Information Pages

Friday, February 28, 2014

Cyber Bullying....It's Disgraceful...and...Anthem Opinions...Demands it Cease Immediately

Cyber Bullying...Our Nation...and Community...
 Are Sick of It

Unfortunately, over the years, cyber bullying has become a part of internet articles and commentary aimed at many residents in many areas, and our community has sadly not been an exception.

Approximately a week ago, the Las Vegas Review Journal published an article on this subject authored by Chicago Tribune columnist, Clarence Page...and his stance on this ugly and disgraceful practice.

After research and the help of another Sun City Anthem publication,  I would like to call your attention to Mr. Page's article entitled...

"Online Trolls Are Sadists At Heart"

It was on October 1, 2013 that this matter literally came to "a head" when the State of Nevada made it a misdemeanor criminal offense for members of a community to harass others within the same community.

Though this law is now being carefully scrutinized by our legislators, police department, and local government officials, a simple fact remains...


...and Anthem Opinions has lead a drive to erase this form of behavior in our community.

We do not partake in such activity, and we will not tolerate ANY INDIVIDUAL who does !

Accordingly, we have made a plea to those who are running for the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors to adopt a PLEDGE of DECENCY as part of their campaign promises against ANY and ALL forms of CYBER BULLYING and WILL CONDEMN ANY and ALL those who engage in such activity.

We contacted EACH candidate as to their willingness to adopt such a stance, and on Monday, March 3, 2014, we will have an article that will surprise...if not...shock...most of you, our readers, as to the results of our... 



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