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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Property and Grounds Committee...Mini-Golf...a Bogey !

Tennis Anyone ?

Looks like another tennis court was the choice of the Sun City Anthem Properties and Grounds Committee as to who won the point lottery !

No one knows if that committee will actually recommend it to the Board, but at least one ridiculous idea was defeated....miniature golf.

...but not by much !

The point system used gave the nod to the additional tennis court by a mere 5 points over miniature golf with the shuffleboard concept in third place, only 20 points behind tennis.

Apparently the sponsor of the miniature golf proposal blamed a large group of tennis club members in attendance at the last Properties and Grounds meeting for the defeat, but in our Anthem "opinion"....

Who's kidding who ?

For someone who had over 700 signatures on a petition proposing an idea of seniors playing mini golf in tournaments in 110 degree summer heat, while his "army" of volunteers "conveniently" were telling those who signed his petition that such an idea was "free", apparently fell flat on his face as less than a handful of the "supposed 700" showed up to speak on behalf of his project.

Why would that be?

Perhaps most of them were embarrassed as to having possibly been "duped" into signing something without full information as to its TOTAL cost !

It should come as no surprise to our readers that our dedication to "fiscal responsibility", questioned it's feasibility after research by a number of people showed its potential usage as MINIMAL.

One additional comment made was that other than Sun City Summerlin, only ONE other homeowners association could be found between the Phoenix and Las Vegas area to have such a mini-golf facility, despite a number of such associations having a larger population than Sun City Anthem.

We still have doubts that a single tennis court with a tab of $122,000 makes much sense, but we have to say one thing as the board makes its final decision as to what it will actually do...



THAT LUNCH WON'T BE SERVED ON A MINI-GOLF COURSE ! the blog proponent who has made countless numbers of statements about "never looking back" at past decisions; perhaps, for once, he might practice what he's preached...and accept the fact that COMMON SENSE PREVAILED.

Our congrats to the Property and Grounds Committee for making the decision to close the door on that senseless alternative.

1 comment:

  1. From Jim Opinions

    I believe the Properties and Grounds people made the right decision.

    Mini-golf made no sense to me, and never has to anyone I've ever talked to. Actaully most people I've talked to didn't even know any options existed at all.

    It's time to accept that it is no longer an option.

    There was an article on another blog that did cause me to write this comment. A man believed he wasn't getting his money's worth because he is disabled and unable to partake in a number of activities.

    My heart goes out to be people who are immobile due to a disability, but SCA is a community that attracts an active retirement lifestyle.

    Those disabled individuals who decided to move here initially, should have accepted that when they moved here.

    That was the commercial that was used on us when we decided to buy a home in SCA.

    Those who have become disabled since that time, might be better off considering a different type of community to better meet their needs.

    I see homes for sale every day due to those circumstances.

    No, I'm not saying if you don't like it then leave, but if someone is not able to enjoy an active retirement community, perhaps they might be happier some other place where facilities for the handicapped are a key point of that lifestyle.

    We all age, and with that aging, comes changes in lifestyle that we must all accept sooner or later, not expect all of those around us who are without medical disability, to make changes in their active lives to accomodate those who no longer are capable of enjoying the active life.

    In lieu of relocating, there are other activities that do cater to those that are disabled; examples include sewing, arts and crafts, computers that come to mind.

    All of us most take responsibility for finding our own happiness, not demand others make us happy.
