Information Pages

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Vegas Voice Name State Official Sponsor

The Vegas Voice to be the Official Nevada Sponsor of "The Spirit of 45"
The Spirit of 45 is a nationwide, non-profit initiative to remember, honor and celebrate the achievements of America's Greatest Generation.

Their "big day" is observed on the second Sunday of August each year (August 10th in 2014)  which coincides with August 14, 1945; the day when celebrations rang loudly thoughout our country recognizing the end of World War II.   

The symbol and logo for the Project is the "Times Square Kiss" which has been recognized for decades.

...taken from this original photo in Times Square on August 14, 1945


The Vegas Voice has been named THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR here in Nevada for this worthwhile project.

Tentative plans call for numerous panel discussions, video and radio interviews, remembrance tributes, and various celebrations and parties (both large and small) to thank America's Greatest Generation for their contributions to our nation during that time of need.

We will have much more information and detailed plans as the months pass..
Anthem Opinions fully supports this project.
And...we, in conjunction with The Vegas Voice, need your help.
If you have a photo or a story about someone who was a part of World War II...and that includes all aspects of that war, whether contributing on the European or Pacific fronts, or at home as "Rosie the Riveter", we want to know about it !
We even want pictures and stories of those "Victory Gardens" and "Ration Coupons" if you have them !
Send your pictures and/or stories to either Dan Roberts of The Vegas Voice at:
to Anthem Opinions at:
As an example my wife's Aunt Shirley, presently aged 88, following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, "fibbed" about her age, and joined the Department of the Navy WAVES (Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service), and served for "the duration".
You'll learn about "Aunt Shirley" and many others in the coming months.
Check out this new website about The Spirit of 45 and how this program has taken on national exposure.
Here's something else you should make note of...
The Vegas Voice will sponsor a 2014 "Kick-Off" to this program at The  Henderson Pavilion scheduled for Wednesday, April 16th.
And to all of you World War II vets...
Dick Arendt

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