Information Pages

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Reader Wants Our $2600 Back !


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Once again, we have received an interesting comment from one of our valued readers....a comment so good....that we have again, considered it more than worthy of being a main article on Anthem Opinions.

The best's from the "pull no punches" pen of the famous "Robert N".

Mrs. Meese...
About that Money You Owe Us...


Robert N.

Dear Madame President...

It seems that you’ve taken a page from the Bernie Madoff School of Executive Action Utilization and unilaterally stole $2600 from OUR coffers to fund those shuttle buses.

I have read through the HOA regulations found in the Public Offering Statement given to us when we bought our house in SCA ( Did YOU ever read that document?) – nowhere is there any authorization for any one Board member to pull a stunt like the one you just pulled.

But, in one regard, I should thank you.

In previous correspondence to this Blog, I questioned your failure to comply with the Fiduciary Responsibility in the HOA President’s position. 

Chalk this one up as one more (albeit a big one) example of your failure to comply with such ethics.

And, by the way, when did the HOA Board become advocates of one particular Party? 

It has come to my attention that the Board actually sent a bill to the Republican Party to cover the cost of extra chairs, etc. during the recent Republican Party Candidates’ rallies at the Anthem Center.

I’m sure that SCA residents who do not necessarily support Hillary Clinton, will find that appalling. 

Incidentally, I would like to thank Mrs. Seddon for demonstrating the female equivalent of testicular fortitude at that meeting. 

She appears to represent a refreshing interlude from the managerial acquiescence we have suffered over the past several years.

 I find it (almost) funny that Mrs. Seddon is the result of the Board’s desire for ‘Self-Management’. 


Be careful of what you wish for, because it may
 come true”.

But I digress –

Ms. Meese would you please inform the 1,000s of residents in SCA WHEN you plan to reimburse us? 

And, by the way,

Make that payment in Cash, Certified Check, or Money Order – 


Want to comment on Robert N's article?

Send them to:

  1. From Barbara Opinions

    Thank you Robert N for your article in expressing how many of us residents feel about the expenditure of $2,600 for buses that were not even utilized because no one was told about their availability until 6:30 PM the night before the rally.

    This is a blatant misuse of association funds.

    I would be interested to know just how many people used the buses.
  1. From Janus Opinions

    Dear Robert N.,

    Thank you for your direct, incisive and accurate letter regarding Bella-Gate!

    The money should be refunded, immediately!

    Power and position does crazy things to some people. They begin to think they know what is best for their constituency, they FORGET that they were elected to represent us, they circumvent the rules and do not follow procedure.

    This is the beginning of tyranny.....

    We need to demand that she refund the money or who knows which liberties will be taken from us in the future...this must stop now!!
  1. From Neal Opinions

    First as the comment about the board favoring a particular candidate, as I recall 2 Republican candidates have already spoken at SCA.

    The problem here us apparently lack of adequate planning.

    The Clinton campaign would have paid for bussing if notified but this apparently did not occur for what ever reason and for this I blame the Board for agreeing to the event without proper arrangements in place.

    However faced with a potentially hazardous situation someone needed to act to prevent potential bodily harm at the liability to the HOA. When such situations arise it is the job of the President to act to protect the HOA.

    As it was, cars were parked on Hampton Rd and at Walgreens.

    If no alternatives had ben made for transportation from Liberty and anyone had suffered so much as a hangnail, the outrage would have been deafening.

    The reform needed is to develop a plan of action for all outside speakers who potentially will draw large crowds.
  2. Neal, in my opinion your comment was a good one, but in my mind didn't go far enough.

    I...and...the overwhelming number of residents... just can't buy the justification for spending the money, and the reason why it was spent.

    The issue at hand is the unauthorized usage of Association funds.

    If this was such an "emergency" and created a "health and safety" issue, that should have been addressed by this board at the time the event was scheduled, and the residents should have been notified that a "health and safety issue" existed.

    ...and if they really believed that it did constitute a "health and safety" issue to those they represent, NO SUCH EVENT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED AT ALL.

    This event had plenty of advance notice to plan properly.

    Presidential candidates just don't decide to "pop in" and say hi.

