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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Local Entertainer Tells Startling Facts of Entertainment Industry

Fan Favorite
Mark OToole
Plight of Local Entertainment
As the former Entertainment Editor of The Vegas Voice, I was privy to the many obstacles facing local entertainers in Las Vegas.
In the June, 2014 edition, I wrote an article entitled "If You Appreciate Them, They Will Stay" in which I tried to explain the problems they face and the GREED of many operators who have, in my opinion, exploited these good people who give their talents to "The Entertainment Capital of the World".
I was a lone media voice.....until this appeared on Facebook, written by my friend, entertainer, Mark OToole.
Nothing could explain the plight associated with local entertainers in a more accurate manner than Mark OToole's commentary....
...and with Mark's permission, I am reprinting those comments in order that YOU, the PUBLIC, understand what they go through...
 DEMAND that they be properly compensated for the work they do, bringing joy to us all.
States Mark OToole:
I just read how Jerry Lewis isn't a fan of renting showrooms, and he said this on stage at the Smith Center.
Having my last experience with the Smith Center I would have to agree.
Before I rant, the staff of the Cabaret Jazz were the Best !
With that being said, 2 years ago, the room was for rent for $2500.00, and within the year it has gone up to $5025.00.
I always check to see who is performing.
Other that Clint (Holmes) and a select few , I see no local entertainers.
What a shame, I was told I was just an invited guest and NO MORE THAN THAT when I signed my contract; and because of that, I was not allowed on their email blast, just on their website.
Clint (Holmes) as we all know is AMAZING, and Keith Thompson's showcase gives all involved the chance to be heard.
Kudos to both of them; nobody deserves it more!!!
I have received many calls from my entertainer friends, and also from my friends in publicity (asking) why wasn't I invited back (to perform at the Smith Center).
(I was invited back.)
... and I didn't hop at the chance (when) I was....'s why....
After being told I would have more negotiating power after proving myself, I set my goals high with a sold out show, a great 9 piece band, and a promise to bring a class of people that would spend their money and look the part.
During my show, I wanted to do a tribute for my mom (who had passed away a few months prior to the concert).
The rental fee to turn on the projector was $500.00 and the labor fee was $480.00.
After complaining about this and almost losing my show after tickets were all sold, they agreed to let that particular charge go.
To perform there is a dream come true for any entertainer; it is one of the best venues I have had the pleasure to perform in by far.
I wanted to follow up with another performance there.
This time knowing I delivered "the goods", I got a call within a few weeks to perform there again but I was told I would JUST a renter.....
...I have no problem with this, but I was very curious to see how much of a discount I could get.
I opened my potentially new contract to find that the room was offered to me for $4700.00.
I was insulted to say the least.
If this continues, which I see no end in sight, this town will be DOOMED....
You ask why more nightclubs, why more DJ's????
This is just ONE example why we as entertainers are having such a hard time.
I send this message to all of my friends in charge, if not for me, how about for the "up and coming"!!!
And while you're at it, how about lending a hand to the people who can still sell out and have something to offer?
I was told today by my friend, who happens to be one of the up and coming, "don't burn a bridge by saying too much."
Hmmmm, to that I say...
I'll be 54; I've played everywhere; and have had a ball; I am very blessed because I have a huge following...
... but If I don't say something, what are your chances?
This has to stop.
I am not saying anything people ( in the entertainment field) don't already know.
This is not an attack on the Smith Center, but to ALL properties who are following this rule.
Let's see more of the Genevieve's, the Mark Giovi's, and the Chadwick Johnson's..
To all my entertainer friends I hope we all see a major change in this town.
Mark OToole received a number of comments following this statement, NONE OF WHICH, were critical of his words in any way.
Here were a few of them.  A number of these individuals are in the entertainment industry.
I ask you to read them and understand WHY it is so important to support local entertainment, because without them....the "Spirit of Las Vegas" surely dies.
Jeff Bilkanich
BRAVO Mark!!

Rana Gee Goodman
Back in "the day" I was booking lounge acts in hotels all over the strip and downtown.
There was acts like Sidro's Armada that had fans lining up around the casino to get in to see them; Bill Acosta with a ton of fans standing in line; every hotel knew that if you had music and entertainment in addition to gaming, clients were happy.
Then the corporations came in and decided that the "bottom line" was more important and they didn't seem to care about happy customers staying in one place.
This town was so very much more fun 20 years go or so.

