Information Pages

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Restaurant Histories Would Have Made a Great Story for Andy Rooney

Help...We're Drowning
Debt and Laughter !

If you haven't yet seen the latest video that included Larry Hughes, owner of Vics "whatever their new name will be" restaurant; Bella Meese, member of the board of directors, whose newest FOR PROFIT publication with her husband appears to be capitalizing on her elected position; and Larry Carroll, the moderator and new chief of Sun City Anthem communications......

.....unless of course, you enjoy a hardy laugh alongside a stiff dose of comical propaganda.

After painstakingly making my way through the self-absorbed bunch of sliced lunch meat better known as baloney, I could come to only one conclusion...a last ditch effort to save a sinking ship.

...this time appealing to sympathy for a poor guy who has tried so hard....made so many changes...and spent more of YOUR MONEY...

...yet still.....can't seem to make a buck !

This garble made an attempt at trying to convince the residents that "we got what we asked for" in choosing this venue.

...and...a subliminal shot across the bow, that the future of this restaurant, will involve requests for EVEN MORE RESIDENT MONEY come 2015.

Well now....what we really got, was what THEY DECIDED WE SHOULD GET, not what the community wanted; and therein, the stage was set for the remainder of this latest ridiculous slice of "propaganda".

Somehow, nothing was said in the video about the part of the survey that said 81% of the people said NO to MEMBER FINANCING. 

Of course not, placing that statistic into the interview would have acknowledged the truth...and killed the purpose of the interview.....

...begging for a few hundred people out of 13,000 to PLEASE eat my food !

For those of you who resided in Sun City Anthem when this latest edition of "restaurant musical chairs" was developed; prior to this venture, there had existed failure after failure of one eatery after another as a result of POOR PLANNING, BACKDOOR DEALS, and ignoring the continued pleas of  a number of blogs who, according to the gurus, provided "misinformation" when such ignorant sources urged BACKGROUND CHECKS of those chosen for that space in the past.

Those evil sources of "misinformation" made BOARD MEMBERS fully aware of one tenant having a past that included current litigation against them, and that the eventual "chosen one" at the time, had been married to an individual who WAS CONVICTED OF ROBBING A NUMBER OF LAS VEGAS BANKS, serving hard time in a Colorado federal penitentiary.

What did the distinguished leadership do with that information?  


After all....what do such ignorant individuals that provide worthless "misinformation" know about anything !

...and of course, what happened?  

 They bailed.....

...selling it to another individual, who...ONCE AGAIN, after those same ignorant  "misinformation sources" informed board members of a BACKGROUND ISSUE that HE TOO, had a problem with a $150,000 outstanding court judgment against him for in excess of 12 months that had a first call against any revenue generated by that person.

Well....Guess what they did with that "misinformation" nonsense ?


Oh well....those damn blogs and those ignorant malcontents were conveying "misinformation" again !

Just how much of the property did our association ever retrieve after the trucks cleaned out the space? No one seems to even care about that either.

Oh well...besides, it came from "blog misinformation".

Then comes this latest tenant.....who, with a straight face, in the video, claimed the prices weren't high....that a restaurant venue takes time to develop, and that his attempt to make it a success had to involve HIS MAKING valuable concessions.

His valuable concessions? 

Here we go with the propaganda again !

What was he giving up? 

Exclusive catering !

Wow....what a deal we were getting.  

Of course something was left out of the know, obviously the "misinformation" the blogs seem to spew....

You one was using his catering business because of one key word... 

...and that word "poor" included the big three for any restaurant: the FOOD, the SERVICE, and the PRICING.

Now of course, this "great concession" in which...

...losing NOTHING.... 

...because you had NOTHING.... a result of the three "poors"...

...evidently was the "deal of the century" to a board that somehow had difficulty in understanding basic mathematics.

And acknowledge this act of "great concession", a benevolent group of leaders, more properly referred to as a Board of Directors, decided to cut the rent in half to $2,000 per month.

...creating a monthly loss that could only be subsidized in one way....

...the residents !

Their attitude toward residents in purposely losing association funds?

"Let them Eat..........S...ruedel" 

It has been established that the Sun City Anthem NET COST of that restaurant space is $4,000 per month, and according to what Sister Zoe taught me in kindergarten...

Cost of $4,000, less getting $2,000 in return, still represents losing $2,000...EACH AND EVERY MONTH.

Perhaps we need more members of a Finance Committee with MBAs to explain how we "got a deal".

Of course, we haven't even mentioned the new restaurant equipment that the residents "forked out" to help this generous individual who has made such concessions in his devotion to our community.

So...who is to fault? 

"Certain blogs" according to Director Bella Meese.

After all, she's expressed her belief she "needs a place to have lunch", and of course, that means YOU AND I should be honored to pay for it.

Her background prior to becoming a Board Member in which to make financial decisions?

A "community organizer".

Need I say more?

Yes, I will...two things !

First, If you have a case of insomnia, here's the propaganda in its entirety.

Second, Mr. Hughes....please pay your own bills.

It would be such a welcome change and us blogs would be more than happy to stop providing ...

...misinformation !

Dick Arendt

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