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Friday, January 30, 2015

Blog Surveys....a Meaningless Waste of Time

Reality Check
"I Want it....but...Want You to Pay for it"

The saga of Cafe V continues as an alternative blogger  makes further attempts to "make a silk purse from a financially disastrous sow's ear".'s getting old !

He recently first asked his readers...

"Do you want a restaurant in Anthem Center?"

...and low and behold, 84% of his respondents answered ...we sure do...

Well now....

Then...when those readers asked him to be a bit more "ACCURATE" in his questioning,  in order to appease them, he asked...

Would you be willing to pay 7 cents a week in order to have a restaurant in Anthem Center?

Ah...a "new and improved" survey...yet every bit as ridiculous as the first !

We'd like to place BOTH of those surveys in proper perspective; and so, to prove our point, we'd also like to ask a question of our own in our fantasy survey?

Do you want to win the Megabucks? 

My guess is that more than 84% would answer positively! anything...there is the "fine print" that seems to escape these senseless surveys whenever they are asked.....

...clarification is often omitted in order to obtain a favorable answer; namely, the one  they want to hear.

...the part that would in all likelihood, dramatically affect the results.

So...let's take these survey questions, starting with the one I've suggested...only asking them in a more accurate way !

"Would you like to win the simply spending thousands of buck at a time....knowing you have a 1 in 40 million chance of success ? 

And then back to the original alternative blogger question....the way it should be asked:

Do you want a restaurant in Anthem Center....knowing they are behind on paying their bills to the tune of approximately $50,000, and that a portion of your dues money will support their continued losses ?

We think that if questions are asked with FULL DISCLOSURE,  there would be a substantial reduction in that 84% acceptance.

So...we have a suggestion.....

Tell THE FULL STORY, not just a part of it.

To conclude this editorial....

Here is a FACT.

Any such blog surveys are completely MEANINGLESS.

Only a FULL HOA MEMBERSHIP can and should, make a decision to finance THIS or any other PRIVATE PROFIT-MAKING ENTITY...whether it be a restaurant, or ANY other business.

That decision should be yours and yours alone. should be done the right way...the LEGAL WAY. referendum to all property owners using this simple statement:

Should Sun City Anthem finance a private profit-making business at resident expense?

It is that trickery, no deception, just a question that may be answered "yes" or "no".

And....according to our CCRs, that would require a 50% + 1 vote of the full membership to adopt any such change.

What does that mean in numbers?
3,573 individual homeowners must vote YES to adopt this according to Nevada HOA Law.

(1/2 of 7,144 + 1 = 3,573)

Anthem Opinions

 *We suggest you also click on the section below entitled "2 comments".  

Then scroll down the end of the article to read a rebuttal to yet another "half truth story" published by the alternative blogger.


  1. Part One

    To the latest article from the alternative blogger in which he asked if I understood Mr. Mayfield....

    I suggest he look closely at the article again.

    "No Rent" was highlighted in RED, leaving little question it was read. 

    Was Mr. Mayfield praised? 

    Only for the final vote...the NO VOTE......the vote that made an attempt to curtail excessive loss. 

    Had he voted in favor of the vote, we would have had issues with that as well....and I can assure you, Anthem Opinions would have more than objected to a "no rent" agreement as well.

    But....there was more to Mr. Mayfield's vote that required publication.....

    ...THE PART THE ALTERNATIVE BLOGGER REFUSED TO PUBLISH.......those comments made by Mr. Mayfield that explained his actions...….the comments the alternative blogger purposely omitted ....and thereby mislead his readers.

    ...the aspect that Mr. Mayfleld had done research indicating professionals were consulted to determine "success" standards and that those standards WERE NOT PRESENT in the current owner's business....

    ...that the current owner did not take the time to even present a revised business plan....

    ...something well researched that 5 other board members chose not to consider in their voting decision..

    ...that the ONLY way this business could succeed, was RESIDENT option that should be put before the entire electorate to determine. option that FIVE BOARD MEMBERS were too frightened to consider...

    ...for fear that the greatest percentage of residents would OBJECT to their dues subsidizing an entity that they did not patronize...

    ..for fear that their inexperience at such matters created these losses...

    ...for fear they would be forced to admit those they initially appointed to vett this restaurant proved to be ineffective and incorrect in their recommendations...

    ..for fear of their egos being bruised by admitting mistakes had been made that resulted in substantial community financial losses.

    Anthem Opinions writes the FULL STORY, not just selective aspects. 

    That is our definition of GOOD JOURNALISM...a definition obviously not shared by the alternative blogger is his “selective” and biased writings.

    We might also ask the alternative blogger why it took him a week to publish his latest article regarding Mr. Mayfield's comments...a deceptive article...not intended to inform, but obviously an attempt to discredit Anthem Opinions.

    ...BY REMOVING the most important and meaningful apsects of Mr. Mayfield's comments .
    ....unless there was some ulterior motive that he did not want his readers to know the FULL STORY at that time.

  2. Part Two

    FULL AND OBJECTIVE DISCLOSURE is the crux of the editorial to which these comments have been attached, and in our opinion, once again, proves our point...

    ...telling half truths in order to influence others represents THE WORST IN JOURNALISM..

    .and is sad that this form of behavior is exhibited again and again by that same individual.

    He may also wish to reread a number of Anthem Opinions articles that have looked at the careless spending that has taken place again and again over the years...that we, at Anthem Opinions, are committed to STOP....

    ....rather than his continual quest at justifying the thousands of dollars that have needlessly been spent on projects that have been improperly individuals who have little or no proper business experience, resulting in numerous adverse COSTLY RESULTS to property owners.

    We at Anthem Opinions look at RESULTS....and have made countless attempts to call attention to avoid contracting those who have improper financials, and questionable backgrounds...

    ...and in ALL CASES, our predications were accurate....

    ...and in ALL CASES, those warnings were ignored by those who made decisions...

    ...and in ALL CASES, we have incurred criticism by that blogger...

    ...BUT...and in ALL CASES, substantial financial losses resulted by ignoring those warnings.

    Yet in ALL CASES, especially in restaurant matters, the alternative blogger supported decisions that resulted in those disasterous substantial losses to our community.

    Our conclusion...forget blogs when it comes to surveys...especially those that only ask questions in a biased manner.

    Let the people decide by way of a resident vote...asking a straightforward question without sugarcoating the question to receive a response they wish to hear.

    And if the alternative blogger is against placing this matter before the association property owners in an objective manner, perhaps he might wish to explain why democracy should not prevail..

    and...while he's at it...


    It certainly would be a refreshing change.
