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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Special Guests...Sun City Anthem Residents Helen & Tosh Yasuda

The Vegas Voice Show Saturday, January 11th
Join  Radio host, Dick Arendt,  this Saturday, January 11h at 7:00am and again at noon on Sunday for The Vegas Voice Show on  KLAV radio, AM 1230, on your dial.
Dick's Special Guests this week are Sun City Anthem Residents, Tosh and Helen Yasuda

Both Helen and Tosh were interned in Detention Camps for years following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Listen and learn how these individuals, young children in 1942, were taken from their homes and interned in camps for three years.
They'll tell you what it was like to be placed on a train with nothing other than the clothes on their backs, taken to various locations, and housed in"tar paper" buildings for the duration of World War II.
They'll tell you the hardships they faced; the lack of privacy they were afforded, their crowded surroundings in a single room...
...all the while behind barbed wire fences with military personnel having loaded rifles pointed at them each moment of every day.
...and the loss of all their possessions...when they were finally sent home with nothing but a TRAIN TICKET and $25.00.
...and these two people were NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZENS...Helen being 4th Generation American...never even speaking the Japanese language.
Their crimes....being of Japanese descent.
All part of a new Vegas Voice venture...
...participation is a national program entitled "Keep the Spirit of '45 Alive".
And don't forget to read The Vegas Voice, the largest Age 50+ Senior newspaper in the Las Vegas valley.
And....if you miss the broadcast, and would still like to hear it, all you have to do is go the Vegas Voice website under the "Radio" section.  All the past shows are available at the click of mouse.
And...don't forget to check our "History and Holidays" Information Page on Tuesday, January 14th, for an article entitled "January 14, 1942...The Day the Statue Cried".

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