Information Pages

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Vet's Mentoring Program Needs Help

Judge Mark Stevens and the Vet's Mentoring Program 
Need Your Help

Henderson Municipal Court Judge Mark Stevens was recently interviewed by SCA-TV (formerly known as Channel 99) regarding his Veterans Court Treatment program. 

 A Municipal Court employee advised interested parties that the Judge has a charitable fund, a tax deductible 501C3 charity that is used solely for the benefit of veterans who are taking part in this rehabilitation program.

The funds are used to purchase bus tickets and other items that are needed to allow the veterans to take part in the programs that are designed to help them alleviate the problems that have brought them to the attention of law enforcement and the court. 

Quite often the veterans’ problems are related to drugs abuse, alcohol abuse and domestic violence.  During the interview with Judge Stevens, it was mentioned that our armed forces face an enemy unlike any they have faced in prior wars.  This enemy has no conscience and is willing to make bombs out of women and children for the purpose of indiscriminate killing, not targeted killing but mass murder of civilians:  men, women and children and whoever happens to be in the area that they have chosen to do their random killing. 

It is no wonder that some soldiers come home mentally or psychologically wounded by the barbarianism and savagery they have witnessed and the stress that they endured not knowing when or where the next human or other type of bomb will be detonated. 

It is hard for us living in the luxury of Sun City Anthem to imagine the terror, the horror, the inhumanity that they have witnessed. 

The men and women who have chosen to take part in this Veterans Court Program have admitted their guilt and acknowledged that if they fail to perform satisfactorily in this rehabilitation program, they will be sentenced to the penalty prescribed by law. 
Several of our Sun City Anthem residents serve as mentors to these veterans and assist them in their readjustment into civilian life and becoming responsible and law abiding citizens.

If you would like to help our veterans, participate in this worthwhile program and make a contribution to the health and welfare of, not only the veteran, but to our community as well...

...go to, then to “List of Partners” and the last item on the list of partners is Veterans Treatment Court. 

Please be generous with your contribution. 

 It helps those that have suffered unthinkable terror and stress while serving our country and protecting us from an enemy that lacks any sense of morality, decency or justice.

1 comment:

  1. I have invited Judge Stevens to be my guest at the SCA Veteran's Club Ice Cream Social August 3, 2013 in the Anthem Center Ballroom.

    The event will be a great opportunity to meet Judge Stevens, talk about his Veteran's Treatment Court and let him know how much SCA Residents appreciate him helping our Veterans.

    I have been told there are a few more tickets available, you can contact the Veteran's Club for tickets.
