Information Pages

Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's the Carver Management Style No Matter How You Try to Disguise It

A Reader Speaks Out...Can't Understand Board Logic in Delegating Responsibilities

The Carver Method of management is in the process of being implemented into Sun City Anthem, no matter how people try to disguise it.

As I understand the system from SCA communications:

Put more responsibility on the management company to handle some of the routine operations of the association.

Less " hands on" involvement from the board of directors.

The job of the board is to make policy; the management company carries out these policies;  therefore moving some of the less critical decisions to the EMPLOYEES of the company. 

So let me better understand this.

As an example, if someone were to create and sponsor a trip or a cruise,  the board would not get involved. 

The management company would have someone like a lifestyles director (who hopefully would be familiar with Nevada Homeowners Association Laws) review the proposal and set whatever guidelines would be required to complete the process.

The employee could make the decision to ignore the competitive bidding requirement since the association is not being charged any direct cost other than free rent for meetings and free advertising to help promote the trip. 

I guess it is assumed that lost revenue is not a cost. 

So the management company employee then adds a non- disclosure to any fee or cost arrangement with the vendor/agent. 

Conveniently, the management company neglects to vet the supplier of the trip. 
The management company NEVER checks to see if the vendor has a business license to operate in Henderson. 

The management company never checks the license number that the agents uses for advertising the agent's services.

The agent claims these services are free. 

I thought about this and tried to compare it to buying an insurance policy.

When an agent sells you insurance, normally you do not pay a fee to the insurance person.

Does that mean the insurance is free? 

Does that mean the insurance agent is not being paid?

Not all all;  the insurance company pays the agent directly from the premiums paid to the company.

If a travel person/agent/broker arranges a trip and gets others to agree to partake in the trip and then RECEIVES A FREE TRIP,  is that not compensation?

If this were really free, the agent / broker/person would tell the cruise company to take the value of this commission and reduce the cost to each participant.
FREE LUNCHES do no exist.

Now the board has to manage this arrangement, so they wait 11 months to sign the contract. 

We could even have the employee sign a contract without any SCA board member overseeing the contract !

This Carver Method of Management is starting to catch my eye and if that's not a perfect example of "passing the buck, so you won't get stuck, I don't know is ! 


It looks pretty obvious to me.  The employee screwed up, and under this "new and improved" system", this board did not provide the proper oversight.

How disappointing....and typical.

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