Information Pages

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 14, 1794

A Man, A Machine...and a War

March 14, 1794...a day that changed the lives of the American people, their economy, and perhaps, was responsible for the American Civil War.
Can you recognize this man?

In our "History & Holidays" page.

(located to the right of the Welcome Screen).


  1. All of your articles make me smarter & learn about things that I've forgotten or never learned.

    I'll b sharing this with the 5th graders I'll be teaching today.

  2. Dr. Bob Rokos....Arlington Heights, ILMarch 14, 2013 at 6:20 AM

    Hi Dick,

    Just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying all your articles from cotton gins to greats in baseball. I am getting the feeling that you are enjoying your new calling Keep it up


  3. Ed Easter---Birmingham, ALMarch 14, 2013 at 5:07 PM

    Some 60-70 years later (one lifetime) the cotton harvester ended the share cropper system that had replaced the slave system.

    Technology is one of the big changers of lifestyle.

    Look at what it did to the housewife, (electric/gas stoves, washing machines, refrigerators, etc.); the fax machine to China and Russia and the PC to the world.

    I wonder what is ahead for all of us.

    Like the old Al Joshin movie "You ain't seen nothing yet."
