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Friday, June 14, 2013

Vegas Voice Publisher Tells Vic's....Sorry, Three Strikes and you're Out !

A Letter to Vic's Restaurant Owner...
from The Vegas Voice

In reading the Vegas Voice blog yesterday, there was an interesting post made by it's publisher and Editor, Dan Roberts.

 It Must Be Me
by: Dan Roberts - Publisher/Editor

I admit, I'm not the smartest guy in the room - any room. However I wanted to relay some recent information and ask if "it's me" or "them?"

As a new resident of Sun City Anthem, I thought it would be a friendly, neighborly, gesture to welcome the new restaurant - Vic's located in the Anthem Center.  My "housewarming" gift was a free 1/4 page color ad to be placed in our June edition.

Now please don't misunderstand. It was not a trade for free meals, secret recipes or even a prime table when my Lady Love and I would dine there. The offer was unconditional; absolutely and positively "no strings" attached.

My initial offer was ignored. So was my 2nd follow-up. And then my third.

When I finally heard from the owner, I reiterated my offer, but reminded him that I was now on deadline and that I needed the ad within 5 days. He assured me that since the restaurant already had an ad (it was running in 2 other publications) the deadline was not a problem.

As you can imagine, when the ad was not received - or even a word of explanation, yours truly was more than surprised. Why would anyone - yet alone a start-up restaurant, turn down a chance to have its message placed in every home in Sun City Anthem; as well as Anthem Country Club, Solera at Anthem and Sun City MacDonald Ranch?

Like I said, it has to be me.

Fast forward 2 weeks past the printing, distribution and home delivery of our June edition and I then received an email from the restaurant's employee (not even the owner, no less) reminding me of the offer. And yet they were shocked (shocked!) when I advised that the offer "had come and gone."

Maybe it is me, but when I was in grade school, I learned that when someone offers you a gift, the only appropriate words are "thank you." Not a BS response explaining how hard he works or attempting to justify that I was not "ignored"; the restaurant just did not "follow-up."

Needless to say, the restaurant is, of course, more than free to advertise (our media information is listed on this website) and there are no hard feelings - really!
Like I said, it must be me.

Well now, with this in mind, may I say:

Yes, Mr. Roberts, it must be you....but to any living, breathing, sensible creature that exists on this earth, someone from the outside, would have to look closely at the action of that organization, recognizing its immense "success" to date (rumor had it that 6 tables were served a couple of nights ago)....and come to this conclusion as to their response to your generous offer....

Evidently billboards "to no where" on an exit ramp, trump the effectiveness of your readership of in excess of 50,000 people each month !

And based on their original assumption of ...."Build it, and They Will Come"  ...after reading your informative report, there leaves little doubt that its future will rapidly become a "Field of Dreams".

Dick Arendt

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