Information Pages

Friday, May 1, 2015

With Only One of Four Homes Casting a Ballot....Results Show Little Promise of Any Substantial Positive Community Change

Sun City Anthem Voters Reject Reform...
"Machine Candidates" Once Again Elected

Jim Mayfield – 1912
Bella Meese – 1836
Rex Weddle – 1684
Carl Weinstein – 1416
Barry Goldstein – 1054
Bob Frank – 1032

No Commentary is Necessary
Anthem Opinions Administration


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    So what’s new?

    NOTHING – they did it again.

    We were disappointed (but not surprised) at the results of the election.

    Nothing ever changes around here, and we are continuing to get what we got in the past as a result. It’s no wonder people have lost interest in the politics of SCA and don’t want anything to do with it anymore, and the new people who have no history, think things are great, so nothing ever changes because of that either.

    People are tired of being involved in things that can’t be changed because the few continue to control everything. It’s hopeless.

    The good people don’t get elected and go off and put their efforts and energy into other areas where they have more control and can make a difference.

    The power goes to their heads, and the corruption continues, and SCA is just a microcosm of how it is in the real world out there.

    1. Yes indeed, it was disappointing.

      It seems that the more TRUTH you tell, the less people care to hear it.

      In the entire election period, I NEVER met or talked to ONE PERSON who believed that financing Cafe V was a good idea....yet...

      Bella Meese, the largest spender in SCA history when it came to that restaurant, received the second highest vote total.

      How is that possible?

      My belief is twofold.

      People pay little attention to facts and instead ask their friends and associates who they should cast a vote for; and secondly, once again, the wealthy Asian woman who controls a specific club was seen dropping numerous ballots in the box, as she was the past election.

      Unless there is some form of election reform prohibiting such behavior, I am afraid those members who support "the machine" will prevail for some time to come.
