling interaction with them.

      Do the words callousness, arrogance and lack of human decency laced with kindness come to mind regarding how the top of management is handling this issue???
    3. Marcia,

      Do the words BIAS or JEALOUSY come to mind as well ?
    4. From Ellen Opinions

      Can we ask management if  her family is setting up a fund or go fund me fund for expenses and family needs and what are her funeral arrangements?

      Funeral arrangements are not private.
    5. Ellen, let us know if you have better luck than Forrest Fetherolf.

      We're now discovering that Kathy Elliott and Seddon had a number of "run-in's regarding the Seddon management style.
    6. From Robert Opinions

      This controlling factor is similar to what I experienced a couple of years ago.....I've become friendly with one of the SCA maintenance crew.

      I saw the individual on the SCA grounds and stopped to speak with him-he told me to 'make it snappy' because IF he was observed speaking for someone in excess of an internal time limit (I THINK it was 15-20 minutes) he would 'get in trouble'.

      So the persuasive dictatorial influence extends further than anyone knows....this is worse than Junior High School.
    7. Well now, Mrs. Karrow, Sun City Anthem President, are you getting a message here?

      Has your idea of Board proper governance responsibility resulted in uncontrolled rude Management behavior as a result of your definition of "micro-management"?

      Do the rest of the Sun City Anthem Board members have an opinion on this matter?

      The community would like an answer to this question...and..are entitled to it.

      Did Seddon handle this matter correctly?

      Will any of or all of you remain silent and "go along to get along"...after each of you campaigned on "transparency"????

      How about standing up for the people, rather than one individual who wraps all you around her controlling fingers?
    8. From Lenore Opinions

      I can understand some of the “privacy” about Kathy’s untimely death, but confirming the truth (about her death) is only confirming the truth.

      It’s not gossiping or speaking rudely about her.

      I hope management posts information about funeral services (if any) or memorial service.

      Kathy was very personable and considerate.

      RIP Kathy
    9. From Valerie Opinions

      It never ceases how much control Sandy has over the owners!

      Kathy was delightful and friendly and did an excellent job.

      Many of us appreciated her and her efforts to be friendly and efficient.

      I have lived here since 2001 and have enjoyed how Kathy has enhanced her job with her friendliness and efficiency going out of her way to help people and was appreciated by all who knew her.

      The insensitivity shown by Sandy toward Kathy shows that she is lacking in an important trait of compassion.  She continues to make living in SCA more like a prison as opposed to a happy environment in which to live.

      Why do we have to put up with this controlling manager?

      Life here has sadly become like a jail.

      Sandy is  is OUR EMPLOYEE who has far too much power, and she needs to be replaced and soon!
    10. Valerie,

      The apple doesn't fall far from the Board Member tree.

      A previous Board put her there, gave everything but the kitchen sink to her IN SECRET MEETINGS at the M Resort during the tenure of Bella Meese and Thomas Nissen, allowing her to redo what was once a happy community to one where:

      She hired a $40,000 per year employee to issue over 2,000 ridiculous compliance restrictions that infuriated residents....

      Hired a CFO at close to $180,000 per year who isn't even a CPA...

      Hired a contingency of "her handpicked more than highly paid people" that have been reported for rude behavior to residents...

      Hired a Facilities Director at over $150,000 per year who was ABSENT when a torrential rain storm brought substantial damage to Independence Center a week ago....

      Was the subject of a HOA Hall of Shame Channel 13 TV segment.

      Hired an outside firm to send out Election ballots that cost residents $85,000 when in the past, all elections had been handled locally and at a nominal cost with resident volunteers...

      ...and of course, received in excess of 825 "no confidence" signed signatures in a recall election a couple of years ago.

      And..then...despite that "stellar record" of achievement...

      ...received an employment contract that STRANGLED FUTURE BOARDS that was approved by current Board members Candace Karrow, James Coleman, and Forrest Quinn...along with the 9th place finisher out of 11 candidates in the 2019 Board election, Rex Wedddle.

