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Monday, February 18, 2013

Traveling Soon ? (Part Two)

Finding a Decent Hotel

Whether you travel here in the US, or a foreign country, finding a reasonably priced hotel isn't as difficult as you might think....if you do it right !

Today, we'll look at some of the more popular web sites that people use to obtain hotel reservations that fit their particular needs.

No one need call the hotel directly, because in all probability, INTERNET RATES will be VERY COMPETITIVE.

If you "want to play it safe", try TINGO.COM.
This site can give you ideas for both domestic and international travel.
What makes unique?

One you book through them, they keep tabs on the room rates on a daily basis; and if the price drops, THEY IMMEDIATELY do the legwork to get you the LOWER RATE.

Another popular site is BACKBID.COM.

Using, according to the USA Today, Travel Section, you become the "pursued", rather than the "pursuer".  You tell THEM what you want, and let competing hotels RESPOND to YOU.

This site works well whether or not you have an existing reservation that may be canceled without penalty.  It lets the "hotels" chase YOU for their business.

The third option is one that...if you are patient....and have a few months to plan....NEVER HAS FAILED ME.


Some out there won't agree with me, but before we go any further, I recommend this site for HOTELS ONLY, not other venues...especially FLIGHTS, or in combination with other needs; in example, a car rental.

...and "using it" correctly, can normally get you a great deal on a hotel.

And "using it correctly" means YOU HAVE A NUMBER OF MONTHS to prepare for your trip. 

If you're leaving tomorrow or next week, forget this site.

This needs some explanation by way of example.

Let's say you were going to take a trip to Phoenix in a few months.  You know the dates and you're ready to search.

The first thing you do after entering the site, is click on hotels. entering the location of the hotel as well as the dates.

Click "Search Now".

A number of choices will appear with various "Star Ratings" ranging from 1, being the lowest, to 5, being the highest.

Examine the hotel choices and ratings, and take note of the price being charged for the location and "Star Rating" BUT DON'T BOOK ANYTHING.

Once you have your location and Star Rating, re-enter the site, and click the "Name your own Price".

Now the fun and patience begins.

Enter your location and Star Rating requirements. Then, going back to the "Star Rating" on the hotels you have previously examined, enter 50% of that amount.

Go through the rest of the information, and CLICK to purchase. 

Within a few moments, you will get an answer as to whether or not the bid has been accepted. is where PATIENCE and some ADVANCE PLANNING can pay off !

You are allowed only ONE BID per star rating per day.

If your bid is NOT accepted, add $1-$2 to your offer, and try again the following day.

Sooner or later, YOU WILL HIT PAY DIRT and it will be accepted, normally at 50-60% of the initial rate.

One other way to "use" is for car rentals. 

Enter your information, and click away. You will receive a number of bids from various car rental agencies for different vehicles, but most importantly, DO NOT PURCHASE A CAR RENTAL from

Take the information, go to the car rental company that had the best price, and book directly with the company. By doing so, you will normally get the "best deal" and most importantly, you CAN CANCEL the reservation if you subsequently find a better price before you leave on your trip.

Priceline does the leg work, and booking a car from them also incurs a SERVICE FEE that would not be applicable if booked directly with the car agency.

Here's the one BIG negative with 

Once you book, YOU'RE BOOKED. No cancellations or refunds are allowed, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

If you can live by those rules, YOU WILL SAVE.

Our next article will cover Air Travel.

Dick Arendt


  1. The one website I use regularly is You can book hotels, cars, flights and cruises. You select the number of stars for a hotel, or the type car for a rental and the site shows the prices. Then, when you commit and pay, you find out the rental car company or the hotel name. Like Priceline, you can't make any cancellations or changes, but you do save a quite a bit.

    Don Schramski

  2. Excellent post!. Top quality with the content is what matters most.
