Information Pages

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sun City Anthem Residents Deserve the Full Truth...Not Half of It

A Deceptive Miniature Golf Petition 

Apparently, another blogger has decided to take a "Mini-Golf Course" to the next level by way of the following petition that he is recruiting people to sign.

"As our resident population ages and some recreational activities require a degree of agility and movement that not all can perform, it is important to offer a range of activities that appeal to the broadest possible spectrum. By signing this petition, I am registering my enthusiastic support for conversion of the unused Liberty Center bocce courts to miniature golf, an activity that can be played and enjoyed by residents and visitors of all ages. My support is based on the condition that the cost of construction will not affect my Association assessment."

We firmly believe that this petition is DECEPTIVE.

...and DOES NOT tell the FULL STORY.

Note the final sentence.

"on the condition that the cost of construction will not affect my Association assessment."

The key words are "cost of construction". 

That "cost of construction" element would be covered by the "Asset Enhancement Fee" a cost that YOU WILL BEAR, when you sell your home.

NOTHING is mentioned as to the CONTINUOUS maintenance costs associated with any such project.

...The reason it is not simply,that maintenance, repairssupplies, AND monitoring,  DO AFFECT Association assessment.

A picture of 12 people was proudly displayed on that blog...only 12 !

12 out of approximately 11,000 residents.

In addition, Ron Johnson of Today's Anthem View, addressed the usage of the Sun City Summerlin miniature golf course by contacting that association's Fitness Director.

From that contact, he learned the following information:

"Based on information that I acquired from Summerlin’s Fitness Director,  Kristie McWhorter...on the average there are 2 players a day for 9 months a year, 5-7 players a day for 2 months in the nicer spring months, and 0 players in the month of January. During those 9 months, there was an average of 1 resident and 1 guest playing each day." 

We, at Anthem Opinions, for the purpose of FULL DISCLOSURE to which we believe ALL RESIDENTS are ENTITLED...

...strongly suggest that if and when this petition is presented to you in any way, before you sign it, you strongly consider the above facts, and then  ask yourself these questions:

1, Will I use it and how often?  Will I use it in 110 degree heat?

2. Will I merely use it when my guests are here....knowing, that  I must accompany any guest in its usage?

3. Will I be willing to have MY DUES support it FOREVER in the future?

4. Should the "Asset Enhancement Fund" be DRAINED in the amount of between $125,000 and $150,000 to initially build it?

If ANY of these answers are NO, then we suggest you NOT SIGN this petition to build what appears to be an expensive project few will use, and that will entail continuous maintenance, repairs, and other miscellaneous expenditures that WILL affect future dues contributions.

Don't allow yourself to be swayed by "want" rather than "need".


  1. If they really want it, pay for it out of their own pocket and as residents, if we want to use "The Amenity," we'll pay for it...same old story, "you got to pay to play." Take the burden off us that "might" use it once a year.

  2. I would like to personally thank the alternative blogger for referring to those who object to his miniature golf proposal as being "hostile" members of the community.

    We also wish him congratulations on the additional 8 people he has recruited in obtaining his signatures.

    20 out of 1350+ readers is quite a job, provides a new definition of the word, "success", and certainly deserves recognition.

    But rather than criticize, we instead, plead GUILTY to a couple of charges made against us.

    If being "hostile" involves wanting all residents to be made fully aware of all the facts associated with what appears to be a rather hefty association expenditure on the part of all residents...

    ... including full cost disclosures and knowledge of the Fitness Director statistics in our sister community of Sun City Summerlin showing undeniable proof as to the accuracy in our theory of non usage...

    ...we plead GUILTY to the charge.

    We also plead "GUILTY" to the charge of making every attempt to persuade members of our community to look closely as to how foolishly money has been spent in the past, and obviously continues to in the case of a $65,000 vestibule, rather than a cost efficient $6,000 Air Curtain alternative.

    After all, what does Steve Wynn know about running an hotel and casino, by using an Air Curtain for the Wynn?

    Obviously both he, and the expert architects who constructed that resort,
    must also fall within that "hostile malcontent" definition as well.

    But we do have one question of one of the alternative blogger's readers, a Ms. Bonnie Schoen, a question that confuses even the most "hostile" of us...

    Perhaps she might explain how our attempts at saving money or demanding efficiency, "costs others 70% more (whether it is through rising costs of a business or through lifestyle)?

    Please Bonnie, perhaps an explanation of your professional comment, will allow us "hostile" malcontents, to see the light as brightly as you seem to have.

    And in the spirit of that knowledge, once you provide it to us....

    We'll be happy to pass in on to Steve Wynn as well.

