Information Pages

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Mt. Charleston Fires Continue to Burn...
Only 10% Contained

Our heartfelt prayers go to the residents of Mt. Charleston and the bravery of the dedicated firefighters who have fought courageously this past week in their continuing efforts at containing the fires that now have crossed Kyle Canyon and have claimed at least one home.

We can only hope that we do not experience anything like the tragedy of the Prescott, Arizona fires.

These photos were taken at 8:00pm on July 9th on Scotts Valley Drive in the subdivision of Sun City Anthem in Henderson, while smoke hovered over the Las Vegas valley.

Here are two recent reports.

From Channel 8 News:

And the July 10th edition of the Las Vegas Review Journal:

We will keep you posted as to the progress being made in the days ahead.


  1. It was just reported by Channel 8 news that the fire has now claimed 25,000 acres (40 square miles), and the number of destroyed structures is now at 6.

    For the latest Channel 8 news:


  2. The latest from Channel 8 News:

    Clark County officials on Wednesday issued an air quality alert for the valley due to smoke from the Carpenter 1 wildfire on Mt. Charleston. The alert will remain in effect through Thursday.

    Children, the elderly and people with respiratory illnesses should remain indoors. All others should limit outdoor exposure as much as possible. Those who must be outside should consider wearing surgical masks.

  3. Yes,there is a lot of smoke on Mount Charleston!We see the entire horizon toward Mt.Charleston,,,the whole mountain range..on fire,and in flames.with smoke miles high drifting over the whole valley,from rim to has nowhere else to go.!

    Brief cloudbursts from monsoon moisture thunderstorms can eventually put out the fire. Such thunderstorms are forecast today thru Monday. Yes,500 homes are in the path of the 25,000 acre fire,out of control,700 firefighters,and aerial water tanker c-119s,etc are only a token response. The largest uncontrolled forest fire in the nation!

    The scarce cool upland pine forests may only be a memory,as well as the imperiled homeowners, who refuse to leave their pets! Can’t blame them...Clearly,.there is too much brush fire tinder in western forests that should have been control-burned section by section, (as done in Europe.)

    Millions of forest acres have only dead trees killed by pine beetles that can now survive winter due to global warming..(.which only occurs in democratic states).(.There is no global warming in republican controlled states!)

    Moreover these dead pine trees can be felled and removed by able bodied prisoners!...Tens of thousands of prison inmates in western states, incarcerated for pot possession, sit on their butts getting free room and board,and a felony record in the completely misguided “War on Drugs” and mandatory stiff federal sentencing guidelines which have overcrowded the prisons,starting with NY Governor Rockefeller,who first loaded the NY prisons with pot possession victim felons. All able bodied prisoners should have an opportunity to be volunteer forest firefighters,for reduced sentences,and social security credits based on the minimum wage...five good years of minimum wage earns not only a social security pension,but also medicaid/medicare (except in 37 republican controlled states that refuse matching federal funding,i.e, Texas!) (I would except those who committed violent crimes,and those on death row ...would you?


  4. This is a rebroadcast of the July 10th, 11:00pm Channel 8 News.

    The flames are far from over.

  5. As of Thursday evening, July 11th, the fire is now 43% contained. Here is the Channel 8 report.

  6. Channel 8 Reports that it will take some time for the ecology to recover due to due on Mt. Charleston.

  7. The National Weather Service has issued a flash flood warning for west central Clark County which impacts the eastern portions of the Carpenter 1 fire burn area.

    Doppler radar indicated heavy rainfall from a thunderstorm near Willow Creek Campground, about 9 miles northwest of Mount Charleston. Additional thunderstorms are producing moderate to heavy rain just south of Kyle Canyon.