      If you're looking at where "the buck stops", LOOK CLOSELY AT THE ORIGINAL CAUSES of the problem...

    11. From Janet Opinions

      As others, I too was shocked to hear about Kathy’s death.

      We get E – Blasts from management about roof leaks and pool closures, but when a well liked and Long Term Employee passes away, not a word from management or our board.

      Other bloggers are quick to write obituaries about people who pass away; however, there has been Silence about Kathy.

      I’m quite familiar with HIPPA Law but in this case HIPPA stands for


      Rest in Peace Kathy.
    1. From Victor Opinions

      An employer must respect the privacy of the employees.

      Whether they are doing it because it is their obligation or at the request of the surviving family, it should be honored.

      Those that were close enough to her to have contacts in the family can obviously make personal condolences.

      The rest of us should watch notices in the papers for ways of expressing condolences the way the family wishes.God bless her soul.
    2. From Margot Opinions

      What gives Sandy Siddon the right to make the decision about Kathy?

      We all adored her.

      Everyone is so fed up with management.
    1. From Vince Opinions

      I too knew Kathy and would see her at her desk or sometimes walking.

      She would always have a nice thing to say and with a wonderful smile.

      Last I saw her was at the Anthem Center gym sitting at the desk.

      I joked and said, " O you have a new job and hope you received a good raise".

      She laughed and said, "No, not a new job, just dropped by to say Hello".

      A big loss to Anthem.

      P/S I don’t understand why such a secret.

      I and I am sure others would like to go to her memorial, if any.

      May God bless her and her family. 
    1. We received a report that those members of the Sun City Anthem community Current Events Club overwhelmingly voted a THUMBS DOWN to the manner in which Sandra Seddon refused to allow all employees to inform residents of the  passing of long-term employee, Kathy Elliott.
    1. To those who claim that "things never change in SCA" I can say 'you are wrong'............they change and get worse!
    1. It appears that the "people" have spoken loud enough to finally produce an eblast regarding the sad passing of Kathy Elliott.

      There is little if any doubt that the entire community was heard on this sad matter and pressured a CEO to finally "do the right thing".

      Kathy Elliott was a  fine human being giving years of devoted service to Sun City Anthem.

      Why it took a massive outcry of a community to invoke a proper response following an order not to answer even the fact of her passing, cannot be excused.

      Her email to Forrest Fetherolf said it all.

      That cannot be denied by her, nor camouflaged by a "machine bureaucrat" blogger's sick attempt to justify BAD and INSENSITIVE BEHAVIOR.

      This not about HIM, nor was it about ANTHEM OPINIONS.

      It was about "class"....who displayed it, and who did not !

      The "people" spoke loud enough to demand  the CEO "do the right thing".

      They succeeded.

      To all of you on behalf of a lovely lady,  thank you for giving Kathy the kudos and recognition she has long deserved.

      God bless you, Kathy. May God take you under his care.
    1. From Donnie Opinions

      I too was told nothing when i asked about Kathy.

      I too feel that management thinks we work for them rather then they for us.

      We are an inconvenience when we go in to speak to any of them.

      We are bothering them.

      None of them ever behaved in a kind way to me in all the years I have lived in Anthem......none except Kathy.

      She will be missed by me.

      I just hope we can take up a collection to give to her boys.
    1. From Marty Opinions

      I’m so sorry to read we lost Kathy Elliot.  She was always (well) the key person at the front of the nut farm, at her desk as usual unless she wandered around to check on our cards for the valid folks to be here.

      We of course would give her a hard time and she’d play the game and we always had fun with the insanity from the whatever the office made her do.

      This was always on Thursday around 10AM and after a computer club general meeting where a bunch of guys would congregate where she’d show up.

    Thinking About Social Security Benefits

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    Social security is a complicated program, yet you cannot afford to NOT know everything you should about your benefits. 

    Even knowing this, it can be hard to find the information you need in order to make the most informed decisions for you and your family.

    Although most people expect Social Security to be there for them when they retire, they could be wrong – and by then it might be too late.

