Information Pages

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Looking Back at 2015 in Sun City Anthem....An Anthem Opinions Editorial (Part One of Three)

2015 Sun City Anthem Board
A Comedy of Financial Errors & Failures !
(Part One of Three)

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What a year !  You can't sugarcoat this was that bad for Sun City Anthem....and those that created the problems faced in 2015, SHOULD BE HELD RESPONSIBLE.

This one has to go down as perhaps the most inept Board of Directors of any that I've witnessed in the 10 years I've been a Sun City Anthem resident....and in those 10 years I've seen a number of problems, but none like those in 2015.

The word "dysfunctional" comes to mind...but alongside that one word description, is another one...."disastrous" !

There's so much to talk about, it had to take three articles to do it.

This is the first for your reading"pleasure"...or..."displeasure", however you choose to view it or not...

"It's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"

So....if you're expecting a...

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... I suggest you stop reading NOW.

On the other hand, if you want to know just HOW MUCH DAMAGE this group of Directors have on !

It all started with Topic #1.... a $90,000 bonus to FSR employees for their "excellent" work...a year before many in all probability, will be getting pink slips once the self-management transition is completed.

Everyone should get a bonus before they're fired, don't ya think?

At least that's the way things are done here in Sun City Anthem, a retirement community, lead by minds,  that should have stayed retired !

Who voted for that ?  

All of them except Jim Mayfield...a Board member who is SO UNPOPULAR amongst most of his fellow board members for one reason....

MAYFIELD "tells it like it is"....and he pulls no punches when it comes to sharing his thoughts.

He's not a PATSY who believes he has to go along with incompetence.

Oh...Jim can be a bit "windy" at times, but if you listen carefully to what he says, there is no doubt that HE HAS TAKEN HIS ROLE AS A BOARD MEMBER SERIOUSLY...and WILL NOT SACRIFICE his INTEGRITY to achieve POPULARITY.

That, dear "my kind of guy" !

There is another board member who needs to be acknowledged as well...

Carl Weinstein

I have to admit, I had reservations about his election to the board a year ago; but over the months, with a few minor disagreements as to his voting.....

Weinstein has proven to be another individual who TAKES NO PRISONERS when it comes to speaking his peace a result of his "telling it like it is"...I might add in a manner that demonstrates his views in a WELCOME COMEDIC manner....he too has proven to show he has "the right stuff" that Sun City Anthem has been in desperate need of for years !

Now...the others !

The ones who have done more damage than any one can imagine !

We reelected Bella Meese for a third she could continue voting to spend more money on a restaurant that had continuously demonstrated an inability of making it themselves.

We tried to tell all of you when she ran for that third term....THIS INDIVIDUAL'S CONTINUED UNCONTROLLED SPENDING...would not cease

We were DEAD ON...It hasn't.

Her leadership as Association President can best be described as a ...

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...and in our opinion, she should no longer be in that capacity as a result of what has taken place in 2015.

And...that leads me into the Topic #2 in this first of three articles...

...our restaurant....

...the eatery that for some reason believes....

...and a number of  board directors, have concurred....

...SHOULD BE LOOKED AT, AS A CHARITABLE INSTITUTION that residents of Sun City Anthem have some kind of moral obligation...TO FOOT THEIR BILLS !

How ridiculous is that ?????????

Hello ???? 

Did someone forget this was a FOR PROFIT COMPANY with a track record of NEVER HAVING MADE A PROFIT ?

Well now, Mrs. we predicted, like a leopard, "did not change her spots"....

...and her senseless SPENDING ATTITUDE became worse as time the restaurant results continued to worsen.

That place still owes us about $32,000 in back loans and unpaid utilities; and rumor has it, they wanted even MORE....

... the latest being another credit for the water bill !

So...perhaps now, Bella Meese and a number of her fellow "geniuses" may have finally come to the conclusion that they made bad decisions...

...a continuous comedy of errors FINANCED WITH YOUR DUES MONEY...FROM THE GET GO !

Unfortunately, this restaurant calamity started with a number of these same individuals creating a lease that literally provided a tenant everything including "the kitchen sink" ... and the "brainchildren" also threw into the deal... fixing that well !

