Information Pages

Monday, January 18, 2016

It Ain't Over Folks...and We're Not Going to Let the Community Forget it !

Sun City Anthem President
Democratic National Committee and /or Clinton Campaign...

Please Send Us $2600 !

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Dear readers, this "Bella...gate" or what others have referred to as "bus...gate" scandal gets better as each day passes.

It was recently learned that our Association President has become so concerned about her "reputation" as a leader, that she tried desperately to have the Democratic National Committee send Sun City Anthem a check to reimburse our association....

...for a "boo boo" she has yet to acknowledge, must less apologize for !

Turns out the DNC sent her a response that told her "Nope...the matter was closed".

In plain understandable English, that also means they told her...


It was also previously disclosed by one of our readers, that at the time of the event, the President of the Sun City Anthem Democrat Club offered to foot the $2,600 for the buses, but in our president's typical "cost effective" manner in which things are handled by her....


Now it's been learned that she's "begged" the Democrat Club President to "take it to a higher level" and make a PLEA to have the Clinton campaign and /or DNC to pay the tab. 

I wonder how the Democrat Club members feel about that ?

And we have even more...

Turns out we also found out that our Vice President, who follows her every wish like a lap dog looking for it's next treat... his dire need to be the association's next president...

...has been lobbying everyone in sight to "take the fall" in order to avoid any further "Bus Gate" criticism.

Well now, for those out there who still believe those funds were spent by Sun City Anthem as the result of an "emergency" that concerned "health and safety issues"....

...looks like they were right all along...

....but for different reasons !

If it wasn't before, it certainly HAS become an "emergency" for the Association President and her Vice President "for health and safety reasons" NOW...

Theirs ! ! !

I promise all of you...this is not the end.  We WILL GET THE FULL and HONEST SCOOP...and get to the bottom of this one way or another.

And Still More....

Looks like our alternative blogger has been calling every person in sight to run for the board to "continue the wonderful job" associated with this current bunch.

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So far...only one taker...a guy named Bob Burch, who has made it plain he thinks the Sun City Anthem board should be commended for their governing efforts.

We learned that the alternative blogger and his wife, Roz ...

(you know...the Liberty Center's "we don't need it independently inspected" Roz)

...had dinner with Mr. Burch and his wife...and told him that he would make a fine candidate.

Uh huh !

Well...we hope the Sun City Anthem community will take note of all these fine individuals who...for the first time in years.

...have been exposed for what they are....

MAJOR OBSTACLES in the path to the Financial Success of Sun City Anthem.

We need to rid ourselves of this CORRUPTION...and...the ballot the only way to do it.

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. From Susan Opinions

    Hello, Dick

    I have been following the Bella-gate scenario and matter of fact, had sent out an email to my personal friends about it and it snowballed into 140 homes via friends who passed it on.

    Many of us have written to Bella asking her to pay the $2600 back and many have also asked her to resign from the SCA Board.

    Several weeks ago I finally copied all the emails that were sent back and forth from me, my friends and from Bella, herself and forwarded that email to every board member, including Bella asking for her to personally repay the $2600 and for the board to remove her not only as President, but from the SCA Board as well.

    I am going to attend the next board meeting on the 28th and I am asking if you are going to encourage your readers to do the same.

    Thanks for posting such an informative, fair and interesting blog.

    It's a breath of fresh air here in Anthem.
  2. Susan,

    If you only knew how much your email has me...the the Board of Directors !

    A number of Board Members are of the belief that there are merely a handful of people who look at their actions with disdain.

    They really do believe the community loves the job they are doing...

    ...that all that matters in the minds of residents are low dues payments.

    They believe that their "mouthpiece", the alternative blogger, will once again, successfully influence the community with his falsehoods, and they cling to him and to the old cronies who have brought us to this state of affairs....and...

    ...want to maintain it, whatever the cost.

    I feel that THERE IS POSITIVE CHANGE IN THE AIR for Sun City Anthem....

    ...that... "Bella...gate" was merely the final straw...

    ...that...when added to the thousands of wasted dollars that were spent on a restaurant, legal fees, and an amount that will stagger everyone when the totals on the Liberty Center are disclosed...

    ...that a magazine owned by the husband of the Board President has always been a conflict of interest with Sun City Anthem publications...

    ...that...residents have finally awoken to the facts they have refused to see for years...

    ...that...people like Mrs. Meese and a number of her fellow board members...have not acted in their best interests...

    and that the only solution to this mess is...

    ...that...they must be removed...the most effective time being the coming board election.

    I know for a fact that Sun City Anthem is more than disgusted with their continually "going their own way" without listening to residents.