    The Elderly Could Not Survive Without This Program

    Many elderly Americans heavily rely on Social Security; it's the major income source for most older Americans. 

    In fact, 9 out of 10 people age 65 and older receive Social Security benefits, which at times comprises 38% of income. 

    Even more important, half of married couples and three quarters of singles receive at least half their retirement income from Social Security.

    The workforce is shrinking

    Demographics are not in our favor as fewer workers support more retirees. 

    In 1950 there were 16 workers per Social Security recipient. 

    In 1960 there were 5 workers per recipient. 

    By the year 2033, only 2.1 workers will support one retiree.

    The Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

    Social Security relies on its trust fund in order to cover shortfalls between taxes paid and benefits paid. 

    The trust fund is projected to run out of money in 2033. 

    Once that happens, retirees can only expect to receive about 75% of the benefits they would have received.

    The #1 Way to Increase Your Benefits

    Every year you wait to claim social security benefits until age 70 you will boost your annual payouts by 8%

    Waiting until you're 70 will give you 32% more in benefits than if you took them at age 66 and you can receive 76% more than taking them at age 62

    If you have not yet started to receive your social security benefits and can afford to delay benefits until age 70 and if you live past age 82, you will receive more in lifetime income from Social Security than if you had waited until full retirement age.

    Also keep in mind that Cost of Living increases on a larger benefit provides a larger dollar amount increase !

    Federal Income Tax on Social Security Benefits

    And...last but not least, is the federal income tax on social security benefits.

    Image result for social security check

    Additional incomes from other sources affect the taxable amount of your social security benefits. 

    The amount ranges from 0–85% based on your combined income. 

    The IRS calculates this figure by adding half of the annual social security benefitany non-taxable interest, and the federal adjusted gross income

    For the unmarried, the tax rate ranges from 1–50% of the benefit if their combined income lies between $25,000–$34,000 and $32,000–$44,000 for spouses filing their returns jointly. 

    Sun City Anthem & Anthem Community Council
    A Game with Loaded Dice
    (Part One of Four)

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    Nelson Orth
    Sun City Anthem Resident

    According to available records, the Anthem Community Council (ACC), commonly referred to as Anthem Council (AC), was established on June 25, 1998. 

    In the first nine years, Anthem Council was controlled by Del Webb, the original builder of Sun City Anthem, and during that period of time, prior to the transition to being an independent community,  the Council was run by an individual named Randy Watkins of Del Webb.

    Mr. Watkins ran and controlled Anthem Council as he so saw fit, as was his right.

    In January of 2010 Del Webb transferred control to the Homeowners Associations of the Anthem communities.

    At that time Jack Troia was president of Sun City Anthem. 

    It was at the first meeting in January 2010, that in my opinion, the new independent Anthem Council made at least three drastic mistakes. 

    First, Troia introduced the new management company, and their representative to the new Council, the same Randy Watkins. 

    It appeared that a conflict of interest was overwhelming, and that appointment sadly had a negative affect on the Anthem communities for years to come. 


    First, Mr. Watkins conducted the Council meetings exactly as he ran them for Del Webb. 

    Second, the newly constructed Anthem Community Council did not require an audit of the Del Webb books before they accepted the reins of the prior Del Webb organization. 

    The result?

    To this day, we do not know how much money, if any, should have been transferred to the new organization.

    Third, and perhaps the most significant aspect, was that the then "new" Council Board only accepted the communities of CoventryCountry Club, Sun City AnthemSoleraTerra Bella, and Anthem Highlands as members. 

    They neglected to add two other homeowner associations, one of which was The Canyons

    When their mistake was discovered, they wrote a letter to both associations, asking them to join the new Anthem Community Council, reminding them of their responsibilities to the Anthem community. 

    Both associations declined to join the Council

    For almost the past ten years, six Anthem Homeowners Associations have been paying the money that eight should have been paid.

    Currently there are only two documents by which this Council governs itself:

    Their By-laws and CC&Rs.

