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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This One Would Have Been 's for "Teddy"

Why I Wanted the Cincinnati Reds to Win the World Series
You probably think this article is about baseball...but it's NOT
I'm a diehard Chicago Cubs fan, but this year I was rooting for the Cincinnati Reds to "go the distance"!  Unfortunately the Pittsburgh Pirates eliminated them.

It wasn't because I love the Cincinnati Reds, but because of a very special individual named...
TEDDY....Teddy Kremer.

"Teddy" is the batboy for the Reds, and recently, a television story was aired that impacted me so greatly, I felt I had to share it.
This is "Teddy"

...and you will see that he was born with downs syndrome...a birth defect that doesn't allow those born with the condition...  grow up in the same manner as the rest of us, but in a manner each of us WISH WE COULD
These blessed individuals rarely know the meaning of the word ANGER, but instead, are uniquely capable of looking at the world as a place filled with LOVE.
And "Teddy" is no exception.
When Teddy was born, his parents were told that he was the victim of this genetic defect, and were encouraged to place him in an institution...

...that he would possibly never be able to walk...

...that his IQ would be severely limited...

...that life might be better off for all concerned...

... if that option were chosen.
But...their LOVE would not allow them to have any part of such an option...
...and the words "unconditional love" became words that many may use, but Mr. & Mrs. Kremer, deeply believed.
And so...Teddy's life began to a way that would become an inspiration not just for those who may be afflicted, but for everyone who ever came to know "Teddy".
...and through media coverage, everyone who loves baseball, now knows "Teddy".
The national exposure began in the spring of 2012 when Teddy's parents wanted to give him a special 30th birthday present...and with his love of sports...and the Cincinnati Reds....they won a silent auction in which "Teddy" would be the Reds batboy for a day.
...and when "Teddy" received the greatest gift he could have ever hoped for.... not only changed his life, but every member of the Cincinnati Reds team as well !
He became the inspiration for that much so, that the Reds called him back to be their batboy again....
...and on that one day, that one very special day...April 18, 2013...a day that Hollywood will likely bring to the silver screen...something happened !
Just as if seeing Babe Ruth pointing to centerfield at Wrigley Field in Chicago during the 1932 World Series "calling his shot" ...and hitting a home run exactly where he pointed.... was as if a moment in baseball history was about to repeat itself.
Reds player, Todd Frazier, had struck out earlier in the game, but that didn't affect "Teddy". All he could say to Frazier was "That's Okay, Todd".
Well now, up came Frazier again, and of course "Teddy"...ever so joyful and optimistic "Teddy"...was still there with Todd's bat in hand...only this time, saying, "I love ya Todd...Hit a Home Run".
And you guessed it....he did !

This is the story of "Teddy Kremer", an 11 minute video that when you see it, you would never have rooted for any other team in the World Series this year...
...for one reason...

It  would have been for "Teddy".

And Teddy, if you're out there,  take it from a Cub fan...keep the faith...

"Wait til Next Year"
Dick Arendt

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