Information Pages

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Free At Last....Free at Last

It's Official !
We're on Our Own as of April 1, 2016

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At the January 7, 2016 Special Board meeting, three items of importance were discussed...and decided:

1. Anthem Partners
2. The Liberty Center
3. Transition to self-management.

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First, let's briefly discuss Anthem Partners (Cafe V)....essentially they are GONE subject to some bargaining. According to the report given, Cafe V, in return for a complete forgiveness of ALL PAST DEBT and PAST UTILITIES...will leave subject to their being allowed to cater two events they had previously contracted prior to their departure.

Regarding that catered event,  they will pay Sun City Anthem $5,000 for the usage of the facilities and provide a deposit of $1,000 to clean up the kitchen area following the catered events.

They will also leave behind their point of sales system (the computer) and various items they purchased, having an alleged original purchase price of $127,000...a book value of which in all likelihood is 20 cents on the dollar or approximately $25,000.

There is an outstanding loan against the equipment that was negotiated down to $10,000...of which Anthem Partners will be responsible for $7,000 and Sun City Anthem paying the balance of $3,000.

Did we lose on this deal ?  Probably, but when one considers the "pain in the butt" factor....this arrangement can best be described as "cutting our losses".

Does that constitute a "good deal"?

You decide, but most importantly, ANTHEM PARTNERS IS NOW HISTORY !

Secondly, The Liberty Center was discussed and the Board unanimously decided that the roof will be repaired...BUT THE SOLAR PANELS WILL BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED...that it was felt that "greening" the building was not cost efficient, and would cause a further delay before the building could reopen. 

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The cost to remove the panels amounts to about $30,000 depending on whether any of them could be resold and/or destroyed.  Storage costs were estimated at $20,000...and rejected.

The insurer is still determining what amount (if any) to correct the mold problem.

Assuming all goes according to plan, it was estimated that The Liberty Center would reopen some time in March, 2016.

Third, the Board was addressed by our new General Manager, Sandy Seddon, providing a detailed "plan" for self-management implementation.

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When Mrs. Seddon began her presentation by saying

"this is like a new business"...

...a breadth of fresh air seemed to enter the room...

....a breadth of independent experienced air !

Without going into the details...let's merely summarize her presentation as MAGNIFICENT......she listened carefully to the comments made at the beginning of the meeting, and asked to address them...

...and address them she did  !!! 

...after President Bella Meese first informed her that "comments were not normally addressed at that time" ... which Mrs. Seddon replied....

"That's too bad" Director Carl the delight of the audience...told her to continue.

She addressed those questions so well and so thoroughly...

...that the Board unanimously approved the transition as of April 1, 2016.

Mrs. Seddon is highly intelligent, well organized, friendly, open, and best of all, a "people person" who appears to be dedicated to the best interests of Sun City Anthem. 

Her actions seem to demonstrate a belief that residents are #1, and are entitled to be fully informed as to the operations of our association.

I hope all of you will take a few moments the next time you visit the Anthem Center and knock on "The Green Room" door to give Sandy a warm welcome.  

She is facing major challenges....and...she deserves all the support we can give her.

Some other thoughts regarding the meeting

There appeared to be approximately 100 people in attendance....a wonderful surprise showing of caring residents.  Director Carl Weinstein acknowledged and thanked the crowd for their support and community concern.

One other fact came out during the comment period...the authorization and cost of providing bus service from Liberty Center to Anthem Center to attend the January 6, 2016 Hillary Clinton visit.

President Bella Meese acknowledged that she personally made the decision to provide that transportation without receiving any approval of fellow board members...drawing sharp criticism from the crowd.

Subsequently it was learned that the cost to Sun City Anthem residents was $2,600 as a result.

And so...another day has passed in Sun City Anthem...this one ending with a management company which had been contracted for 16 years....getting a pink slip in the next 10 weeks !

Got a comment?   Send it to us at:

Anthem Opinions Administration 
  1. From Rivka Opinions

    I was unable to attend yesterday's meeting but my husband did. I have heard from many people and listened to their summary of the meeting.

    I am so glad to read your summary and your enthusiasm about Sandy. I have not met her yet but intend to as soon as possible.

    It is so nice to read this positive opinion. Perhaps this is what we needed.

    Now we need new people to run for the BOD who will do the right thing for our community.
  1. We received a note from an individual who attended the board meeting yesterday and corrected the retail amount of the equipment Anthem Partner's will leave behind.

    According the Board report, It was not $127,000 as the original article stated, it was $177,000.

    For that error, I apologize.

    It was also pointed out at the meeting that the salvage value would be approximately 40%...a figure that I HIGHLY DOUBT.

    That 40% might be the value that a subsequent purchaser might attempt to sell it to others, but for those of you who watch the television show "Pawn Stars", in order for that individual to make a profit, the original seller...wanting to rid himself of the merchandise, will normally receive 10 cents to 20 cents on the dollar.

    As a result, I do not believe my $25,000 actual salvage figure was that far from what could really be obtained in a sale.

    Unfortunately, that's the way the REAL BUSINESS WORLD WORKS.


  1. From Rivka Opinions

    I was unable to attend yesterday's meeting but my husband did. I have heard from many people and listened to their summary of the meeting.

    I am so glad to read your summary and your enthusiasm about Sandy. I have not met her yet but intend to as soon as possible.

    It is so nice to read this positive opinion. Perhaps this is what we needed.

    Now we need new people to run for the BOD who will do the right thing for our community.

  2. We received a note from an individual who attended the board meeting yesterday and corrected the retail amount of the equipment Anthem Partner's will leave behind.

    According the Board report, It was not $127,000 as the original article stated, it was $177,000.

    For that error, I apologize.

    It was also pointed out at the meeting that the salvage value would be approximately 40%...a figure that I HIGHLY DOUBT.

    That 40% might be the value that a subsequent purchaser might attempt to sell it to others, but for those of you who watch the television show "Pawn Stars", in order for that individual to make a profit, the original seller...wanting to rid himself of the merchandise, will normally receive 10 cents to 20 cents on the dollar.

    As a result, I do not believe my $25,000 actual salvage figure was that far from what could really be obtained in a sale.

    Unfortunately, that's the way the REAL BUSINESS WORLD WORKS.