That in itself....was INSANE

You would have thought making a deal similar to those made with previous restaurants would have given them some clue as to saying...

"Gee, giving others the kitchen sink cost us thousands, maybe we should think twice before we make that mistake again".

But...NOPE...this time, after that belief never worked having had a "stellar" 100% past failure record, it was going to work now, right

WRONG...that "executive decision" certainly got stuffed up our knickers again, didn't it?

It's like putting a hitless baseball player in the clean-up spot in a batting order !

Then...when "Mr. Vic's" came a callin'......crying poor...

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They VOTED TO ALLOW the monthly rent to drop from $4,000 to $2,000 to $1,000....knowing full well those actions would create a financial hardship on Sun City Anthem's bottom line...

...and to further demonstrate their "financial prowess" ...

...they also approved TWO loans at 2% interest (below the prime rate...the rate banks only give their BEST CUSTOMERS), again with full knowledge those actions would adversely affect the community they pledged to "serve".

There's so much more.

When that lease was originally signed, a number of them also VOTED to feed a select group of residents dropping another $5,000, discriminating against 99% of the community in their choices as to WHO should receive that specialized treatment....yet another example of unnecessary financial WASTE.

Who pays for another firm's advertising?

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That's who  !

Perhaps the most outrageous decision was granting a second loan to the restaurateur. 

When the former Association President and current Secretary, Jean Capillupo,  was asked if they were vetted in the board's decision to grant a second loan...

...she "beamed" in response...

...essentially saying YOU the time the first loan was made.

When asked if "Mr. Vic's" was vetted for the second one, her response dumbfounded an audience.

She proudly said it WASN'T NECESSARY....they had been vetted for the first one...

...despite their being in default on the first loan payments.

Makes you wonder how many economics majors she mentored as a school superintendent, doesn't it?

We went back in time to check her video when Jean Capillupo ran for the board.

Here it is, folks ...especially her first promise if elected...




We think you should take few moments to view it...and then ask yourself....just HOW she kept those promises once elected ! ensure that incompetence is looked upon as "good business judgment"...

...she was joined by fellow board members,who,  in their infinite wisdom...

...voted to GO ALONG WITH IT !

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Who were those individuals?

Rex Weddle...our current Vice President...the one with the history degree...

...the one who seems to have missed that particular history class that teaches INTELLIGENT INDIVIDUALS...

"Those Who Cannot Remember the Past...Are  Condemned to Repeat It"

...the one who has proven to be as much a wasteful spender as four of his fellow board members.

And...his voting record stands up to this critique.

In each and every case, he HAS ALWAYS voted to GIVE...GIVE...GIVE...YOUR MONEY... AWAY...AWAY...AWAY... a guy who always seemed to look for ways not to pay it back !

If you watch Weddle, he waddles in the same footprints of those he looks at with awe....Capillupo and Meese.

I can't think of a single moment when he ever voted against anything  Meese and Capillupo supported !

We tried to warn you about him before his election as well.

He has turned out to be  EXACTLY WHAT WE PREDICTED....a "non-people person" whose objective was merely to get elected...and "kiss" as many "babies" in the process to do so.

This guy has his own agenda...and if this community doesn't pay close attention to the those being chosen in the next election....our TRAGIC prediction is that he possibly could be elected the next Sun CIty Anthem president.

Heaven help us all if that takes place ! 

If you think dissension exists now....our prediction if he is the next president is...OPEN REBELLION !

Don Schramski....another board member at large...who spent more time agreeing with the above mentioned individuals whom he evidently considered "gurus", never seeking out individuals in the community for information in which he is not well versed,  is basically a "good guy"...

...who's turned out to look at his role on a board as a "peacemaker" rather than a "decision maker", voting an overwhelming percentage of the time alongside Meese, Capillupo, and Weddle...

...a man who PROMISED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, yet when it came down to MAKING THINGS HAPPEN, chose to use his swing vote to maintain the STATUS QUO.... and be a part of the DISASTROUS results.

There is little doubt in the minds of so many individuals I have spoken to, he has been perhaps the biggest disappointment. 

Many of us believed he had the "inner fire" to LISTEN to those who had successfully "been there" in the business world.  Instead he's chosen to listen to those that "haven't been".  

