Information Pages

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Running to the Association Attorney Needlessly Means a Waste of Association Funds

Looking at those who have the courage to voice a concern, and to those who believe they are beyond reproach....

...we dedicate this article.

God Bless Those Who Complain !
Recently it was learned that a complaint was filed with the Ombudsman's office that had to do with the improper or lack of disclosure of certain closed meetings held by board members to discuss "their secretive" affairs to which they have some ridiculous belief that those who elected them, should not be entitled to be properly informed of certain matters !

It was at the meeting that was attended by the "complainer" Tim Stebbins, along with Board Secretary, Jean Capillupo and her "hired help" sidekick, association attorney, John Leach, that the complaint was heard, and for once...we are proud to say...

The "complainer"....WON !

We would like to commend Mr. Stebbins for claiming his victory on behalf of all Sun City Anthem residents, but there were certain elements of that meeting that we would like to share with you....

...and accordingly, we would like to devote this article to our Association Secretary, Mrs. Capillupo, and Association Attorney, John Leach....

...with a round of applause for Board Director, Carl Weinstein !

Why this dedication?

For three reasons.... "commend" Mrs. Capillupo for spending hundreds of dollars in legal fees when it could have been solved FREE of CHARGE. Obviously some things never change with those who enjoy wasting the association funds.

(She even apologized to Mr. Stebbins for her "MISTAKE") "thank" Mr. Leach for the complaining remarks about how community blogs seem to be a detriment to the Sun City Anthem residents...specifically naming fellow blogger, Ron Johnson, and referring to other community publications that seem to disagree with his advice in questioning various association matters.

and... commend Director Weinstein for...

"telling it like it is" !

Why Weinstein?

Evidently the details of this latest Ombudsman meeting were NOT CONVEYED to ALL members of the Sun City Anthem Board.

It came as a complete surprise when Mr. Stebbins, at the Board Book meeting on August 25, 2015, brought up the fact that HE FIRST SENT AN EMAIL of his concern to the board prior to any formal order to avoid any formality AND EXPENSE to the Sun City Anthem coffers.

However...for some appears that ONLY Sun City Anthem President Bella Meese and her "advisory commission" which, based on recent "history", evidently CONSISTS  primarily of  Board Secretary, Jean Capillupo...

... took it upon themselves NOT TO INFORM THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE BOARD about the complaint....AND...IGNORED Mr.  Stebbin's informal attempt to solve the problem...

...instead....CHOOSING TO SPEND HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS IN LEGAL FEES by having John Leach, attend a needless session in order to solve the issue.

The result...Director Weinstein asking WHY the remaining board members were NOT informed ! 

...culminating in a silent and befuddled look from Mrs. Capillupo.

But we can't stop there...there was the board meeting on Thursday, August 27, 2015 when the "flavor of the month" restaurant topic reared its ugly head....AGAIN !

The topic of the status of the restaurant emerged, and the "same old...same old" response was heard.

"It's still in the hands of the attorney" which, Mr. Weinstein, again at his BEST, commented"...

"If  these negotiations continue we will have spent more money on attorney fees than the restaurant owes the association."

And with those words, the deafening silence from fellow board members was quickly replaced by a CLAPPING OVATION from those in attendance at the meeting.

Still not done about the restaurant !

Turns out that in the past few weeks, despite a 6-0 board vote to continue Sunday service, it appears that on at least two occasions, Cafe V took it upon themselves to open later than the hours DICTATED IN THE LEASE.

...and of course...the board SILENCE continued !

And so...

With all of this excitement and controversy (coupled with even more financial waste)...

... like the ears of a hungry coyote rising up when it sees a defenseless rabbit, my thoughts had to be penned...

...dedicated to that aspect of Sun City Anthem "hired help", as well as, all those others who believe that "complaining" makes Sun City Anthem and the rest of the world a horrible place.

If it weren't for "complainers"....

..we would be living in the Dis-United Colonies of America.

...we would have had a king that ruled us, rather than an "of the people, by the people. and for the people" government.

...we would have had a state sponsored religion rather than freedom to worship as one chooses.

