Information Pages

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Examining Spending in Sun City Anthem


What do we about the Liberty Center bocce courts?  

They sit idle for years, no one cares, but now...WE MUST ACT ???

We at Anthem Opinions, try to remain on the sidelines as much as possible when it comes to local politics in Sun City Anthem; we even refused ALL requests from Board candidates in the previous election to hype their candidacy; but lately, there seems to be some form of "quest" to drop more and more of our bucks in areas, that affect few people.


Too much left over and need to spend them in order to avoid a tax problem...AGAIN ????

Recently we were confronted by mass hysteria over a Pet Park

OK, I love dogs, but when you have one that is approximately 2.4 miles from Anthem Center that is free in Anthem Highlands and takes about 6 minutes to get there from that location...

...then you hear utter NONSENSE from some who believe "our dogs need a private play pen in order to congregate with one another"...

Well... one has to sit back and say....GIMME A BREAK !

So, elsewhere on the other community blogs, while they may be seeking out solutions for "amusement", a good starting point in any direction should involve a very basic concept....


On one, I did notice that a modest 289 people completed a survey  about what to do with the bocce courts at Liberty Center; and approximately 67% of those respondents stated a preference for a miniature golf course.
So...back to the original thought....BEING REALISTIC !
That 67% is 194 people...that's all, a mere 2.7% of homes...

...and that figure is actually inflated if more than one person in THE SAME HOME on a different computer, responded.

2.7%.....not very many, that's for sure.

Now, I haven't a clue as to how much something like that would cost. but anything short of $100,000-$200,000 would surprise me.

You would have to tear up the old courts, redesign them, decorate them, and install some form of astro turf for the 18 holes.  You would need putters and balls, and oh yes, the most important element....the REALISTIC element...


I've read some of the comments from people wanting this as a mini-golf "playground" for their grandchildren. but here's the part that I'd like to question those who believe a miniature golf course would be the ideal solution in their minds. 

When would those kids come hereThe summer...after the school June, July, or August, when IT'S somewhere around 105-110 degrees in the shade?

Is grandma or grandpa going to go out with the kiddies IN THAT HEAT, and watch them take an hour or two to play miniature golf?

Or do they expect Sun City Anthem to also supply them with a private air conditioned area or "misters" ???

Who are we kidding ?  

Do those courts need SOME kind of alteration as a result of our former leaders who allowed it to be built in a way that was so UNUSABLE ?
Of course....but how about doing it with SENIORS in mind.... a COST that would probably be almost nil....

Lay a little concrete...then...

PAINT SOME STRIPES on the existing courts, in the shape of a SHUFFLEBOARD court.

Buy the necessary shuffleboard pucks and sticks, and have it checked out at Liberty Center with the monitor.

My guess is that very few people would still use them, no matter what time of year, but it would accomplish one important mission... would make the current status PRESENTABLE, and those searching out residential a senior community....with a shuffleboard court in their view, would be a lot more appropriate than an empty mini-golf course, or one filled with kids.

We've also been "snowed" by one blogger that it would be essentially FREE...with funds taken from the "Asset Enhancement Fund" or "New Members Fee" or whatever they prefer to call it.

Got some news...IT AIN'T FREE.

It amounts to .33% of the SALES PRICE of a home when you sell it, a fee that for some of you out there who may not familiar with it, is in your  CCR's that not more than a handful of HOA's charge, a charge that IS A SELLER's FEE, on top of any applicable REAL ESTATE FEE...though the blogger will present it as "negotiable" between the parties.

...a fee that SOME PAY, and others, DON'T...because of the original owners back in '99 voting to EXEMPT themselves from it.

That "transfer" fee, even though to call it a "transfer fee" is ILLEGAL in Nevada...

...but due to calling it another name, IS LEGAL...please don't ask me why....

... is YOUR MONEY, no matter how anyone wants to portray it.  It's just a matter of WHEN it is going to COST you.

But back to the area of the bocce courts.

The real question is DO YOU WANT TO DROP A BUNDLE on something that won't be used ?

