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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Miniature Golf...A Decision that Should be Made by the Homeowners Who Finance It...An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Miniature Golf...A Decision that Should be"The People"
That's right...a decision that should be entrusted to "the  people"...those who reside here and will bear its cost.
...not by blog owners or the comments of their selected readership.
We wholeheartedly believe that any such project would  subject senior citizens to the dangers of desert temperatures, as well as, a needless drain of precious community resources.
A recent "slanted" article published by the blogger advocate shows a number of locations across the country with such venues available in their communities, but as per a comment made on that publication... observation we at Anthem Opinions made of the Sun City Summerlin miniature golf course over a year ago after examining the same photos provided by the blogger advocate....and then traveling to the Summerlin course to examine it for ourselves...
....provided us conclusive proof...
Nonetheless that obvious fact has never swayed an obsession by that individual, and we certainly don't believe it will stop any time soon....
...but his opinions, and that of some of his supporters... are but a mere few in our community, though he would have you believe otherwise.
Unlike that publication, we at Anthem Opinions,  do not consider ourselves the "voice" of the people. 
We instead look at our publication as their "common sense" and "financially responsible" element who advise readers of the entire facts...
...allowing the people to make a proper decision for themselves.
Do we believe this possible miniature golf project is a wise and effective usage of precious association funds?
NO...we do not, and we have stated our valid reasons for believing that to be the case.
Unlike the advocate, we won't bore you with rehashing the past, but simply stated:
1. The costs are considerably higher than has been proposed due to the omission of various elements of the construction project that would be born aside from the actual building of the project.
2. People will not use this venue here in any regularity, when it has been proven that other locations across the country do not use theirs frequently. 
The blogger's using a potential 225 people as "charter members" of a club (a number of which are part of the same household) to dramatize support...
... is an invalid assumption on which to base any such conclusion.
If we assume that half of those individuals belong to the same household, that number represents 1.5% of the homes in the association, a ridiculously small percentage of participation when looking at a TOTAL inclusive expenditure of approximately $200,000.
3. The potential of legal liability is present, and unless it can be proven IN WRITING by the respective insurers that this risk will neither affect other community liability coverage, nor substantially increase its cost, any claim made to the contrary is merely "hearsay" without validity.
4. Comparable miniature golf courses are available within short distances that provide 18 holes with INDOOR comfort and greater entertaining variety at minimal expense.
5. Additional monitoring will be required  to "police" proper course usage. Someone will have to dispense equipment and check individuals playing any miniature golf course for proper ID and proof of payment in the case of guest usage.
6. Potential damage and privacy to surrounding homes and automobiles from individuals are potential problems....(especially young children) who would improperly use golf equipment.
7. Children and grandchildren would require a daily guest pass....costing $5 each day per person, and would not be eligible to play by themselves.  Regulations require a member present with children.  As a result, senior residents would be forced to accompany perhaps a danger to personal health arising from the prohibitive 100+ degree temperatures.
All of this can easily be avoided by simply using an already existing indoor course built with proper and extensive creative amenities..paying almost the same fee as that required of any association guest.
Any club that would be established could obtain busing through their dues payments as most other clubs do when off campus activities are sponsored.
By way of example, even if such a "charter club" existed, and the 225 people referenced were members, at an annual membership cost of $10 for each individual, that would generate $2,250 of annual revenue...which would more than cover the cost of a bus a few times over the course of a play their tournaments on an 18 hole fully decorated INDOOR air conditioned course, rather than a 9 hole OUTDOOR one.
It simply makes COMMON choose this path for those who wish to amuse themselves with this form of entertainment.
Should we then build bowling alleys for those who bowl and establish a club?

They seem to be happy on an off campus location.
How about a baseball diamond with lights and a grandstand for those in the softball club?
They seem to be happy on an off campus location.
The moral of this story is simple...
If these clubs can accomplish their entertainment enjoyment elsewhere that provide existing facilities THAT DO NOT INVOLVE ASSOCIATION EXPENSES, why can't the same apply to those who enjoy miniature golf?
Are those who enjoy miniature golf more "entitled" to a separate facility than the others?
We think NOT.
Are we wrong in our position? 
Perhaps, but we believe the ultimate decision must be made with the support of more than 1.5% of the population.
The only feasible manner....
...using the democratic process of placing this issue on a referendum for the association property owners to decide its fate....
...not a meaningless slanted survey....but...
...a proper mailing to each and every home allowing both proponents and those who oppose it,  the opportunity to explain their positions, with a formal ballot to return in order to make the final decision.
Simply is the right thing to do, and any position shy of allowing "the people" to make the ultimate decision as to its fate... the WRONG ONE.
In the spirit of "doing the right thing", we ask that any responsible committee or board member, as well as, the alternative blogger, support this manner of determination.
It would indicate their commitment to their promises of representing "the people".

