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Monday, December 23, 2013

A Merry Story at Christmas

Twas the Night Before the Journey

It was evening at the North Pole
And while the world would rest
An old gent boarded a sleigh
For his grueling yearly quest. 
The reindeer were ready...
The elves worked all night
And a heavy sleigh steadied
For a long evening flight.
Off in the yonder
With a red nosed creature to lead....  
The night's journey began
In heart rendering speed. 

There were millions to see
So many places to go...
Each year always more...
No time to be slow !
On Dasher and Prancer...
While the kids would sleep
Down and up each chimney
Never making a peep.

He placed his gifts
Under a carefully lit tree
For those who'd been good
The next morning to see. 
But before he would leave
He would gaze under each tree
Crunching on a cookie thinking...
It's all because of me !

As he jumped in the sleigh
To continue the night
He stopped for a moment
To reflect on the sight.
Below him was a world
Filled with many schemes...
Yet God had allowed him
To fulfill a child's dreams.
On behalf of all of those associated with Anthem Opinions...

Forrest "Mr. Fix-It" Fetherolf
Carol "The Garden Wizard" Van Camp
Norm" What's Up in Weekend Entertainment" Johnson
Along with a few other of our friends...
We wish you a very Merry Christmas !

Dick & Allen

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