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Sunday, April 13, 2014

It is....What It Is !....So Accept It !

What Part of the word "NO" Isn't Understood?

It was a weekend and the weekend was supposed to mean fun.

Not this past one ... especially if you were told "NO" by a committee after months of their deliberations !

How many articles can a guy write about a "mini-golf" course after the fact before he realizes...
It's done !

It's finished !

and my favorite....


Honestly, it's as if the mini-golf proponent can't get it through his head that DADDY SAID "NO" and it's time to stop WHINING about the decision.

Months ago we at Anthem Opinions pleaded to those who made the decision, including the mini-golf proponent, that a major expenditure should be placed before a full community for a vote.

After all, with a minor exception (shuffleboard was estimated to be about $12,000), all of the proposals were BIG BUCKS !


That vote should include FULL COSTS and pros and cons sent to a populace in order for them to make an INFORMED decision.

NOPE...wasn't going to happen....only a select group were to make this major decision, who in turn would send a recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.


The guy who somehow is obsessed with mini-golf, STRESSED that same group would be competent, would send their PROPER recommendation, and would act in the best interests of the community.


They did !

Unfortunately for the mini-golf brigade, it wasn't the one they wanted to hear ! seems to be a different ballgame....from them.


...Oh, the unfairness of it all...

...are the cries from the few who believed that people would play in a mini-golf tournament ON A NINE HOLE COURSE in the dead of summer heat....


Had Mr. Mini-Golf and his "supposed 700" petitioners been so confident that their choice was THE CHOICE, then they shouldn't have remained silent as to putting this to a community vote.


They opposed that "community vote" and so, in accordance with RULES they have lauded their leaders for making in the past, now they seem to have changed their minds....


As of now...

 THEY LOST ! those "I need someone to control my life" supporters....



ACCEPT the fact that...

... the "fat lady has crooned her final tune" as to mini-golf !

1 comment:

  1. From Jim S. to Anthem Opinions

    My goodness, one day there is undying support for a board and committees, the next when he doesn't get his way, they become his enemies.

    Now he wants another petition?

    For what, so that one can be as deceptive as the first one?

    Time for this to end, and allow the decision to stand.

    I may not be 100% in favor of a tennis court, but I do know that it would be used.

    I think the Properties and Grounds Committee did what was best for the community and there's not s single person I have talked to that has disagreed with them.

    And let the final decision be made by the new board, not this one.They are the ones who will be accountable, not those who are leaving.
