Information Pages

Monday, June 24, 2013

On Combining Common Sense with Saving Money

Anthem Center Vestibule Doors...
$65,000  vs Air Curtain for $6,000

In the 2014 budget the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors will consider installing two vestibule entries at the front doors of Anthem Center; one at the Sewing Club entrance,  and one at the Fitness entrance.

The vestibules will be similar in design to the existing double door entrance at Liberty Center and Independence Center.

Apparently, card and game players in the gallery are complaining of cold drafts when the handicapped button is activated to open the double doors during the colder months.

Estimates to construct the two vestibule entries that are under current consideration will cost about $65,000

A resident researched options and found that an Air Curtain blower system can be installed over the existing doors to stop the draft for about $6,000.

This was discussed  with a member of Property and Grounds Committee who claims to be knowledgeable about Air Curtains, and maintains this alternative option, the Air Curtain, will not solve the problem.

If you visit any downtown Las Vegas casino, where many do not have doors....and it is evident the Air Curtain solves the matter in a very cost effective manner.

As a matter of this video regarding the virtue of Air Curtains...because the first picture is the Wynn Casino on the Strip...

...and given it was acceptable to Steve Wynn, perhaps it might just have some merit here as well !

A Board Member stated the major complaint against the Air Curtain is...

...women complain it will mess up their hairdos

There again, dpes that justify spending $65,000 instead of a $6,000 alternative?

In order for a draft to enter the gallery, the draft must be wind driventhat ladies hairdos are subject to getting messy by simply walking from their cars to the Center as it is !

It is estimated that fitness members use the fitness center entrance more than 90% of the time; none are dressed for a beauty contest with fancy hairdos !

Common sense suggestion fell on deaf ears with the Board approving $65,000 of our dues money that will be spent or wasted on yet another unnecessary project.

When will they ever learn…

...we don’t have to waste our dues just because it is in the kitty?

1 comment:

  1. I can't, for the life of me, understand what Burt Davis is thinking. He must have simply acquiesced to fellow Committee member Jim Jaworski and went along with his recommendation to buy vestibule doors. Expensive vestibule doors. This, in spite of the fact there were at least two other viable suggestions, ranging from a few hundred dollars to the $6000.00 mentioned above for the air curtains, that solved the cold problem in the lower Anthem Center area in the winter, and still saved SCA residents money.
    What the real reason for spending this large amount of money unnecessarily might be that the SCA Board has not spent much of the AEF funds for 2013 and they don't want to return any of the money to the residents. A lousy reason in itself, but it just might be true.
    I hope Burt, and the other members of the P&G, are not parties to this type deception. But, it is hard to imagine why they would vote to spend $65K when $6K or less would accomplish the same thing.