That's how this should be viewed, not the senior cry of "I want it, I have to have it, but I also want everyone else to pay for it"

Dick Arendt


  1. Dear Mr.Arendt:

    THANKS for the editorial of common sense, it is excellent. IF the Bocce Courts had been built CORRECTLY, they WOULD be used. There are benches and shade at only ONE end ofd the courts and there is not even standing room at the other. This has been pointed out time and time again to the various Board Members, to no avail.

    Take a photo of the Anthem Bocce Courts, built correctly, and then put a photo of the Liberty Bocce Courts and it's easy to see the difference and WHY the Liberty Center Courts aren't used frequently.

    The Bocce Courts at Summerlin were built correctly and many SCA Anthem residents have friends there and play on both courts, when visiting. Uniformity is important to those that play and always has been.

    There are "in state" competitions and out of state competitions and all courts are the same, so WHY didn't the Board of Directors listen to residents when this was pointed out in the initial phases of construction with the suggestions for correcting it?

    The Miniature Golf Course at Summerlin was DESIGNED accordingly, due to the large space, and was extremely expensive to construct.

    It is NOT busy during the summer months as it IS too hot even though surrounding landscaping is nice and there are benches.

    Why is it considered FAIR that only a " portion" of the homes in Sun City Anthem do NOT have to pay the asset fee (now considered illegal so renamed in SCA) or "transfer fee"?

    This fee should be charged to ALL homes when they are sold OR NONE AT ALL. This shocking bit of knowledge should be evaluated for the current Board of Directors. I was not aware that it was charged to some and not others and I find this extremely unfair.

    So....."some of us" are paying for all improvements while others are not. I would be interested in knowing which blog owners PAY and which do NOT and WHICH are OPPOSED to this fee and are willing to step up to the plate and bring this to the attention of ALL residents and our Board and various committees. Alarming fact, to say the least!

    That may not seem like a very large fee to most, BUT the majority of the homes sold are not in the $200,000 price range;they are much higher and the dollars are sizeable! Our price range is more like $500,000 (was higher but the economy changed, which means those with larger homes pays even more for ALL amenities or expenditures when there homes are sold.

    Many residents find themselves in the position of HAVING TO SELL, due to the loss of a loved one and this "transfer fee" or whatever you want to call it, is UNFAIR since it ONLY is charged to SOME and NOT ALL.

  2. Hi Dick:

    I think you are exactly on point in regard to your outlook on Mini Golf...or other items for that matter.

    Why do I think so? Well, for starters..... my best guess is....getting a "high quality design" for mini golf holes (with land grading, landscaping, concrete, water and electricity specs) might well run $10K to $15K per hole! ($110K average for 9 holes.)

    Construction would probably go for $15K per hole (including all the items above. (9 X $15K= $135K)

    All said and done....that would be nearly a quarter of a million to bring to completion.

  3. Dick,

    I just read you article on "common sense spending in Sun City Anthem".


    Out of curiosity and total ignorance, I'd really like to know the cost of initially installing WiFi and the ongoing monthly costs. And of course the level of usage by the residents.

    I can't envision me packing up my laptop and going to the Rec Center for free WiFi. Am I the exception to the rule?

    Just asking.

  4. I want to thank so many of the people who sent me emails that support the questions I addressed, before the Sun City Anthem community embarks on an expensive project, without thoroughly examining the many pros and cons attached to it.

    My comments put forth on this, and the Anthem Today forum, address the issues, in addition to the credibility of the individual blogger to make financial suggestions without fully disclosing all facts involved.

    It is sad that he and the few who comment on his blog, look at me as if I profess hate; when in fact, my intention is merely to ensure a proper and effective handling of funds in Sun City Anthem.

    That is LOVE for a community; not HATE.

    Unfortunately that publication defines HATE as being synonymous with DISAGREEMENT.

    The comments on that blog do not address issues; they instead, do little other than ignore them, and prefer making personal derogatory comments to make their points. One only has to examine them to see that none have addressed the issues of suitability or cost in this expensive community amenity.

    That has been the problem in our association in the past; wants tend to override needs, and this often results in wasting funds that may be used for more productive purposes.

    My belief is that if it some projects affect only a few, one should not spend them; but instead, should be RETURNED to residents in the form of a reduced dues payment.

    In examining a video prepared by another blogger, two items were glaringly present.