  3. Part One of Commentary

    Well now, it certainly didn't take long for the lone blog supporter of a miniature golf course to sound off at Rana Goodman.

    Let's see now....

    ...there's Anthem Today, Today's Anthem View, Anthem Opinions, and David's Anthem Journal.

    Three questioning the viability of the idea; and one, crusading for it.

    ..and despite the attempt of the three to OPEN AND FULL DISCLOSURE...

    ...the one...actually prints this on his blog:

    "Those who speculate on other blogs without seeking the facts should be treated with suspicion, because they may, in the process, reveal themselves as NOT WANTING the facts."

    This guy has to be kidding. Perhaps he might stop DECEIVING his readers.

    Three... bringing up SOLID evidence as to questionable usage, questions as to full costs, and seeking full disclosure as to the merits of such a costly project...

    One...refusing to acknowledge any of these considerations.

    One....writing a DECEPTIVE petition that in no way brought out the FULL STORY.

    One...DECEPTIVELY alluding to a free "cost of construction" when in fact he knows well and good, that the Asset Enhancement Fee" , a fee just about every homeowner will bear at some point, the pet playground for uncontrolled spending, will finance it.

    One...who conveniently seems to "ignore" all other costs associated with this project which WILL AFFECT dues payments.

    Of course telling the FULL truth would significantly DESTROY his arguments.

    We won't count the numerous others the sole supporter has tried to recruit in his quest, but have told him to "hit the road".

    The latest is "Please return my call?" "Please, Please Please????"

    The problem is, no one seems to pay him much attention.

    I wonder why that would be?

    Perhaps starting petitions to remove them from offices, or referring to them as "clowns" or calling them "malcontents" , yet supporting restaurants that have failed again and again, trying to convince a community that spending "only" $140,000 for a tax problem that should never have existed in the first place, was a "great accomplishment", and supporting a Pet Park, might have something to do with....


  4. Part Two of Commentary

    Whereas before, these same people, if listened to, could have saved our community THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in wasted expenses, and were referred to in the most derogatory manners....

    Whereas before, he would go out his way to DESTROY these people in any way imaginable'...

    Now he wants their help...and...TRUST !

    He won't debate publicly. That's a ruse. He knows full well that any "debate" would involve issues he knows will hurt his case....namely COST & USAGE.

    And why would anyone debate, when any form of disagreement is either wiped from his comments, or one of his readers insults anyone who has the "gall" to disagree?

    For example:
    "Dave, is there some type of phobia related to fear of facts? Whatever it is, Miss Goodman seems to have it. Instead of writing something with NO facts, she couldn't use the time to pick up the phone and call to get the facts from you? Maybe her boyfriend can get the facts from you so she doesn't have to write an article attacking the golf idea in his newspaper. I'm just sayin' ... "

    by: Mikey | July 03, 2013 at 12:49 AM

    Is this the way to "win friends and influence people"?

    Hey Mikey, she didn't attack a thing. She asked QUESTIONS...

    ...that was it.... good questions.... questions YOU never seem to ask,

    Do you actually believe slinging mud will in any way influence anyone, and if so, why type of person it would influence?

    Ron Johnson ...asked QUESTIONS.

    Anthem Opinions... asked QUESTIONS.

    All were SOLID questions pertaining to MONEY & USAGE.

    So knock it off, Mikey, if you think comments like yours are helpful in building a case to construct this thing, think again.

    These comments are a reflection of the BLOG AUTHOR by allowing them, and how DESPERATE those who have little or no strong arguments are, in wanting something WITHOUT THINKING IT OUT FULLY before committing thousands of dollars.

    I'm betting that if ANY PERSON who signed that petition was asked...

    Are you familiar with what the FULL costs are associated with it, that DUES PAYMENTS will be used to maintain, service, repair, and monitor it....

    ....or are you aware that one was built in a close Sun City community that is rarely used...

    ...or that guest policies require members to accompany all guests, and NO CHILDREN are allowed to use Liberty Center amenities....

    VERY FEW...if any...would be able to answer them.

    ...and if a million signatures were obtained by deception, that still constitutes DECEPTION....

    ...and based on a certain individual's past ideas in supporting hundreds of thousands of dollars for projects that have FAILED, over and over again....

    I would hope that upon FULL disclosure, the Property & Grounds Committee will judge this in the same COMMON SENSE manner they did with a Pet Park....not just a bunch of people showing up with a deceptive petition that in all likelihood, will represent a VERY MINOR ASPECT of the Sun City Anthem population.

    This is no attack...this is simply a plea for COMMON SENSE in determining the value of spending a VERY substantial sum of money.
