Information Pages

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sun City Anthem E-Blasts....Are Some " Relevant to Residents" ?

Why Does Vic's Restaurant Have Access to Sun City Anthem Residents Email Addresses ?

Are you as tired as I am receiving emails from Vic's Restaurant, a private company who merely leases space from Sun City Anthem ?

Here's the latest every person who subscribes to the Sun City Anthem website received today:


Message from Vic's Restaurant

Special events, tonight and tomorrow!

Friday, October 18
Come listen to the mellow sounds of accomplished pianist Marilyn Peterson on Friday, October 18 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

Saturday, October 19
Due to popular demand, Vic's is extending Free Bananas Foster Night to include ALL dinner hours!  There is still some availability for Free Bananas Foster on this Saturday, October 19!  Call now before all reservation times are gone!

Please do not respond to this message. Use the appropriate eForm found on the website to communicate with management personnel and the Web Administrator. To change your e-mail address, login to the website and click the User Profile and make the desired changes. If you do not wish to receive future email bulletins, you may unsubscribe by unchecking the appropriate boxes in the subscriptions tab of your user profile.


These notices come via official Sun City Anthem eblasts !

And...the disclaimer is BUNK ..especially this part:

"you may unsubscribe by unchecking the appropriate boxes in the subscriptions tab of your user profile"

So...I decided to try to locate the "appropriate box" in my Sun City Anthem "User Profile" where I could DELETE SOLICITATIONS... the ones most of as call...SPAM !

As per the instructions, I logged into the SCA website, and opened up the "User Profile" under "Home" only to find a tab called "subscriptions".

OK...I opened up "subscriptions" and the only thing I could delete was "Alerts: Events Relevant to Residents".

So...since "Messages from the Board President" must be "relevant to residents", perhaps someone might answer this question.....

....What is the RELEVANCE of "Free Banana's Foster Night"  ???

...and just why should a solicitation from an independent business that is merely a renter, be allowed at all on SCA official correspondence ? 

How and more importantly, WHY, is this independent business allowed free access to Sun City Anthem resident email addresses to ADVERTISE themselves?

Want to delete SPAM advertisements anywhere else ...not a problem...

...but here ????

YOU CAN'T....unless you also unsubscribe to all Sun City Anthem emails...because of one reason...

This board or management company WANTS Vic's TO HAVE ACCESS to you.
And WHY should that be ? 

Are they paying for the email lists

Are they being prepared by an employee of FSR (our management company) ...

...who IS BEING PAID by Sun City Anthem residents... receive THEIR ADVERTISING ?

Or is the word "bananas" synonymous with Messages from the Board President?

We believe the SCA website should NOT ALLOW any form of Private Solicitation...from any profit making organizations without payment....and in addition...the SCA website should be altered to allow you to OPT-OUT of any such material

We'd like your opinion.

Should Vic's Restaurant or any other independent profit-making company or individual be allowed to advertise by way of official SCA E-blasts?

Should any outside party have access to your email address for such purposes?
If allowed, should any such party pay for advertising? 

Should the SCA website have an "Opt-Out" option for any solicitations from private profit-making companies?

If you are unable to comment, send us an email at:

We'll post it for you as long as it falls within our definition of "respectful discourse".

Dick Arendt


  1. Sent from Hollis Habeger to Dick Arendt:


    I totally agree with the idea that no private for-profit organization should be allowed to use the Anthem website!!!!!

    And I also strongly believe that once again... the stupidity of our board members is showing!

    Somehow we need some common sense and controls to the financial responsibility here in SCA! These people must ALL be from the same mind set... eager to spend other people's money!

    I would love to know just how much was spent to equip Vic's to settle in here..!!? And see the contract provisions (or lack thereof) for continued occupancy and payback to our treasury for that priviledge.

    This is especially irritating... since it's NOT even the type of business that most residents wanted!

    Thanks again so much for your continued reporting of "the good, the bad, and the ugly" going on unchecked here at SCA!!

  2. From Josie:

    I am INCENSED that Vic's has the NERVE to want to send their advertising through Sun City channels.

    They are an outside business and not Sun City.

    Residents that live here know they are here and don’t need to be inundated with their advertising. We get enough of it through the bulletins that come from RMI. If anything it is a turnoff, and I will NEVER eat at their restaurant.
    I don’t like things to be crammed down my throat.

    I’m sure that I am not alone in feeling this way.

  3. From Jack Trugman


    I have NOT received ANY emails from Vics Restaurant.

    Frankly, I might like to know of any special promotions they are offering.


    1. Jack,

      These emails are official SCA elbasts. We believe that is inappropriate to use for a private business to use SCA sources.

      Would you object to any private business using SCA official sources?

      Would you like to receive solicitations from upteen sources day in and day out from SCA official sources?

      Why is Vic's Restaurant allowed to do so, and not others?

      Perhaps you might ask Vic's if they have a private website to send you such information.

      Our objection is merely using SCA sources for a private solitication, and a resident should be provided an Opt-Out option if they choose not to receive them.

      We don't find that unreasonable.

      If you do not get such SCA elbasts, you would have to subscribe to the SCA website.By doing so, you will automatically receive all official SCA announcements.