    Residents were not notified in advance because our supposed leaders believed there was NO "health and safety" issue.

    This latest excuse for an association president taking it upon herself to spend our funds, was merely a figment of someone's imagination to justity it....and...the community ISN'T BUYING IT, NO MATTER HOW HARD they try to sell it. a result of POOR PLANNING, I fully agree there was a LIABILITY issue...and that LIABILITY ISSUE was further compounded by the UNAUTHORIZED SCHEDULING AND PAYING FOR the buses.

    That LIABILITY issue was ALLOWING STRANGERS access, and encouraging them to use SCA facilities and subjecting our association to legal action had ANY ONE OF THEM been injured by either entering, occupying, or exiting our facilities, whether that be walking to Anthem Center or riding on a bus SPONSORED AND PAID FOR by SCA.

    Let me use another example that IN TODAY'S WORLD, MUST BE CONSIDERED.....TERRORISM.

    ...and the reality of OUR ABILITY to protect ourselves against it.

    When the Secret Service can't protect a president from some disturbed individual jumping over a White House fence, just how secure is a candidate...or worse...those who surround that individual from some fool who decides to make a name or him or herself by taking a shot or EXPLODING some form of device "to make their ludicrous point" ?

    Other than the tragedy of that taking place, just what do you think the liability of SCA would have been, had that occurred and a number of people lost their lives?

    This entire idea of sponsoring a such a meeting, Democrat or Republican, was A BAD IDEA...from a liability standpoint alone.....a decision that should have been considered PRIOR to allowing it.

    ...and those buses...UNAUTHORIZED SPENDING on them, did little other make a LIABILITY nightmare even worse.

    The problem does not revolve around "health and safety".

    Instead, it's all about the people chosen who have the where with all to have the common sense and ability to think things out before they act...and the association president GOOFED big time...

    ...and, through a demonstrated lack of common sense and inexperience, doesn't have the leadership ability to admit it.

    Any INTELLIGENT individual who would have been confronted with such an issue, would have simply said, "I made a mistake, and I'm sorry"...and written a check as a sign of her remorse. The problem would have been fully solved, and the issue would have DIED ON THE SPOT..

    After all, her husband's monthly magazine filled with advertising revenue in all probability, could have easily covered the $2,600...

    ...and...most importantly, saved HER and HER FELLOW BOARD MEMBERS, the embarrassment of her demonstrating incompetence.

    Instead she clearly demonstrated her "Let Them Eat Cake" attitude of superiority....contriving some ridiculous excuse to justify INCOMPETENCE and ARROGANCE.

    AND...even more importantly, CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED everything Anthem Opinions has WRITTEN about her for YEARS....SHE WASTES MONEY and SPENDS IT LIKE A DRUNKEN SAILOR.

    For those reasons, SHE SHOULD RESIGN.
  3. I wish to commend Robert N for this article he has published.

    In the past 24 hours, Anthem Opinions received 1,726 visitors from separate computers.

    Listen up, Board....

    The PEOPLE ARE WATCHING YOU closer than you could ever imagine.
  4. From Eugene Opinions

    I read your articles on the subject matter with interest. While I normally agree with your perspective on SCA matters, this time I think you are somewhat over-the-top. There seemed to be some he said she said comments concerning whether a third-party would pay for the costs. To me that does not seem like the important thing. To have a well functioning organization there are times that money needs to be spent to keep our residents comfortable and without undue stress. While I did not plan to attend the event the lifestyle here requires more than people being left on their own to combat unusual situations. If the president thinks that something requires expenditure of funds to keep us comfortable, then the president should have the authorization to expand reasonable funds without having a full board meeting.

    To call for the resignation of a president of the board based on less than 100 responses and complaints does not seem to me to be using good judgment. The people who protested are the ones who want to make sure their objections are heard. I understand that. But I suspect there is a vast majority who are not upset and do not take the time to reply to your opinion. Since we can't even get a majority of the homeowners to cast a ballot for officers, it seems unlikely that we could get a majority of the homeowners to express an opinion about the cost of the bus to accommodate residence to a very well received meeting. Turnout indicates to me that residents are interested in having a high profile visitor come to our Association. If we want to be petty about criticizing those who take appropriate action to ensure resident comfort, then it is likely at some point we will not get valuable input from people who can turn out a large percentage of the population to see and/or hear them.

