Information Pages

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

You May Be Surprised Just How Possible It Is !

Earthquake...Can It Happen Here ?

You bet it can....and more so here than in 46 other states according to the article entitled "Annual Shake Out Drill Thursday" in the Nevada Section of the Wednesday, October 16th edition of the Las Vegas Review Journal.
According to the article:

...only California and Alaska incur more earthquakes than Nevada. quakes of magnitude of 6.5 or greater have struck Nevada in the past century, but none has occurred since 1954.

...and WE'RE DUE !

Most people are unaware that the Las Vegas valley is SURROUNDED by a number of seismic faults, capable of producing a major quake.

...and Thursday, October 17th, at 10:17am, more than 550,000 Nevadans will participate in the "Great Nevada Shake Out", including all 315,000 public school students.

Here's a link to the article:

Do you carry earthquake insurance through your homeowners policy?

Most people are not aware that similar to flooding, earthquake damage IS NOT COVERED on your policy unless a RIDER is ADDED to the coverage.

Is it costly?

That's for your individual budget to determine, but one has to ask one's self...

...Is it worth $200-$300 of additional cost per year to protect an asset worth $200,000 to $700,000 depending on the value of your home ?

I do...and I carry earthquake insurance, not just for peace of mind in protecting one of my most valued assets, but because I place the cost in proper perspective.

Do you drop a couple of hundred bucks in a slot machine in a year

I do...and I'll bet most of you do as well. 

and...we all know those big buildings aren't built on people winning, don't we?

So...if you can "sacrifice" that slot machine a time or two over an ENTIRE YEAR... it worth it. protect your home from such devastation....if for no other reason...
...than your having a place to sleep each night...when you drop another two hundred bucks ????

I think so...and it doesn't cost anything to call your insurance agent to find out what it costs to add it to your present coverage.

That might be the ex-insurance man in me, but I have to admit, that in the 35 years I spent in that industry....

Never ONCE....

Did I ever have a claimant refuse to cash a check !!!!

Dick Arendt

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