Information Pages

Monday, November 4, 2013

Income..$2,000... Less Cost... $4,000 = $2,000... Loss Each Month to Residents

Fiduciary Responsibility....Losing Money ?

I must have read that new deal with Vic's Restaurant 25 times, and every time I do, I come to the same conclusion...

What were they thinking ????

So...I thought I would start with the definition of FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILTY...

"Fiduciary duty requires board members to stay objective, unselfish, responsible, honest, trustworthy, and efficient. Board members, as stewards of public trust, must always act for the good of the organization, rather than for the benefit of themselves. They need to exercise reasonable care in all decision making, without placing the organization under unnecessary risk."

Now...with this definition in mind, let's look at the new "deal" the "Wizards of Anthem" came up with last week...keeping in mind...that even 2 of the "wizards" are attorneys !!!


1. Tenant gets rent cut in half.
2. Tenant has ability to cut the hours...starting at 3:00pm.
3. Tenant signs a two year promissory note to pay $20,000 for past unpaid utilities.


4. Tenant allows outside organizations to cater events.

,,,However...outside caterer can't use certain facilities, especially the kitchen ,or whatever Vic's HAS BEEN GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE.

Now that is some crafty bargaining, don't ya think ?

We really pulled one over on that Vic's guy, didn't we? 

...and that guy thought he was dealing with amateurs, huh ??

I tell ya, the way this group "thinks", don't be surprised if the next "action item" is authorizing a trout farm so Vic's can sell fresh fish !  

...after all, after this last bit of  bargaining "wisdom" on their part, I'm convinced they think of residents as 7,144 pieces of "bait" be used "hook line and sinker", to feed their egos, not stomachs.

Where...just these people come up with these ideas...much less a unanimous 7-0 vote to approve them ???

Of course it doesn't matter a single hoot that Sun City Anthem needs four grand a month to break even...

...that getting two grand when you need "new math" for "success".

...that if you are one of the select few who do chow down at this eatery, you might have to have lunch after you can pay dinner prices (with resident discount of course).

...that you hope the monthly payments for the past unpaid electricity bills  will keep the power button can stay "on" to keep your food warm. 

But, hey, due to all of that "prowess" in negotiating skill, you got one helluva deal...

Now...all of you "fish"  who reside in the money pond...

...can bring that pizza to any official sponsored club function your little hearts desire... can't keep it warm, but you still can bring it

Time to get back to the "fiduciary responsibility" part...and how this latest stroke of financial genius demonstrates their ability to comply with the laws of economics. 

Must be "efficient".   LOL  (no comment required) 

Must be "unselfish"  MORE LOL   (can't deny Jeannie C and Bella M a place to eat lunch..after 3:00pm)

Must be "responsible"  DOUBLE LOL  (Jerry G says why ask them for anything at all?   Come on, everyone thinks "Free is Good"...if your a bureaucrat)

Must be "objective"   EXTREME LOL  (Jimmy M says not a good deal, but let's go along with the bunch just the same...besides, why waste all  that expertise as the former head of the Finance Committee ?)

Must "always act for the good of the organizationSEVEN LOLs  (Right...I think every person who pays dues would choose to lose money every month..."for the good of the organization", don't you? Trouble looks like they can't figure out which organization, can they ?) 

Oh well...according to another blogger...yet another lawyer...oops, ex-lawyer...

Who cares...besides, how dare those Clubs ask for edible food, at a price they can a place they own ? 

Anyone know of a good deli or kosher hot dog stand where you can eat lunch for five bucks at noon ? 

If you do, I have a feeling that you'd see somewhere around 11,000 people standing in line...

...the other 7 will be eating at Vic's.

Dick Arendt


  1. From a Anthem Opinions

    I was always under the impression that no restaurant nor caterer could ruin a breakfast, but I was wrong. Today was the breakfast for the Lifelong Learning Group, and they were probably required to use Vics to cater their breakfast if they wanted to use the ballroom. What a disappointment that was!

    Whatever the club had to pay to have Vics cater it was too much money! They served scrambled eggs, bacon, bagels that appeared to look like they were cut out of bread slices because that’s the consistency they were, cream cheese, butter and jelly coffee, tea, orange juice and another juice, and that was all.

    There was no cut up fruit nor any pastry.

    It was very disappointing foodwise. And we wonder why people don’t trust Vics to do a good job.

    In the past for the breakfasts, there had been the good bagels, lox and tomatoes, onions, capers, cut up fruit and some type of sweets.

    Vics has a lot to learn about their catering if thy want business from people here at Anthem.

  2. From Resident...Tim Anthem Opinions

    Bella’s Lunch

    Cost of Bella’s lunch:

    Cost to Bella, probably less than $10.

    Cost to the members of Sun City Anthem, $24,000.

    (It better be a very good lunch at that price.)

    Board member and VP Bella Meese, whose greatest admirer is Bella Meese, has declared she is superior to all other mortals and particularly to the inferior peons who are the members of Sun City Anthem. She insists her highly elevated status in a world of mere mortals gives her the undeniable right to have lunch where ever she wants and when ever she wants – no matter how much it will cost the inferior beings.

    Bella demonstrated her willingness to use the members of Sun City Anthem as lackeys to satisfy her personal whims at the board meeting last Thursday by stating she demands to have lunch at Vic’s restaurant anytime it suits her. That “Bella benefit” will cost Bella almost nothing but will cost the members of SCA at least $24,000 payable to Vic’s so Bella can have her lunch under her terms. Bella just shrugs that off and shows her distain and disgust for the members of our community.

    What ever happened to that previous Bella many people respected? That person seems to be gone forever and the new Bella who insists all others hold her in awe is what we are stuck with.