    To extrapolate the opinions of a few into a recommendation of the entire community is not prudent journalism. I would hope you would reconsider the conclusion that the president should resign because of what is in my opinion, a less than egregious violation of presidential responsibility. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
  5. Gene, yours and all others comments are always appreciated, no matter what side of the fence a person stands.

    I disagree that this is a matter of 100 people.

    You may not be aware of it, but our readership now averages 1,400 to 1,500 separate computers daily, far exceeding the readership of other publications.

    Just yesterday, 1,726 separate computers visited Anthem Opinions and read the above article...

    ...and if each one of them discussed it with just one other individual, that would essentially constitute half of the entire association.

    No matter where you go; club functions, Anthem Center, even the golf course, at casual luncheons and dinners over numerous area restaurants, and even a number of people I met at the South Point's Dennis Bono Show just yesterday....

    ... there are few people in Sun City Anthem who are not aware of the problem...

    ...and with only a few exceptions, most are in full agreement that this did not have anything to do with an "emergency" or some need for "health and safety" issue.

    Even the alternative blogger's "groupies" seem to believe the actions of Mrs. Meese were imprudent...and he has tried to avoid the subject like the plague as a result, making attempt after attempt to do so by changing the topic hoping they will somehow believe this is a non-issue.

    As I previously stated, if this was a "health & safety" issue, that should have been conveyed to residents, and should not have been allowed.

    There was also the issue of liability that in my opinion was not properly discussed. I suggest you read my previous comment above.

    No, I will NOT reconsider my belief that Mrs. Meese should resign as the President of our association.

    If anything, as each day passes and more and more is disclosed, if she has any love for this community, she would be blind not to realize that successful governance is all but impossible as a result of the lack of confidence people have expressed in her ability to lead.

    She is the talking point of Sun City Anthem...and...even many of those who have staunchly supported her in the past, have now come to the conclusion her actions were at best, questionable, resulting in not being worthy of trust.

    She could have, and should have, handled this a lot better than she did; and this latest episode, when combined with the vast amount of financial WASTE she and other members of the board have exhibited in the past couple of years; a monthly magazine which commenced after she became a board member, owned by her husband, many looking at as a conflict of interest, and the latest episode of the Liberty Center, making an announcement following a meeting in which NO RECORD OF MINUTES were made...

    ...leaves many in the community who do pay attention to association affairs, this was..."the straw that broke the camel's back."

    She could have avoided all of this by a simple "I's sorry. I erred" and a repayment of the funds.

    Instead, she and certain other members of the board, have been seeking support for her to anyone who will listen....and...finding few takers.

    I am adamant that the proper decision for the good of Sun City Anthem is to remove herself from the presidency.

    And...I also believe her not doing so, further harms any person or persons she may support in the 2016 board election.
    1. From Erlinda Opinions

      Yes, she is a thief because she stole that $ $2600.00 from the residents funds.

      Her only place is jail, that's where she belongs.


  1. From Barbara Opinions

    Thank you Robert N for your article in expressing how many of us residents feel about the expenditure of $2,600 for buses that were not even utilized because no one was told about their availability until 6:30 PM the night before the rally.

    This is a blatant misuse of association funds.

    I would be interested to know just how many people used the buses.

  2. From Janus Opinions

    Dear Robert N.,

    Thank you for your direct, incisive and accurate letter regarding Bella-Gate!

    The money should be refunded, immediately!

    Power and position does crazy things to some people. They begin to think they know what is best for their constituency, they FORGET that they were elected to represent us, they circumvent the rules and do not follow procedure.

    This is the beginning of tyranny.....

    We need to demand that she refund the money or who knows which liberties will be taken from us in the future...this must stop now!!

  3. From Neal Opinions

    First as the comment about the board favoring a particular candidate, as I recall 2 Republican candidates have already spoken at SCA.

    The problem here us apparently lack of adequate planning.

    The Clinton campaign would have paid for bussing if notified but this apparently did not occur for what ever reason and for this I blame the Board for agreeing to the event without proper arrangements in place.

