Information Pages

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sun City Anthem President Attacks Community Blogs

Community Blogs and Their Credibility    
If you haven't had the chance to read the August, 2013 issue of The Spirit Magazine, you should...especially page 6...the President's Message from our association president, Jean Capillupo.

Jean Capillupo
President: Sun City Anthem

Of particular concern was a section highlighted by the word:
States our community president:
"We live in a community where rumors replete with misinformation abound. If you listen long enough, it seems you will hear some truly fantastical tidbits on all kinds of subjects. Many don’t meet the test of common sense, yet some residents pass them on to others without stopping to think.

Some community blogs regularly pass on misinformation under
the banner of free speech, or the guise of keeping residents wellinformed.

The simple truth is that passing on misinformation does not benefit our community. If you hear something that seems unlikely or even impossible, or just doesn’t pass the sniff test, please check it out by contacting someone who has the straight story. Help us help you by becoming and staying informed about Sun City Anthem."
...and that comment drew the ire of those who daily, spend uncountable hours desperately making attempts to inform you of what REALLY GOES ON, rather than what OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS want to tell you.

I sent an email to this "distinguished" lady with her accusatory remarks with copies to each board member and those other blog owners in Sun City Anthem who appear to have been made the object of attack.

David's Anthem Journal was omitted; the reason being that other than duplicating Sun City Anthem memos, it is our belief that good journalism should neither be stained with bias; facts should not be distorted; should not include insults that belittle others in the disrespectful manner he has clearly demonstrated over the years; and perhaps worst of all, allowing commentary that many of our parents would have washed our mouths out with soap, if ever made.

At the conclusion of this article, I will reprint the email minus the above referenced demeaning comment made by Mrs. Capillupo.

Sun City Anthem currently enjoys the ability to choose amongst a number of community blogs/forums in order to obtain information of interest to a person's likes and dislikes.

All make attempts to inform; some entertain; and some rant.  

But...when it comes to trying to convince others to be swayed toward their personal opinions in order to affect the well-being of a community, one must carefully examine a word that few sadly do...


Good journalism has NO BIAS.  It should be objective, and present both sides of a story, in order that individuals may look closely at the information provided, to make a proper intelligent decision.


Just what is credibility? 

Simply stated, it is...

...The quality of being believable or worthy of trust.

That statement is does one deserve being BELIEVABLE or being WORTHY of TRUST ?

The answer to those questions may at times, be difficult, but over man's existence, there appears to be one way which normally provides you a strong indication of the correct answer.

And...that is....WHAT YOU DID YESTERDAY, is a good indication of WHAT YOU WILL DO TOMORROW.

Blogs are written by individuals, individuals whose backgrounds should be considered before their writings are believed.

If one has a background of success; one filled with a relevant experience prior to retiring; one filled with integrity; one that includes goodwill toward their fellowman; one who has no motive other than the well-being of others...

That....appears to be the type of individual who SHOULD have...and deserves CREDIBILITY.

On the other hand, if one has a background that includes a history of fraud, deception, mental instability, and financial failure, does that individual meet the CREDIBILITY definition of ...

The quality of being believable or worthy of trust ?

Why am I writing this article?

I am doing so for one reason.....FOR YOU, the members of a retirement community to look at those who make attempts to convince you of THEIR positions WITHOUT providing BOTH SIDES of the story.

Referring to individuals as "cancers" or to others as "malcontents" or some as "slippery" in order to merely sway a personal opinion, is UNPROFESSIONAL, degrading, and to those who reside here, an INSULT to the word "journalism".

It is unacceptable...and RUDE...and can only establish "credibility" amongst others who have the same values.

I will not go into detail as to who presents the truth, and who distorts it for personal gain, but my only concern is WHO benefits, or pays a price for believing the right or wrong individual(s).


...The quality of being believable or worthy of trust.

...a powerful word in a senior community, that must be taken seriously....
...or suffer the consequences of refusing to do so !

That leads me to reprint the email sent to Mrs. email in which QUESTIONS were asked.....and to date, HAVE BEEN UNANSWERED IN ANY WAY.

As to WHY they have been unanswered, that remains a mystery;  but to make such derogatory comments without ANSWERING those  honest QUESTIONS.... further gives concern for today's buzz word..


