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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Special Guests....George and Trudi Callahan

Vegas Voice Show Saturday, March 15th 

Join  Radio host, Dick Arendt,  this Saturday, March 15th at 7:00am and again at noon on Sunday for The Vegas Voice Show on  KLAV radioAM 1230, on your dial.

It was the original intent to air the 2nd of two interviews with... 


However...something sad took place on March 11th that will cause us to air this 2nd interview on Saturday, March 22nd instead.

On March 22nd it was the original intention to air an interview featuring a Mr. George Callahan and his wife, Trudi, as part of the Vegas Voice "Keeping the Spirit of '45 Alive" dedication.

George Callahan was drafted during World War II, spending years in Europe until the war ended in April, 1945.  He was then sent to the Pacific to prepare for an invasion of Japan that was halted when the atomic bomb as dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Following the end of World War II, he was sent to Korea, and after deciding to make the military a career, was eventually sent to Viet Nam as a Green Beret following his completion of paratrooper instruction at Ft. Benning, the age of 43.

During that distinguished career, he met a lovely lady in Germany named Trudi. and eventually married there despite the obstacles of marrying a German citizen at that point in our history...almost 66 years ago.

I met the Callahans along with Vegas Voice Political Editor, Rana Goodman, a few weeks ago to discuss their lives in the service of our nation...

... and after leaving their home, was in awe of a great American and his wife, all the while planning to air their interview just prior to The Vegas Voice spectacular being planned at the Henderson Pavilion on April 16, 2014.

Sadly....George will be unable to join in that celebration in which we planned to honor him and so many other veterans of "the greatest generation"...

...he passed away on Monday, March 11th in the early hours of the day, with his loving and devoted Trudi at his side.

But...though he may not be wish us in life, through the magic of recording devices, we will always have the "spirit" of George Callahan.

And special guests this week will be....


...discussing their lives together in the service of his nation...and her adopted country over that 66 year period of American history.

And...if you miss the broadcast, you can always download it from The Vegas Voice website.

  Just go the "Radio" link, click on it, all past shows are archived for your convenience.

And don't forget to read The Vegas Voice, the largest Age 50+ Senior newspaper in the Las Vegas valley.

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