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Sunday, March 1, 2015

An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Sun City Anthem Board
Rejects Guardianship Support....
Yet Has No Problem Financially Supporting a Private Business ???

Huh ? 
Something doesn't seem to add up !
Guardianship issues have been so prevalent lately that is seems somewhat perplexing that a senior community, many residents of which have relatives in other states, would reject supporting a measure that would protect the elderly from unscrupulous personal and financial practices of those appointed by a court....especially attorneys who fleece the elderly.
In the past, our community has gone "to bat" against the BLM regarding nuclear dump sites, noisy tourist helicopters over Henderson Executive Airport, and the building of a church alongside Sun City Anthem.
Strange...that our boards would support residents in these public matters, yet reject public support that would gravely affect so many citizens in this situation....
...more people than any of the previously mentioned quests...combined.
Did it make sense to reject the support? 
Why would a former attorney....current board member and former Sun City Anthem President, James Long, object to this?
His reasoning....that such matters should not involve the sponsored support of a community. 
...but tourist helicopters and churches do ?
Who joined him in his rejection? 
Our current president, Jean Capillupo, who initially supported it, but who then suddenly changed her mind stating she hadn't had time to study the matter, Michael Carey, and Thomas Nissen.
Strange....these four board members are the same ones who consistently vote to increase restaurant subsidizes to a private for-profit business that only a few patronize...
...yet reject a public matter that would greatly affect the multitude of people, isn't it?
Doesn't that sound a bit confusing ?
The good news...shortly two of them will be gone....Long & Carey...both TWO TERM BOARD MEMBERS.
Something to keep in mind should the other two decide to seek re-election in 2016?
Anthem Opinions


1 comment:

  1. Special note:

    We have just been made aware that the efforts of Rana Goodman regarding the guardianship issue have receied the endorsement of the Nevada Senior Coalition....that to date 3,000 petitions have been signed to revise the Nevada statues.

    We, at Anthem Opinions, salute her in the efforts she has made in rectifying a "wrong" that has long been a part of Nevada guardianship issues.
