Information Pages

Friday, February 15, 2013

Thank You....Dennis Bono

Welcome to those at the February 14th 
Dennis Bono Show    

 Wow !  We never expected such a warm reception, and if you are one of our new subscribers who attended yesterday's Dennis Bono Show, we WELCOME you to Anthem Opinions.

We want to personally thank Dennis Bono for his enthusiastic support by allowing us to pass out Anthem Opinions pamphlets to those who attended his show.

...and Dennis, if you're out there, meeting  the warm and kind Crystal Gayle....made my day !  (See her show this weekend at the South Point)

Over 400 of you loyal Dennis Bono fans took our flyer home with you !

We've just begun.

Look for our ad in the March, 2013 edition of the Vegas Voice newspaper, with a growing circulation now in excess of 44,000 people in the Las Vegas valley.

We hope you'll pass us on to your friends and neighbors, and send us a note or two if there is a topic you'd like us to explore.

We'd like to hear from you about that little restaurant no one seems to know about, or a show you saw that was just great. 

Our only goal is to make Las Vegas a happy place for all who reside in this fabulous fun filled town...The Entertainment Capital of the World.

Until then....

Welcome !

Dick Arendt & Allen Weintraub
Anthem Opinions


  1. I've been attending the show almost weekly for quite a long time. I usually have a group with me, and I work at luring them with specifics about the lineup. Sadly getting that information can be iffy, so I wish you well!

  2. Hi,

    Tell that group of yours to subscribe to Anthem Opinions and I can assure you, that information will be in their email each week before the show, usually on Monday or Tuesday.

    For over three years I've had the pleasure of dealing with Dennis, his wonderful wife, Lorraine, and two assistants, formerly Louise West, who has had a health battle, and currently Mike M.

    With minor exception, I always obtain the line-up for each show.

    Once in a while, a guest might have difficulty in getting to the show, but by and large, in almost 99.9% of the cases, the line-up is right on the money with accuracy.

    I hope you personally subscribed to our publication as well.

    We'll get it to you as soon as we get it.

    Thanks for writing.

  3. Dick... For the most part, I've been getting it from the Facebook page. But it's inconsistent. The general operators at the South Point have told me that they didn't always have it themselves, and that they too had to call the box office to get it. I get the whole deal... free show... schedules to consider and work out, it's the inconsistency that I have a problem with.
    Anyway, I'm wondering if they'll be any better about getting it to YOU than in posting it to FB. I always start checking for it on Monday and usually find it within a couple of hours of it having been posted. Sometimes it isn't there until Wednesday, sometimes not at all. I see that you have a specific link for the lineup, I'll be watching.

  4. Should have it a bit later this morning, or will spank Dennis' assistant !

    Seriously, Mike is terrific and the schedule should be here pretty soon.

    Thanks for the note.

  5. Forgive me for laughing Dick... but it's after 1... it isn't here, and it isn't on FB. But it IS a free show as Mike would point out, and I'll be there Thursday. (I'll be there this evening too, for Magic of Motown & More... we do that almost every week too.)