    I believe that both documents were given to Jack Troia by Randy Watkins in January of 2010. 

    Rather than the NEW organization establishing NEW or amended regulations, it appeared more than evident that the old by-laws and CC&Rs of the defunct Council were likely inserted, word for word, in the governing documents of the the NEW and REVISED Anthem Community Council. 

    One only has to read the end of the CC&Rs to see they were signed, approved, and notarized by Del Webb in June of 1998.

    Let me repeat 1998. 

    The "new" Anthem Council  by-laws were signed on November 11, 2011 by Clinton T. Willis, but he did not list his position or whom he worked for. 

    I suspect he was an employee of Del Webb, but perhaps he might have been an Anthem Council Board member.

    Try to find the past records !!!

    Unless the rules have changed...

    ... a homeowner must first gain the approval of their individual community representative to the Anthem Community Council Board, to request a review of Council documentation

    Only upon that approval, can any individual property owner review the requested documentation

    Tomorrow, in Part Two, I will discuss the fairness of the Anthem Community Council arrangement with Sun City Anthem.

    I would like to thank Nelson Orth for writing about this subject; I am new to SCA but since my attendance at the July Finance Comm. meeting I have had questions about the SCA relationship with the Anthem Council; I look forward to your additional segments on this subject;

    I do have a couple questions as follows:

    1. If 2 other communities or HOA's gain benefit from the expenditures of the Anthem Council, it would seem to me there must be a legal principle that requires an entity that is being enriched by others to be financially responsible; why send a letter and accept NO; has legal counsel for SCA or AC pursued this in any way?

    2. If SCA is a member of this Council with other HOA's it seems as though the Anthem Council is subject to the review of any member of SCA without obtaining permission from anyone. You indicate UNLESS the rules have changed as to gaining access to documents, what rule is this? where is it written? who voted on it? Is this a rule stated in NRS 116?

    Finally, I am not an attorney and my thoughts may or may not have legal standing, that is for others to determine!
    As a new SCA resident I find it amazing that these issues have not been addressed over the last 20 + years.

    1. From Nelson Opinions

      To Peter Brown:

      Peter, The answer to your questions are as follows:

      1.There has been no legal activity by either Sun City Anthem or Anthem Council.

      You must remember this first started in 2010, and the "new" Anthem Council was only interested in consolidating their newly found power.

      Plus the HOAs that constitute Anthem Council. was, as I understand it, dictated by the City of Henderson Master Plan.

      2. There is no written rule.

      That rule was dictated by Randy Watkins. It was not voted on. And there is nothing in NRS 116 that addresses Anthem Council.

    Sun City Anthem & Anthem Community Council
    A Game with Loaded Dice
    (Part Two of Four)

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    Nelson Orth
    Sun City Anthem Resident

    Back in 2011 or 2012, the late Sun City Anthem homeowner rights advocate, Tim Stebbins and I, wanted to review the federal tax returns of the Anthem Community Council.

    That brought up the question of:

    Where are the past records, including Federal Tax Returns, now stored, and what is the process for a homeowner to review those records?

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    We had to travel all of the way to the Del Webb offices, located in another section of Las Vegas to do so...

    ...and we got further information on other matters in addition to the federal income tax returns.

    For example, if you review Article 4.12 of the by-laws you will see that any director of Anthem Council by way of a vote by the Anthem Council Boardcan be compensated for their work

    Was this the manner in which the Del Webb representative from 1998 to 2010 was paid ????

    The immediate concerns were the current legal responsibilities of Anthem Community Council.

    To receive that clarification, I have on numerous occasions talked with multiple people in the City of Henderson Community Development Department. 

    According to them, Anthem Council's ONLY RESPONSIBILITY is for the landscaping of 97.23 acres within the Anthem community

    However, the City of Henderson Master Plan requires Sun City Anthem to maintain 205.84 acres.

    The vast majority of this acreage is on the west side of Anthem Parkway from Anthem Country Club to, but not including, the waterfall entrance.