Here is the email sent:
Jean Capillupo
Sun City Anthem President
It was called to my attention that as part of your August, 2013 President's Report, you included the following verbiage:

(not reprinted to avoid duplication...see above "misinformation" text)

Your reference to community blogs is damning and frankly, I would like you to STATE PROOF as to your allegations that "some community blogs
 regularly pass on misinformation under the banner of free speech, or the guise of keeping residents well informed."
A statement like this REQUIRES explanation.
It is very GENERAL, it is DEFAMATORY, and for a person such as yourself who claims such qualifications as a leader, shows a complete lack of respect toward certain dedicated residents who HAVE EVERY RIGHT to express their views, and QUESTION what a growing number of people now believe, are IMPROPRIETIES. 
Please provide FULL information as to ANY and ALL such allegations, WHICH  blog(s) you have criticized, and the individuals WHO made the allegations. 
Also, PROVIDE PROOF that those allegations ARE INCORRECT.
In addition. provide FULL INFORMATION as to WHO a person SHOULD CONTACT "to get the full story" along with an assurance that FULL DOCUMENTATION WILL ALSO BE verify that individual's TRUTHFULNESS.
In lieu of providing such information, each community blog deserves a PUBLIC APOLOGY for your reckless and INSULTING comments.
Be advised that THIS will be a subject of BLOG commentary, and I believe I speak for all WHO YOU ACCUSE, that your damning commentary will indeed take on a life of its own in the very near future.
Also note that a copy of this email is also being sent to each board member and to various community blog owners in order that they too, might digest the seriousness of your comments, and act accordingly.

This woman has taken it upon herself to make this DEGRADING statement in WRITING to 7,144 homes in Sun City Anthem.

She has to date FAILED TO PROVIDE any information as to WHO a person should contact in order to "get the right story."

And without proving proof of ANY kind, has unduly CONDEMNED community blog(s) which she also REFUSED TO IDENTIFY.

What is perhaps even worse....NOT A SINGLE BOARD MEMBER has in any way chastised this comment.

This....IS YOUR LEADERSHIP in Sun City Anthem...and we are DISGUSTED they in any way would allow such a statement.

And...each blog deserves a PUBLIC APOLOGY.

Let us not forget this attack on free speech,  if she or any of the "silent" ones, run for reelection in the next few months.

Dick Arendt


  1. I received an email asking me to answer a question about a comment to this article....the question pertained to why I omitted "David's Anthem Journal" from my initial email to Mrs. Capillupo...why I would make such statements about David's Anthem Journal.

    Let me explain by way of actual examples of how I look at BAD JOURNALISM.

    BAD JOURNALISM is journalism that says one thing, but practices another.

    BAD JOURNALISM is journalism that allows filth to be printed as commentary.

    ...and with those comments in mind.... is a statement written by David Berman in the opening to his blog:

    "Here you can post your own comments and questions, and you are free to express your (respectful) opinions"

    (David Berman---opening comment to David's Anthem Journal)

    Note the word: respectful.

    Now please observe the following comments made YESTERDAY, all within the same article:

    "Typical of the behavior of Dick Arendt, he has published advice to Patsy on how she can rip me off"
    (David Berman)

    Anyone with a sense of humor who read the comments would have believed they were said in humor....including Patsy McCarthy.

    "everything in his jumbled head relates back to his wallet"
    (Sandy Ridge---fake name)

    Repectful comment?

    "Sandy, it's like trying futilely to argue with a third-grader"
    (David Berman)

    Respectful comment?

    "it should be readily apparent that I know how to do what Mr. Arendt does not know how to do, which is to develop and organize plans, and then carry them out"
    (Davod Berman)

    Point of clarification....I owned by own business for 34 years, and retired at the age of 56. Somehow that might convey a belief that I have "limited" knowledge on how to organize and implement.

    "that your lap dog Arent"
    "this creep"
    (Mikey---fake name)

    Respectful comment?

    "let me add a little more ridicule to arendt's idiocy"
    (Al---fake name)

    Respectful comment? (at least this individual admitted to his comment as "ridicule")

    "this hypocrite"
    (Sandy Ridge---fake name)

    Respectful comment?

    As a result of this form of commentary, it is obvious that he considers this "good journalism" or he would have removed it.

    He did not.

    ...and that is why I consider David's Anthem Journal BAD JOURNALISM.

    I ask any of you consider this GOOD JOURNALISM?

    Rest assured, you will NEVER see such commentary on Anthem Opinions....and JOURNALISM.

    I rest my case.

  2. In addition, D. Berman's most despicable journalism was...

    During a election campaign, he commented that Woodchips and two of its members (running for the Board he opposed) were instrumental in the suicide death of a member. He new very well that was false when he befriended the member and his wife prior to the suicide.

    Two years after the suicide death, D. Berman continues to allow the wife to blame Woodchips as the cause of her husbands suicide, spewing garbage accusations about others character and untruths on his website

    He knows all to well that the wife had personal issues, but rather than help her, he encourages her to blame others even though she was a party to the issues leading up to her husbands suicide.

    Yes...that is real good journalism on his part and should be a consideration on how much trust and consideration you give him. There is no limit to what he will do to destroy others.