    1. The video showed a full rack of putters.
    2. The video showed no people playing on the course in Summerlin.

    That would lead a prudent individual to believe that IT WAS NOT BEING USED.

    Additionally the video was surrounded in a form of music that was intended to first create a WANT, and as it proceeded, a NEED for a product. That is how ALL advertising operates.

    My conclusion, as a result of many years of marketing experience, was that this video represented an attempt TO SELL something, not objectively critique it.

    I have simply asked this entire issue to be placed to a proper referendum due to the substantial cost involved with this project, rather than have an inaccurate survey with a paltry 2.7% of the association's homes make that determination.

    That is what takes place in normal city referendums, and with the population of Sun City Anthem now exceeding 11,000, a proper explanation, both pro and con, should be given to all resident owners, in order that they may make the decision, rather than a handful of individuals.

    This concept is unacceptable to those who read and comment on an alternative publication.

    As to why, that has always been a mystery to me and others who have sustained verbal abuse again and again, when all we have chosen to do is make you aware of problems, and ask your assistance in solving them.

    I am not a politician, nor do I feel a need to act like one IN MY HOME.

    I send my heartfelt condolences to those who feel this need is some sort of requirement to be a part of homeowner association leadership.

    That too seems to irritate those who refuse to accept EFFICIENCY as a way of doing business.

    ...and I have learned over years of experience, that is the difference between a LEADER and a FOLLOWER

  5. I can't believe that for once I agree with Dick Arendt. My previous four comments on other issues never got published, but I hope this comment does. People keep forgetting that this is an age restricted community and we are not here to entertain someones children and grand children. I have heard comments from some people that they would like some additions to our outdoor pools where the kiddies could play with slides and other entertainment, just like they had in their community in California.

    As Dick points out, the bocci courts are idle most of the year, as well as the tennis courts, due to the extreme heat and in many instances an extreme case of arthritis in non-participants. (I am being sarcastic.) We do not need to spend money for the sake of spending, just because a few vocal members want something.

    At a Health and Fitness committee meeting a year or two ago, members of aerobic classes asked for subsidies to pay for their classes. Meg Paulson was going to free up 19K from some funds to do so, but many of us at the meeting objected and said that if have 19k just to throw around to anyone that asks for it,the money should be given back to the members.The idea was shelved.

    I further agree that there is no call to hate anyone that you disagree with. Unfortunately, we have too many people that take comments personally and cannot carry on an intelligent discussion on any topic without degenerating into hateful disagreements. I would think that in our so called Golden Years, we could learn to live free of hate.

  6. Mr. Anonymous,

    It's nice to see that in this case, you seem to agree with my assessment of the proposed min-golf course, but whether or not you agree with any of our articles, that is secondary to our insistence that any and all commentary fall within our RESPECTFUL guidelines.

    I do, however, wish to address the aspect of your post regarding not publishing four of your previous comments.

    After conferring with my partner, Allen Weintraub, it was determined that they violated our STRICT policy of removing ANY COMMENT that was considered RUDE, ARGUMENTATIVE, and/or DEMEANING toward any individual.

    Unlike an alternative community blog that thrives on RUDE commentary by individuals who often prefer to INSULT rather than INFORM, you will NEVER see commentary on Anthem Opinions that reduce us such a disrespectful level.

    One only has to look at the excellent and detailed comments on Anthem Opinions that give reasons for their agreement or disagreement toward our articles, and compare them to those offered elsewhere, to come to this conclusion.

    We encourage ANY person to comment, whether or not they AGREE or DISAGREE with us. That was our original mission in establishing this blog that would PRIMARILY provide the Sun City Anthem community with ENTERTAINMENT and useful information through our various Information Pages.

    You will note on the Welcome Screen:

    Expect us to be controversial at times, but in a respectful manner.

    We feel we have more than accomplished that objective as a result of the vast readership we have attained HERE as well as, from the Las Vegas Valley in general.

    Since we established Anthem Opinions only 6 months ago, we have recruited two additional valued individuals to further enhance our desire to inform: Forrest Fetherolf (Mr. Fix-It) and Carol Van Camp our master gardener (The Garden Wizard). Both have received wide accolades from residents for the wonderful articles they have written.

    In addition, I personally have become the Radio Talk Show host of The Vegas Voice in addition to writing a monthly column entitled, "Say What?!"