The why remains a mystery.

He sadly does not seem capable of understanding the economic acumen of running an $8 million a year business...and his unwillingness to "buck the system" resulting from his lack of knowledge, has shown him to be "gun shy" in his ability at making important financial decisions...

...the result of which has been ineffective at making the positive changes we had hoped he could have made.

We looked back at his video when he originally ran for the board.

Here it is. 

We ask you to take a few moments, view it, then ask yourself?

Did he keep his promises?  We think NOT.

Tom Nissen...a treasurer who rarely speaks unless he has a spreadsheet handy....ALWAYS HAS VOTED TO SPEND ASSOCIATION FUNDS FREELY on that restaurant....


There is little doubt when one looks at the results of the restaurant that the unspoken creed of these five individuals whom we have allowed to CONTROL OUR FINANCIAL FUTURE is quite simple....


The decisions made have been prediction is that they are more concerned with LEGACY than REALITY as they will continue to hide pertinent facts to which all of us are entitled.

When was the last time YOU RECEIVED A CALL from any of these five Board members ASKING YOUR OPINION on ANYTHING?

Well....the restaurant has finally been given a notice to pay up...or close down .

It's been so long in coming....and so costly an affair over the past two years.

But...questions remain....NOW WHAT ?

Do you trust those five individuals to allow this to happen AGAIN ????


Will those who adamantly and stubbornly supported THE CONTINUAL FINANCING OF THIS RESTAURANT AGAIN AND AGAIN...make an attempt to merely walk away from this as if it never took place?

Based on the past, I can assure all of you...




As the inevitable restaurant eviction process proceeds, are we not entitled to know WHY this fiasco continued on and on, costing residents their hard earned retirement dollars month after month?

Or...are the mistakes these supposed leaders made SO DISASTROUS...


Time will tell...but...based on how they handled this restaurant situation in the guess... that we are far from removing ourselves from this financial mess THEY CREATED...and...FULLY SUPPORTED...

...until it became impossible to do so... a result of OPEN and HONEST publications making YOU aware of their decisions and their ultimate ADVERSE FINANCIAL RESULTS to Sun City Anthem residents.

These individuals, if left alone, would have had residents sitting in the dark as to the details of their involvement for the past two years.

It was the "Sun City Anthem Way of Doing Business"...

...until a notice was posted on a front door a few days ago...saying "enough was enough"..."pay up" or "get out".

And...THEY SHOULD HANG THEIR HEADS IN SHAME for betraying the trust bestowed upon them for what they have done to our wonderful community.

We deserved better...and hopefully when the 2016 election takes place...

We will get better...



Let's discuss that has been handled to date.

Want to add something? 

For or against? 

Let it go...rant...compliment...criticize.

Our email address:
Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. From Barbara Opinions

    We talked about this in August and no change has been made. Card players are secondary citizens. I have found out that a good reason for that is because Rex Weddle is a big pool player and he makes sure he takes care of that group.

    I appreciate your blog.

    It tells it like it is.

    I have been labeled a trouble maker in Sun City as I really made an effort to get rid of one of the pool tables in the gallery or have them turned north & south.

    I had 75 names on a petition. Went to a P&G meeting, a Lifestyle meeting, filled out the proper form to be able to speak, went to a board meeting and met with no results.

    The card tables are pushed very close together and the pool players seem to have priority.

    4 pool tables have never been in use that I have ever seen.

    They have 11 pool tables across the street that anyone can use besides the pool club.

    We have 12 card tables and all the maj tables that don't have enough room to spread out.

    Since someone has now fallen from the new chairs with wheels and the board is supposed to handle that, I doubt it will ever happen.

    So if you complain, they don't care.

    When I went to the meeting with Rex Weddle as Pres, I complimented the group after I spoke and told them it was a thankless job and I appreciated it,

    but would never want to be a volunteer to which Rex Wedddle replied......"That is good because we wouldn't want you" really made me feel appreciated for speaking up.

    Won't do it again. The board is terrible. Don't know how to fix this broken problem.

    The card table and maj tables have been full many times and there is not enough room to play.

    People have fallen on the tile floors since some of the chairs sit on those.

