Information Pages

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Third Sun City Anthem Board Member Responds to "Surplus" question

Another Board Member Responds to Surplus Funds Issue
Anthem Opinions is pleased to publish a third response to the surplus funds issue that was brought up in a previous article entitled  "What happens to Sun City Anthem Surplus Funds?"
This response is from Board Director, Carl Weinstein:
I don't mind contributing my thoughts regarding the potential surplus for your blog.
There are several issues surrounding the disposition of a potential surplus.  To begin with, I don't believe in spending money just because we have it. 
The expenditures MUST be primarily to maintain the levels of amenities we already have in decent usable "like new" condition. 
I know there are three proposals for usage of the defunct Bocce court at Liberty Center.  Each proponent makes a decent case for their idea;however, I haven't seen anyone really say, "Let's save the money and do nothing at all!".
I know that for various reasons there are a number items where maintenance has been lacking and some money needs to be spent to bring these back up to our standards.
In addition, there is the unknown quantity of  how much we have to spend to go to self-management.
(By the way, I am satisfied that doing that will save us considerable money in the long run) .
My bottom line is that I am committed to making conservative rational decisions regarding any surplus we may have and also committed to voting to return the excess to residents.
Anthem Opinions wishes to thank Mr. Weinstein, as well as Mssrs. Mayfield and Schramski for their honest thoughts on this matter.
We believe these individuals should be commended for doing so.
The following remaining four members of the board,  Bella Meese, Jean Capiluppo, Tom Nissen, and Rex  Weddle have chosen to remain silent.
Anthem Opinions Administration


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