    However faced with a potentially hazardous situation someone needed to act to prevent potential bodily harm at the liability to the HOA. When such situations arise it is the job of the President to act to protect the HOA.

    As it was, cars were parked on Hampton Rd and at Walgreens.

    If no alternatives had ben made for transportation from Liberty and anyone had suffered so much as a hangnail, the outrage would have been deafening.

    The reform needed is to develop a plan of action for all outside speakers who potentially will draw large crowds.

  4. Neal, in my opinion your comment was a good one, but in my mind didn't go far enough.

    I...and...the overwhelming number of residents... just can't buy the justification for spending the money, and the reason why it was spent.

    The issue at hand is the unauthorized usage of Association funds.

    If this was such an "emergency" and created a "health and safety" issue, that should have been addressed by this board at the time the event was scheduled, and the residents should have been notified that a "health and safety issue" existed.

    ...and if they really believed that it did constitute a "health and safety" issue to those they represent, NO SUCH EVENT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED AT ALL.

    This event had plenty of advance notice to plan properly.

    Presidential candidates just don't decide to "pop in" and say hi.

    Residents were not notified in advance because our supposed leaders believed there was NO "health and safety" issue.

    This latest excuse for an association president taking it upon herself to spend our funds, was merely a figment of someone's imagination to justity it....and...the community ISN'T BUYING IT, NO MATTER HOW HARD they try to sell it. a result of POOR PLANNING, I fully agree there was a LIABILITY issue...and that LIABILITY ISSUE was further compounded by the UNAUTHORIZED SCHEDULING AND PAYING FOR the buses.

    That LIABILITY issue was ALLOWING STRANGERS access, and encouraging them to use SCA facilities and subjecting our association to legal action had ANY ONE OF THEM been injured by either entering, occupying, or exiting our facilities, whether that be walking to Anthem Center or riding on a bus SPONSORED AND PAID FOR by SCA.

    Let me use another example that IN TODAY'S WORLD, MUST BE CONSIDERED.....TERRRORISM.

    ...and the reality of OUR ABILITY to protect ourselves against it.

    When the Secret Service can't protect a president from some disturbed individual jumping over a White House fence, just how secure is a candidate...or worse...those who surround that individual from some fool who decides to make a name or him or herself by taking a shot or EXPLODING some form of device "to make their ludicrous point" ?

    Other than the tragedy of that taking place, just what do you think the liability of SCA would have been, had that occurred and a number of people lost their lives?

    This entire idea of sponsoring a such a meeting, Democrat or Republican, was A BAD IDEA...from a liability standpoint alone.....a decision that should have been considered PRIOR to allowing it.

    ...and those buses...UNAUTHORIZED SPENDING on them, did little other make a LIABILITY nightmare even worse.

    The problem does not revolve around "health and safety".

    Instead, it's all about the people chosen who have the where with all to have the common sense and ability to think things out before they act...and the association president GOOFED big time...

    ...and, through a demonstrated lack of common sense and inexperience, doesn't have the leadership ability to admit it.

    Any INTELLIGENT individual who would have been confronted with such an issue, would have simply said, "I made a mistake, and I'm sorry"...and written a check as a sign of her remorse. The problem would have been fully solved, and the issue would have DIED ON THE SPOT..

    After all, her husband's monthly magazine filled with advertising revenue in all probability, could have easily covered the $2,600...

    ...and...most importantly, saved HER and HER FELLOW BOARD MEMBERS, the embarrassment of her demonstrating incompetence.

    Instead she clearly demonstrated her "Let Them Eat Cake" attitude of superiority....contriving some ridiculous excuse to justify INCOMPETENCE and ARROGANCE.

    AND...even more importantly, CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED everything Anthem Opinions has WRITTEN about her for YEARS....SHE WASTES MONEY and SPENDS IT LIKE A DRUNKEN SAILOR.

    For those reasons, SHE SHOULD RESIGN.

  5. I wish to comment Robert N for the article this article he has published.

    In the past 24 hours, Anthem Opinions received 1,726 visitors from separate computers.

    Listen up, Board....

    The PEOPLE ARE WATCHING YOU closer than you could ever imagine.

