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Sunday, December 7, 2014

When will it ever end....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Sun City Anthem Board
Offers Temporary "Lifeline"
Cafe V
In what was perhaps the most heated topic of 2014, the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors decided to wish Cafe V a Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas by  offering a "compromise" on the continuing financial woes of a restaurant...
... that, according to them...
 everyone wants....
no one seems to patronize....or wants to pay for !
We have two Board Members,  Bella Meese and Mike Carey...who came up with some ridiculous formula that they....
....without any basis in planning other than their desire to have a place to have lunch...
...and face...
....for what has turned out to be the biggest "boner" in the history of Sun City Anthem finances...
...actually believing they would succeed in pulling the wool over the eyes of our community in financing what has become known as the mighty attempt to...
 "Make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" !
We suggest you read our previous article entitled "Fiduciary Responsibility" where an unattainable and unrealistic rent formula was proposed that any person who can add or subtract, would realize, in effect, Cafe V would be provided free rent for the remainder of their entire lease agreement.
Whoa !!!!   Then it got out....and people started to say to each other.....
"What the going on?"
And when the remaining board members saw that community reaction....politics set in....and a compromise had to somehow evolve to "save the faces" of...
...those who often talk...
...but say little....
...while suffering from a problem of speaking from both sides of their mouths, rather than in a straightforward manner where people might actually know just where they stand !
We have Jim Mayfield  who is the "supreme politician" telling some people that "change is important", yet voting literally 100% of the time with the "old guard"...
His belief that not having a kitchen would impair the ability to cater NONSENSE....there are many caterers who provide such needed equipment when providing services...that's how they make a living !

...and his "yes man", Tom Nissen, who follows Mayfield like  "Mary's Little Lamb" in every vote. 

It is now quite obvious why Mayfield was so gung ho on  Nissen when he ran for the board....he was looking to have the power of 2  votes...and he succeeded in doing so !
We have a former president, Jim Long, who lately, has been questioning some decisions, but in almost all cases, is incapable of removing himself from "the old guard"... until this latest proposed freebie raised the ire of the constituency.
It appears that Long was the individual who brought up the "compromise" solution to the problem after word spread of Meese and Carey trying to muscle the original proposal.
We can't forget Jean Capillupo, so far out of her league when it comes to finance or business planning, still believing economics is learned from a text book rather than real life experience.
It was noted that when Capillupo made an attempt to credit Meese with the compromise, Long began laughing...telling her that HE was the one responsible....again showing her continual lack of knowledge and planning abilities.
But...we do have one shining star in this continuing fiasco.....and we at Anthem Opinions, want to commend him for standing tall....away from the "bunch" and having the courage of his convictions to say the continued waste of money on this restaurant....
Don Schramski
Yes...those mere 30 people who attended the past board meeting, saw something that we rarely witness in Sun City Anthem individual who VOTED HIS CONSCIENCE knowing that ASSOCIATION WASTE is wrong, and must be corrected.  
Perhaps Mr. Schramski  might have been the only member of our board who takes the words "fiduciary responsibility" seriously.
So...where does all of this lead?
Cafe V got a 6 month freebie by a vote of 6-1
We , the residents of our association, essentially (due to the formula providing Sun City Anthem revenue)  pay FULL FREIGHT for everything from January through June 30, 2015, but...
... as of June 30, 2015....THE ENTIRE LEASE EXPIRES. which point....
...can either be RENOGOTIATED....OR ...VACATE THE PROPERTY as of that date.
What must Cafe V do in return?
They have to agree to amend the conclusion of the lease date to June 30, 2015 as well as give up all catering rights and continue their lunch and dinner services.
Of course, this has to be agreed to by the owners of the restaurant before it becomes effective.
What if Cafe V does not accept this arrangement?
The regular original rent of $4,000 must be paid until the FULL lease conclusion date....over two years from now !
(which of course would be a joke to ever expect a dime due to a probable bankruptcy)
Bottom line....
Look for Cafe V to reluctantly accept the deal.

But what does this amount to in the scheme of things?
...a severance package that makes a board of directors who originally decided they DID NOT WANT TO FOLLOW THE WISHES OF THE COMMUNITY....
(and hopefully avoid litigation through an eviction)
RIGHT BEFORE AN ELECTION... continuing to camouflage financial ineptness in wasting valued community financial resources.
We urge all of our readers to "read between the lines" in this latest maneuver, paying close attention to ANY and ALL of the individuals responsible for this financial disaster.
Make your friends aware of this when it comes time to cast a ballot in the upcoming election....and most importantly....
...should they choose to run for reelection in the next few months.
Send them this lifeline when whey want your vote...
Let us conclude this article with...


Don't allow some other community blogger who has no relevant business experience and a track record of menacing restaurant obsession..convince you this hasn't been anything other than a CALAMITY from the get-go.
Balance sheets and income statements tell the full story....not some individual who is incapable of reading or understanding basic economics....and using some flimsy excuse that LOSS is JUSTIFIABLE for the "health" of a community. well as...each and EVERY restaurant that has contracted with Sun City Anthem....has FAILED...and FAILED MISERABLY...costing residents thousands of YOUR subsidized dollars.
The Sun City Anthem community is NOT A CHARITABLE INSTITUTION for FAILING ENTERPRISES as some would have you believe....
... by using the word "amenity" in a manner that suits their personal whims..... order to WASTE THE FUNDS OF OTHERS to satisfy a need that can be met by simply driving down any street and choosing any eatery amongst the hundreds that exist.
... and....
For any individual who THREATENS to VIGOROUSLY OPPOSE a potential candidate for the upcoming Board election who does not support this CONTINUING FAILED CONCEPT....
...clearly represents a SELFISH and UNCONTROLED NEED to satisfy that personal whim, rather than promote the general FINANCIAL INTEGRITY of our community.
History now dictates we learn from the past....and realize  those who refuse to correct its errors...are condemned to repeat them....until a point is reached where DUES MUST BE INCREASED IN ORDER TO REMAIN SOLVENT.
Because this time....if you do not...this is our future !

Anthem Opinions

1 comment:

  1. From Valerie Opinions

    The big problem with Café V is they are pointing to everything outside themselves of why they are failing – the bad press from reviews, difficulty in seeing the sign.

    Why don’t they bother to ask themselves “what can I learn from what has been happening” instead and see that the failure begins and ends with them and stop whining and begging for more concessions?

    If the food and price were better people would dine there – PERIOD!

    Their lack of customers is because it’s just not a good restaurant and not what people want up here – easy as that.
