Information Pages

Monday, October 21, 2013

Claims "Misrepresentation"

Sun City Anthem Resident Speaks Out Against David's Anthem Journal

Within the past two days, two articles have been published on David's Anthem Journal that have been widely critical of a number of Sun City Anthem residents, one of which is Mrs. Mary Lee Duley, a woman primarily known for her extensive Sun City Anthem data base primarily covering the Desert Sky, Shadow CanyonBlack Mountainas well as a number of other villages in our community.

Mrs. Duley often provides those members of her data base, information about our community, and has always strived to be impartial in her reports.

Following an email sent to that data base in which she reported facts and expressed concerns about the proposed miniature golf project at Liberty Center (see copy of email in Anthem Today article entitled "Why Anthem Opinions No Longer Accepts Anonymous Comments", she also forwarded copies to the major blogs/forums in Sun City Anthem for their consideration to publish.

Following that email, an article appeared on the blog, David's Anthem Journal, entitled " An Attack on the Mini-Golf Proposal", in which Mrs. Duley was heavily criticized for merely expressing a personal opinion about the mini-golf proposal.

David Berman originally contacted Mrs. Duley in May, 2013 and asked her the following: "How do you think you personally, as well as your neighbors, would feel about this type of use for that space?" (Liberty Bocce Ball court)

A portion of Mrs. Duley's response for her personal opinion was "the residents of the three villages would rather have the end of the bocce courts reconfigured to match the ones at Anthem Center and you would find them used continuously. The cost would certainly be much cheaper to reconfigure than tear it up and add something else."

Subsequently, David's Anthem Journal composed and published an article which not only offended Mrs. Duley by attacking her with his judgmental presumptive assumptions,  but a number of Sun City Anthem residents as well.

In addition, as a result of other comments made on the Anthem Today community forum that were critical of that article in defending Mrs. Duley's personal opinions, yet another article appeared entitled "About that Dining Offer-", this time, heavily criticizing another lady named Patsy McCarthy, the purpose of which was a mystery, yet ridiculed her as well.

As a result of the Berman publication, "An Attack on the Mini-Golf Proposal", Mrs. Duley submitted a response, and  requested other publications post it on her behalf.
And in accepting that request, we support not just Mrs. Duley, but ANY PERSON  who has the right not to be ridiculed for expressing an opinion, as long as done so in a respectful manner.

Here is Mrs. Duley's response to the David's Anthem Journal article entitled "An Attack on the Mini-Golf Proposal":
Dear SCA Neighbors, Family, and Friends:

David Berman has elected to place what I consider a "misrepresentation" of myself on his blog (Anthem Journal/owner), which I felt was insulting and unprofessional, while criticizing my "personal opinions".  My personal opinions greatly differ from his push to replace the existing, incorrectly built,  Bocce Courts at Liberty Center with a miniature golf course.
While on an extended family holiday, I also received and ignored two emails from David Berman, that were judgmental, presumptuous, insulting, and AGAIN, criticized my "personal opinion" of not favoring a miniature golf course.  Actually, my opinion hasn't changed since my  personal response to David Berman's REQUEST for my "personal opinion" and that of my neighbors. on May 25, 2013.

David Berman has ATTACKED me on his web site, most likely because I chose to IGNORE his insulting emails. I do NOT plan on having ANY conversations with Mr. Berman, either in person, via email, or other venues available.

Informational emails will continue to be forwarded to those that desire to participate in my data personal base.  Let me assure you that all transmittals are sent using Bcc, as privacy is a large concern to all of us.  IF you are on my data base and desire to be taken off, it's just a matter of a quick email to  m  If you desire to be added to the data base, please provide your name, address, telephone number, village name,  and email address.  You will receive a confirmation email when you have been added.

Thank you for your continued support, time, and consideration.

Mary Lee Duley

1 comment:

  1. Sent to Anthem Opinions from reader: Yun Lee


    Good digital citizenship is not being practiced on Anthem Journal and, I doubt that this will remain posted and will be deleted quickly. Mrs. Duley has been sending informational emails about things that have an impact on this community for years and does it out of courtesy, without needing to brag about her volunteerism or time spent in various venues. Her emails are sent to many villages, just just Desert Sky, where she resides, within close proximity to Liberty Center. She could see construction when the project began and ended and, for years, spoke at the podium providing HER opinions. She has made it clear she does NOT speak for anyone other than herself BUT will continue to keep residents in the loop. EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion and respectful responses seem to have gone out the window. You used the word ATTACK, with regard to Mrs. Duleys emails. Are you threatened by her popularity, integrity, and honesty and the fact that she doesn't post NASTY comments or point fingers at residents by using their names in an insulting way. I've said it before and the information was deleted so I"ll say it again. SHAME ON YOU MR. BERMAN. I have NO intention of ever meeting you on a one to one and being insulted, why would I or anyone else? You nave negated Mr.Fix It (Featherolf), Mrs. Goodman, Mr. Arendt, and many others...using their name in a malicious way. You allow posters to comment with nasty remarks without using their names so that they can hide behind anonymous postings. It used to be if a person said something about somebody, I said it to ONE person. Today, IF anyone posts on the internet, you say it to everyone...ever! Not only do hurtful words about someone stay around forever, so do all the other things people post online. In that regard, postings can come back to haunt the poster. It becomes really easy now to send someone a nasty text on facebook and/or to BULLY and post nasty things on blogs. Since Mrs. Duley has been generous enough to encourage residents to check ALL blogs, including ours, I'm will send my comments to ALL blogs to share with ALL residents. This reflects MY opinion of the situation and not an ATTACK, it's stating the truth! I end this by saying many do extensive research and have helped this community like Ron Johnson and the HUGE plumbing problem in SCA with Kitec and Wirsbo, you NEVER give credit for a job well done unless it's yourself. I fully expect you to block this posting, how very sad that you allow ONLY what YOU want to say to be reflected in most cases.