Patti Lucas
YOU GO Mark OToole TELL IT LIKE IT IS! And remember they screwed up my ticket and almost didn't get one.
And they would not even give me a comp drink voucher, when it was all their fault.

Nikki Logan
AMEN and THANK YOU for sharing your experience and speaking your mind.
Sadly enough local venues seem to forget that it's the LOCALS that help to keep their businesses (big & small) THRIVING when it ISN'T TOURIST SEASON.
Of course, they usually start to show love when their venue begins to suffer. By then, a lot of locals feel very slighted and have lost the desire to show their support.
Kimberly A Blaseck
Very well said Mark and having the pleasure of caring for your Mom as well as you and Chad, your Mother deserves a tribute as anyone who knows you realizes she was unconditionally your biggest fan.
Shame on those people for treating you like a street performer.
You are a seasoned headliner who can fill a room anywhere anytime!
Bravo my Brother your opinion matters !

Norma Riddle
Good for you Mark!!!!!!
Burn Bridges????
Bridges to where?
And to think Blake Shelton was offered a million for just a weekend and turned it down cause it wasn't enough.
Makes me sick how hard all the entertainers here work and then have to pay for the room to work?????
Shame on them!!!!!!

Heidi Elkhill
Thank you, Mark, for setting it straight.

Carl Scheinwald and Paula Roth (head writer for "Lavergne & Shirley" and "Perfect Strangers")
I couldn't agree more with Rana. Before the corporations ran the town, the focus was on giving guests a good time.
Comps for food and shows were abundant and you didn't have to be a whale to be treated well.
There were lounges in every hotel where you could enjoy top entertainers for the cost of a drink.
Now the lounges have been replaced by nightclubs that charge $300 dollars for a bottle of cheap champagne, and instead of performers, you can listen to recorded music played by a DJ who is paid a fortune to operate a couple of turntables.
This might be called entertainment by people of a certain age, but I have a feeling if they were exposed to some of the real talent in this town (not lip synchers), they might realize that they are being royally ripped off.
Unfortunately, until the performers here stop letting the folks running the entertainment venues take advantage of them, things won't change.
Too bad for all of us.

Steve White
Very well said, Mark!

Paul Bowman
Mark I know what you mean, I have filled every room I have played here in Las Vegas and I have not been invited back, even though the customers really enjoyed my show.
These damn corporate people are something else.

Paul Harker
 So....So right.....We thought that the Smith Center was built so some of our local talent had a place to start....
Now all we get is a select few who somehow have this town buffaloed......
Just do not understand.....
Here's hoping someone look's into this and set's a new precedent..
I did not know that the Smith Center was put here for a select few.....
Come on Las Vegas.....Let's do something we can all be proud of.....
Not just here for some and make other's pay.

Shirley Randolph
You are so tactful and eloquent....VERY WELL SAID....

Dale Grandsinger
Your right on.
Its all governed by people who don't care about entertainers like yourself, but a DJ playing a CD in a night club?
I would rather see someone like yourself performing then listen to someone singing that isn't even there or has a voice that is gone, or a group that isn't even together anymore.
Don't get me wrong I love the old tunes but entertainment in this town needs some help.
Best of luck Mark.
Tina Longo
I couldn't agree with you more Mark .
Unfortunately in this town, its who you know and if you're in the right circle.

Video-Dave Bancroft
You should get a quote for REYNOLDS HALL.

Kathy Marie Dauenhauer
Wow, you sure educated us in several sentences.
Had no idea. No wonder show business is tough to get into.
It breaks you before you get a break.
Well, you have a lot of followers, including us.
They had you back because people love you as an awesome entertainer.

Glenn Student
Welll said and it needs to be said.
All these venues have forgotten about entertainment factor and only think about the bottom line and greed.
What happened to entertainers getting paid to perform instead of entertainers paying to perform?

Gary Anderson
May all the burning bridges light the way forward.

Nikki Harrington
I was going to comment, but you've really covered the subject well.
I agree totally.

Edward Foster
While the Smith Center is a wonderful addition to Las Vegas, it must generate funds.
I too am saddened by the fact that is a "four wall venue" not terribly different than the showrooms around town that Jerry Lewis just railed about.
I wanted to have the Joe Williams Scholarship Concert there, but given the size of the Cabaret, we couldn't generate enough revenue without pricing the tickets beyond our audience's ability to pay.
Perhaps the powers that be can figure out how to be more "community friendly" without operating at a loss.
$5,000 for a venue which only has 240 seats makes the pricing unrealistic unless the talent can't be seen anywhere else in town.
I also believe that technical staff adds cost.

