Information Pages

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thank Goodness it's Over

Bored Election 2014

It's over !

..and it was as exciting as watching a snail race.

No, the title of this article was not misspelled.  It wasn't a Board election, it was  a BORED election. 

Five candidates out of approximately 11,000 residents in 7,144 homes, and FIVE ran for THREE spots.

...and over 4200 people didn't even take the time to vote !

...and it told a story....a story that will probably be repeated again and again, unless something drastically happens and people can have RESPECT for the leadership positions that control our financial future. 

RESPECT ... that's the word alright ... RESPECT

I use the word "respect" because 30-40 people attending board meetings out of 11,000, can only mean one of two things in my mind....




...and that can be borne out of the fact an incumbent was reelected that has one of the worst financial waste records in Sun City Anthem history.

...spending resident funds to keep a private business afloat.....

...buying that same tenant more and more expensive equipment....

....dropping $81,000+ on a vestibule door due to a change order...that could have been eliminated had an oversight group been created.....

...passing a Carver management system where control of YOUR MONEY is being spent by... 

A management company...

...a management company that has hired unlicensed and uninsured contractors.

...a management company that had its representative support an unlicensed individual in court as she was fined $640 for breaking the law.

...a management company that has hired individuals who have made life a living HELL for many resident monitors.

...a management company who has had more Community Association managers in charge of the purse strings at Sun City Anthem than Carter makes pills.

...a management company who, as a result of this esteemed success...

...was granted a SEVEN YEAR LIFELINE to continue this "successful" path
A path...

....directed by an INCUMBENT JUST REELECTED.

Oh well, to some this is "breaking news", but to those of us who have watched this fiasco for years, perhaps the only way to describe it is.....

Just another day at the office !

PS..Did you notice we didn't even tell you the results?

It was intentional !


  1. To all our Anthem Opinions Readers from Dick Arendt (Parrt One)

    II have received a number of emails from individuals regarding the lastest comments made by Frank Blaha and David Berman on his blog asking me to comment.

    Regarding David Berman, all I can say is calling me a liar and a "flight to fantasy" pertained to using the world "vestibule" instead of "vestibules". It was supposed to be around $65,000 for BOTH VESTIBULES, and BOTH cost a total of $81,000+. My mistake for "lying". He somewhat forgot the mention the "rest of the FULL STORY" !

    As to being "depressed" about the results,perhaps his newest specialty in psychology must have had to do with his years of experience at taking doses of medication for depression he has readily admitted to using. After all, it was his "medical condition" that caused him to forge a judge's signature in 1991 and get his law license suspended....which he never bothered to reinstate.

    Sadly, nothing other than that could be disputed as to the VOTING RECORD of the incumbent that was reelected.

    Regarding the meetings and me rarely attending them, if that makes me a "bad guy" that puts about 10,999 others in the same "bad guy" category. Shame on all 10,999 of you !

  2. To all our Anthem Opinions Readers from Dick Arendt (Part Two)

    I can't forget the brilliant comments Mr. Blaha has made over the years to enhance his esteem at being such an excellent judge of character..

    Over the years, Mr. Blaha has smiled at me in public, and then trashes me in print. That is due to my concerns of establishing and maintaining financial integrity in a system that has allowed itself to perpetuate waste again and again. Obviously old habits are hard to break.

    It is no secret that the Chinese Heritage and Filipiania Clubs separated from ICCC to become independent organizations. As to why that occurred, only they can provide that information, but suffice to say, that during those separations, the Blaha influence was quite apparent.

    It is no secret that our "Mr. Fix-It" made a gallant attempt to "clean up" the record-keeping of the ICCC Club while he was their Treasurer, and a mass effort was put forth against him to avoid his election to that club's presidency in order to accomplish that mission....with people showing up to vote against him that had NEVER before attended any club meetings....specifically OUR BOARD MEMBERS.

    So, rather than "trash" Mr, Blaha in kind, let me merely bring out a few comments about the man who enjoys belittling me at every opportunity.

    And I want to personally thank him for doing so as to allow me to bring out the nature of the REAL person who writes such things to degrade others.

    And so....this is the real Frank Blaha...from his own pen.


    "Maybe Dick has something against the military. I do note that Dick never informed the communitiy of HIS MILITARY SERVICE, even when challenged to do so.

    Wonder why?"

    Frank Blaha
    Proud to have served!
    Posted by: Frank Blaha | July 28, 2010 at 09:07 PM

    Yes Mr. Blaha, I merely wrote the "Keep the Spirit of '45 Alive" Show at the Henderson Pavilion to show the world how anti-military I am, and I would invite you to the May 10th show at Palace Station to further prove your point !.


    On the Topic of Jack Troia, former President of Sun City Anthem and ....THE STAR OF TWO EPISODES OF CHANNEL 13'S HOA's Hall of Shame

    "Congratulations, Jack! Looking forward to moving FORWARD, not backward, with Peace, Harmony"

    Posted by: Frank Blaha | May 09, 2009 at 06:45 PM

    "I certainly don't read the Arendt blog for any meaningful information. The man is a coward and a fool, and continues to try to do damage to this community.

    And, I certainly wouldn't read that drivel for entertainment! I have much better things to do with my time than waste it on that trash"

    Posted by: Frank Blaha | June 03, 2011 at 03:41 PM
    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes indeed, Mr. Blaha, I was named the Entertainment Editor of The Vegas Voice in addition ot being their Radio Talk Show host in addition to having specific columns on Anthem Opinions for "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents" and "What's Up in Weekend Entertainment"...... because of my "drivel".

    Oh well, as I previously said, "just another day at the office" !

  3. Dick,
    A couple of weeks ago I sent you an Email with information that I thought you would enjoy. It wasn't political and it wasn't anything critical of you or the Blog on which you write. I was quite surprised that you replied with a diatribe against the Board and everyone connected with it. If you have the courage , please enter on your Blog the Email I sent to you and the response you gave to me. Please also admit that you blocked a response that I tried to send you. Your actions do not reflect the the courageous person that you claim to be or that I remember. My point to you today is, I do not think you are a liar, you just don't know the truth. Whether it is because of your own feeling of inadequacy or your hatred of authority, you have made yourself unavailable to the truth of what is going on in Sun City Anthem. If you would take the time to talk to any one of the Board members, past or present, (excluding Mr. Frank)you would have a totally different view of what is going on, and what has gone on in Sun City Anthem. I truly hope you will take advantage of that opportunity.
