Information Pages

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Committee Selection Rebukes Sun City Anthem Board

Capital Consultants Management Corp. Says "No Thanks--We'll Pass"

CCMI, the alternative management company who was chosen by a committee to replace RMI (now First Service Financial), has suddenly withdrawn itself from its desire to be our new management company.

That leaves RMI as the sole company....SO FAR.

...and quite frankly, unless you were born yesterday...


The obvious question is WHY

Why would a firm, after going through such a rigorous selection process, and emerging as the choice of a selected committee, suddenly say...


This one deserves a complete explanation....not from a board who in the past has, in my opinion,  been untrustworthy and obviously biased in this matter...

...but from CCMC itself.

This board is causing such havoc in our community, that I believe we now can confidently say...

There is no confidence in their leadership....and it is time to rid ourselves of some of these individuals who have led our community down path after path of financial waste, and now, perhaps the loss of our good name.

There was little doubt that two committees chosen to research a management company alternative, were REBUKED, or more bluntly, thoroughly "made an ass of" in the way they were treated in this selection process.

When this board was TOLD that an alternative should be chosen, they instead made EXCUSE after EXCUSE to look for reasons to retain the current firm.

...and that procrastination became a complete laughingstock among those who have been familiar with their ways in the past, and how BLATANTLY biased they were in this critical decision.

...the latest, being a comment by former President, James Long, when he stated that our current Community Association Manager, lacking in the requirements set forth in terms sent for bid completion and APPLIED to CCMC, would be waived for RMI.

That, ladies and gentlemen, STACKED THE DECK; and was, in the opinion of many, a COMPLETE INSULT not just to those who put hours into research, but to OUR ENTIRE COMMUNITY.

I ask any of you....

...if you were placed in a competitive bidding situation...

...complied in every way...

...were found to have been the choice of a qualified group...2 qualified groups...
and then at the last moment...was informed, that...

... a NEW REQUIREMENT would be made of YOU...

...but NOT the other party...

Would ANY OF YOU want to continue spinning your wheels on an organization that obviously USED YOU and showed FAVORITISM to the other party?

Of course not, in the real world, it's called LOSS OF CREDIBILITY.

And this problem, readers, has ramifications that will remain FOR YEARS, a problem none of these board members could have ever considered, for one reason...

NONE HAVE A LICK OF  EXPERIENCE in such business etiquette.

We have now developed a belief in the business world of USING others to CHOOSE others, and that will undoubtedly result in a reputation that...


This group of senseless people have created a nightmare, a nightmare that PROVES the INEQUITY of our bidding system.

Many contractors who believe they might provide an honest and competitive bid,  will no longer even consider any such activity with Sun City Anthem, because they would be convinced that any such efforts, would be a total waste of their time.

There is one, of two solutions, to this latest abuse.

The first is to contact CCMC, apologize to them for the BIAS, and ask that they again consider our association for their services.

or, if that is unacceptable to THEM....

...secondly, to actively pursue 2 or 3 other companies to bid on our management services, and PLEDGE that the recommendation of a QUALIFIED committee will be accepted.

Renewal of the RMI contract WITHOUT such action will further enhance the belief that this board has ABUSED the power bestowed on it by our community. 

In my estimation this is their last opportunity to PROVE they believe in the committee system.

Dick Arendt

1 comment:

  1. An Angry 13 Year ResidentJuly 24, 2013 at 4:45 AM

    Dick....we need communication on this management company situation.

    I find it highly unlikely that a major company in association management would withdraw from a bid without some reasonable explanation.

    The residents are owed some type of truthful and accurate communication regarding this situation.

    As a result of this withdrawal, our association should investigate at minimum, the 3rd and 4th company that were in the bidding process.

    What we should not do is award a contract to the existing company as a result of the withdrawal of the one company that was to compete.

    As usual, I find the communication without explanation to be offensive, and appears to be a style that this board has found to be an acceptable form of management.

    We are not mushrooms!

    You cannot just pile manure on us and expect us to grow.

    They have done that with the restaurant and it just does not work.

    We as an association have to do something.