Maureen Kuter-Stevens
They've gotten greedy. What a shame.
I fully, 100% agree with everything you said in your post, Mark.

Sandra Huntsman
Makes it almost impossible for those of us trying to start a singing career!!

Gayle Shinder
Well said Mark.
The only thing I can add is that friends and family have gone with me to hear you sing and come back to Vegas, not for the strip, but to hear you again, There is nothing like listening to and watching a great performer.

Richard Powell
I knew the greed factor when they raised the price on my 2 year season ticket $200 for the same seat.!
Myron said they made a mistake. (With the efficiency of The Smith Center, It took them 2 years to find it!!)

Gary Oye
$480 labor fee?
To turn the projector on?
I'd do it for free.
Better yet, I'd give a $20 tip for the privilege of helping out with the tribute!
Then again there's probably something like a $500 corkage fee if you bring in your own labor...

Pat Stainbrook
You a street performer????

Rick Faugno  (former lead singer of "Jersey Boys")
Leave Vegas while you still can.
It will suck you dry.

Mark OToole
Thanks Rick, hope you're doing well.

Chrissy Johnson
Kudos to you Mark!
Just breaks my heart to think this is what this town has come to.
My own son has been performing in this town for over 20 yrs., and I understand his frustration about the situation.
Something's gotta give!
Don't give up, or give in.
This town wouldn't be the same without your voice!
Love you my friend!

Suzanne Tisdale Dean
They will be missing out on a great talent....I think you will always have a great following no matter where you go....I am glad that you vented and does help to get things off your chest...
Vegas has always been the kind of town that is totally about the almighty dollar.
Please don't consider would be a terrible loss.

Elisa Furr ("Celine Dion" tribute artist)
You couldn't have said it more perfectly. I feel that one day soon there needs to be a group effort to either refuse to play.. or stand up and demand a change.. or something.
If we don't make a stand.. we will have NO voice at all... EVER AGAIN.
Sometimes people have to risk it all in order to HAVE IT ALL! 
And what is someone going to say "Well then they will just get DJ"s.." and you know what? Let them because one day not soon after that.. People will bore of DJ's and not having any Live entertainment and all the big money guys that have their favorite bands will notice that they aren't there anymore..
...and the silence will be DEAFENING.

There will be news articles and New stories from all over the world!
Vegas Entertainers Have had enough and TAKE A STAND!
The night the music died in VEGAS!!!
I can just hear it now!
Without music and entertainment.. Vegas wouldn't be the same..

Corporate will realize that they just RUINED THE music history of Vegas, get tired of all the reporters and all of the CHAOS and PRESS hounding them asking them why there is NO more Live music anymore and making THEM LOOK BAD, and they will have no choice but to ask the Entertainers BACK.

Then... Entertainers WILL have a voice again and be able to change things.. but you can't do that unless you are willing to stand up for what you believe in!

Ron Phelps
Your still great Mark.
Do what you do, hang in there.
When one door closes or becomes too costly to open ....
We do what we do out of pure and simple love for it.
It doesn't matter where we are entertaining our fans and making them happy does it ?
The point is we are doing it, doing what we love , what God put us here to do. Don't sweat the small stuff , the magic comes from within.
Luv Ya

Rick Faugno
 Sure thing, Mark. Keep at it.
Just remember that the Smith Center is not Lincoln Center, which is what they would have you believe.

Zee Matulonis
This is also true for Viva Las Vegas Event Center love when he says he is trying to bring back old Las Vegas.
But in old Las Vegas entertainers were paid and didn't have to pay to entertain.

Beverly Sellmeyer
It is a beautiful place meant to have people in it to perform!!!

Dick Arendt


  1. From Genevieve Dew (entertainer) Opinions

    Thank you Dick.

    You can blog this.

    We as entertainers love what we do. We all must be confident enough to name our price for our talent.
    We love to give but we are not always appreciated. but we keep doing what we love and that's entertain.

    Life is about choices for all of us

  2. From Rick Michel (Entertainer) Opinions

    This town will NEVER recover as long as there are “Triple Jointed, French Canadians” and DJ’s that make more money than Headliners.