    Yet, the maintenance of that waterfall is the major reason for the high costs associated with Anthem Council.

    The waterfall, like our restaurant, was originally built by Del Webb to facilitate the selling of homes. 

    As is the case with a proposed Sun City Anthem restaurant, I suspect that many Sun City Anthem homeowners appreciate the ambiance of the waterfall, but water usage and its cost should be a consideration.

    The Anthem Council 2019 projected water budget is $282,000.  

    Tomorrow in Part Three, we will discuss the recent increase in Sun City Anthem assessment and the apparent negligence of the Sun City Anthem Board to inform the community of the increase.

    Sun City Anthem & Anthem Community Council
    A Game with Loaded Dice
    (Part Three of Four)

    Image result for loaded dice moving

    Nelson Orth
    Sun City Anthem Resident

    The Anthem Council's attitude and influence has changed significantly over the years.

    As previously stated in Part One of this series, their entire existence is based on two documents posted on their website - one is the by-laws, the other is the CC&Rs. 

    If one reads the by-laws, it is obvious that Anthem Council has incorrectly listed them as part of their CC&Rs.  The various articles are in support of when Del Webb was in control of the Anthem Community Council.

    One only has to read Article 5.1 which states that there are three, and only three, directors on the Anthem Council

    Currently, for no apparent reason, there are six directors (one for each HOA member) and one at large director chosen by the appointed six.

    While the website lists the other document as their CC&Rs, the title on the front page is:

     "Declaration of Covenants and Easements for the Anthem Community".

    I can find no documents that outline the powers of Anthem Council nor the authority which grants them those powers. 

    For instance, what are the answers to the following questions:

    1How are the assessments for member HOAs determined

    Apparently they are based on some dollar amount per rooftop, but is not defined in either the by-laws or the CC&Rs.

    2What number of rooftops in each HOA is the Council using to make that determination?

    3Has this number been verified with the City of Henderson?

    4Has the number of rooftops/HOA changed since January of 2010

    If so, what are they?

    5Has Anthem Council asked or checked for any changes?

    6. As a result of the answer to the previous question, how does SCA verify that its assessment is fair and equitable?

    7Since the by-laws state there should only be 3 directors, under what regulation do we now have six with one alternate?

    The answers to these questions is that we will probably never know. 

    And tomorrow in Part 4, we will address these concerns.

    Sun City Anthem & Anthem Community Council
    A Game with Loaded Dice
    (Part Four of Four)

    Image result for loaded dice moving

    Nelson Orth
    Sun City Anthem Resident

    In this, the final segment of this series of articles, I will address the many issues that currently confront all homeowner concerns and must be solved in order to maintain the financial security of Sun City Anthem.

    Anthem Council sets the rules, and since they believe they answer to no higher authority, the homeowners of SCA must find another way to obtain fairness and justice for all of us homeowners. 

    Here is their website:

    The organization is managed by FSR (First Service Residential) and is represented by The Clarkson Law Group.

    Sound familiar?

    FSR was the management company that Sun City Anthem TERMINATED prior to establishing Self-Management, and The Clarkson Law Group is the current Association Attorney for Sun City Anthem.

    The only regulation that I can find that dictates what the Council must do is located in the City of Henderson Master Plan. 

    That outlines the 97.23 acres that must be maintained by Anthem Council. 

    After long hours of research, I could find no other requirements. 

    If someone can provide any additional responsibilities, I would ask that individual to disclose them.

    At the Sun City Anthem budget meeting on August 19, 2019 , during the resident comment period, I informed the Board about several of the facts previous discussed in these articles. 

    After the meeting, I had an opportunity to talk with Art Schuetz, the current SCA representative to Anthem Council. 

    We had an amicable discussion, but I sensed something defensive with some of Art's comments. 

    Little did I know that four days previous (on August 15), the Anthem Council raised their assessments on all HOAs under their purview

    I have verified this fact with four independent sources.

    What was most disturbing was that there is no mention of this raise in either the Sun City Anthem August or September board book

    The minutes of the Anthem Council August 15th meeting have ALSO not yet been posted

    As a result of this discovery, there are many questions that the Board needs to address and ANSWER.  