    Very sad.
  2. Barbara,

    Your comments about Rex Weddle's mannerisms are not the first we are aware of.

    We know how happy a number of members of the Lifestyle Committee were to see him leave. Unfortunately he carried his attitude problems to being a board member.

    One wonders how such a person in his first year on a board is elected a Vice President.

    As I mentioned in the original article, ANTHEM OPINIONS "called it" as to what to expect if he were elected.

    Then again, it took the likes of a number similar minded board members to elect a clone of themselves as a Vice President.

    In our opinion, to say something like that to you was both rude and disrespectful and unbecoming any individual on a Board.

    He owes you an apology.

    Then again, being the "people person" he has always demonstrated himself to be, I wouldn't expect it.

    Conceit and arrogance has always been his trademark. It's also a characteristic of an insecure person who needs power to make himself feel important.
    1. From Rana Goodman of Anthem Opinions

      When I am looking for mindless relief I love tuning in to Judge Judy and she has used one wonderful quote for many years that is so fitting in this case, mostly since our board, in giving our funds so freely have no business sense.

      In a case where a debt is not repaid she asks did they make a payment last month?


      The month before?


      The month before that?


      The month before that?




      She walks off the bench with a look that tells the plaintiff what an idiot they were to make the loan a second, third or fourth time......

      I'd say our board fits, wouldn't you?
    2. No argument on your logic, Rana !

      1. From Lang Opinions

        Recall !

        Get the board out, especially Meese!!
        1. There is another individual who should bear some responsibility for our restaurant alternative blogger who, with even less business experience than those who made these money losing decisions, felt himself qualified to endorse each one of them.

          Boasting of that track record when one looks at the results, should speak loudly as to his lack of credibility in recommending any individual's ability to financially lead any organization, much less a successful business venture.

          I wonder how those who somehow seem to fall for his hype now look at those choices he so highly recommended; and if they do, can provide REASONS AS TO WHY THEY DO, when these facts are brought to their attention.

          In case they still do, perhaps they should read HIS PAST WORDS regarding Sun City Anthem's Cafe V:

          "They provide an amenity to us and I don't think they should pay a penny, just some revenue sharing"

          "This reporter would like to see the Board be creative in mitigating the tenant’s financial burden by easing the ongoing payment obligations while moving toward a model that rewards both parties, meaning SCA and the tenant, through a revenue-sharing arrangement."

          "Those who argue that we “subsidize” the restaurant by cutting the rent might want to consider that the restaurant tenant is, in effect, subsidizing US by providing an ongoing and substantial 15-percent discount on all menu entrées. This discount, which is not required by the restaurant lease, has cost the tenant many thousands of dollars that have been “given back” to those who have supported the restaurant with their business."

          As you can plainly see, he fully supported YOU SUBSIDIZING that restaurant ...and...even tried to make it sound as if the restaurant was doing the community a favor !

          ...all at the same time the place was taking loans and being in arrears on the continual reducing rent payments and unpaid utilities.

          Any individual who would make such costly and irresponsible statements like those, deserves to be referred to in the same manner as we have referred to those who have made the actual decisions....

          ...incompetent with no relevant experience, whose recommendations have accomplished NOTHING other than created WASTE.

          His thoughts are completely out of touch with the real world in his twisted "YOU OWE ME" way of thinking, and for any rational human being to deny that...

          ..would deny the ACTUAL RESULTS of the restaurant catastrophe that has taken place.

          I can't wait to hear his latest....the "position paper" on the next step.

          Mark my words, my guess is that once again, he will stress his "expertise" in matters he knows NOTHING OF...and will in all probability, be just another mouthpiece for a group of cronies that are looking for ways to justify FRIVOLOUS SPENDING.

          When one looks at the various comments made on that publication, it becomes quite evident as to the priorities many choose....namely their stomachs rather than the wallets of the overwhelming majority of Sun City Anthem residents.

          I would hope that our community may finally be coming to that conclusion...he's made it easy to do so.
          1. From Opinions

            Thanks for your very informative article.

            Is there any way we can refuse any of the present board members to run in another election, especially after all the harm they have caused this community?

          2. No Laura, there is no way.

            Our CCRs allow any person who is "in good standing" to run for a board position.

            And...that means merely that they are paying their dues on time.