    I see it by the daily increases in our subscribers, and the number of people who read Anthem Opinions daily.

    Susan, we have an election to win...and with the right people elected, we can allow Sun City Anthem to allow a transition to be successful without the political muck that closed mindedness has been allowed to exist for years.

    With your help and those of others who can look at matters as they are, rather than what corrupt others have tried to convince you they have been, we can change Sun City Anthem.
    1. From Bud Opinions

      We need some sort of effort to reach SCA residents with appropriate recommendations on those running for the SCA Board.

      Direct mail, advertising has been mentioned.

      What about leaflets at the door, similar to what is happening now with the political crowd ?

      Include information on the importance of keeping up with Anthem Opinions.

    2. Bud, the wheels are in motion regarding your suggestions, and for the first time in years, we have had more and more individuals write us and tell us they are willing and able to do whatever necessary to bring about the needed changes.

      (and thanks for complimenting Anthem Opinions)
  1. From Hollis Opinions

    Aren’t we missing another issue concerning Anthem club activities??

    When is it OK to just invite the public to enjoy our facilities?

    This was certainly the case with the Clinton visit. Who authorized that?

    The Republican club did not do this for the Huckabee visit.

    I also believe that the ICCC club has been doing this regularly at their parties.

    What are the rules and guidelines concerning these outside visitors??


  1. From Susan Opinions

    Hello, Dick

    I have been following the Bella-gate scenario and matter of fact, had sent out an email to my personal friends about it and it snowballed into 140 homes via friends who passed it on.

    Many of us have written to Bella asking her to pay the $2600 back and many have also asked her to resign from the SCA Board.

    Several weeks ago I finally copied all the emails that were sent back and forth from me, my friends and from Bella, herself and forwarded that email to every board member, including Bella asking for her to personally repay the $2600 and for the board to remove her not only as President, but from the SCA Board as well.

    I am going to attend the next board meeting on the 28th and I am asking if you are going to encourage your readers to do the same.

    Thanks for posting such an informative, fair and interesting blog.

    It's a breath of fresh air here in Anthem.

  2. Susan,

    If you only knew how much your email has me...the the Board of Directors !

    A number of Board Members are of the belief that there are merely a handful of people who look at their actions with disdain.

    They really do believe the community loves the job they are doing...

    ...that all that matters in the minds of residents are low dues payments.

    They believe that their "mouthpiece", the alternative blogger, will once again, successfully influence the community with his falsehoods, and they cling to him and to the old cronies who have brought us to this state of affairs....and...

    ...want to maintain it, whatever the cost.

    I feel that THERE IS POSITIVE CHANGE IN THE AIR for Sun City Anthem....

    ...that... "Bella...gate" was merely the final straw...

    ...that...when added to the thousands of wasted dollars that were spent on a restaurant, legal fees, and an amount that will stagger everyone when the totals on the Liberty Center are disclosed...

    ...that a magazine owned by the husband of the Board President has always been a conflict of interest with Sun City Anthem publications...

    ...that...residents have finally awoken to the facts they have refused to see for years...

    ...that...people like Mrs. Meese and a number of her fellow board members...have not acted in their best interests...

    and that the only solution to this mess is...

    ...that...they must be removed...the most effective time being the coming board election.

    I know for a fact that Sun City Anthem is more than disgusted with their continually "going their own way" without listening to residents.

    I see it by the daily increases in our subscribers, and the number of people who read Anthem Opinions daily.

    Susan, we have an election to win...and with the right people elected, we can allow Sun City Anthem to allow a transition to be successful without the political muck that closed mindedness that has been allowed to exist for years.

    With your help and those of others who can look at matters as they are, rather than what corrupt others have tried to convince you they have been, we can change Sun City Anthem.

  3. From Bud Opinions

    We need some sort of effort to reach SCA residents with appropriate recommendations on those running for the SCA Board.

    Direct mail, advertising has been mentioned.

    What about leaflets at the door, similar to what is happening now with the political crowd ?

    Include information on the importance of keeping up with Anthem Opinions.


  4. Bud, the wheels are in motion regarding your suggestions, and for the first time in years, we have had more and more individuals write us and tell us they are willing and able to do whatever necessary to bring about the needed changes.

    (and thanks for complimenting Anthem Opinions)

  5. From Hollis Opinions

    Aren’t we missing another issue concerning Anthem club activities??

    When is it OK to just invite the public to enjoy our facilities?

    This was certainly the case with the Clinton visit. Who authorized that?

    The Republican club did not do this for the Huckabee visit.

    I also believe that the ICCC club has been doing this regularly at their parties.

    What are the rules and guidelines concerning these outside visitors??
