Information Pages

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

To Tree....or Not to Tree....That is the Question !!!

Chapter Two

Once upon a time, in a land that considers decorative benches "patio furniture"....
... in order to punish impudent noncompliant minions for their acts of defiance... 

...another egregious act took place in the shire to warrant further prosecution from the lords of the manor.....
...following an exhaustive examination of the properties in the hobbit community.
The trees located in the front of their shacks have been measured...
and low and behold...
....some have failed to meet a minimum height requirement of 5 feet !
"Off with their heads", cried the administrative Sheriff from the Hall of Judgment the Lords have employed to manage the shire. 

This cannot be...they must be removed immediately...or face imprisonment and fine !
So...a frightened minion who was found to be in noncompliance with the Laws of the Land, made contact with the sheriff and asked if the matter could be discussed.
"We are a fair bunch who judge the merits of our minions. We take seriously their concerns", cried the sheriff, pointing out the monthly meetings held in the town square to address such atrocities.
And so...the minion made an attempt to clarify the problem by writing a letter to the sheriff in order that the matter might be more closely examined...
You see, the minion made the mistake of planting 3 foot trees rather than the required 5 feet....
...trying to convince the enforcement agent that trees grow over time ...
...and that one day...
...believe it or not....
...those 3 feet trees would some day bloom to the proud height of 5 feet, and all would be well.
"Oh no, that is not how we handle such matters", wrote the sheriff in reply to the minion's correspondence. 
"These trees do NOT meet current laws, and must be removed immediately and replaced with 5 foot trees, or face severe punishment for violation of community standards".
"You have the right of appeal and address the ruling body to plead your case".
And so...the minion, in belief of fairness, made the appeal request, and off she went to the conference of dignitaries who would decide such serious concerns.
...where she met the ruling body...who would judge the merits of the appeal request.
First there was the sheriff who brought the violation to the attention of the ruling body.
Then the remaining Lords entered the chamber to conduct the trial.

The president...who believes only she has the correct knowledge and power in order to pass judgment.....that any and all other sources of information are not reliable, and are merely misinformation....

and her fellow officers

Yes...this is who the minion would face to determine whether or not the 3 ft. trees would find mercy in the court and allow them to grow to the required 5 feet minimum requirement !
What will happen to the existing 3 feet trees has yet to be determined.
Should the minion be allowed the exception... allow the existing 3 feet palm trees to survive....or should they be destroyed and replaced with 5 feet ones that meet the minimum requirement?
Yes...someone actually is being paid real money....your measure the height of trees in order to determine if they meet yet another RULE....
Ridiculous ?
We think so....
Our reaction to this latest purge of our residents.....
...a complete waste of our dues money....

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