    The ones of immediate concern are as follows:

    How much is the raise?

    What is the length of time this raise is effective?

    Was a vote taken?

    If yes, how did our two representatives vote?

    Is this raise now reflected in the 2020 budget?

    If so, what was the process by which it was inserted?

    Will the homeowners ever receive the answers to these and other questions? 

    Since January of 2010, Sun City Anthem has provided approximately... 


    .. about 52% of the Anthem Council budget

      EACH YEAR Anthem Council...

    ...and if the past is reflective of the future, will represent the 2nd largest budget item in the Sun City Anthem budget...

    ...yet we are allocated only one seat on the Council, and periodically the alternate is a Sun City Anthem resident, which is the current case. 

    Every unanswered question...

    ... every dollar provided to the Council by Sun City Anthem...

    ...shows strong evidence that each Board over the past 10 years, has unsatisfactorily neglected this aspect of the association's financial interests.

    What can we, the homeowners, do to change this current situation? 

    In the short term, probably not much, other than demand fairness of the Council and its membership.

    In the long term, the first thing that needs to happen is that homeowners look closely as we enter the 2020 election season, and ensuring those members of the Sun City Anthem Board who refuse to acknowledge these inequities, are no longer a part of that Board.

    And who are those individuals...

    ...if they choose to remain on the Sun City Anthem Board, will be forced to run for reelection in the coming year?

     Candace Karrow
    Jim Coleman
    Art Schuetz 

    1. Our sincere thanks to Nelson Orth for his 4 part series of articles regarding  the relationship between Sun City Anthem and Anthem Community Council.

      Part Three of this series received a total of 2,527 visits to Anthem Opinions in the past 24 hours...

      ...a new record...

      ....which, in our opinion, showed a strong concern for a community's desire in providing its property owners detailed information and accountability as to the vast amount of sums expended on this organization.

      Nelson Orth deserves the thanks of all Sun City Anthem residents for his detailed report and the countless hours he has spent over the years in examining this matter.
    1. I agree that Nelson deserves thanks from the SCA community. I am surprised with so many “visits” to this post.....practically no comments from your readers.
      Nelson can’t fight the good fight alone. He has brought many points and issues to this community with his 4 part article...Now What!
    1. From Tony Opinions

      Nelson Orth has written a well thought out series of articles regarding our Sun City Board of Directors.

      Wouldn’t we be smart to get a guy like Nelson on the board, or  maybe even convince HIM to RUN FOR THE BOARD to replace some of the old machine hangers on ?

      Sure sounds like a great idea to me, what do you think Dick?
    2. Tony, Nelson is one of the most caring and intelligent individuals in Sun City Anthem.

      If you noticed, each association can appoint a delegate to Anthem Council.

      There is also one alternate delegate that  is appointed, the current alternate being from Sun City Anthem.

      Being the "watch dog" Nelson has always been, in my opinion, he would make a great delegate to an organization that he spent years observing.

      Unfortunately, Nelson is considered "a troublemaker" by the machine.

      If we can somehow elect just 2 new Board members in the Spring that are open to change and reform, including the possibility of Nelson Orth,  that would allow "the good guys" a majority of the Board and I would believe Nelson would gladly accept the position of Anthem Council delegate.
    1. From Nelson Opinions


      Some additional information that your readers may be interested in.

      The 2019 Anthem Community Council budget lists the following items:

      Consulting/Legal Services $42,000
      Management Fees $69,935
    2. Nelson,

      $42,000 to the Clarkson Law Group without any detail as to what they entailed?

      Sun City Anthem Board member Art Scheutz voted for this without providing any detailed explanation as to the details of the legal fees?

      That's accountability?

      How did the other "at large delegate" Larry Orlov, a SUN CITY ANTHEM RESIDENT, vote?

      Who appointed him? When was he appointed?

      Perhaps he might address this issue, how he voted, and the reasoning for his decision.

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