            You can be a felon, a child molester, a bank robber, or a rapist....but as long as you pay your dues on time, you're good to go to run for a board position.

            It is no secret that the alternative blogger had his law license suspended in 1991 by the state of Massachusetts as a result of wrongdoing and forging a judge's signature. He did not disclose that when he ran and was subsequently elected.

            In addition I also know of an individual who was actually DISBARRED THREE TIMES in California, yet was approved to be on a formal committee by a board who was fully aware of his past.

            These are perhaps the best examples of WHY candidates should voluntarily submit to such a background check request.

            Even Bernie Madoff could have run for the board had he been a resident.

            We have called for voluntary background checks on candidates for years, but HAVE never had a taker from ANY OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN ELECTED.

            Perhaps that is a question you might ask of ANY candidate who runs for office...and see if they will accept the challenge.

            1. Thank you for this blog. I am constantly amazed that the Board does not disseminate information in a timely manner.

              I am hearing a proposal that the restaurant be self-managed. What a joke. How many experienced restaurant owner/managers have we got in the Association to get this up and running. Most new restaurant starts fail. Opening a restaurant requires a significant capital investment the first three years and without that cushion it can quickly fail. Is our self-management team going to make that commitment without knowing anything about running a restaurant? Gak!

              Anyway, thanks for this blog. At least the residents can know what is going on in a timely manner.


  1. From Barbara Opinions

    We talked about this in August and no change has been made. Card players are secondary citizens. I have found out that a good reason for that is because Rex Weddle is a big pool player and he makes sure he takes care of that group.

    I appreciate your blog.

    It tells it like it is.

    I have been labeled a trouble maker in Sun City as I really made an effort to get rid of one of the pool tables in the gallery or have them turned north & south.

    I had 75 names on a petition. Went to a P&G meeting, a Lifestyle meeting, filled out the proper form to be able to speak, went to a board meeting and met with no results.

    The card tables are pushed very close together and the pool players seem to have priority.

    4 pool tables have never been in use that I have ever seen.

    They have 11 pool tables across the street that anyone can use besides the pool club.

    We have 12 card tables and all the maj tables that don't have enough room to spread out.

    Since someone has now fallen from the new chairs with wheels and the board is supposed to handle that, I doubt it will ever happen.

    So if you complain, they don't care.

    When I went to the meeting with Rex Weddle as Pres, I complimented the group after I spoke and told them it was a thankless job and I appreciated it,

    but would never want to be a volunteer to which Rex Wedddle replied......"That is good because we wouldn't want you" really made me feel appreciated for speaking up.

    Won't do it again. The board is terrible. Don't know how to fix this broken problem.

    The card table and maj tables have been full many times and there is not enough room to play.

    People have fallen on the tile floors since some of the chairs sit on those.

    Very sad.

  2. Barbara,

    Your comments about Rex Weddle's mannerisms are not the first we are aware of.

    We know how happy a number of members of the Lifestyle Committee were to see him leave. Unfortunately he carried his attitude problems to being a board member.

    One wonders how such a person in his first year on a board is elected a Vice President.

    As I mentioned in the original article, ANTHEM OPINIONS "called it" as to what to expect if he were elected.

    Then again, it took the likes of a number similar minded board members to elect a clone of themselves as a Vice President.

    In our opinion, to say something like that to you was both rude and disrespectful and unbecoming any individual on a Board.

    He owes you an apology.

    Then again, being the "people person" he has always demonstrated himself to be, I wouldn't expect it.

    Conceit and arrogance has always been his trademark. It's also a characteristic of an insecure person who needs power to make himself feel important.

  3. From Rana Goodman of Anthem Opinions

    When I am looking for mindless relief I love tuning in to Judge Judy and she has used one wonderful quote for many years that is so fitting in this case, mostly since our board, in giving our funds so freely have no business sense.

    In a case where a debt is not repaid she asks did they make a payment last month?


    The month before?


    The month before that?


    The month before that?




    She walks off the bench with a look that tells the plaintiff what an idiot they were to make the loan a second, third or fourth time......

    I'd say our board fits, wouldn't you?

  4. From Lang Opinions

    Recall !

    Get the board out, especially Meese!!

