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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Negative Commentaries Turn Off Residents

Resident Sounds Off in Disgust of Negative Remarks on David's Anthem Journal

The following email was sent to Anthem Opinions and other commmunity blogs to reprint without making any changes.

It was written in response to the recent article authored by Mr. Berman ridiculing Ron Johnson's Liberty Center proposal, entitled "Croquet at Liberty Center?"
...and we are happy to convey this message to our readers.
Sadly, 2014 has begun with NEGATIVES on one web site - Can we work together and eliminate this high school behavior?
Date: January 4, 2014 4:04:52 PM PST
The below information was posted on Anthem Journal by David Berman.  Must we begin our NEW YEAR with negatives, rather than positives and working together for the benefit of ALL, not just a few with an agenda?

Our club members and neighbors are so tired of hearing about the miniature golf and the lack of disclosures when David Berman obtained signatures from many innocents. I say innocents as when asked about costs, they were told it was FREE (?).   Hopefully the Property and Grounds Committee realizes that he shared NO costs with folks and elaborated on it "costing nothing" since it came out of a FEE that we, are residents,  pay when we sell a house.  He and three previous board members were overheard talking, at Buckman's,  about what THEY planned on doing to make changes in OUR community since THEY had the VOTES (?).  Doesn't anyone, with power to make decisions,  care about what the majority of the residents in Sun City Anthem desire?  Who can concerns be forwarded to? Board members do NOT respond to emails and some committee chairman do not respond.  It's frustrating for many!   Please feel free to send this email to anyone to any committee member that is "voting/vetting" on the miniature golf course as it WILL be an expensive endeavor. 

 I viewed a personal putting green at a house, close to Liberty Center, not long ago that was installed by a professional company that works with the various Nevada golf courses. The landscaping was beautiful (and expensive), as well as the putting green but the owner said it was rarely used.  In retrospect, they would have put in a larger swimming pool and not installed the putting green. I've been to Summerlin four times and asked various residents at the various golf courses and clubs IF their miniature golf course is used as there is never anyone playing. Their comments were "it was a waste of money but Pulte installed it as part of their selling the community to those that didn't golf".  

It's my understanding that one of the suggestions for the Liberty Center Bocce Courts (which I regret and not able to use since they  were not built correctly) was a DUAL purpose activity where one could play SHUFFLEBOARD OR BOCCE (four of each would also work?)  and it seems the cost was minimal, compared to other proposals. No one seems to be talking about the LOW COST and the enjoyment to MANY for this and other venues submitted, other than the COSTLY miniature golf course proposal. Drive to Summerlin and talk to the residents, they do NOT use it (summer, spring, or winter) and little usage in the fall. Are we doing to invest big bucks into something else that won't be used. The Tennis Club has adequate courts, in my opinion, as the courts at Liberty Center are not used often. It's my understanding that Property and Grounds approved the conversion of tennis courts to Paddle Tennis and Pickle Ball yet the Tennis courts are not busy on a regular basis and sit "idle".  Bocce is idle as it wasn't built correctly and the SCA President, at the time, didn't have PULTE make the needed corrections before "accepting" Liberty Center and it's related conditions.  

Residents in our neighborhood and club activities are hopeful that Property and Grounds, in the vetting process, will realize that residents don't attend meetings. The last owner's meeting (not board meeting) was an example yet it was handled like a board meeting.  Residents feel it's not worth their time and that the "elite few" seem to have control over all decisions made in this community.  I find it interesting that existing board members meet at Buckmans, during off hours, rather than going to Vic's. This is a small community and conversations overheard are soon spread and rumors begin, sadly.  

It is hoped that our various committees will encourage our board to "disclose ALL information on ANY venue that would be important" BEFORE they approve same. Many are still stunned by the decision to CHANGE an already negotiated CONTRACT for the Vic's restaurant, reduce rent, make arrangements for payment of "past due utility bills" WITHOUT providing this information to ALL residents of Sun City Anthem.  IF rents are not paid in a prompt manner on my properties, I give them "notice to vacate", I do NOT "reward" them for ignoring the terms of a lease and not having consequences for this inexcusable behavior.

There are residents that have second homes in SCA and that live here part time, many investors, and full time residents. The SPIRIT is the BEST way to educate residents on EVERYTHING that is happening in this community as EACH household receives a copy each month. Individual mailers are expensive and NOT necessary IF the Spirit is used and any feedback from the board could be requested by using a form for same on one page.  I've lived in three different HOA's and have never experienced such a "split" in communities or finger pointing by those that feel they "have the votes". 
We need to put a stop to the negative remarks against specific residents as we ALL contribute something, and may it be positive for 2014 and not negative. The board, in my opinion, needs to listen to the majority of residents, not just a few.  This CAN be done by utilizing the Spirit on a monthly basis.  It's obvious the meeting attendance is getting worse, over the years, and not increasing.  It's time for positive changes.  

Thank you.

Linda Thomas

1 comment:

  1. From Resident...Samuel Anthem Opinions

    Once again the mini-golf course and Anthem spending are on the front page. I keep hearing the golf course is free, since there is plenty of money in the assessment fee, which is a burden on people trying to sell their houses.Why not tax the buyers? I know there is a law that a sitting Congress cannot pass a law that benefits members at the time they are in session. How could our board and the original members pass a regulation taxing (assessment/fees) people that bought here after 2001 and they are exempt? I know it was not disclosed by Del Web or any realtor when I bought in 2002. Frankly, I think we need a petition to eliminate this pork barrel grab by our predecessors, which appears to be a piggy bank for any project some one dreams up. I assume some of that money replaces the rent money we just cut on behalf of Vic restaurant? I presume we only need 51 per cent of Anthem residents to eliminate this fee? I don't think the Board will let us start such a petition, but maybe we should get our own started.

    I asked in my previous statements for some RMI statistics on the use of the tennis and bocce courts. I know most of the year they are empty. I would further ask our BOD to check on those that want the mini-golf course to provide proof that they have used any such course in the past year or two and how often. My guess would be none. A mini-golf course benefits children, not adults. Given all the hip and knee replacements around here, I doubt too many of us would use such a children's toy. Those that want to entertain their kids, lets get rid of Vics and put in a video arcade that we all can use and even make money for the association.By the way, if you build this course near the Liberty Center, I guarantee you it won't be long that the same people will demand that kids be allowed to use the pools at Liberty, which they are not allowed at this time. I am sure the residents near by will not like that too well. I assume parking will be at the Liberty center for the mini-golf course?

    I think it is time we put together an oversight committee to oversee the actions of our BOD and the various committees. Members of the oversight committee would be allowed to sit in on all discussions, especially the ones that are not open to the public, to make sure no one's pet project or expenditure is enacted, without Anthem members knowing about it before hand. Any project costing over 100K should be voted on and approved by a majority vote, not by a few people with special interests.

    I wish I could attend all these committee and board meetings to add my two cents worth, but my health won't permit it. Besides, as current article clearly states that attendance at those meetings is declining. Given we are only allowed 2 min to talk at the end of the meetings, rather then make comments when the discussions are on going, soon we will have no attendance at all. Democracy in Anthem will die with a whimper.
