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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Let Us Entertain You

Each month, I write an article for The Vegas Voice in my column entitled "Say What !?!"  

For those of our readers who do not get, or do not read that publication, here is my September, 2013 article that will appear in the Vegas Voice that should be in your mail boxes within the next week.

Dick Arendt

It's Not the Aging...It's the People Who Act Old    

I don't like getting old; it beats the alternative, but it's not the aging part that bothers me, it's the having to deal with some other older people that does !

Why is it that when people reach 65, they believe that apparent magic number entitles them to do whatever they wish, say whatever they want to say, and some ways, act as stupid and thoughtless, as so many do !

Does the senior mind lose part of its vocabulary when they attain that age?

Have the words,  "please", "thank you", or "excuse me" now been replaced with some new facial expression or sign language that appears to mean, "you owe me" ?

That's bothered me a lot lately, because I didn't grow up that way.

I was taught something that appears to be disappearing in a number of us seniors....manners, cordiality, a sense of humor, and just plain being nice to others...

...and if that is what's happening to us, what in the world is it going to be like for the next generation?

Gee whiz, why are so many old geezers in such bad moods? I'll never understand it.

We live in the greatest country in the world...

... live in an income tax free state... just about everything on a "buy-one...get one free" basis...

...and almost all of us are paid to do those "difficult" tasks"... either the government through Social Security, private industry through pensions, or a combination of the two.

So what's the problem? 

Conversations seem to center around what surgical operations you've had,  what meds you're currently taking, and how your brother is suffering from amnesia in another state...topics that make me envy the brother !

Those topics are the best we can come up with...while playing in the weekly mah jong or poker game ??????

So...let's make September a month to pay attention to ourselves, and how we treat others.

...and here are a few suggestions in keeping with that advice.

1. doesn't hurt, and people just might smile back at you.

2. When walking down a street, be the first to say, "Good Morning" or "Good Afternoon"; then stare at the person and see if they'll return the feels good to say it...and even better to have it said in return.

3. If you live in a 55+ community and are in some club, make sure you welcome a newcomer and give them a sense of belonging.  Remember when you were new and how good it felt for another to welcome you?

4. If you're married or have a certain someone....try your best to make that person who's shared the ups and downs in your life, feel they are appreciated...that the blending of two lives, makes life a better experience for both of you. Take their hand while walking down a street...and give it a little squeeze now and then. It would mean more than any words you could ever speak. As all of us learned years ago, "actions speak louder than words".

5. Don't forget you should be a role model for matter how old you are. 

Then at the end of the month, ask yourself a simple question?

Did I make this world a happier place? 

 If you can say, "yes" or "I tried", you qualify in the category of "adding to this world".

And I'll be the first to take my own advice.


  1. This should hang in every Dr. office and senior living establishments.

    Great article.


  2. Well said.

    I think if we saw a video of our behavior and body language on any ordinary day we would be embarrassed.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  3. I like it.

    I was beginning to think I was the only one observing a lot of inconsiderate, ill-tempered, rude and/or thoughtless behaviors.

    The trend is not limited to the 65+ group, but like you, I expect better from them.

    Although I am not an indoor walker, I go to the Anthem Center on occasion at an early hour and have seen road rage on the track.

    What a country!

  4. Anthem Opinions Website

    It sucks! Somebody has diarrhea of the keyboard.

  5. When I was in San Francisco a few weeks ago, I was really miffed over some younger people on a tram I was riding. They were all seated along the windows and many older folks were standing hanging onto the hand rails as the tram jostled along. Not one young man offered to give one of the elders, lady or man, his seat.

    Imagine how nice it felt a few days after I got home when I was coming out of a shop and a young girl of about 7 or 8 walked out ahead of me with her mother (I assume) and stopped, held the door for me before continuing on with her mom. Not that I am an elder, LOL, but at least I did see that there are some in this younger generation that are still being raised to be ladies and gents!

  6. Great advice!

    I am sitting at my second son's rotunda area by his Spanish style home sipping the first cup of coffee, and best of all, reading your blog, which makes me look back at my seventy-six years of life.

    I am thankful for all the ups and downs; without any of those, I would not be who I am today!

    Of course, there are A LOTS improvements I need to work on myself, and appreciate how my children and their families are!

    Yes, like you said, looking from positive side of anyone, any event, and learn from it and understand, or at least try to understand from it, will make me a little better person!

    Judgmental attitude without full understanding creates worst misunderstanding and conflict! I am grateful even when my heart breaks for things that are in my control!

    Thanks, you men, you and Allen, for proving this blog and your efforts making our community a better place is greatly appreciated!!!

    Enjoy!!! Life Is Good!!! We Are The Lucky Ones!!!

  7. Dorothy,

    Allen and I thank you for YOUR WORDS of WISDOM.

    I hope all those who read these comments take note that THIS is the purpose of blog commentary.

    At times it is in agreement; at times it is in disagreement; but it need not be NASTY OR make DEROGATORY remarks to make a point.

    If anything, being nasty without providing any reasoning for a comment, serves no purpose other than making a fool out of oneself.

    Perhaps those who make such comments here or elsewhere might someday come to that realization, because they certainly don't make up the greater percentages of those who reside in this beautiful community....thank goodness !

    Perhaps the contents of this article might get them to look at themselves as others see them.

  8. Amen, brother! Amen!

    An EXCELLENT piece ... ... ... as always, Dick.

  9. George Jacobs....Cleveland, OhioSeptember 4, 2013 at 5:26 AM

    Hi Dick,

    These are great sentiments and I totally agree with you. I'm glad that you're throwing out the challenge and I hope that you get some good and positive feedback. Thanks and keep up the good work !