  5. There is another individual who should bear some responsibility for our restaurant alternative blogger who, with even less business experience than those who made these money losing decisions, felt himself qualified to endorse each one of them.

    Boasting of that track record when one looks at the results, should speak loudly as to his lack of credibility in recommending any individual's ability to financially lead any organization, much less a successful business venture.

    I wonder how those who somehow seem to fall for his hype now look at those choices he so highly recommended; and if they do, can provide REASONS AS TO WHY THEY DO, when these facts are brought to their attention.

    In case they still do, perhaps they should read HIS PAST WORDS regarding Sun City Anthem's Cafe V:

    "They provide an amenity to us and I don't think they should pay a penny, just some revenue sharing"

    "This reporter would like to see the Board be creative in mitigating the tenant’s financial burden by easing the ongoing payment obligations while moving toward a model that rewards both parties, meaning SCA and the tenant, through a revenue-sharing arrangement."

    "Those who argue that we “subsidize” the restaurant by cutting the rent might want to consider that the restaurant tenant is, in effect, subsidizing US by providing an ongoing and substantial 15-percent discount on all menu entrées. This discount, which is not required by the restaurant lease, has cost the tenant many thousands of dollars that have been “given back” to those who have supported the restaurant with their business."

    As you can plainly see, he fully supported YOU SUBSIDIZING that restaurant ...and...even tried to make it sound as if the restaurant was doing the community a favor !

    ...all at the same time the place was taking loans and being in arrears on the continual reducing rent payments and unpaid utilities.

    Any individual who would make such costly and irresponsible statements like those, deserves to be referred to in the same manner as we have referred to those who have made the actual decisions....

    ...incompetent with no relevant experience, whose recommendations have accomplished NOTHING other than created WASTE.

    His thoughts are completely out of touch with the real world in his twisted "YOU OWE ME" way of thinking, and for any rational human being to deny that...

    ..would deny the ACTUAL RESULTS of the restaurant catastrophe that has taken place.

    I can't wait to hear his latest....the "position paper" on the next step.

    Mark my words, my guess is that once again, he will stress his "expertise" in matters he knows NOTHING OF...and will in all probability, be just another mouthpiece for a group of cronies that are looking for ways to justify FRIVOLOUS SPENDING.

    When one looks at the various comments made on that publication, it becomes quite evident as to the priorities many choose....namely their stomachs rather than the wallets of the overwhelming majority of Sun City Anthem residents.

    I would hope that our community may finally be coming to that conclusion...he's made it easy to do so.

  6. From Opinions

    Thanks for your very informative article.

    Is there any way we can refuse any of the present board members to run in another election, especially after all the harm they have caused this community?


  7. No Laura, there is no way.

    Our CCRs allow any person who is "in good standing" to run for a board position.

    And...that means merely that they are paying their dues on time.

    You can be a felon, a child molester, a bank robber, or a rapist....but as long as you pay your dues on time, you're good to go to run for a board position.

    It is no secret that the alternative blogger has his law license suspended in 1991 by the state of Massachusetts as a result of wrongdoing and forging a judge's signature. He did not disclose that when he ran and was subsequently elected.

    In addition I also know of an individual who was actually DISBARRED THREE TIMES in California, yet was approved to be on a formal committee by a board who was fully aware of his past.

    These are perhaps the best examples of WHY candidates should voluntarily submit to such a background request.

    Even Bernie Madoff could have run for the board had he been a resident.

    We have called for voluntary background checks on candidates for years, but HAVE never have a taker from ANY OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN ELECTED.

    Perhaps that is a question you might ask of ANY candidate who runs for office...and see if they will accept the challenge.

  8. Thank you for this blog. I am constantly amazed that the Board does not disseminate information in a timely manner.

    I am hearing a proposal that the restaurant be self-managed. What a joke. How many experienced restaurant owner/managers have we got in the Association to get this up and running. Most new restaurant starts fail. Opening a restaurant requires a significant capital investment the first three years and without that cushion it can quickly fail. Is our self-management team going to make that commitment without knowing anything about running a restaurant? Gak!

    Anyway, thanks for this blog. At least the residents can know what is going on in a timely manner.

    Lawrence Peterson
