Information Pages

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Carbon Monoxide...Kill It...Before...It Kills You

Carbon Monoxide Alarm...Small Stay Alive

When readers send us information that we believe is beneficial to the community, we don't hesitate to pass it on to our readers.

We have smoke detectors, but how many of us have Carbon Monoxide Alarms ?

Carbon monoxide is the "odorless gas" that can KILL.

Here is a copy of the email we received that we would like to share with each and every one of you.
Dear Anthem friends,

We don't have Carbon Monoxide Alarms in our homes!  OMG!

I "assumed" our homes would have been built with these alarms installed with recent construction. Not mine!

Owning gas appliances without having at least one Carbon Monoxide detector in your home can be life threatening.

FYI...... We purchased our hard wired alarm fire/Carbon Monoxide Alarm combo from Home Depot for $47.97We did not find the hard wired type at Lowe's.

Our electrician easily replaced one of our existing fire alarms with the combo model.  

Portable units are readily available too. For the simplest solution...there are also units available that merely plug into a handy receptacle.

Spread this important message on to your friends.  Be safe!

Jackie Foster

Great advice, Jackie.

Thanks for passing this on to us...and as you can see, we're spreading it to our friends.

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