    1. Many people are unaware that the DJs who work at the NIght Clubs on the Srip eam substantial incomes that exceed $100,000 (guest DJs can be paid $25,000 PER NIGHT) to merely mix music on their lap top computers. Why do hotel operators allow this>

      Many people are not aware that those in charge of ENTERTAINMENT at the hotels are only in their 30's and early 40s...a generation having ZERO COMMUNICATION SKILLS, who rarely even meet the entertainer.

      The new method of conducting business is "email" personal contact...and how sad it is to allow our business way of life to be conducted my MACHINES, without even looking a person in the eye or a shake of the hand.

  3. From Arian Black (female magician & Srip Opinions

    The Real Cost of Las Vegas Show Business.

    While working a guest spot in a show on the Las Vegas strip last week, I got to thinking about shows in Las Vegas and what the producers have to deal with.

    20 years ago casinos used to have a big production show as well as a lounge show to entertainment their patrons. This meant the producers were paid to supply a casino with lavish shows featuring beautiful costumes, stunning dancers, amazing choreography, plus unique variety acts. There would be a cast of 50 or 60 performers that filled the stage every night to the delight of the casinos' gamblers. These shows were considered a loss leader because the casino used them as a marketing tool. They would advertising the dancers in their skimpy showgirl costumes and give tickets away to guests as a perk for coming to that casino and gambling. The lounge shows would be used in the same way because a good lounge show would keep gamblers around to spend a little more. The casino owners understood the value of these shows, they knew that shows had the ability to not just entertain but to also create a form of good will. Casinos only wanted the best shows at their casino because ultimately it meant more people through their doors. But all that has changed.

    Today shows compete for space on a casino stage. Meaning the casinos have become landlord renting out the theatre to whom ever has the most money, not the person with the best show. There is no quality control and ticket brokers will push only the shows which pay them the most to sell their tickets. What does this mean? A lot!

    The casino no longer cares how good the show is, only how much money they are making from the rental of the theatre, not realizing that this backfires on them. Casino patrons don't know the casino has nothing to do with the show, but they assume it does, so people walk out of a bad show thinking it was a casino show and leave the casino resentful that they wasted time and money watching a terrible show.
    Shows now have to make money when they never use to. So there are no lavish productions numbers with beautiful sets, because that takes time, money and space. When a show shares the theatre with 3-4 other shows backstage space is at a premium. These shows not only have to pay rent but also pay for music rights, dancers, singers, speciality acts, stage crews, advertising, pre-production, etc. All this leaves producers scrambling to fill seats as soon as possible spending valuable dollars on advertising.
    Anyone with money can rent a room and because there are so many rooms with so many shows, some amazing little jewels get lost in a sea of mediocrity. There are hundreds of shows to chose from, how do you know if you are getting the diamond or the coal.
    Ticket brokers used to be paid a couple dollars for every ticket they sold, now they are making $35 dollars or more per ticket for some shows. For most shows that means the broker is making more off of the ticket than the actual show. It also means that the broker is not selling you the best show but the show they will make the most money from. When you as a ticket buyer walk up to a ticket booth and they start telling you about the different shows, generally brokers will only tell you about the show tickets they want you to buy, skipping over the shows they still only make $5 dollars from.

    I know that this current trend with shows and show business will change, but will that change come soon enough? Will casinos realize that a good show is worth its weight in gold, and a bad show is not worth the rent? Yes! I know it will change, I just hope it doesn't take another 20 years to make that change.

  4. From Bobby Brooks Wilson (son of Jackie Wilson) Anthem Opinions

    Thanks for reprinting the article by Mark.

    I love and admire his work!

    I was also approached by the Smith Center and I turn them down flat!

    I paid my dues, but to pay for a room and come out of pocket to have my show in town is ridiculous.

    The sad truth is that economic power turns this world around, and unless you find a way to compete that way, the world can care less about your love for music or Vegas good old days.

    I want so badly to play in Vegas with my own show, so I have turned to my faith that it will happen in its own way!

    God has always opened impossible doors for me, and I know he will continue, so I say to all in the entertainment world... "keep the faith", hold fast to your work ethic and morals, and keep on getting up and be willing to walk away from the table!"

    Trust me, they will treat you in a differently in a positive way after you do.

    That's the only thing that will change corporate Vegas.

    As the famous pioneer of Rock and Roll says,"get in where you can fit in! Whooooo " ( Lil Richard!)

  5. From Robin Berry (Swing City Dolls) Opinions

    Hi Dick.

    Hope all is well!

    Thank you for all you do in support of us entertainer folk!

    It means a bunch!
