Information Pages

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Our Anthem Opinions Beliefs

Why Do We Do This...and...Not That ?

We often get emails and questions as to why we don't cover more inter-community events and meetings. 
SO... I thought I would write this article to clarify our views as to what we do, and why we do them.
Perhaps an initial comment is to state why we exist, and what we have attempted to accomplish.
We exist to help you stay young and enjoy a lifestyle you believed you were going to receive when you retired; in other words, a "fair shake".
That's why it is our attempt to entertain you, as well as, provide you information that is useful in your everyday life....
...a life that we believe you should be able to enjoy without following ridiculous structured rules as to how you should live it !
Our logic is that...
 "We've made it this far, so we must have done something right".
But....coming from an atmosphere where you "made you own kind of music" was the closest thing to shell shock when it came to living in a Homeowners Association !
At first it was anticipated that you would be like musketeers, "One for All, and All for One".
I anticipated going to a board meeting talking "turkey" with a bunch of mature adults...where experience and common sense would prevail.....that, because there was one big pot of money in which everyone contributed equally, we would therefore be treated equally.
That quickly changed.
I have experienced board meetings with crowds at one time that attracted 100s of residents, quickly dwindle to a paltry 30-34 stalwarts who enjoy going to meetings, because, well, that's their "cup of tea". 
Their entire existence is going to meetings.
And to those people who enjoy those meetings as entertainment, we hope you have a ball !
They should not be criticized or ridiculed; but at the same time, those not attending should also not be criticized
However, for those who do wish to increase those attendance numbers.....our suggestion is to make them more interesting and treasure independent thought rather than ridiculing or simply rejecting it....
....just because it came from "the politically wrong person" who a small group considers a "malcontent".
Remember....Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and Bill Gates were ridiculed because they simply....disagreed with the existing "structure".
We, however,  quickly came to the conclusion that a ridiculous"structured " type of life was NOT our "cup of tea".....
....that we came here to live our lives the way we've lived them for years....
....independently ,successfully and without stress, not dealing with those who are without the ability to comprehend or reason....
...subject to a few sensible rules of "structure".
Unfortunately that attitude seems to be criticized by some....usually, the ones who need the all encompassing "structured" lifestyle.
They often criticize others for not attending meetings or not volunteering for something that has to do with that "structured " environment.
In short, many of the "structured life types" seem to criticize others for not being clones of themselves.
Those of us who have loved and cherished an independent lifestyle will never change, and we do not expect the others to change either. 
They are what they are, and we are what we are.
But...our types expect only one thing from the other "structured types" who insist on that lifestyle and from which board members are born. 
Spend our money wisely. 
That's it !
And...that appears to be where the conflict arises.
A number of us have tried to bring knowledge and independent experiences to light, but as is so often the case when those in power have never been independent thinkers, innovation and common sense is often ignored or criticized. 
Change is difficult to comprehend or accept when one's background is entirely composed of  "structure", and quite frustrating when it is snubbed by others who have lived by their own rules....successfully.
Be that as it may, that brings us to answer the initial question....
..."Why Do We Do This...and...Not That"....
Because we wish to maintain an independent lifestyle and provide you information that you can enjoy AWAY FROM THE STRUCTURE of those who go to their "meetings" day in and day out."
Did you come here to gamble?
Some did, and some didn't; but the fact remains that in today's world you don't have to live in Las Vegas to can do that in just about any state.
Did you come here for the weather?
Some did, and some didn't; but only those who GET OUT of their homes are capable of answering that question honestly.  No matter where you came from, you had air conditioning and heat to keep you comfortable.
Did you come here to eat expensive dinners?
Some did, and some didn't; but you don't have to live in Las Vegas to eat expensive dinners....and most importantly, you should not be made to feel guilty if you do not patronize an expensive eatery, OR SUBSIDIZE ONE, if that is something you prefer not to do.
Did you come here to enjoy first class entertainment?
That's where we come in....and how we are different than what you might read elsewhere.
We want to keep you "alive" and "fun" by looking at this community as just another venue in your life...not the only one.... merely the one you sleep in... you should escape as often as possible to fully enjoy yourself.
So, that's what were all about...not this !
We love entertainment, and we love entertainment bargains ...especially from local places in...
"Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents" and
"Weekend Entertainment" 
We love food, but we love food that will allow you to get a bargain in...
"Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"
We love history, because without knowledge of it, we will commit the errors of the past, and we want to celebrate significant holidays in....
"History and Holidays"
We love our homes and that's why we have a "Mr. Fix-It" to help you to keep it in good shape and not get ripped off by an unscrupulous vendor, as well as, a "Tips" column to give you some ideas on how to solve problems "the easy way" in
"Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"
"Why Didn't I Think of that....Tips"
We all have scrubs that require maintenance, and that's why we have a master gardener in...
"The Garden Wizard"
What we don't have is boredom about reminding you to attend meetings on a Friday afternoon to talk for two hours about a stripe on a tennis court.
...or conceit trying to believe you are "better than others", boasting about living in a beautiful community,  when in fact you are no better than others... merely "luckier" than some to enjoy one. 
And as long as we're in existence....we'll stay that way...for one reason...
Dick Arendt

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