  6. From Eugene Opinions

    I read your articles on the subject matter with interest. While I normally agree with your perspective on SCA matters, this time I think you are somewhat over-the-top. There seemed to be some he said she said comments concerning whether a third-party would pay for the costs. To me that does not seem like the important thing. To have a well functioning organization there are times that money needs to be spent to keep our residents comfortable and without undue stress. While I did not plan to attend the event the lifestyle here requires more than people being left on their own to combat unusual situations. If the president thinks that something requires expenditure of funds to keep us comfortable, then the president should have the authorization to expand reasonable funds without having a full board meeting.

    To call for the resignation of a president of the board based on less than 100 responses and complaints does not seem to me to be using good judgment. The people who protested are the ones who want to make sure their objections are heard. I understand that. But I suspect there is a vast majority who are not upset and do not take the time to reply to your opinion. Since we can't even get a majority of the homeowners to cast a ballot for officers, it seems unlikely that we could get a majority of the homeowners to express an opinion about the cost of the bus to accommodate residence to a very well received meeting. Turnout indicates to me that residents are interested in having a high profile visitor come to our Association. If we want to be petty about criticizing those who take appropriate action to ensure resident comfort, then it is likely at some point we will not get valuable input from people who can turn out a large percentage of the population to see and/or hear them.

    To extrapolate the opinions of a few into a recommendation of the entire community is not prudent journalism. I would hope you would reconsider the conclusion that the president should resign because of what is in my opinion, a less than egregious violation of presidential responsibility. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

  7. Gene, yours and all others comments are always appreciated, no matter what side of the fence a person stands.

    I disagree that this is a matter of 100 people.

    You may not be aware of it, but our readership now averages 1,400 to 1,500 separate computers daily, far exceeding the readership of other publications.

    Just yesterday, 1,726 separate computers visited Anthem Opinions and read the above article...

    ...and if each one of them discussed it with just one other individual, that would essentially constitute half of the entire association.

    No matter where you go; club functions, Anthem Center, even the golf course, at casual luncheons and dinners over numerous area restaurants, and even a number of people I met at the South Point's Dennis Bono Show just yesterday....

    ... there are few people in Sun City Anthem who are not aware of the problem...

    ...and with only a few exceptions, most are in full agreement that this did not have anything to do with an "emergency" or some need for "health and safety" issue.

    Even the alternative blogger's "groupies" seem to believe the actions of Mrs. Meese were imprudent...and he has tried to avoid the subject like the plague as a result, making attempt after attempt to do so by changing the topic hoping they will somehow believe this is a non-issue.

    As I previously stated, if this was a "health & safety" issue, that should have been conveyed to residents, and should not have been allowed.

    There was also the issue of liability that in my opinion was not properly discussed. I suggest you read my previous comment above.

    No, I will NOT reconsider my belief that Mrs. Meese should resign as the President of our association.

    If anything, as each day passes and more and more is disclosed, if she has any love for this community, she would be blind not to realize that successful governance is all but impossible as a result of the lack of confidence people have expressed in her ability to lead.

    She is the talking point of Sun City Anthem...and...even many of those who have staunchly supported her in the past, have now come to the conclusion her actions were at best, questionable, resulting in not being worthy of trust.

    She could have, and should have, handled this a lot better than she did; and this latest episode, when combined with the vast amount of financial WASTE she and other members of the board have exhibited in the past couple of years; a monthly magazine which commenced after she became a board member, owned by her husband, many looking at as a conflict of interest, and the latest episode of the Liberty Center, making an announcement following a meeting in which NO RECORD OF MINUTES were made...

    ...leaves many in the community who do pay attention to association affairs, this was..."the straw that broke the camel's back."

    She could have avoided all of this by a simple "I's sorry. I erred" and a repayment of the funds.

    Instead, she and certain other members of the board, have been seeking support for her to anyone who will listen....and...finding few takers.

    I am adamant that the proper decision for the good of Sun City Anthem is to remove herself from the presidency.

    And...I also believe her not doing so, further harms any person or persons she may support in the 2016 board election.

  8. From Erlinda Opinions

    Yes, she is a thief because you stole that $ $2600.00 from the residents funds.

    Her only place is jail., that's where she belongs.

    Everyone should send their comments.