...we would still have had people enslaved because of the color of their skin.
...we would never have had individuals who believed that  traveling by horse could ever be replaced by rails, autos, and airplanes.

...we would never have conquered deadly illness or  experienced painless anesthesia.

...we would never have had an increased life expectancy past age 40.

...we would never have had children removed from deadly mines as part of a workforce.

...we would never have had any advanced means of communication other than a carrier pigeon.

...we would never have had our national parks protected against becoming condominiums.

...we would never have expanded our nation westward in the spirit of "Manifest Destiny".

...we would never have had the opportunity of experiencing women's rights or even allowing them to vote.

...we never would have had the greatest minds make life a better experience...

...because THEY, the "complainers", had the courage to recognize a wrong, and dedicate their lives to rectifying it.

Yes indeed, without the "complainers" we would be left with people who would have been content to live without all of these wonders... those to look at disdain toward those who complain...

This is OUR CREED by which we live !

Those of you who merely follow; those of you who blindly accept; those of you who never question... not deserve all the wonders that those who have complained...have brought you....

...yet surprisingly, for some reason,  all of you gladly accept the benefits obtained by those who had the courage... Complain !

Got some other wonders that this world has achieved because of "complainers"? 

We'd love to hear about them...and post them.

Oh Yeah...GOOD GOING, Tim Stebbins...

...and kudos to you as well, Mr. Weinstein...for speaking your piece AND looking out for the best interests of the financial stability of Sun City Anthem !

Any comments out there on this latest episode in the saga of Sun City Anthem governance ?

Send us your thoughts to:

Dick Arendt
Anthem Opinions Administration

From Suzy Opinions

Thanks so much for the blog about the Board.

It was fantastic.
  1. From Ron Johnson's Today's Anthem View:

    On Jean Capillupo and a related Agenda Item

    Some in the audience might have concluded that SCA’s la grande dame Jean Capillupo had experienced a Megyn Kelly moment when she expressed her considerable outrage in having to respond to a homeowner’s complaint from the Ombudsman over what she claimed was an inadvertent omission.

    Jean was not satisfied to merely relay the outcome of a mutually agreed informal resolution. No indeed! In her presentation, she went on to vilify the homeowner for array of imaginary stylistic sins in his letter to the board, including his alleged failures to construct a properly worded letter, properly close the letter, and propose a remedy, all in an unrepentant effort by Jean to excuse the association’s admitted failure to respond to the homeowner’s complaint.

    Contrary to Jean’s assertion, I was advised that the homeowner had proposed a remedy, namely, that the association give timely notice of certain unannounced executive session meetings in the future.

    Rather than deciding to ignore the homeowner’s letter, the board could have avoided the Ombudsman’s intervention had it simply responded to the homeowner’s concern. Incredibly, the board decided to reject what should have been an obvious course of action.

    1. From Samuel Opinions

      They took down the Café V signs so they could install the new name, Bella’s Place!


  1. From Suzy Opinions

    Thanks so much for the blog about the Board.

    It was fantastic.

  2. From Ron Johnson's Today's Anthem View:

    On Jean Capillupo and a related Agenda Item

    Some in the audience might have concluded that SCA’s la grande dame Jean Capillupo had experienced a Megyn Kelly moment when she expressed her considerable outrage in having to respond to a homeowner’s complaint from the Ombudsman over what she claimed was an inadvertent omission.

    Jean was not satisfied to merely relay the outcome of a mutually agreed informal resolution. No indeed! In her presentation, she went on to vilify the homeowner for array of imaginary stylistic sins in his letter to the board, including his alleged failures to construct a properly worded letter, properly close the letter, and propose a remedy, all in an unrepentant effort by Jean to excuse the association’s admitted failure to respond to the homeowner’s complaint.

    Contrary to Jean’s assertion, I was advised that the homeowner had proposed a remedy, namely, that the association give timely notice of certain unannounced executive session meetings in the future.

    Rather than deciding to ignore the homeowner’s letter, the board could have avoided the Ombudsman’s intervention had it simply responded to the homeowner’s concern. Incredibly, the board decided to reject what should have been an obvious course of action.


  3. From Samuel Opinions

    They took down the Café V signs so they could install the new name, Bella’s Place!
