Information Pages

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sun City Anthem Resident Ignored City Warning...Was Fined and Found Guilty

From a resident who just attended this action.

Sun City Anthem Travel Consultant
Guilty of Criminal Misdemeanor
Fined $640 for No Business License

Sara Raney, self-proclaimed travel agent promoting an Alaskan Cruise to SCA members, was found guilty of Criminal Misdemeanor in Henderson Municipal Court on April 15. 

The crime was for refusing to obtain the proper business licenses even after being warned to do so by City officials. 

Raney was cited for the criminal offense at the Liberty Center by a Henderson Officer.

Henderson Municipal Court Judge Mark Stevens found Ms. Raney guilty of the criminal charge when she pleaded No Contest at her arraignment. 

The judge informed Raney he would find her guilty based on that plea and she said she understood. 

The judge issued the guilty verdict and imposed a fine of $640 that was recommended by the Henderson City Attorney.

The criminal conviction will be on the permanent record of Raney for the rest of her life.

A tragedy and embarrassment for all SCA members is the criminal activity by Raney was implicitly or explicitly supported by FSR Activities Director Maurice Talley and by the SCA board of directors.
Mr. Talley appeared in court with Raney, apparently for moral support because he did not participate in the court proceedings. 
This seems to further emphasize his participation and cooperation in the criminal activity. 
  Will SCA be billed for Mr. Talley's time when he was at the Court? 

That would not seem to be part of his normal job duties


  1. So if this "travel agent" was conducting business here @ SCA illegally AND the current management company employee aided and abetted her, why is he still employed here? The BOD (or selected members thereof) approved the contract (perhaps on advisement of the management company?). Where is all of this "Carver Model" of ACCOUNTABILITY being implemented? I'm just saying...


    1. To Kiddo...from...Dick Arendt

      That is the question of the day. It certainly wouldn't be the first time a management company employee was involved in suspicious activity. We agree with you wholeheartedly.

      What is alarming is a management company sanctioning this...and worse, a BOARD closing their eyes to it.

      Why a company would be renewed for a 7 year period with a track record of having one after another employee involved in such activity, should make anyone at the very least, question this behavior, not sweep in under a rug with a typical attitude of "don't look back"..

      You cannot dispute that first, this woman broke the law; second, she admitted she broke it,; third, she was punished and fined for it; and fourth, a management company PAID EMPLOYEE took time from his job to SUPPORT HER in a court room.

      Does that not make the SUPPORTER of the ACTION, as guilty as the one who COMMITTED the illegal deed?

      Can this individual be TRUSTED in the future as to decisions that affect the well-being of our association?

      As an individual who once employed others, I can assure you that I personally would not have tolerated such behavior, and for the well-being of the entire organization, that individual would have been removed from any position in which it could ever be repeated....NOT DUE TO DISLIKE OF THE INDIVIDUAL....BUT....FOR THE WELL-BEING OF THE ORGANIZATION..

      This is merely the tip of the iceberg of what we have discovered in management company questionable activity.

      We have CONCLUSIVE PROOF that a board member IGNORED a management company employee's involvement in RESIDENT HARASSMENT, yet when this board member was confronted with this information, SHE ignored it.

      Our problem has to do with COMPETENCY and the DESIRE and COMMITMENT to do the right thing, rather than always seeking a "POLITICALLY CORRECT" solution.

      If experienced individuals were elected knowing WHAT QUESTIONS TO ASK, that would be a starting point. We have very few of them, and rather than admit THEIR LACK OF EXPERIENCE in crucial matters, they choose to IGNORE the problems because they simply don't understand them.

      Admitting to others that they may not have all the answers is looked upon by WEAK people as a sign of WEAKNESS. That, in my opinion, is a perfect description of the quality of leadership we have elected as directors..

      Good leaders seek out solutions from those who have had relevant experience, rather than seek solutions form those who they've chosen who merely tell then what they want to hear.

      A perfect example of this is the animosity from various board members toward our "Mr. Fix-It", Forrest Fetherolf.

      How do you REJECT such an individual from a committee, yet actually have a member of that committee WHO VOTED TO REJECT HIM....then call him for ADVICE ?

      Simple...a number of the members of that committee knew this board did not want him, and as such they voted accordingly. Forrest's rejection was solely based on RETRIBUTION in my opinion.


      Did they?

      NO, they did not.

      Another perfect example of INCOMPETENCE was placing a "no guest policy" as a condition of allowing the new Entertainment Club to commence it's operations.

      What kind of people vote not to allow guests to a particular club, yet permit others no restrictions?

      Ones who rush to judgment without knowing WHAT QUESTIONS TO ASK...these are not bad persons, they are merely INCOMPETENT ones because they are without PEOPLE SKILLS and without RELEVANT EXPERIENCE is such matters.

      As I said, we are without the right people who know the right questions to ask, and as long as that remains, expect this type of behavior to multiply, not subside.
