Information Pages

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Board Candidates Needed...One Needs to Resign


Get ready !

As soon as these holidays are over, we will be begin the search for FOUR new board directors, and if the rumor mill is accurate, it appears the FACES won't be doing a great deal of change....UNLESS YOU CHANGE THEM.

You are going to hear more and more about how good and horrible the past leadership has been; and I can assure you that of the 5 community blogs/forums, only ONE will promote the "wonders" of past leadership; the remaining 4 will advocate CHANGE.

And living in "Vegas," perhaps when 80% of them say CHANGE, it might be time to do so, and go with the "odds."

For those who have never taken the time to vote, or merely asked your friends who you should vote for, do things a bit differently in 2013. 

Go to a coffee, ask a few questions, determine if there is relevant experience in the person you wish to trust with your financial well-being.

...and most importantly look carefully at WHO is supporting WHO, and determine, "Is that the kind of person with whom I would associate ? 

You can learn a great deal about the character of an individual by the persons they associate with and the value system they possess.

Simply stated...

Be aware that we do have a "situation" which needs be reevaluated before election which should be watched very carefully, because it involves CHARACTER.

We have been made aware that one face apparently is departing, Wade Terry.  It is rumored he is leaving Sun City Anthem in January.  

Is it time for this man to resign?

We believe it is...and should be effective immediately. 

The remaining six members of the board would have a choice if a resignation took place; either continue to act with 6 without replacing him, or taking it upon themselves to choose an individual to fill the remainder of the unexpired term.

Since a new board will not be seated for a number of months, and the possibility of a 3-3 stalemate could exist under certain circumstances, it would appear that replacement would far outweigh an empty seat.

But...with WHOM ?

Looking back to the past election, the candidate who finished fourth is Don Schramski.

Would this be a logical choice ? Schramski was the next in line at the last election.  This was the choice of our residents who are the backbone of Sun City Anthem. 

BUT....Will it happen ?

The ball is in two courts; the first, in Wade Terry's by doing the right thing and resigning immediately since he will not be a resident; and second, in the remaining 6 Board Member's hands by also doing the right thing; replacing him with a person who would have been the next "people's choice."

It is time to go, Mr. Terry. 

Allow this community to function in a financially responsible manner required of 7 persons... not 6 plus 1 who will shortly be departing.


  1. A Concerned ResidentDecember 20, 2012 at 5:41 AM

    Why should Don Schramski fill the unexpired term of Wade Terry?

    Other than what has already been covered in this article, there is one additional reason as to why he should be chosen to do so.

    Prior to the ballots being totaled, it was subsequently discovered that an individual was seen dropping vast amounts of ballots in the boxes at Anthem Center.

    Since there is no signature required on any election ballot, it opened up the possibility of an individual completing them on behalf of others.

    This, in the eyes of many who follow SCA activities, may have resulted in a "taint."

    The fact that Schramski lost by only 61 votes, and appointing him to the position, would go along way in removing that "taint.

  2. Logic, common sense, and good judgment by our current Sun City Anthem Board of Directors should dictate who should fill the vacancy created by Wade Terry.

    Don Schramski without any doubt should receive the Board position. He was fourth in the running last year and would have been elected if four positions were available at that time rather than only three.

    Don has been very active within our community as a member of several charter clubs including President of Woodchips Woodworking Club.

    Don was also appointed to serve on a Request For Information (RFI) Workgroup to provide our Board of Directors with informational alternatives to replace our current management company RMI with other well-qualified management companies. The Board of Directors recognized his workgroup for their outstanding work.