Anthem Opinions Administration



  1. From resident...Yun Opinions

    As much as we wanted ALL bocce courts,, we would settle for something not as costly and easy to maintain, like shuffle board on HALF The courts while fixing the poorly designed Bocce courts to conform with Anthem Center Courts.

    That way, we can play anytime and not have to plan our games before or after the Bocce Club's specific and regularly usage.

    There is an outstanding Indoor Miniature golf course nearby.

    Please consider my consent to share this information with your data base and local bloggers.

    I am also appreciative of the blog information provided by some where facts can be confirmed.

    I stopped going to meetings as it seems pointless, because it appears Board representatives minds seem to be made up in advance.

    I hope I”m wrong about this but there seems to be a lack of information for residents on a regular basis and certain decisions come as quite a surprise regarding additional cost to residents of our community.

    While researching options, you will find the following web sites offer details about miniature golf in Henderson and Las Vegas




    There is also a “Cosmic Mini-Golf” in Henderson/Galleria Mall at Sunset and another called Putt Park Miniature /golf (only OUTDOOR course in Las Vegas.


    It appears there is only ONE “outdoor mini golf” in Las Vegas, and the employees of the indoor facilities say that the HEAT creates a problem and people prefer to play indoors.

    In my opinion, Sun City Anthem does NOT need a facility, much less the expense to tear up the existing bocce courts, reconstruct something that will not justify the construction expenses, much less the “ongoing’ costs to maintain.

  2. From resident...Sam Opinions

    I cannot understand this insane idea to build a mini-golf course for seniors. We sure do not need it for visiting children.

    Did people forget that this is an age restricted community and not an entertainment center for kids?

    We have enough dealing with them in our swimming pools.

    How can the advocates for this course claim that this will make our community more attractive to buyers, who are looking for peace and quiet from kids?

    As it was pointed out in your article, no one in their right mind will play on such a course during the heat of the day.

    Look at the tennis courts. They are not used most of the year during the hottest part of the day, 10AM to about 6 PM.

    Checkout the sign in sheets for the tennis courts and see if I am right..

    How can one call a mini-golf course a club? Are there membership dues, by-laws, elected officials?

    I bet if you did a survey of the claimed supporters, you will find that 99% have not played mini-golf in years.

    You pointed out all the associated costs, maintenance, keeping track of equipment, paying for night lights and on and on.

    You have also pointed out that despite the fact that the idea for the course was declined by the Grounds Committee, Life Style approved it.

    IIs it a political favor or something worse? Perhaps we should have an outside source examine why certain individuals are pushing this course and is there any relationship between this individual's and the potential course builder/s).

    After all, we have this slush fund created by sticking it to those that sell their homes here, surely we can spare a few dimes on checking this out?

    At a minimum the whole community should vote on this project.

  3. How sad it is...that no board candidate, board member, or any committee member will come forth and support THE PEOPLE making such a determination.

    Why would that be?

    They claim to "represent", yet when it comes to a matter of such expense,,,,they ALL REMAIN to allowing "the people" to decide.

    This fact in itself, proves that "power corrupts...and absolute power corrupts absolutely"..

    When will those who are elected or appointed to such positions ever realize that it is their DUTY to listen to the people, that their responsibility is following their wishes, making every attempt to learn what these wishes and desires are, and them make final decisions based on the desires of ENTIRE POPULATE, not just a handful of individuals who THEY BELIEVE, represent "the people"..

    A matter of this magnitude requires a vote of the association, not one of 7 people listening to 225 people and the lobbying efforts of one individual who has no relevant business experience, no successful past record of success, and has never advocated a venture that has proven to be successful.

    That defines a who is incapable of looking at people in no way other than using them to a private end.

    Why would that advocate not support a referendum to decide this issue?

    Is he or his supporters of this venture afraid that putting to the matter to "the people" will have an adverse affect on the outcome?

    Perhaps he might fully explain WHY he or any of his siupporters refuse to comment on putting such a measure to the people for a vote.