    That honor, combined with the addition of those individuals, in our opinion, further enhanced the credibility of Anthem Opinions, toward our dedication to bring quality journalism to our readers.

    Those standards WILL BE MAINTAINED, or we will simply CLOSE UP SHOP ! assured, insults will NEVER BE TOLERATED, and those comments that were previously deleted, were determined to fall within that category.

    This latest post on your part was well within our guidelines of acceptable intelligent commentary, and we encourage you to continue on this level.

  7. Yun Lee and Burt DavisJune 4, 2013 at 1:54 PM

    This comment is being posted on behalf of Sun City resident, Yun Lee, regarding her inquiry to the Sun City Anthem Property & Grounds Committee Chairman, Burt Davis.

    Note: below her comment is a response from Mr. Burt Davis of the Sun City Anthem Property & Grounds Committee.

    To both of these individuals, we sincerely appreciate your commentary and concerns for the well-being our community.

    From Yun Lee
    Dear Sir and/or Madam:

    I am curious to know IF the idea of a survey by Anthem Journal Blog was proposed or supported by our Property and Grounds Committee and/or our Board of Directors. Any survey, in my opinion, can be slanted toward receiving the desired results unless it is like an election, with monitored vote counting, for accurate results.

    Residents that are not Bocce Club Members must play, for enjoyment, with restricted hours, before or after club members scheduled times. IF the Liberty Center Bocce Courts had been constructed correctly, initially, the courts WOULD be used. Ron Johnson, blog owner of posted photos of BOTH the Anthem Bocce Courts and the Liberty Center Courts and it is obvious WHY residents are not playing. One is referred to by our Managing Company (RMI) as "natural landscaping". They have not acknowledged, nor has previous board presidents that it is an "unsafe" area as there is no concrete, only natural rocks of various sizes. It should have been constructed with concrete at both ends, in addition to a bench and shade. It will cost very little, compared to what is being suggested as a major expense, to correct and allow people to enjoy the courts.

    It doesn't matter what the fee is called...a transfer fee, asset enhancement fee, whatever. The money still comes out of the pocketbooks of SOME residents. Not everyone in Sun City has to pay that fee, which is unfair and I don't understand the reasoning behind this. It seems as though houses on the West side of Anthem Parkway don't have to pay, yet those on the East Side do. This FEE should be ELIMINATED COMPLETELY, or ALL SHOULD PAY. Why should some pay and others not pay?

    Our Board and Committees are all volunteers and have done an excellent job but this new "idea or suggestion" has, once again, stirred the pot and caused problems within the community. I am hopeful that IF there are ANY changes made, that it won't be the decision and survey results taken by any "blog owner".

    We have a great community and the negative remarks, finger pointing, and disrespectful dialog on ALL of the blogs has NO VALUE and continues to separate this community. The photos posted and dialog written have given the impression to this community that the miniature putting green is a strong consideration and that a member of the committee, not sure which one, went to Summerlin with the Anthem Journal blog owner.

    The Summerlin Miniature Golf Course was DESIGNED FOR THAT SPACE; they didn't tear up an existing amenity and put something else there.

    It is my understanding that something similar, in the small Bocce space, would be $100,000+. IF the committee would consider Bocce Ball Court usage for ALL of us, and not that the CLUB doesn't need more usage, the reconfiguring of the existing courts would be minimal, and many of us enjoying the courts regularly.

    Thank you for your time.
    Yun Lee
    From Burt Davis

    The idea of a survey was not proposed or authorized by the Property and Grounds committee.

    Burt Davis

  8. In my previous comment I stated that the water aerobic class members asked for financial assistance in paying for the instructors. It was voted down by the Health and Fitness Committee. I have recently found out that some sort of subsidy is being provided to the water aerobic classes. I have sent an e-mail to the board's president for clarification on whether this is the case or not.I have not received a reply as yet.

    If it is, this subsidy was done behind the back door of the Fitness Committee, or with their approval when the committee was reduced to two members. Most of the original members quit after a short stint because it seemed that only the opinions of the two remaining members counted.

    At any rate, if we are providing subsidies to the classes, they should allow other members to use the pool during their hours if they only have six to 10 people in the class, as it used to be.
