Information Pages

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Concerns that Require Consideration to Be Closely Examined in Days Ahead

Does Disaster Loom in the
Sun City Anthem
General Manager Agreement ?
(A two part series beginning Monday, September 28th)

Beginning Monday, September 28th, we have a two part series of articles summarizing the major concerns we have regarding the Agreement that has been offered to our new (yet unnamed) Sun City Anthem General Manager who will take the reigns of our association once we complete the process to "Self-Management"....

...and their far reaching effects on the solvency of our association.

But for now....I want to personally thank those individuals who took the time to see their governance "in action" by attending the Board of Directors meeting Thursday evening, September 24, 2015.

I'm proud to say that Director Don Schramski publicly thanked me at this meeting for asking our readers to attend; and to add to that, we in turn, wish to thank our newest addition, Tim Stebbins, for "making it happen" in his Anthem Opinions "Nevada Know How" Information Page.

To Director Schramski, we simply wish to express our gratitude by saying...

"You're Welcome

That's always been our mission as it pertains to Sun City Anthem governance...

...making people a part of the system, not merely pawns who pay for it !

It proved a very important point. 

People care,  both residents, and those who represent us as Board Members. 

Let's hope this trend continues.

Evidently there were a number of "new faces" in the audience....but surprisingly a number of the "old faces" were not !

As to "why" that was the case, I have no idea other than the all too often criticism of Anthem Opinions by the "old guard" who, in many cases, have been responsible for the numerous financial problems of the past and have strong objection to our "tell it like it is" style of reporting association concerns...the concerns they refuse to acknowledge exist...or...refuse to take responsibility for creating.

For now...we do have some GOOD NEWS !

The "salamander" (cheese melter) was tabled for future consideration !

Director Carl Weinstein presented information regarding cost figures that were SUBSTANTIALLY LESS than those provided by our management company, FSR, and as result...the board voted unanimously (7-0) to hold off on buying this item.

A special thanks to Director Weinstein for the research he did in bringing this matter to the rest of the FSR representatives who recommended the original purchase that was to have cost $7,000 with installation with what appeared to be an inflated cost.

Tomorrow...Part One of our analysis of the General Manager concept....the "Salary Package" the Board accepted with a vote of 6-1 with Director James Mayfield casting the sole objection.

Dick Arendt
Anthem Opinions Administration

1 comment:

  1. While I certainly agree that all of us homeowners should be concerned with our Board pushing towards self-management, its costs and its consequences, I am not sure that your characterization of FREE Medical Services for Veterans/Military Retirees and Federal Government Retirees is totally accurate. The Veteran’s Administration (VA) uses a system referred to as “means testing” to determine eligibility and costs for those eligible for medical services at the VA. Just being a Veteran or retired military DOES NOT guarantee one FREE Medical Services. Some Veterans may in fact receive FREE care, but that is dependent upon injuries sustained during periods of war and/or their financial status. Many Veterans/military retirees PAY for medical services provided at the VA because they exceed the financial “threshold” to qualify for FREE care. Likewise, I don’t think that retired Federal government employees receive FREE medical services either. Least not those who retired under FERS. I am not familiar with the CSRS retirement benefits, however, I would think that they would not be getting FREE medical services either.
    Nevertheless, the compensation package as described is concerning due to the potential financial impact upon all of us, as you mentioned. We voted this Board in to represent our (us homeowners) best interests and as such they have a fiduciary responsibility to do so. They have failed miserably, putting their own individual interests and desires above that of us homeowners on a number of occasions. Self-management is something not to be taken lightly and the implications from mistakes can cost all of us homeowners financially. At the meeting, the Board President went to great lengths to READ a Canned statement regarding the legality of the Board to go forward and make the decision for self-management independently of us homeowners. Well, just because it may be legal, it DOESN’T MEAN it is the RIGHT thing to do. The Board should have put it to a vote of us homeowners to see if the majority of us homeowners wanted to go to self-governance or not, and only then act accordingly, representing our the will of the majority of the homeowners. All of us should be deeply concerned as this moves forward as the impact can affect all of us to the detriment of a very nice Community we currently enjoy. Just my 2 cents.
