Information Pages

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Anthem Opinions Concurs with Ron Johnson...Capiluppo UNFIT for Reelection to Sun City Anthem Board

Reprinted with permission

Ron Johnson's Today's Anthem View

"President Jean Capillupo is the only potential holdover on the board that is looking for your support in the upcoming election. Jerry Gardberg and Dan Forgeron are not running for reelection. As president, Jean Capillupo appears to be leading the board’s current efforts to cover up evidence of potential wrongdoing.

 A vote for Jean Capillupo will only aid in thwarting the efforts of homeowners who would prefer a more transparent, ethically responsible and law abiding board.

 Please cast your vote for truth, honesty and personal integrity by selecting someone other than Jean Capillupo."

While Anthem Opinions will make NO endorsements of ANY candidates in the 2014 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors election, we wish to say that we are in complete agreement with Mr. Johnson in the above statements.

In the past two years she has been on the Sun City Anthem Board, she has a record that ranks amongst the worst of any board member in the history of this association

She has become a standard in "uncontrolled spending" of association assets.

...voted to highly SUBSIDIZE Vic's Restaurant with resident funds.

...opposed any expert and qualified oversight of contract bidding. a proponent of the Carver method of management whereby CONTROL of the association greatly passes to the Management Company. supporting a 7 year contract with the current management company...after 2 committees recommended our association search out other companies.

...has stated community blogs provide "misinformation" in a RESIDENT FINANCED PUBLICATION, yet when asked to explain, has refused to do so. under current scrutiny for supporting the retention of an unlicensed travel individual to book Sun City Anthem travel.

...has demonstrated a condescending and rude attitude toward residents, rarely responding to resident concerns and needs.

...refuses to endorse any code of conduct toward resident harassment.

Accordingly, we too, strongly agree with Mr. Johnson in that retaining this individual on our board will continue this behavior and create financial harm to our association.

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