Information Pages

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Tip on Making Sure You Receive our E-Blast Notfications of New Anthem Opinions Articles

Have you Subscribed to Anthem Opinions
and not
Getting our E-blasts?
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Here's the easy solution !

Please note that solving this assumes you have completed the 2 step process of subscribing to Anthem Opinions.

Have you subscribed and still not getting our e-blasts?

Try this solution if you are experiencing this problem.

Our e-blasts (when new articles are published) come from this email address:

The Subject Line reads:  Anthem Opinions

These  e-blasts can possibly go directly to your "SPAM"  or "Junk' file because your computer may not recognize the email address.

The easiest way to solve the problem?

Go to your "Friends" listing and enter this email address.

By doing so, your computer should then allow our e-blasts to go directly to your  Mail In-Box and allow you to read it.

Still have questions ?  

Send us an email at:

We'll get back to you ASAP !

Anthem Opinions Adminstration 

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